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7dc08f  No.99616

Marines' Top General Opens Up About Decision to Ban Confederate Flag Displays

23 Apr 2020 Military.com | By Gina Harkins

> The Marine Corps' top general has issued a rallying cry for leathernecks to unite around symbols that bring them together, rather than those that divide, as he moves to prohibit the Confederate flag on all installations.

> Commandant Gen. David Berger issued a letter to Marines on Thursday explaining his reasoning for banning all public displays of Confederate paraphernalia. It is a leader's responsibility, he said, to address anything that threatens unit cohesion head-on.

> "I am focused solely on building a uniquely capable warfighting team whose members come from all walks of life and must learn to operate side-by-side," Berger wrote. "This symbol has shown it has the power to inflame feelings of division.

> "I cannot have that division inside our Corps."


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efd5d8  No.99618

Needs to be killed.

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5bd8a8  No.99627


Berger? Is he a kike? Or just kike brain transplant?

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5bd8a8  No.99629

Also, it is not too late for the South to separate into its own nation again. I would like that very much as long as we got to kill the subhuman trash.

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bc49e1  No.99754


USA government want the puppets to be loyal to USA only, not to the dead country. I don’t believe that Confederate States of America will come back again.

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