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File: a45a596d355c24d⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1509x1004, 1509:1004, hope.PNG)

02c4f9  No.99610

Could this be real lads? Could this be the great happening we have been waiting for? Or will it be just another nothingburger?



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4deb24  No.99615

I doubt it.

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814681  No.99619

File: 4971e0b8187afbb⋯.jpg (199.15 KB, 933x652, 933:652, civilization.jpg)


Many nigger countries are surviving only because of oil exports.

Algeria is a bomb right now. They have lost 2/3rd of their income in 1 month.

Surely many more countries could face revolutions this year. But I don't expect mass starvation.

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99e650  No.99624

It is a teaser. That is just a drop in the bucket for their numbers anyway. I won’t get excited until more than 1 billion of them starve and that is still WAY too fucking many of them.

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99e650  No.99625


The saudis are basically a nigger nation (their DNA is mixed) and they are facing the same thing. Unless sand is tasty.

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c37ff7  No.99737

its about as real as antifa squawking, "fascism!" it doesn't exist.

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6d15ad  No.99741


They really didn't understand the whole, 'don't build on a bed of sand' thing.


If they had a small population the affect would obviously not be such a problem. Now that their populations have ballooned, and no one is actually interested in helping them because they have their own problems, and their is a coming massive shortage in grains, pork, market garden products they might all devolve into Liberia… only worse. Everyone bangs on about how bad this Wu Flu is… but is it? There are so many positive things happening.

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e40cd2  No.99746

Punishment from above? for their niggerdly ways

Good news of the day, lets hope the plagues hit them hard and fast

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74386e  No.99843

File: 84e9256dbe649a7⋯.jpg (434.28 KB, 1600x1004, 400:251, food_companies.jpg)


>and their is a coming massive shortage in grains, pork, market garden products

Yes and don't forget who sources their food from these regions of decaying stability.

What do you think will happen to them, and ultimately us, as a result of revolutions?

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c3aa7f  No.99867


I am ecstatic that I do not use or eat almost anything in your pic. I will not miss them when they are gone.

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675040  No.99870


>Hundreds of Millions of Niggers and Shitskins Face Starvation

Well, yeah … it's called "Africa".

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6d1ac9  No.99876

File: 3e4b6bfde037a6d⋯.gif (15.06 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 1423932070539.gif)


There isn't enough fresh water to sustain North Africa, the Egyptians have dammed the niver upstream , Ethiopia built a dam on the Nile 2 years ago and is planning to dam all it's rivers. The two countries are arguing back and forth between acceptable water usage but both countries want all the rights for the Nile. This river cannot sustain itself and the populations surrounding the Nile. The pandemic just made Africa and the nile worse because there isn't any gibs coming into the continent anymore and caused more tensions between the two countries.

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74386e  No.99892


>I will not miss them when they are gone

Ok, but the market and your hungry neighbours might.

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c94886  No.99895


>Or will it be just another nothingburger?

it will be 'more aid to niggers' because Chinese bioweapon is Trump's fault, and thus all whites are guilty

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6d1ac9  No.99902


there won't be any aid in Africa and the middle east will be more chaotic

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271f79  No.99915


Yes, I would too trade the very existence of m subspecies for coffee, cocoa and bananas.

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2f322a  No.99934


People dont starve because of economics. It's about cold weather crop loss, locust plagues, and rodent populations booming. All this was about to happen anyway, Corona just accelerated the issue.

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99e650  No.99956


I think the whole thing was planned.

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7335fa  No.99966


That's because you're terrified of the idea of a rudderless world. Nothing is planned, anon. It's all just chaos and coincidence.

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74386e  No.99972


Not even close to what I was saying though, was it?

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74386e  No.99973

File: cd49f4fb2b7ddba⋯.webm (1.88 MB, 640x360, 16:9, coincidence.webm)


Of course.

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6d15ad  No.100013


I don't depend on any of those faggot corporations. If it came to mad max I'd be OK with that. If it came to fashioning weapons from bits of wood and twine and broken rock to hunt deer I'd be OK with that. On the other hand the current status quo is an incredibly powerful tool for me to shape the future and I am OK with that. I'm accepting of reality and all potentials.

There will not be a revolution in the sense you might think, I mean, not at this moment. The meat grinder we are in serves many purposes and not just politically but very practical and pragmatic reasons that will never be self evident. Of course culturally the revolution has been going on for some time but it more specifically it seems in the last 30 years every 5 years there is a radical shift and revolution in 'culture' exclusively promulgated by the USA.

To get back to topic: if your neighbour didn't learn the lesson of the past or have the determination and fortitude to survive and you do… who should survive? Do you share with him? Do you want his to survive anyway? These corporations depend on people. I suppose the massive push for automation is literally to get rid of people rather than assisting and improving their life. It's about maintaining god like status without the need to actual worshipers. It's not unusual if you compare it to an actual post-capital existence and the desire to live with all desires taken care of. Whatever, the point being that if shit goes crazy those corporations will not win out - they will be in the dust. The bodies will stack up quickly but is it time for that yet? Is it desirable?

Acceleration-ism has its practical problem. So I thought it was best to go slow. Let's keep the grind on – the longer it goes the more you faggots want to happen will happen.

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6d15ad  No.100016


As it currently stands you are right. But remember that if Europe had a real grasp of Africa, which is our birth right because we are all Africans anyway… the resources including the massive amounts of constantly recharging aquifers that simply run out in to the seas and oceans is enough to sustain five Europe's. You know, if the original Africans (aka Europeans) resettled.

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000000  No.100028


Yes. And the desperation of the C&D shills is another proof.

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3b646c  No.100050

File: 6533ef773416d29⋯.jpg (125.88 KB, 827x900, 827:900, coronachan_to_the_nuts.jpg)


The coronavirus might also make people sterile.


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763ea4  No.100055


>It's all just chaos and coheincidence


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257a35  No.100220

Well, if they do begin starving and domestic production is boosted in white countries, all these shitholes will become more pliable. Export food to them on the condition that they accept their expats who are currently based in European and European-derived nations. That would only be the beginning.

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d0f763  No.100264


Not a single western politician is willing to do this or even wants it in the first place.

Less stable economies in the southern hemisphere will just mean higher rates of illegal mass migration.

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f72831  No.100321


You keep thinking that control of territory and nations is something that (((politicians))) can do for you. The only way to discourage people from entering a nation is to KILL THOSE THAT DO. Your (((politicians))) aren’t going to do that because they have already openly stated that the more diverse any nation is, the ‘safer’ it is for them to destroy the nation from within. An inability to learn this simple less will result in your total extinction.

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d0f763  No.100340


In your power fantasy land this might be so. IRL since we all know a single LARPer won't displace the tens of millions of immigrants, legal or otherwise, potentially coming due to mass starvations, it's in everyone's interests that these countries are not de-stabilized.

Also how do you suppose you could conditionally export food as a nation if you're not in control of the government?

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f72831  No.100342


In this case ‘you’ is the larger ‘you’ of your own nation. There is no other way than to begin killing the invaders, man, woman and child.

When these subhumans outbred the carrying capacity of their own native lands they became a parasite on surrounding lands. My land is productive because I WORK IT LIKE A FUCKING SLAVE WHILE THE SUBHUMANS TAKE A SIESTA. I have no fucking interest in seeing their irresponsible BREEDING pandered too. If they overwhelmed THEIR OWN LAND do you think their behavior will ‘change’ when they invade your land? I would dance on their graves and laugh if they starved because they have behaved like animals and not something conscious of its environment or sentient.

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c7ed64  No.100499

File: b9434a8e787416c⋯.png (46.49 KB, 880x1120, 11:14, 1570545961988.png)

>many African nations, their only source of income is oil

>ditto for most Arab nations

>price of oil is bottoming out

>most African nations dependent on gibs from whites to feed their ever-expanding nigger populations

>gibs are being cut back or eliminated entirely because it's every man for himself during the epidemic

>biblical swarms of locusts eating all the crops in Africa

>Europe shutting its borders to rapefugees to prevent their healthcare systems from being overwhelmed with third-world rapefugees, so niggers can't escape their nigger nest once the food runs out

>Corona-Chan visits Africa

>her friend Ebola-Chan escapes containment once again

I'd give it a week before the niggers start eating each other, but we all know they were going to do that anyway.

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d31a6e  No.100519


>Europe shutting its borders to rapefugees to prevent their healthcare systems from being overwhelmed with third-world rapefugees, so niggers can't escape their nigger nest once the food runs out

No it's not. Borders are shut for regular people not for miggies

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