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Anarcho-fascist eco-accelerationism

File: 7c3f2fd7016d0bf⋯.png (330.09 KB, 1258x901, 74:53, jude1.PNG)

File: 37dc76417f9b29d⋯.png (232.92 KB, 1263x905, 1263:905, Jude2.PNG)

File: f66f6ee58733e27⋯.png (131.4 KB, 1049x1391, 1049:1391, Jude3.png)

91f3a8  No.99591

German Metapedia is both more active and has more content than the English Metapedia yet the German Metapedia must be really big fans of The Beatles because they are obsessed with this "Jude" person. Accusing everyone and everything of being "Jude"

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638756  No.99633

Wow are they missing a shit ton of entries under Jude’s terrorism.

Those fucks run almost all of the terrorism worldwide…if not all of it.

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55756a  No.99638

File: 9167ae080dd7302⋯.jpeg (4.83 KB, 120x217, 120:217, Josueestebanez.jpeg)


This patriot has his own article in the English version, does he show up in the German version?

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55756a  No.99641


Decided to check myself, he does indeed. Surprised the Krauts bothered, but impressed.

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638756  No.99646



What a terrible story. 26 years for self defense.

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