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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The holocaust never happened

File: ef0221dfe89a31c⋯.jpeg (41.98 KB, 849x336, 283:112, BECEAC41_4999_4543_9112_4….jpeg)

9e2337  No.99373[Last 50 Posts]

We would always joke about these image boards being honeypots. Now they are literally run by glowniggers. It’s clear Jim and his Lady bois sold out in the behind door meetings. The (((mods)))censored this place dead. Even under Turk Roach we had more freedoms. When I use to schizo rant I was never censored. Now except my last post all my glownigger post were deleted. So what are we to do? Is there a place like this that isn’t run by literal glowniggers? Can we make a pol that does not suck home land securities cock? Or can we get the staff replaced from (((Feds))) to actual posters?

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77ab8f  No.99453


I don’t think it can happen on 8kun. I think that was part of the ‘deal’ for coming back, in limited fashion. If you find a place let me know…

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05acb8  No.99456


>I don’t think it can happen on 8kun

that's little optimistic

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77ab8f  No.99461

File: 3723fed3f44629b⋯.jpeg (159.81 KB, 600x332, 150:83, 7E0D97BD_930B_4477_8B5A_B….jpeg)


Probably…I am not really worried about it though…if the people here had no place at all to speak and were totally marginalized, they might start gunning their enemies down and this would be a positive in my book. Better than jerking to the idea that we are doing something by ‘exposing the truth’ or ‘redpilling people’. I tend to think that a man is most dangerous when he has nothing to lose. And we are all so close to that precipice at this point…that a few more pushes are all we need to begin a fabulous insurrection that I dream of daily.

Dying slowly vs dying quickly…both have the same end result.

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70970b  No.99474

"Please don't post here, goy!"

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77ab8f  No.99480

File: 5edc70e0448a178⋯.jpeg (911.18 KB, 1920x1030, 192:103, 0CC9CDEF_580F_4B75_9BAA_A….jpeg)


>please post here goy instead of doing anything IRL

Really anon, what is the difference?

Ethnic Europeans like to talk but there is a time and place for everything. What remains to ‘talk about’ at this point?

We know that things are fucked beyond measure…we have spent too much time ‘talking’.

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8a3fd0  No.99519


>We know that things are fucked beyond measure…we have spent too much time ‘talking’.


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1f570c  No.99606


The deal was he the govnerment gives him money and he lets them control this place. They had 0 legal authority to touch this place. He did it because he is a sell out. That simple. Right before this place was shit down he was thinking about making a private pedo board. Do you really think he cares about the law. Much less a law that has no authority to shut down a site in regards to the last protected amendment? The govnerment told me to stop posting anti government rhetoric. Yet here I am still. Clearly their only real authority is fear. I we discuss the problem until it is figured out. The fact JIDF doesn’t really come by here is a clear indicator of who runs this place.

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684bf9  No.99623


The point being, anon, that the only thing we have to look forward to is our own extinction.

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6e7055  No.99688

File: 550b862264fe326⋯.png (92.07 KB, 512x724, 128:181, ser.png)

Are there any equivalent message board services in Iceland? They don't give 2 shits about US-CIA-israel wrongthink polices. It'd be a good re-start of 8pol. But, we need P2P in it for backups/integrity, that could also allow for us 'users' logging into it, though still via VPN etc. Still anonymous but with a passworded profile.

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2850df  No.99702


I tried contributing to /pnd/ when it first started but it was clear to me it was staffed by retarded goons and feds when most of my posts were deleted over minor constructive shitposts. This is the first time I've posted here since the first week 8kun came back up and most likely my last time given that 8kun is dying thanks to the fed vols and qtard infestation.

Thinking back to the better days still fills me with joy now that we're faced with an eternal exodus and namefag centric future caused by the death of anonymity with the EARN IT act this year. 2015 and early 2016 was beautiful. Still remember how liberating it felt when imkikey was deposed last year but it proved bittersweet, I didn't realize we were being setup at the time by Ron and the FBI no manifestos were posted under imkikey's watch which is interesting given his shilling for zion don.

A word to the non-bot, non-fed, non-goon posters still here. Find your home elsewhere. If you've been apprehensive about using tor well now is the time to familiarize yourself with it. If you're thinking of giving in to the namefags and joining discord, DON'T. Use Riot if you must. But really if you start using those services you're giving in to the zoomer kike generation so I'd advise against it.

Don't know what's waiting for us ahead but it feels like this is the end of anonymity and shitposting. Good luck /pol/ack, I'll see you on the webring or on the darkweb.

excuse the reddit spacing

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9e2337  No.99706


No one is going to pay to post on shitposting site. And having usernames defeats the point. Might as well post on discord. Atleast you are getting datamined for free. Who is going to pay for that? Also on a side note I can only use this site on a VPN. Anyone know why?

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a53540  No.99713


P2P means Peer to Peer anon, not Pay to Play.

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b3dabd  No.99725

What shithole doesn't glow these days? Checking the Chanlist on bvallo.land I found exactly 3 pols which don't have 3 posts a week. 16, end, and this poor excuse for an 8ch sequel. 4 just banned me for life as I was sick of their jew spammery by just demanding some good ol fashioned CP (notr really, but hey these mods are all retarded so, banhammer and shiet).

Well, here we are. 8kunt still has the highest post count of all pol boards (followed by 16) so these will be my future shitposting homes. Until they fall apart aswell, that is. That or USA gets nuked by China.

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b3dabd  No.99727

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b3dabd  No.99730

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000000  No.99735




Endless preparation without violent action always leads to defeat.


Either we win, or nobody wins.

If we die, we will first kill everyone else too, so nobody wins anything.

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7530d8  No.99738

Try mlpol.net

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3a857e  No.99791


>"Please post here, goy!"

This place has been designed from the ground up to strip any benefits of anonymous discussion away and is moderated to be an online deradicalization camp. The only reason it is allowed to exist is because you are being treated.

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8660b2  No.99812


As opposed to websites run by government agitators and other agent provacateurs that you also happen to own?

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b575ec  No.99828


I confused. Are you saying this place is better at a government run honey pot or other places that are anti zog are better?

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3a857e  No.99838


At this point, I should make my own imageboard. I think I'm the only person left alive who gives a shit about anonymity and has a spine.

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b575ec  No.99842


If you do please make me an mod. Glowniggers hate me and always shill me when they realize it’s me. Clearly the perfect admin.

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29546b  No.99849


>lets find another honeypot

No, i like this one.

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b575ec  No.99854


>I wish we weren’t under orders to stop post deletion due to it killing our honeypot.

>Now my bosses get to see how much I suck and what a waste of 60k + benefits I am.

R u mad?

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7b383d  No.99857

File: 4d90b3c5e909ef4⋯.png (576.1 KB, 573x757, 573:757, 944.png)


> Can we make a pol that does not suck home land securities cock?

Can someone please explain to me why the fuck are we bound by Clapistani laws in the first place? I thought our servers and admins were in Philippines and that since (((Cloudfare))) yeeted us we are on Russian providers.

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b575ec  No.99858


Because they likely paid him off. Jim gave up on his integrity.

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7b383d  No.99859

File: decde7845466297⋯.jpg (64.02 KB, 576x1024, 9:16, HIJ2EXu.jpg)


>Jim gave up on his integrity.

Bold of you to assume he had one in this first place.

So is my intuition regarding the redundancy of US law in the site's moderation correct, and if yes, what is Jim's, Ron's or whatever tranny is running the place, official response to the issue?

My apologies for borderline avatarfagging but the reaction image chain just was too appropriate.

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7b1e38  No.99871


Censorship until they ran it into the ground. Now it’s just silence. They’re not going to admit it’s a honeypot. But it’s a known fact that the FBIKUNSUNs monitor this place 24/7 beforehand. So now they run it. But when IP’s dropped to 300 they had no choice but to bend over and let me call them out. I personally just enjoy getting the feds assblasted. But yeah I’m as official as thier response will get.

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0efe87  No.99894


P2P uncensorable imageboard already exists. It's called 08chan. It's not very active right now, but it was popular last year, then 8ch got taken down. Because of uncensorable nature of that imageboard nobody can delete posts from it, even the creator. So if you don't want to fill your computer with cp, you're gonna have to get rid of it yourself. Press [mute] button next to a post that you don't like and it will delete all posts made by that user from your computer. You can also enable creator's blacklist in the setting which already contains all cp spammers, but you don't have to do that if you suspect that blacklist is filled with wrongthinkers. Some faggot made a clearnet site with instructions on how to access it: 08ch.net (you can browse 08chan without tor but it's not recommended)

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0efe87  No.99908


There is one thing that instruction site doesn't mention. After you've done everything and accessed 08chan, there is an additional step. You have to drag zeronet icon (in the top right corner) to the left. It will open a menu in which you should change identity address to the zeroid that you created. Otherwise you won't be able to post. 08chan is made in such a way that makes it impossible for niggers to access it.

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701db9  No.99969


I see it as a technical bug plaguing the internet, rather than just this site. It's next to impossible to keep the (((cia nigs))) at bay because the internet hardware and software stack is too centralised at the moment, it's too easy for centralised powers to control it… until that is a solved problem, it's going to be an annoying game of whack a mole.

That being said, your post is still up, so how pozz'd is this place really?

There's good reason to believe it will be a solved problem in the next 10 years. Whether you think it's a good idea or not is irrelevant, decentralised crypto assassination markets are coming and they'll be here to stay.

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29546b  No.99993


What the fuck are you talking about.

<if i assume everyone is a glownigger i am always right

What a fuckign faggot you are.

>R u mad

Stop talking like a nigger.


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40575f  No.100002

File: 7f5d6063f4f31bd⋯.jpg (10.04 KB, 320x270, 32:27, 02c8847bb56eb484caa2802e5a….jpg)


>The fact JIDF doesn’t really come by here

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3e4776  No.100006


It's too dead for them to bother with it much.

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ac22b3  No.100009


JIDF policy is to only infiltrate sites that have 5000+ regular users and there have to be trackable accounts associated with the site. JIDF has never actually been on 8chan. It's just a meme born of paranoia and shitflinging.

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7b1e38  No.100018


They will always be here. The difference here is (((they))) literally run this place. My post is only up because they are clearly under orders to stop censoring as much. Would you like me to post all the screen shots of them removing my old threads? They stopped because people noticed and no one uses this shit hole. And I take pleasure in letting people know they run this shit hole.


You suck dick your job. O u r mad you stupid glownigger.

>Man do I wish I could earn my paycheck and not have to work.



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29546b  No.100043

File: fd5851c1f125d85⋯.png (35.04 KB, 322x282, 161:141, faggots.png)




Call me a glownigger again, maybe this time it will stick. Imagine being so fucking new you think boards just started glowing and that their luminescence is suddenly a problem. Two digit IQ mongoloids, arrogant in their stupidity, shouting at me and others for being apathetic to a fact that used to be regarded as common knowledge. So let me reiterate; I like this honeypot. You can fuck right off if you dont like it - you are in no position to save me from the evil of glowniggers and other obscure alphabet faggots.

>pic related

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27938c  No.100044

File: 8ecfc360370a17b⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 100.76 KB, 452x523, 452:523, 1445712114063.png)


you gotta be new ,like mths really fucking new

but im guessing your a shill and a real shitty one at that

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7b1e38  No.100132


Lol u mad agent cuck.


Glow harder faggot. If you 2 aren’t flies kill your selves for being such massive faggots.

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b42b26  No.100166

8pol is dead and (((TPTB))) will never let it come back the way it used to be. too many off us revealed our power levels and effort posted in minecraft. the glownigs simply must prevent that from ever happening again and they have the legal authority and mobey and man poeer to do it.

i knew pnd was comped for sure when i posted a dig thread with links to dozens of the newest Epstein unsealed court dox. some JIDF faggot called me a qtard and then the thread was deleted.

the new 8pol for me is the ZeroHedge forums. NS have a pretty dominant presence there, and there is zero censorship or mods. the comments rarely have anything to do with the post, much like pol, and the number of comments have gone up 500% since ZH got banned off twitter for WrongThink. ZH is obviously loosely affiliated with Russia and is used as agitprop, but all i care about is having an uncensored space to continue what 8pol had been doing for years. ZH is a poor substitute for meme war, since you cant post images, but at least you can post links. i know ZH is becoming more popular as a forum because i see more obvious kike shills spamming, but the Tel Aviv boys are retards as usual and have very weak memes.since there is no censorship, you cam reply with things that would get you banned here or on 4pol, like saying oit right death threats, calling for imminent attacks on kikes and Feds and US govt officials. escalating to death threats tends to shut down the JTRIG/JIDF trolls on the spot.

keep the faith. our numbers only grow year by year and more whites walke up to the JQ all the time. we are no longer contained to an obscure Mongolian water coloring image board, instead, we are now Diaspora'd across the open Internet. that makes our number look even bigger and exponentially increases our influence.

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d5bb50  No.100169

Is it possible for BO to add a questionnaire that glowniggers and kikes can't answer? Like, "do you support 1488" and "God" created the earth and Jesus is our lord, etc? Because jews can't write God, they write g-d. It's just a jumping off point. Then if they agree, they get to access the board. I'm fishing for ideas. What do you guys think? Of course, they can lie but, anons might know about some other glownigger deterrents.

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d5bb50  No.100171


What do you think of mpc(my posting career)? They sometimes have some good threads.

Also, we need more discussions about current CIA operations in detail. That would either scare them off(unlikely) or shill heavily. Those threads then will act as glownigger containment threads. Post some misinfo and the agents will feel the need to correct them. Then collect those IDs and track their posting behaviour or just ban them.

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b42b26  No.100173


yes, there is one fool proof way to lock out feds. feds are not allowed to read leaked TOP Secret dox on Wikileaks or from Snowden. even if those leaks have been read by millions of people and published in the Jew York Times.

if we had a captcha that showed a top secret page from a Snowden doc, and you had to fill in the text for one high lighted word, then no glownigs could post. there is no way they could get around this, because if they accidentally look at a top secret page, they have to report themselves. the Deep State is paranoid into insane fear of Inside Threats pulling a Snowden and leaking top secrets, so they massively overreact to the slighest whiff of it. Cleared glownigs lose their Clearance if they get written up too many times for seeing top secrets they have No Need To Know. so we could make that work against them. this method is so ingenious that im surprised "TopSecretCaptcha" doesnt already exist on Github as an open source project. if i had time, I would make it.

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b42b26  No.100175


i have browsed MPC a few times but never posted. it seemed to me like SomethingAwful from 15 years ago. not explicitly RW or even NS. i much prefer to post in a space where it's clear "this is a pro-NS forum" because that scares the Normies and ironybros into read-only silence (i. e. lurk 2 years then you're here forever) and it focuses the discussion onto what immediate action can we take to help NS.

god i miss the old 8pol so so much. there was a point in time when it was perfect and tapped into the beating heart of the Zeitgeist.

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7b1e38  No.100206


But if it is not an image board it is not really the same. Plus why would JIDF shill a site of their greatest (((Allie))). As far as they are concerned they have their site under (((control))). What death threats have been removed? I still call for the death of people and I have not had censorship. I say all the time people should rise up and kill and bomb shit.


No because they run this place. Even if they did it it would just be them authorized by their superiors to do it. This is the type of wrong think thread they don’t like their people viewing yet here (((they))) are.


What do you think this thread is? There are shills already on it

>Use this honey pot run by us and not someone else good goy!

>Oh Vey!


If we create our own image board that complies with the very basics of law we can do it. As long as we don’t allow illegal images and promote illegally activity actively they can’t Shoah it.

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d00730  No.100219


Fuck off, cuckchan mod. That shithole is effectively dead.

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6123b0  No.100224


4chan is a bunch of Jews spamming blacked threads. Anything worth discussing is migrated to a different board and every thread is bombarded by 4-5 shillbots.

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d00730  No.100227


Don't forget all the annoying redditors trying to act tough to fit in and telling oldfags to go back to reddit because they mentioned something that vaguely sounds like it could be from a specific subreddit the projecting reddit immigrant will gladly tell you about.

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70970b  No.100228


Threads like this should be erased.


< Everything is fucked

Black pill shilling faggotry.


It's not the mod that post about muh pr0n threads, now is it?

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9e2337  No.100232


U mad faggot?

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653fd6  No.100233


>The (((mods)))censored this place dead.

Oh really?



Given magnitude of discussion it's important to have it.

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de141a  No.100238


JIDF detected

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ce0f6b  No.100261

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b4cee4  No.100270


>it's not the mod that post about muh pr0n threads, now is it?

inb4 he forgot mods were censoring anti-porn movements on 4/b/, and similar movements elsewhere have been silenced

nice try jannie

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9133a9  No.100328


This is true. One of the best threads /pol/ ever had was the anti-porn thread that was totally wrecked by the mods. It cuts into ad revenue for anons to be actively anti-porn. Remember if a thread can be made by anyone that many porn advertisements and other advertisements are inserted into the catalog routinely…because muh free advertising.

I will say that I have noticed a drop off in the number of threads that I consider to be advertisements here, but that hasn’t exactly correlated into higher quality threads either.

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412946  No.100608


>to redirect the users’ conspiracy theories against the Russian government instead of the CIA or Mossad.

>O Vey!

The difference now is they run the place. Bumping for alternatives to Glownigger honeypot.

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54c9d0  No.100615

File: 14e3efd26a3cf10⋯.jpg (1.9 MB, 1952x2934, 976:1467, 1587421934271.jpg)


Couldn't agree more. I really feel like we're at a breaking point. /pol/ has always been shit, but it's unnavigable now. On top of that, my state's unemployment system is utterly fucked. I'm honestly surprised that there aren't riots happening. With the censorship, loss of income… I really don't understand how normans are holding it together.

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7b1e38  No.100620


We haven’t really hit a breaking point yet. The masses still have their entertainment. Plus the government handing out gibs. On a unrelated note do you think there is anything to Tarror cards? Like the one in your picture?

Also does anyone with tech knowledge know why I can only use this site with a VPN? The site glitches for me non stop without one.

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29546b  No.100625

File: 5dc66c4a008e6e2⋯.png (2.51 MB, 1632x1062, 272:177, friteltheconquerorsweb1.png)


>If we create our own image board that complies with the very basics of law we can do it. As long as we don’t allow illegal images and promote illegally activity actively they can’t Shoah it.

Then do it faggot. Make the board. You speak of 'we' a lot, but it comes down to (((you))). Go ahead, make the board. See if youre capable of at least that.

Your use of




>capitalising shoah and jew

You sound like a fucking miga nigger. Isnt a two years lurking mandatory? Stop bumping this retarded shit. Nothing you say sounds like /pol/, more like an AI caricature attempting to pose as /pol/. And your only response to criticism is

>lol u mad lulz roflmao

If youre not a nigger you must be untermensch. Are you a man of action, or a man of talk and of delay? Dont talk about what you are going to do, just do it.

SAGE again, not that it matters, because two digit IQ mongoloids will keep bumping it regardless.

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7b1e38  No.100626


Lol I’m doing more than you glownigger. At least I was persistent enuff to create this thread until it was no longer removed. All you do is try to demoralize so there are no alternatives. You either a retard or a low quality shill. If I was to guess based upon your intent a shill. You already lost the censorship battle you stupid nigger. Deal with it. Atleast I have a plan in general to get justice in the system. What’s yours? Shill for 60k a year to your zog overlords? Get fukt faggot. I suppose I could make threads on how to make actual change but only false flags happen off this site. I doubt there has been any homegrown action from this shitholw besides the he will not divide us. What’s your plan when people wake up and take out the weak links? Continue to (((shitpost))). Also this thread has been on the front page everyday for a reason.





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c4e149  No.100634

File: e69338e3396ad34⋯.jpg (36.33 KB, 425x557, 425:557, fr.jpg)


Oh, I see. Considering the CIA is nothing but a child porn and administering haven, they'd be stuffing the site full of it just to satisfy the jews' insatiable desire to stop truth and facts flowing. Hmmm something else to consider when making things bullet proof. Good that they at got P2P message boards working, that's an achievement in itself.

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cefb0a  No.100657

I see a lot of blackpilled people in this thread.

You're looking at a plant every day and wondering why it isn't growing, soon you'll be looking at a tree and wonder why it isn't growing. Progress is made slowly over the years. The tons of whitepills this board has offered to many ppl will not have been in vain. I'm ready for the future because it will be ours. SH.

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d0a16c  No.100667


He literally never had any integrity. He stole the site from the cripple and FROM THE FUCKING START put imkikey in charge of /pol/ to destroy it and ruin the nature of white solidarity. Fucking imbecile.

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714eda  No.100683


>I really don't understand how normans are holding it together.

The normans are holding it together because they have lots and lots of Lithium sprayed on them daily via ‘chem trails’. :)


An ‘olive farm’ without any olive trees? Those are all palm trees. There isn’t an olive tree in the entire compound.

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9e2337  No.101148


U mad? Bump lol

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3640ff  No.101286

File: 75c6c0f728e7ba4⋯.jpg (10.98 KB, 255x168, 85:56, 1471880088392.jpg)


Yea I find it odd myself a anonymous image board is a honeypot, I mean fuck Noone heard of that shit before

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2e7783  No.101564

File: bc239a64ca24018⋯.jpg (39.38 KB, 419x421, 419:421, glowniggas.jpg)

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8607c3  No.102023


The difference is they literally run it here. But on a better note it appears they have stopped their faggotry of censoring wrongthink. I think as long as we call out their shit enuff to stop censorship it’s not so bad here. But at the same time we still do need to find a solution to the pol problem. The next time this place becomes “too much” for the govnerment to contain it will probably be permantly shut down.

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