>he has found a ready audience within several factions of the dissident-right. This is rather surprising
I don't see why that's all that surprising, when there are even more people who make excuses for blatant traitors like Jared Taylor and Alex Jonestein. The difference between EMJ and them is that, instead of working for the enemy, he just has a kooky worldview, and, as much as he wants to pretend it doesn't, his books do more to re-enforce our case for the biological jew, than his for the jew lacking logos or whatever. There is also a need for more moderate jew-namers, who criticize jews as adherents to judaism, instead of as biological parasites, to ease people into the truth.
With that said, I look forward to reading the article, and I'm sure I agree with most of your conclusions re: EMJ, I just see him as someone who should be tolerated and criticized, where as the outright jew-protecting traitors deserve to have what happens to traitors happen to them.