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/pnd/ - Politics, News, Debate

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File: 3ea94322adc51b7⋯.png (28.92 KB, 571x237, 571:237, aligment.png)

f8d5e3  No.99245

Releasing these Tacotron2/WaveGlow models that anyone can play with and make politicians say things. Current voices include Barack Obama, Donald Trump, and Cristina Kirchner.


Trump 1: https://voca.ro/bi6B4DYdHcr

Trump 2: https://voca.ro/nHb1sxialiJ

Obama: https://voca.ro/cUD7GWPw1Vx

Kirchner: https://voca.ro/kCIg83H120t



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2c6cc0  No.99410

I know you're getting a lot of shit on /mlp/, but I really appreciate what you've done.


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989a19  No.99531

This is amazing, have been harassing my friends with these for hours, thanks mate

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932a06  No.99563

>This notebook was authored by soryov1000@gmail.com. It may request access to your data stored with Google, or read data and credentials from other sessions. Please review the source code before executing this notebook. Please contact the creator of this notebook at soryov1000@gmail.com with any additional questions.

Don't trust it pnd.

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f8d5e3  No.99575


Review the source code then, there's nothing messing with your account. If you're that paranoid then use an alt.

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