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The holocaust never happened

File: f447355c0d017a4⋯.png (229.51 KB, 924x877, 924:877, DeutschesReichStandortKart….png)

File: 4e3e1175a3d8b25⋯.png (48.28 KB, 800x522, 400:261, Reichsadler_Hoheitszeichen….png)

File: bb376417f9c26d2⋯.png (325.47 KB, 811x802, 811:802, Gro_deutschland.png)

26b743  No.99131

The BRD and Österreich Republik are definitely part of the Deutsches Reich; Luxemburg, Liechtenstein and Schweiz are also part of the Reich but what about the Nederlands; from what I can tell the only reason why they are excluded from the Deutsches Reich is because they have royalty even their language differences from standard Deutsch is comparable to the differences the Deutsch spoken in Bayern or Österreich have from standard deutsch. If Nederlanders are Deutsche than I don't think it would be to much of a stretch to consider the people in Flandern to be Deutsche and thus part of the Deutsches Reich.

How would we get Ostpreußen, Sudetenland, Elsaß-Lothringen and God knows what else to unite the Deutsche Volk?

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b6fadd  No.99146

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>standard deutsch

This is what BRD believes to be deutsch. You probably mean Hochdeutsch / High German (German free of dialect).

>from what I can tell the only reason why they are excluded from the Deutsches Reich is because they have royalty even their language differences from standard Deutsch is comparable to the differences the Deutsch spoken in Bayern or Österreich have from standard deutsch

They are a little bigger and they added some foreign vocabulary. Additionally they write in their "dialect" completely unlike us who always write in Hochdeutsch.

Watch the embed. You'll see all the English mixed in and the stupid wordings.

Über die Brücke gehen -> De Brug oversteken

What this sounds like to me: Die Brücke übersteigen.

And I'm like: You can step over the bridge in one step? Really? I wanna see you do that.

However a lot of Dutch learn German too.

So maybe? Maybe not? You can't put them in the exact same boat but you can tie their boat to ours. I think you get what I mean.

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851e39  No.99175


Oversteken doesn't imply in one step. "De brug oversteken" is more like "crossing the bridge." There are many ways to say something when speaking. Another example from the embedded video is on 1:57 "der rechten seite" could also be translated as "de rechter zijde" which sounds a lot more close to the german used.

Hochdeutsch sounds more feminine when spoken to me when compared to languages that came from lower germanic dialects. Also it's rules of grammar are needlessly autistic. Why does a bowl have a gender? The french do the same retarded thing and I can't imagine looking at every day objects and thinking about if its male or female.

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5fc586  No.99222

File: 4e124640d834d60⋯.png (263.54 KB, 474x338, 237:169, devils_advocate.png)


> Why does a bowl have a gender? The french do the same retarded thing

In general, my nature is to agree. But I catch myself, and wonder if we have become too process-minded. Too "business-brained"; language has become just a means to express a temporary need and move onto the next thing. Dumbing down the language is what they do to slaves. Consider creole. Consider American English which was intentionally dumbed-down. There were deep "autistic" levels in all the old languages, and those levels had purpose, and connected our minds to depth.

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dd2a3c  No.99329



Barely any Germans left there. Who weren't evacuated during WW2 were either killed or sent to Siberia.

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feb21a  No.99368



It's called ethnic cleansing.

Same goes for Sudetenland, which was also cleansed of Germans after WW2. To be fair, Ostpreußen has a better case to be included (the locals were Germanic although near extinct now, the land has always been part of Prussia/North German Federation and then German Reich). Bohemia never was part of any German nation. In fact the Austrians would have bigger dibs on them. The people are west-slavic too. So unless you take the land and fill it with Sudetendeutsche Siedler, it should be left out of a Großdeutschland. The Sudetendeutsche settled over hundreds of years, as part of HRE and open borders with Sachsen and Brandenburg.

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dd2a3c  No.99370


>To be fair, Ostpreußen has a better case to be included (the locals were Germanic although near extinct now, the land has always been part of Prussia/North German Federation and then German Reich).

No. Prussians (Balts, not Germanics) lived there before getting conquered by the Teutonic order and assimilated. As for evacuation, it was done by Germans themselves, with Germans and others being sent away into inner Germany.

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b6fadd  No.99384


>it was done by Germans themselves

The killed the remainders. Don't play dumb, you fucking kike.

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b6fadd  No.99385


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b6fadd  No.99387


>Oversteken doesn't imply in one step.

Yeah in Dutch not. It's clearly an English phrasing.

My example showed how it differentiated from German.

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dd2a3c  No.99388


Sorry, I'm reciting my education.

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b6fadd  No.99390

File: 9f749b089249c88⋯.webm (8.35 MB, 640x360, 16:9, The_Jewish_Problem_Dr_Jos….webm)


>Hochdeutsch sounds more feminine

I wish I still had my pile of Hitler speeches. He always speaks Hochdeutsch.

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b6fadd  No.99393


You're not wrong that Germans had to evacuate by themselves. They set a deadline of like 24 hours in which they had to leave

with strict rules on what they were allowed to take with them. But half of them didn't arrive and can only be assumed dead.

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dd2a3c  No.99397


That's what I meant when I said 'evacuation'. It wasn't only Germans who were evacuated.

When 'liberators' came, they also brought a slew of 'churkas' and other mystery meats who don't speak a word of the local language, thus repopulating the empty destroyed cities and diluting the nation with bone-headed knuckle draggers.

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851e39  No.99495


A language being lobotomized is a risk when standardizing it. The fact that regional dialects are so rare is a very unnatural thing. Go back to pre-industrial Europe and just about everyone spoke some form of regional dialect. Isn't it the purpose of language to be able to efficiently communicate? As long as a standardization doesn't impede on this I'd say it's fine, just dont let the kikes be in charge so they can use it to limit your range of expression.


English still has a germanic basis. Just because modern standardized german was built from dialects that use their language a bit differently it doesn't mean that the other is wrong.


How many Germans do you know that speak like Hitler giving a speech? Sadly, everyday german does not sound like that.

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dd2a3c  No.99503


>The fact that regional dialects are so rare

Where do you live?

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851e39  No.99523


The Netherlands, The use of regional dialect is rare when you compare it to the pre industrial world. It's not nearly as common as it once was. But it will be again if we ever get a real happening.

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dd2a3c  No.99524


Don't you have Frisian? There must be others too.

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b1a917  No.99693

File: d7652fabd86023b⋯.png (173.42 KB, 1183x699, 1183:699, IMG_1167.PNG)

German here AMA with 3 out of 4 grandparents, who all have roots in Eastern Germany: Berlin, Pomerania and Prussia, etc. And further back even German Enclave Communities in Eastern Europe. Like the German Community in the Baltics and Moscow, before the German Quarter was destroyed during the Napoleonic Wars and they went back to Germany. I learnt this from my grandma, when I took more of an interest in my family history. "Back then you didn't just marry some broad off the street. You married inside the community." she said. Probably to slightly diss my dad or because she also yearns for other times.

Translation of the DNA Test. (I know, not very detailed)

>100% European

>51.0% Eastern Europe

>22.8% Balkan

>20.1% Baltic

>8.1% Eastern European

>49.0% North- and Western Europe

>25.4% North- and Western European

>23.6% Scandinavian

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eb0a23  No.99708


Mecklenburg, Pommern, Prussia all have Baltic and West-Slavic admixtures along with Germanic. Nobody assimilated with a bunch of monks holed up in castles.

Danzig Ist Deutsch! But 'Deutsch' even during the Third Reich was a lot more broader than it is now, like it had been before. People fail to grasp today what an empire means on the ground.

And stop trying to rewrite history, jew. Remember the SS Wilhelm Gustloff. Remember the Beneš-Dekrete. Remember the Bierut-Dekrete.

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695fa8  No.99745


You mean you live in Germany. You are Germanic. You would be Germanic if you lived in Romania, Austria or the UK. You are a very even mix. So, I think your grandmas story might be a bit off… but this isn't to say you are a mutt. You are Germanic and you must recognise that half of you is East and half of you is West. Write down your thoughts about this. What is it that you owe to the East and to the West. Do you see things different now? Do you see things differently now?

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b1a917  No.99755


I am not really a mix. I am exactly what you would expect from someone from the Prussian Region. I don't doubt the story of my grandma. Eastern Germans have some influence from assimilated Wendic Tribes. The Sorbs for example for some reason still larp as Slavs, despite all of their closest "relatives" having assimilated into German Culture long ago. My balkan genes are probably from that or from some ancestors mixing it up in the austro-hungarian region. Old Prussians were also assimilated. Just that much scandinavian is a bit weird. I don't know of any recent ancestor straight from Scandinavia.

I heard from lots of different thinkers that Germany isn't quite a western country. Like Britain of France for example. With that western, individualist mindset. We Germans are quite inherently collectivist. Or maybe more accurately we are a very high social trust and communal culture, which just translates into a natural tendency for collectivism. Or maybe just small town, idyllic conservative villages. Depending on political circumstances.

If you talk to Germans, you might have heard them use terms like "obrigkeitshörig". This used to frustrate me greatly, when I was libertarian, but I accept it now. I am also glad that our developing Right-Wing in Germany isn't falling victim to Liberal Individualism or stuff like that. There is some of that in the Boomers though.

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dd2a3c  No.99759


>Nobody assimilated with a bunch of monks holed up in castles.

Castles built by Teutonic knights. These knights weren't holed up.

>But 'Deutsch' even during the Third Reich was a lot more broader than it is now, like it had been before.

Hmm, would you mind giving me a lead on the meaning?

>Remember the SS Wilhelm Gustloff. Remember the Beneš-Dekrete. Remember the Bierut-Dekrete.

Thanks for the reads.

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07fa8e  No.99760

File: d9dc123f400a575⋯.jpg (51.32 KB, 512x384, 4:3, AfD.jpg)


This is your „developing Right-Wing“ in jewmoney; right and left are lies, embrace the third position.

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b1a917  No.99762


2 Coup Attempts by one of the founding members and leaders and a division attempt recently, when the German Intelligence Service announced it would formally observe the nationalistic so-called "Wing" of the AfD, made it very clear in Germany that there will never be a thing like a clear, pure Alternative, free of sin like a virgin.

The metapolitical fight is fought IN the party itself. The Youth Organisation and The Wing are the good parts of the organisation. And they achieved a lot. Höcke is quite based and his strategy of "Social Patriotism" is very effective.

We also mustn't ever think of party politics as everything there is. Parties can just gain popularity by appealing to the population. We need metapolitical organisations to CHANGE the public. Activate hidden potential in them. People like the Identitarians.

Ask me again in a few months. For now the Wing and Höcke are still surviving in the AfD. If they ever get purged and the AfD will just be some neoliberal conservative party, I will stop supporting them. But you need to know. The Fight is fought in these institutions as well. We shouldn't just give up, because someone isn't pure. The Left embraces that fight. They love going into institutions, which aren't left and making it their own.

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1e8404  No.99764


>Coup Attempts

You mean losers in their mothers basements elated about how they are going to overthrow the government and thus being monitored by glowniggers, there obviously isn't going to be a Nationalsozialistsicher Putsch anytime soon.

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b1a917  No.99766


I was referring to Bernd Lucke, the founding member of the AfD and part of the more economically liberal (in the european sense, not american) Wing, trying to purge the party of people, who in his mind had unacceptable views on immigration.

And his successor Frauke Petry, who tried to purge the party, so it could be in coalitions with the CDU and FDP. She failed spectacularly and it ended with her leaving the party with only a handful of supporters.

The fight is still going on. Everything can happen. For now it seems like they survived yet another attempt. Maybe Meuthen, the perpetrator is going to leave the party or sperg out, because he is now very isolated.

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695fa8  No.99777


You are a European mix. Your DNA test is clear. What's not to get? Also I've never heard someone says Germany isn't a Western country.

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b1a917  No.99820


I am not really a mix, given that you would expect these kind of genetic influences from someone from Eastern Germany.

A mix would be, if had a bit of spain, russian, italian, german and you'd have no idea based on that, what region I might be from.

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436812  No.102784

File: 404cc668c4a7577⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1024x732, 256:183, siegfried.png)

Post Sachertorte.

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