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File: 2a60847f2e3e2c3⋯.jpg (104.18 KB, 1024x724, 256:181, Friends-in-Adoption-Happy-….jpg)

22d702  No.9907

Today we remember the great racial purist Judah Maccabee and his victory over the race mixing jews and goys.

>‘Intermarriage is worse than holocaust’

>Golda Meir

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da8708  No.9909

File: afefdbed03d79c9⋯.jpg (100 KB, 914x960, 457:480, Hanukkah.jpg)


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c2e5da  No.9910

File: fb01fbb121d7466⋯.jpg (81.55 KB, 885x751, 885:751, epstein-4chan-0415-count.jpg)

Would you marry a jewess, /pnd/?

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da8708  No.9912


Will she let me play video games and fap to anime all day?

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2c2eb6  No.9936

File: c679b27a243e094⋯.png (124.65 KB, 456x617, 456:617, topkekkkk.png)

topkek, but no

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c4e768  No.9939

File: 962298d2f9556c9⋯.png (803.73 KB, 809x769, 809:769, jews love black cock.PNG)

File: 4caa8fdcd834295⋯.png (430.26 KB, 1000x808, 125:101, hahahahahahaha.PNG)

File: a615efa3f00be9e⋯.png (237.77 KB, 701x737, 701:737, haha.PNG)

File: 507ae0b01d8e2e1⋯.png (548.91 KB, 947x796, 947:796, fgsdfgdsfgsdf.PNG)

File: 803fd44ef8c31f1⋯.png (320.21 KB, 696x564, 58:47, hahahahaha dead kikes.png)

it's funny when your people get murdered


happy hanukka faggots!

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af2921  No.9942


>that 4th pic

Holy shit someone actually fucking did something worthwhile for once.

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387672  No.9945


>Random Jew murders/deaths are good

For what purpose?

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c4e768  No.9947

File: 163bf5fe843bbf9⋯.png (322.89 KB, 517x555, 517:555, 3c5be7098e1015ebfb2a8d0be9….png)


your little celebration didn't last long, did it? you're in here with us, forever. welcome back to reality.

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c2e5da  No.9951

File: 5002ac6fdf08ed1⋯.jpg (158.74 KB, 1200x938, 600:469, wp-1488583144163.jpg)



Making them your wife and getting your kids to boil off is way more powerful than killing them.

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387672  No.9955



>Genocide is good when we do it


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da8708  No.9959


The celebration continues. Guess you didn't accomplish much. Maybe next year, eh?

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c4e768  No.9962

File: 0c142bbd8170321⋯.jpg (56.84 KB, 492x432, 41:36, 0c142bbd8170321af17736a2bf….jpg)



I love how you were triggered enough to respond :) you will think about it over the holidays, now that I've reminded you

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c2e5da  No.9963


I just saw a caravan of hunakah jews roll down canal street, i wished them well. If you insult someone you only hurt yourself.

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da8708  No.9964


>reminded you

You're implying we ever forgot.

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d82ce8  No.9965


I love how this thread triggered you so much that you had to post in it.

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6a5d95  No.10007

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Happy Hanukkah pol! Don't race mix or the Maccabees will get you!

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b5fd0d  No.10028

File: 60584d75365398f⋯.gif (327.14 KB, 1524x1178, 762:589, Yid Rituals.gif)

File: c8014822e73dd64⋯.jpg (90.06 KB, 728x561, 728:561, c8014822e73dd64f3e6f6efad9….jpg)

European holidays all reflect either a harmony with the rhythms of nature, or an exaltation of the divine.

Jewish holidays are all petty celebrations of how they got to pull a fast one on the goyim.

You let these little rats live long enough and they'll turn 9/11 into a holy day, mark my words.

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7e3667  No.10045


Hanukkah's built on bullshit just like every goddamn thing else you people come up with:


fucking kys

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da8708  No.10080

File: 9b21933f17412dc⋯.jpg (56.19 KB, 720x960, 3:4, Defiance.jpg)


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f3f5db  No.10099

File: 2ec130ca8ac1848⋯.jpg (75.11 KB, 561x650, 561:650, The Taking of the Candelab….jpg)


Nice candelabra you got there, kike. I'll take it.

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517de4  No.10118

File: ab23d1eedfdb28c⋯.jpg (25.43 KB, 608x402, 304:201, laughs in hitler.jpg)

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b5fd0d  No.10204

File: 5e9efa1f8690768⋯.webm (2.71 MB, 640x360, 16:9, you've earned a gold star.webm)

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3c4bc9  No.10216

Happy Hanukkah! The best thing about Hanukkah is the lesson to teach your kids to fight to keep their culture and traditions. Never abandon the tribe!

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417d60  No.10784

File: 167190bee9920f1⋯.png (40.07 KB, 456x500, 114:125, evil kike.png)

Hanukkah is a made up, anti-white, jewlarp just like everything jews do.


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25c16e  No.11351


happy hanukkah my jewsih friend

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5e3125  No.11540


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000000  No.11666


And yet we still exist.

Where is the Roman empire today?

Oh, right.

It perished after it started bowing to one of us. And to this day, their descendants still face the groind.

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000000  No.11668


How come Jews look better and even whiter than so-called "whites"?

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b5fd0d  No.11735

File: 00d580f3c743fd9⋯.jpg (32.94 KB, 540x332, 135:83, 00d580f3c743fd928024d83ab4….jpg)



110 and never again, torkike.

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02c290  No.11866


>How come Jews look better and even whiter than so-called "whites"?

How come chimpanzees look better and even more human than so called "humans"?

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02c290  No.11867


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56bae4  No.12193

File: 15982ec671f1b56⋯.jpg (239.34 KB, 500x700, 5:7, jews40.jpg)


dogs are whiter than jews, torkike

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c2fe24  No.12289

Based bigger stabbed jews.

Happy Hanukkaust!

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c2fe24  No.12290


Correction: nigger

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723da7  No.47653


Jews are whiter than white. They look better, smell better and are smarter than other whites. That is why they control the world and always successfully advance their interests.

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a8e425  No.47690


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dea048  No.50297


>killing commies is genocide

>defending yourself against people who try to kill you is genocide.

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b12fcb  No.54368

File: 78a4e716257067c⋯.jpg (380.04 KB, 2732x2048, 683:512, eKTnFiVwZ8cQitOoXFG9m5gDkJ….jpg)


Sage negated

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5733d8  No.54378

File: 134b461cc6089c3⋯.jpg (79.81 KB, 1000x759, 1000:759, zira.jpg)

According to torah… if noah and his wife only had 3 sons, doesnt that mean his kids had to fucked their own mom, and first cousins, and thus we are all the result of incest??

How do u feel about race mixing now

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2eee8c  No.54456

all jews will be exterminated and israel will be wiped off the face of the earth

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12c06c  No.67519

File: 1419caf8df90ced⋯.png (460.39 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, disc_jin.png)

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da8708  No.67568

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a5f994  No.67700

File: fd2523b4e134d59⋯.jpg (717.1 KB, 2250x1800, 5:4, argentina_chaotic_evil.jpg)

File: dcca64de46f217a⋯.jpg (33.54 KB, 490x437, 490:437, 1565507422560.jpg)

File: 237e6e43e3e8a97⋯.jpeg (221.44 KB, 750x940, 75:94, ima_9789bd2.jpeg)


Jews wish they had the physique, tenacity, strength and beauty of white Europeans. That's why jews have an insatiable appetite for white women. This can be seen all throughout Hollywood. Seinfeld kikes always date Europeans, the movie 'knocked up' - dirty kike with master race European. The only thing kikes know how to do is be slimy rats who subvert and manipulate to get ahead. Their deceit knows no bounds and in the end they will self destruct because of it. You envy us Schlomo and you will pay dearly for what your tribe has done.

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823e1e  No.68068

File: 35ff1431beddc7c⋯.png (41.95 KB, 610x394, 305:197, kike.png)


It fell to degeneration.




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