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File: ceeecb6bb4e6a1d⋯.png (786.46 KB, 920x510, 92:51, kim.png)

a3c3af  No.98360[Last 50 Posts]

Kim Jung Un is reported to be "grave danger" according to 2 top U.S. intelligence officials.

>North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is receiving treatment after undergoing a cardiovascular procedure early this month, a South Korean media report said, amid speculation over Kim’s health following his absence from a key anniversary event.

>North Korea marked the anniversary of the birthday of its founding father and Kim’s grandfather, Kim Il Sung, as a national holiday on April 15, but Kim was not seen in attendance.

Daily NK, a speciality website run mostly by North Korean defectors, cited unidentified sources inside the isolated state saying Kim is recovering at a villa in the Mount Kumgang resort county of Hyangsan on the east coast after getting the procedure on April 12 at a hospital there.



There is some speculation that if Un goes il then he will be replaced by the strongest female leader comparable to Russian Empress Catherine the Great.

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a3c3af  No.98363

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3a8a50  No.98457

I guess there's not enough to talk about yet on this? Just gonna wait for MSNBC to feed it to you?

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569ef7  No.98466


t. cia

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6636eb  No.98472

File: 9b53cf640dff105⋯.jpg (20.57 KB, 293x293, 1:1, TsVHxrmA.jpg)

If Kimmy died, I wonder who's going to take a crack at running that nork circus next. I hope they end up causing some kind of shitstorm, whoever they are.

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86207d  No.98485


it's time of the woyman and he has a sister who he's prolly been banging secretly for years because she's not dead and has a decent rank.

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0e087a  No.98486

>Be glownigger

>Suck at job.

>Come to their own honeypot for Intel in hopes they get some kind of scrap.

Hi glowniggers!!!

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ba437d  No.98500

Looks like glowniggers have to make something up now that North Korea is the ONLY country that does not have Corona virus because it was the first to actually close the borders.

(Which was mainly tourism anyway. Not much to close.)

I'm pretty sure he's doing fine.

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0e087a  No.98505


He is in shit health. This is known. Doesn’t he have diabetes?

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ba437d  No.98506


>Daily NK, a speciality website run mostly by North Korean defectors, cited unidentified sources

This is literally: a friend of a friend told the friend who then told me

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ba437d  No.98507


>This is known. Doesn’t he have diabetes?

According to whom, I ask?


>citing an unnamed US official

It's always like this:

Scientists say…

An unidentified NK defector told SK website the following…

US intelligence says…

So who actually says what? Why should I believe them? The above all turned out to be liars and non-persons.

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0e087a  No.98512

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853afd  No.98521

File: ff5015197a3744c⋯.jpg (52.12 KB, 600x400, 3:2, kim.jpg)

Don't be silly, he's in excellent health.

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90abcf  No.98524

File: a9c1cd4218693aa⋯.png (212.04 KB, 788x700, 197:175, Screenshot_from_2020_04_21….png)


If you're going to be a faggot, at least put some effort into it ffs

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ba437d  No.98531


>His favorite cheese is quite fattening



He may be fat but there are giant american landwhales who have to be moved by crane that are still alive and don't have diabetes.

There is absolutely 0 proof apart my friend was told by a friend who was told that…

>he likes Emmental cheese

Now he is even more likeable.

Eating my yoghurt right now.

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622f5c  No.98535

Nah. Dude's in excellent health. Just a ploy by him to smoke out the traitors after his job.

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d2f037  No.98536


I feel sorry for his doctors, those poor bastards will not live long trying to keep that fat fucker healthy..

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0ded90  No.98538


Could be worse. There could be a conspiracy theory like the doctors' plot in Stalin's time which ultimately led to him dying in part to the terror he created/instigated.

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64f0c5  No.98715


He has a family history of health problems. And all information is uncertain unless you see it your self so your information is moot. Not to mention they could never reveal what spies they do have in North Korea. The fact he had a surgery at his age is a clear indicator he is in shit health. And your logic and thoughts are retarded.

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d23452  No.98720

File: 6ba81674e30ac2a⋯.jpeg (874.78 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, Trump_Kim_Alliance.jpeg)

The Chinese Communist Party has poisoned Kim Jong Un for his alliance with Donald Trump. It would be best if North Korea launched their nuclear weapons at Beijing and teach those evil rats in Beijing a lesson. War is coming.

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d81917  No.98722

File: 767060ec6edbc06⋯.jpeg (21.36 KB, 620x348, 155:87, kim_yo_jung_smug.jpeg)

yfw Kim's qt sister becomes Supreme Leader of Best Korea

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145b87  No.98779

File: 64fd9366541f474⋯.png (405.01 KB, 859x671, 859:671, tykwavia.png)


>War is coming.

And Trumpniggers continue to show their warmongering nature. I hope you and Tykwavia are the fist to enlist.

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d23452  No.98797

File: 3c23b49b6a5c6d2⋯.jpeg (166.16 KB, 1109x1195, 1109:1195, 50_Cent_Trump.jpeg)


>Nooo don't be mean to China.

Faggots keep white knighting for China.

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145b87  No.98867

File: 7c6d71bdd4cde23⋯.jpg (412.59 KB, 717x880, 717:880, Back_to_Reddit.jpg)


>w-why don't you support another jewish war?

>check out this based nigger

>reddit spacing


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ec4e31  No.98889


If their astroturf protests are any indication, they're running out of steam.

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d23452  No.98897

File: c5336399efce926⋯.jpg (106.3 KB, 687x599, 687:599, Seven_Lives.jpg)

>Nooo don't be mean to China.

>Jews, Niggers, Reddit, Trump.

Another shill white knighting for China.

My man Kim Jung Un going to rape Beijing with his nukes.

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fb81c4  No.99015

Not surprised, like dead Xi (who I haven’t seen in the news lately) this man is a fat whale that will probably die due to complications.

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fb81c4  No.99017


He looks like he is in mortal fear for his life in that photo. I wonder if he has ever ridden or if they simply glued him on.

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fb81c4  No.99018


Do you know if any of these ‘family health problems’ are things only jews get?


Bitch is ruthless.


He won’t but his sister just might (when he is dead from the gluttonous fat that has clogged his arteries). It would be absolutely FANTASTIC to see a full blown asian war when they are already going to be starving this Fall. War would add some seasoning to the Wuhan Flu that they released through total incompetence.

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2c299b  No.99032


Are you retarded? Only Jews get?

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896be4  No.99065

File: 694781c9bd5a32e⋯.jpg (156.78 KB, 750x925, 30:37, Ashkenazi_Jew_Genetics.jpg)


> Diseases only (((circle-people))) get

(((They))) are not the only people to get the diseases in pic-related, but (((they))) are way over-represented *just like with pedophilia*.

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ba437d  No.99098


>The fact he had a surgery at his age is a clear indicator he is in shit health.

Or not. iirc he had cosmetic surgery to look more like his father

which the jew press immediately salvaged into news stories shittalking him.

Glowniggers can fuck off.

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000000  No.99115

Kim Jung Un doesn't want his country to be looted by the leftist kike financiers who have ruined the entire western world with a torrent of immigrants and Marxism. So the Marxist high financier kikes have lobbied political puppets in the western governments they control to impose sanctions on North Korea and send white Christians (the political enemy of marxist high finance kikes) to die in wars that beneift Marxist high financier kikes. The sanctions have caused austere conditions to be inflicted on the North Koreans. Then Kim Jung Un is vilified for "letting his people starve," which is due to the economic warfare being conducted against his country.




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11c397  No.99304

File: d6fa8b8fb1b43c8⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 59.97 KB, 1024x568, 128:71, 1587436991991.jpg)

File: f8469d98193f281⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 92.15 KB, 600x594, 100:99, 1587129920455.jpg)

File: d26b0e0cd1c426a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 5.32 KB, 250x166, 125:83, 1587129738423s.jpg)

File: 77849beb4c23821⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 55.67 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 1587129054469m.jpg)

File: 68bfdae6a10f00b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 119.42 KB, 1024x1009, 1024:1009, 1587132227023m.jpg)

Best Korea's based rocket man will never die, he will just blast off away. God bress owl that trap niggas! Get well soon Kim;)

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bd55b4  No.99343


His family has a history of essentially shit

Nutrition problems is what that relates to. If you exercise and make some effort to eat okay. You will be fine. The thing Ian he does neither of these. So his health is shit. If i had unlimited money like him I would be in perfect health with a chef to cook tastie healthy meals.


Cosmetic surgery is stupid unless you are really that ugly or shitty genetically. His frame looks fine. Tubby just needs to lift and put down the ice cream.

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ba437d  No.99369


His uncle and father were fat too and he really looks a lot like them.

>Tubby just needs to lift and put down the ice cream.

That's you're perspective on it.


That post screen cap is completely unrelated to North Korea, Mr Glownigger.

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37a3fa  No.99406


Imagine how achey his little chong balls must've been afterwards.

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fadb33  No.99407


It’s not my perspective. That is reality. Unfortunately I rarely get to prove my point in life but when I do I enjoy beating the point in. My point is being a fat lazy piece of shit is t subjective. It’s observational.

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ba437d  No.99428


I'm not talking about him being a fat lazy shit but the view you hold on his appearance.

Others might view him as well off. Leaders are always portrait in a positive light.

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b936c5  No.99450


Could you please spoiler this shit in the future?

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b936c5  No.99452


He is basically a barrel of lard.

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d368d6  No.99489


> a speciality website run mostly by North Korean defectors,


> cited unidentified sources inside the isolated state

"Anonymous sources" Hahahhaha!


< He has a history of…

Wait, why are we supposed to believe that?

Yes, Kim! Yes, DPRK! D I un-ironically wish that the DPRK unifies all of Korea after North America has Kaisrreich-style breakdown. )

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93cad1  No.99513

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Turns out that horse is actually a unicorn. As soon as he gets off the horse it will shoot into the sky.

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55396b  No.100099


Still trying to get oil prices up I see.

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94d77c  No.100110


This. I am surprised the poor thing managed a canter without breaking its little unicorn back.

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73378f  No.100136


Daisuke Kondo wrote last night on the 24th that some Chinese medical personnel explained to him the entire course of "Jin Zhengen's critical illness". The other party said that when Kim Jong-un was visiting the countryside, he suddenly pressed his heart and fell. The fellow medical team hurried to resuscitate him while sending him to a nearby hospital.

After the incident, North Korea urgently contacted China: "I hope Beijing can send a medical team to help." In China, a team of nearly 50 people was formed with doctors from the "National Cardiovascular Disease Center of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Fuwai Hospital" and the "People's Liberation Army 301 Hospital". They took the equipment and took a special flight to Pyongyang.

However, during the waiting period, the North Korean team of physicians judged that if they waited for the Chinese Medical Corps and would do nothing, I am afraid that they would not be able to save Kim Jong-un, so he performed an emergency "heart stent operation (heart catheterization operation)" for him. The doctor in charge is a North Korean surgeon who "trained in China for many years."

The source continued that "cardiac stent surgery" was originally not a difficult operation. The process of "placing the stent in the main blood vessel" only took about 1 minute. Unexpectedly, the surgeon who operated the knife was so nervous that he couldn't help shaking his hands. In addition, he had no experience in operating for "a fat man like Kim Jong-un." It took 8 minutes to put the stent in. During this period, Kim Jong-un became a vegetative. After the arrival of the Chinese medical team, Jin Zhengen was diagnosed and treated, but the conclusion was "nothing can be done."

Daisuke Kondo frankly admitted that it is not yet possible to confirm whether the Chinese medical-related personnel's claims are true. But if it is true, the political life representing Kim Jong-un has come to an end.

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0e5b68  No.100235

File: 8e0f5c01ad166a4⋯.png (1.85 MB, 3000x2250, 4:3, 8e0f5c01ad166a456c11476ef2….png)


>I don't want war!

<I just want to assemble all fighting age white men and invade foreign countries and kill their people

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1ec045  No.100236

File: e3ebba07a80f65a⋯.jpg (66.13 KB, 928x701, 928:701, 1587794231256.jpg)

File: 2be7b2dbbd38b04⋯.jpg (80.08 KB, 634x359, 634:359, shopped.jpg)

File: 8f1af13cf7a8f03⋯.jpg (80.93 KB, 634x359, 634:359, article_2076472_0F3C6A4F00….jpg)

Just got a 24 hour ban from half chan for pointing out this picture of dead kim jong un is a shop.

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1ec045  No.100251

File: 3794ba9560950b6⋯.png (516.04 KB, 680x450, 68:45, 1587810221497.png)


better version of the shopped image. Notice the orientation of the pattern on the pillow in both images.

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9f7fdd  No.100262

File: 567f577d64460a2⋯.jpg (57.22 KB, 714x380, 357:190, 1586638097526.jpg)


<No dear leader, what have they done to you?

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9ed01e  No.100277

File: d6ae52a854a9d51⋯.png (516.95 KB, 728x742, 52:53, china_no_rikey_bracks.png)

File: 8362cb559515286⋯.jpg (181.4 KB, 1280x891, 1280:891, china_product_warfare.jpg)

File: ba37456a7244f2c⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1589x1442, 227:206, croonervirus.png)

File: bd7c0cb8b635a1f⋯.mp4 (2.83 MB, 640x360, 16:9, POSTED_4_14_20_Anybody_who….mp4)

File: bbfc23dadf678f0⋯.png (342.38 KB, 932x584, 233:146, they_re_like_locusts.png)


>got a 24 hour ban from half chan for pointing out this picture of dead kim jong un is a shop

Because that's an MSM psyop about "dear reader". Halfchan is a MSM website. Of course they will maintain MSM psyops. Why would you spend time there? Is it because you hate yourself a little bit?


>Notice the orientation of the pattern on the pillow in both images

Yeah and the leaves and flowers and everything

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32c9b1  No.100386

File: ab33c941b0396a6⋯.jpeg (296.87 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, 6D8D3A3D_8F0E_451E_A5A7_8….jpeg)

>Taiwan News reports that Japanese sources report that Chinese sources report that the Chinese medical team sent to Best Korea reported that Kim has entered a deep meditative state

Big if true

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1ec045  No.100425


>Of course they will maintain MSM psyops. Why would you spend time there? Is it because you hate yourself a little bit?

Yea, I always heard this, but I guess I had to experience it first hand to understand.

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f9953d  No.101284

File: 03b2488c0bf879e⋯.jpg (11.36 KB, 255x192, 85:64, b77e313c1e78540f4349ff24a1….jpg)

Faggot shills he's alive ,hate on the based Koren

Worry about your jew wood idols

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