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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The holocaust never happened

File: 12c504d34ecb93c⋯.png (205.26 KB, 396x571, 396:571, l7ovehw27ft21.png)

a11714  No.97863

How are you guys celebrating today ?

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281531  No.97867

File: a67f007c4aeb48d⋯.jpg (39.13 KB, 670x335, 2:1, prep420.jpg)

Smoking and lifting in honor of Hitler and 420

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ba9dbb  No.97902

Crying in my bunker and then shooting myself.

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9e0613  No.97916


America is faggoty.

What a shame.

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6b84ed  No.97921

File: 20c0f2ec2fc5dbf⋯.jpg (44.64 KB, 700x372, 175:93, cctv_still_of_columbine_sh….jpg)

Playing some Postal

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5f12ff  No.97927

File: 196923b94fe0ec3⋯.jpg (152.49 KB, 656x838, 328:419, 8d89c381e275dff1428c9508b4….jpg)

A coworker actually asked if Hitlers birthday was somewhere in April, I casually mentioned it was today and everyone promptly stuck their arm in the air and shouted SIEG HEIL. This is why I am blue collar to the bone.

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ba9dbb  No.98003


At least I have a chin, unlike your fat little german pig.

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430707  No.98051




Fuck off FBI. You are a fucking idiot. He had two testicles. Maybe, you don't even have one because you're a faggot-woman who sides with traitors.

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430707  No.98052


Fuck off faggot.

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976bc8  No.98058

File: 903cc42a6767a9b⋯.jpg (460.9 KB, 1280x920, 32:23, 4_20.jpg)

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d7165e  No.98065


>crying this hard

lol sorry kid, mommy ran out of tendies

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5f36a0  No.98078

Hitler did noting wrong!

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caa5ac  No.98080

File: a8e2f93c3749538⋯.jpeg (110.92 KB, 640x713, 640:713, Uncels_birthsday.jpeg)

Alles Gute Onkel Adi.

I can't say that you did nothing wrong and sometimes your shit was a mirror image of lefty shit, but no matter you did, it was better what we are facing now.

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8adabe  No.98082


Coronachan has blessed my world, people recognise its Hitlers birthday and they have all the time in the world now, to watch some neat documentaries and read some interesting stuff about the holohoax. I for one am there for those people, to reach out my hand to them and guide on a journey that will change them forever; as it has changed me.

Sieg Heil, Sieg Heil, Sieg Heil!

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ed6a41  No.98959

File: 0d97006f8229bbf⋯.jpg (181.51 KB, 847x916, 847:916, 1587527582755.jpg)

File: fd79a500d5ed154⋯.png (79.71 KB, 500x480, 25:24, 1587498247465.png)

File: 31aeac2809a303e⋯.png (557.56 KB, 640x629, 640:629, 1587193799249.png)

File: f5b564b02636017⋯.jpg (91.74 KB, 572x858, 2:3, 4464a7c88fbecd956aacf99f37….jpg)

2020 is our whole year. The jq is going mainstream. Lol seethe kikes.

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3c9d5c  No.99044


STFU! You live in your mom's basement and even if you were a blue collar, you'd have never been asked this question for the vast majority of people around you are cucked NPCs.

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