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The holocaust never happened

File: c64b1dd4414da31⋯.jpg (73.88 KB, 750x750, 1:1, 1566651835162.jpg)

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834354  No.97631

>What is eco-fascism?

Over simplified, eco-fascism is the rightwing equivalent of the leftist environmental movement. The difference being that we're not tree-huggers, we're stewards of nature, we're not global warming doomsayers, we're concerned with the impact of the environment on humanity, and we're not like leftists who believe that humans are some sort of unnatural abberation whose very existence is harmful to the holy and inviolable environment, we believe man is a part of nature.

>Ok, so explain that last part?

Leftists think humans are separate from nature, and can only have a negative impact on it. Eco-fascists know that man is an integral part of nature, just like trees, bears, ants, grass, seaweed, etc. The difference is that leftist environmentalism is all about attacking human progress and hobbling it, while eco-fascism is about protecting the environment in order to protect humanity.

A leftist will screech about clear-cutting a forest for the sake of the forest itself. An eco-fascist will denounce clear-cutting a forest for the sake of future generations of man. That forest represents beauty which must be preserved, and a valuable resource in the form of lumber and other materials, which must be conserved for times of need. Only humans are capable of appreciating the serene beauty of a forest, and without humans, there is no point in preserving that beauty.

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834354  No.97634

File: 9255fd285de819f⋯.png (134.06 KB, 829x493, 829:493, 1568386970337.png)

File: 90eec603864b862⋯.png (116.17 KB, 1276x762, 638:381, 1568388952714.png)

File: 1ed1d6e023e75f2⋯.png (415.22 KB, 907x587, 907:587, 1571705604035.png)

File: 0e8a61ac127c530⋯.jpg (232.47 KB, 1280x899, 1280:899, 1575416209399.jpg)

File: a7b725d3a9ad67e⋯.jpg (583.4 KB, 905x1572, 905:1572, 1568821692107.jpg)

>So what's your position on global warming?

The UN, politicians throughout the West, multiple college professors, etc. have all admitted that global warming is a hoax unsupported by science. It's a giant wealth redistribution scheme, meant to transfer wealth from whites to brown people, and to cripple Western industry so that places like China, India, and Brazil can catch up to us economically and militarily. Global warming is unsupported by science and most of the evidence is entirely fraudulent or at least manipulated to support an agenda. Look at how many schemes to 'combat global warming' consist solely of taxing industries and taking their money, rather than actually decreasing pollution of any kind.

>So if you don't believe in global warming, then why do you care about the environment?

Man is part of the environment. We are effected by it. 94% of municipal water supplies in America are contaminated with microplastics. Testosterone levels and sperm counts in Western men have dropped by over half since the 1970's, and studies show this is directly attributable to pollution. Microplastics and birth control hormones in our drinking water, non-stick frying pans, plastic food containers, chemicals in soaps and shampoos, microplastics inhaled in dust and carpet fibers, all of these are harming our ability to reproduce and causing cancer, and none of these things have any business being there. We're not simply poisoning the environment, we're poisoning ourselves, and we have to stop that.

>Makes sense, but where's this pollution coming from?

Too many things are made of plastics now. Food containers used to be made of glass and metal, now they're plastic. Carpets used to be made of natural fibers, now they're made of plastic that gets into household dust and inhaled, increasing asthma rates in children. 97% of plastic in the ocean comes from six rivers, all located in China, India, and Africa. Over 30% of smog and other airborne pollutants in North America originate in China and drift over the ocean to us. If we quit producing products with harmful chemicals, that will go a long way toward helping us, but it won't stop it entirely; the third-world will continue polluting, and that will continue having an effect on us.

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834354  No.97637

File: 67bd33dd4c592c4⋯.jpg (72.12 KB, 510x748, 15:22, 67bd33dd4c592c409f13f7e49d….jpg)

File: 283eb6d70608e5f⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1200x697, 1200:697, 8112fae45b002251c0feafed47….png)

File: 345d06a9f261011⋯.jpg (222.57 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, 1573527892327.jpg)

File: 4f6688fe5ecfddc⋯.jpg (75.7 KB, 720x322, 360:161, 1574507931264.jpg)

File: 04ce05a073f52a5⋯.jpg (67.06 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 1559598433244.jpg)

>Ok, speaking of the third world, what's your position on overpopulation?

It's not a problem, at least not the way leftists have been portraying it since the 70's. The world can support a much higher population than it has now. We can build plenty of housing, we can manage infrastructure needed to provide clean water and other necessities, we're continually improving our efficiency at producing food, etc. The size of the overall human population isn't an issue. Local overpopulation, however is. Especially in regards to local pollution. Look at China, with rivers foaming over with chemicals, the sky blacked out with smog, and the soil poisoned with heavy metals; if there were half as many Chinese people, there wouldn't be nearly as much pollution. Look at India with its 'sacred' river full of trash and corpses; again, if there weren't a billion Indians, there wouldn't be nearly as much of a problem. Africans are set to become a third of the global population within the next century, and yet they're perpetually starving and dying of disease. The only thing sustaining Africa's population growth is white altruism; we keep feeding them and sending doctors to treat their diseases, and that keeps fueling the growth. If we stopped sending aid to Africa and enacted birth control policies on third-world populations that produce the most pollution, we would dramatically reduce environmental damage, conserve resources, and places like Africa and China would have local populations able to sustain themselves without outside help. All population control campaigns have been aimed at reducing birthrates in white countries and only white countries, allegedly 'for the environment', but then they immediately turn around and say they have to replace our aging populations with third-world populations who bring third-world problems such as pollution. The agenda should be clear: when they tell white people, in white countries, not to have children in order to save the environment, and then import people who have seven children on average to make up for the shrinking population in white countries, it's obvious that they don't care about saving the environment, they just want to get rid of whites. Whites, as a group, are the only people who give a damn about the environment, animal welfare, pollution, etc. so if they really cared about protecting the environment, why would they try to eliminate whites and replace them with people who don't give two shits about the spotted owl or an endangered guppy?

>Animal welfare, there's a good one; what's your stance on that?

We have a responsibility to be good stewards to nature and animals. National Socialist Germany passed some of the first animal rights laws in existence. Animals exist to serve us; you won't see eco-fascists throwing blood on scientists doing animal testing, screeching at people for wearing leather or fur, or shouting 'meat is murder!' That's what animals are there for. Humans are part of nature too. Nobody cries when a lion eats a gazelle, why should you shed a tear when somebody eats a hamburger or puts on a leather jacket? This is not to say we should be heartless and exploitative toward animals. We should be responsible and limit suffering. Factory farming of chickens is grotesque and inhumane, for example. Animals raised for meat, leather, milk, fur, or other products (insulin, mink oil, etc.) should be healthy, happy, and well cared for, if only to produce a superior product for human consumption and use.

Would you prefer to eat a chicken that is large, healthy, and lean, raised on a natural diet, and allowed to roam freely within the farm, or a chicken that's been raised in such cramped conditions its bones are misshapen, it can't get any exercise, it's fed an unhealthy, unnatural diet, and it has to be pumped full of antibiotics because it's trapped in its own filth? Would you prefer to drink milk from a cow raised on natural feed, able to move freely and exercise, and kept healthy and happy, or would you prefer milk from a cow that is trapped in a tiny pen, constantly stressed, pumped full of hormones to produce more milk than is natural, and again full of antibiotics because it lives in its own filth? Beyond the simply pragmatic concerns for how animal welfare affects us, we do have a responsibility not to abuse animals simply because it is the humane thing to do. Beating your dog is immoral and reprehensible. But we mustn't become so concerned with animal welfare that it blinds us to human welfare. Saying it is wrong for us to eat animals or use animal products is like saying it's wrong for an anteater to eat a nest full of termites.

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834354  No.97639

File: 657df5eda12f256⋯.jpg (391.18 KB, 1080x1393, 1080:1393, 1555289890635.jpg)

File: c4feda618714ab2⋯.jpg (80.34 KB, 718x885, 718:885, 1567432236107.jpg)

File: 5797ca9f606ab5e⋯.jpg (196.33 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1568223348912.jpg)

File: f43805eade71864⋯.gif (3.44 MB, 670x607, 670:607, 1545678146060.gif)

File: f1ab1be366a2888⋯.jpg (137.15 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 1573320241922.jpg)

>So I assume you're against veganism?

Absolutely. Vegan diets are unhealthy, and even with massive amounts of artificial supplements result in people who are physically weak, mentally deficient, and suffering hormonal imbalances and digestive problems. Children raised on vegan diets are dying on a regular basis. Humans are omnivores. If you want to be a vegetarian because of health concerns or because you personally find it immoral to consume animals, that's fine. Hitler was both concerned with health and animal welfare, and mostly stuck to a vegetarian diet, only eating meat on special occasions. He never attempted to push his diet on others, allowing them to make their own decisions. Veganism is, once again, putting the welfare of animals over the welfare of humans, and the children of vegans are dying and suffering the permanent effects of malnutrition, such as brain damage and stunted growth, as a result. Whether you choose to be a vegetarian, eat a paleo diet, or subsist solely on beef and brocolli is your choice. What eco-fascists are against is unnatural diets of processed foods, poisoned with harmful chemicals and additives. High-fructose corn syrup is in literally everything now, we're replacing meat with seaweed and tofu, we're putting soy and other products known to produce female hormones in males (again, harming male reproductive health just like the plastics), making a pink slurry and selling it as meat, and putting GMO products, plastics, petroleum products, metals, hormones, antibiotics, etc. in our food as a means of cutting costs, easing production, and enriching greedy bastards (ask yourself why corn products are in every food item we eat/drink, and why ethanol is in our gasoline now). You can eat whatever sort of diet you want, we just want the food available to you to be healthy, natural, and nutritious. We can solve a lot of our health problems, such as obesity, hormone imbalance, malnutrition, etc. by making sure our food is natural and safe.

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834354  No.97641

File: e2739ed9fcc68ce⋯.png (2.46 MB, 938x4167, 938:4167, 1383428297582.png)

File: d8c82ffb8144a87⋯.gif (133.18 KB, 944x687, 944:687, 1383428357431.gif)

File: e4ef7d77e004bab⋯.png (604.04 KB, 1457x1826, 1457:1826, 1569627087809.png)

File: 33535c1cb9a260a⋯.jpg (12.97 KB, 273x185, 273:185, 1569627036960.jpg)

File: bc0ac6ca2fbde92⋯.jpg (91.22 KB, 496x480, 31:30, 1569627384053.jpg)

>What about renewable energy?

There's nothing wrong with burning coal or petroleum as a fuel, so long as it's done responsibly. Hydroelectric dams are good, but you can only put them in so many places. Wind turbines only work in certain areas, and only when there's enough wind to turn the turbines, but not so much wind that it can damage them, and they kill millions of birds and bats a year flying into the blades of the turbines. Wind simply isn't a viable option in terms of efficiency. Solar is good; putting solar panels on houses would dramatically decrease energy consumption from power plants, and they now make solar panels that double as windows, allowing you to put them on skyscrapers and office buildings to make them much more energy efficient, but photovoltaic cells require rare earth elements. Rare earth elements are common, but rarified; instead of being located in one spot that you can mine, like iron or uranium, they're spread out very thin over large areas. China is the main producer of solar panels and other products using rare earth elements because they don't give a shit about the environment and are willing to strip mine in order to harvest enough rare earth elements to be economically viable. Solar also only works during the day when it's sunny; at night, when it's overcast or raining, etc. solar isn't viable. It also doesn't last very long; many solar panels die after ten years, and the majority die after twenty years, so even if you're recycling solar panels to make new ones, solar is only a supplement to power plants and not a replacement. Electric cars have the same problems with their reliance of rare earth elements and heavy metals for their batteries and the short service life of those batteries. Nuclear power is excellent, very clean and long-lived, but you run the risk of a major environmental disaster such as Chernobyl or Fukushima if there's a meltdown or disaster (earthquake, tsunami, hurricane, terrorist bombing, etc.), and the radioactive waste they produce is a problem for thousands of years. Thanks to laws passed by hippies in an attempt to block nuclear power, we're not allowed to recycle nuclear waste, so it keeps building up and has to be disposed of somehow. So after spending billions building a storage facility to prevent nuclear waste from leaking into the environment, they then block us from storing it there, again in an attempt to kill off nuclear power. Meanwhile, the waste continues to build up. Thorium power is the best option; it's just as powerful as uranium nuclear power plants, but the fuel is cheaper (uranium is rarer than gold, thorium is as common as lead), the power plants are safer (if you crack one open with an earthquake, the reaction shuts down as soon as you stop feeding it, so there's no more radiation and no disaster), nuclear waste can be fed into thorium plants and converted into safer materials with a dangerous period of only decades rather than centuries or millenia, and because it doesn't require the huge amounts of radiation shielding and cooling systems that a conventional nuclear power plant requires, thorium reactors can theoretically be scaled down to fit inside of aircraft and cars. Imagine a car you only need to refuel once a century, produces zero emissions, and you can plug your house into it if there's a power outage.

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834354  No.97644

File: 412dc7fe1c4995a⋯.jpg (98.25 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 1569001843152.jpg)

File: b40801c5a8b9aa3⋯.jpg (106.17 KB, 1080x699, 360:233, 1572725262047.jpg)

File: 289d4ff5edf4a0e⋯.png (184.75 KB, 424x495, 424:495, 1567278776712.png)

File: 6590aba1510d45a⋯.png (97.09 KB, 1787x921, 1787:921, 1567279349782.png)

File: da3e290cc51f879⋯.jpg (1.81 MB, 950x4969, 950:4969, 1385084601206.jpg)

>Wow, so you're not against technology or industry, you just want it to be responsible and beneficial?

Precisely. Technology is what elevates us above the animals; when technology benefits us, we should promote it. When technology stands to harm us, we need to slow down and study the effects and alternatives before adopting something en masse just because it's new and 'better'. We know our cell phones are giving us cancer, and there's a huge amount of controversy around 5G and RF emissions, but we're proceeding anyway. We should continue to study and experiment on a small scale until we fully understand the consequences that a new technology will have on us and the environment, and only approve widespread adoption when it's proven to be more beneficial than harmful. We also need to be wary of the sociological effects of a technology; look at how widespread use of smartphones has affected people. They have short attention spans, are constantly distracted, and socially isolated, spending all their time glued to their phones instead of interacting with people sitting right next to them. Again, we must study the consequences of a new technology to be sure it won't impact us negatively rather than simply jump onboard with something because it's 'better' than what we currently have.

>So are you in favor of space exploration?

Absolutely. Building space colonies such as the O'Neill Island 3 gives us another option for dealing with overpopulation and food shortages, since each individual colony could house a population of millions and produce food in a perfect environment. Not only could we move excess populations into space once we did start to outgrow our planet (which, again, can support a much larger population than it has today), it would also give us access to other resources. The smallest near-earth asteroid has an estimated $500,000,000,000 worth of iron, more platinum than the entire planet mines in a year, and other resources such as silicon, gold, uranium, tungsten, etc. There are millions of asteroids, and some of them are the size of entire countries. If we started mining asteroids for resources, we could stop mining for metals on Earth, reducing environmental damage. Moving industry into space would reduce pollutants in our air and water. The moon has helium-3, a necessary ingredient for nuclear fusion, another viable means of clean, efficient energy. Satellites in orbit can absorb solar energy and beam it down to Earth in the form of microwaves. There's an entire moon covered in hydrocarbons we could use to make (safe) plastics or burn as fuel, without doing it on Earth. Terraforming planets like Mars and Venus to make them habitable for humans will teach us more about our own planet and its ecosystem. It also gets our eggs out of one basket; right now, humanity could be wiped out by a meteor, an ice age triggered by volcanic activity or solar cycles, a plague (which can spread globally in short order thanks to aircraft and ships, and mass third-world immigration, legal or otherwise), nuclear war, etc. If we move into colonies in space and begin terraforming other worlds, it spreads us out and gives us a better chance of surviving and recovering from any sort of disaster, natural or unnatural, that may befall us. So yes, we're absolutely in favor of space exploration and development.

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834354  No.97648

File: 0d3298e0969090e⋯.png (170 KB, 417x750, 139:250, 0d3298e0969090e5485adaf915….png)

File: 7e91081b47bedf7⋯.png (517.09 KB, 1000x1413, 1000:1413, ecofascism.png)

File: f275801eab09b3e⋯.png (321.08 KB, 1081x658, 23:14, 1567530361392.png)

File: c33e1d78de93515⋯.jpg (118.96 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 1557543311503.jpg)

File: 8503102c880d7b6⋯.png (3.52 MB, 2065x1548, 2065:1548, 1557548638231.png)

>What else are eco-fascists in favor of?

I could write an entire book on the subject, but time and space are limited, so I'll give you a short answer. We favor traditionalism, family, self-sufficiency, responsibility, and love for one's people. We reject harmful ideologies such as feminism, the transgender movement and homosexual agenda, communism, socialism, exploitative crony capitalism, multiculturalism, and all other philosophies and trends that are destroying the fabric of society and bringing harm to our race, our nations, our cultures, and our planet.

>Where can I find out more?

Why don't you stick around? I'm sure others will be happy to help.

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834354  No.97651

File: dde429cdf7a9fbf⋯.jpg (1 MB, 1216x2162, 608:1081, 1557530116024.jpg)

File: 910f492c5c3c947⋯.jpg (5.01 MB, 3500x1969, 3500:1969, 1575444346303.jpg)

File: 0cb806b24e4e056⋯.jpg (55.49 KB, 585x580, 117:116, 1573326674249.jpg)

File: 7f411a1ebb89647⋯.jpg (66.83 KB, 800x574, 400:287, 7f411a1ebb89647b178c34c414….jpg)

File: 66e42357815bce3⋯.jpg (221.25 KB, 826x1210, 413:605, 66e42357815bce375d59b37fb2….jpg)

>Did you know that 50 years ago, the average male had double the testosterone of today?


>People with higher testosterone and physical fitness are more conservative and hold more right-wing beliefs:



>New research indicates that more than half of all Danish boys develop breasts during puberty. This is a source of worry and embarrassment for many of them.


>Sperm counts in the West plunge by 60% in 40 years as ‘modern life’ damages men’s health

>Pesticides, hormone-disrupting chemicals, diet, stress, smoking and obesity have all been suggested as possible reasons behind the dramatic declines but experts say more research is urgently needed


>Study Finds Almost All Drinking Water Is Contaminated With Plastic

>Researchers find that 94 percent of U.S. drinking water is contaminated with microplastics.


>How Chemicals in Plastic Lower Testosterone

>A new study links certain toxins with low levels of the sex hormone


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834354  No.97653

File: c1b2c7589f5ca24⋯.jpg (344.1 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, 1539953808764.jpg)

File: 496ef644d5643a4⋯.jpg (53.71 KB, 1203x651, 401:217, 13975357_742282608545_5628….jpg)

File: 64486c74c2d3793⋯.jpg (365.02 KB, 1280x1098, 640:549, 1467176485939.jpg)

File: 905251e85a09e9f⋯.jpg (231.93 KB, 680x1000, 17:25, 1546033912593.jpg)

File: 828f1910f7466f0⋯.jpg (193.42 KB, 1024x1020, 256:255, 1567142165780.jpg)

>So what are they poisoning us with that they aren't poisoning the shitskins with?



>Sperm count in men from North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand declined by 50-60% between 1973 and 2011

>Most men in the US and Europe could be infertile by 2060

>Surprisingly, the study, which analysed data on the sperm counts of 42,935 men, found no decline in sperm counts in men from Asia, Africa and South America

>Almost all plastic in the ocean comes from just 10 rivers


>All located in China, India, or Africa

>Men's penises are half-an-inch SMALLER if they are exposed to high levels of chemicals in non-stick frying pans and fast food packaging while in the womb, study finds


>Study PROVES Chemicals In Shampoo and Toothpaste Are Altering Sex Hormones


>Long-term exposure to low frequency EMF significantly decreased the diameter of the seminiferous tubules and increased number of seminiferous tubules per unit area of testes. In addition, low frequency EMF significantly reduced sperm motility and testosterone levels. However, it had no effect on the weight and size of testes, sperm concentration, and viability.


>GMO Corn Now a Contraceptive that Attacks Sperm


>Men's fertility irreversibly damaged by age of 18 thanks to Western junk food diet, study finds


Clean up the environment. Quit poisoning the food, water, air, etc. It's killing us and allowing the shitskins to invade and take over.

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834354  No.97657

File: b7a287d6a95e1e6⋯.jpg (99.11 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 1567642982499.jpg)

File: 34dde307d2a4554⋯.png (728.25 KB, 752x582, 376:291, 1568896068682.png)

File: 5aa2e14e68bd296⋯.jpg (70.14 KB, 640x558, 320:279, 1585355443301.jpg)

File: 9bf30196197a10a⋯.jpg (78.08 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 1539887649502.jpg)

File: ac690f2eccafea8⋯.png (1.02 MB, 908x778, 454:389, 1585354714868.png)

Leftwing environmentalism is framed within the anti-white narrative. It attacks Western industry, seeks to transfer wealth from whites to shitskins and Jews, attacks our birth rates by telling us not to reproduce, and then immediately turns around and tells us we have to import millions of niggers, Arabs, Chinks, spics, etc. who pollute on a much more massive scale than we do, but somehow they're exempt from being attacked in the name of environmentalism because they're "developing".

Eco-fascism is framed in the healthy narrative of loving your people and nature, wanting your children to grow up in a safe, clean environment free of pollution, free of violent invaders, and free of hate directed at them by Jews.

Leftwing environmentalism is inherently negative; it portrays humanity in general and whites in particular as evil, an unnatural abomination that is destroying the earth, and nature would be better off if humans all went extinct. Eco-fascism is inherently positive.

Which would you prefer, hate-filled commies telling you to eat bugs and let ten million niggers into your country while taxing you at 90% 'to stop global warming', or eco-fascists looking to make life better for everyone?

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834354  No.98277

File: 78daf2ab2150417⋯.jpg (100.32 KB, 708x935, 708:935, 1565240610167.jpg)

File: 9f475864e486b60⋯.jpg (283.6 KB, 949x891, 949:891, 1574960276641.jpg)

File: e726cacbbc5b9d7⋯.png (168.9 KB, 766x447, 766:447, 1574656538486.png)

File: 8062e1d832fee62⋯.jpg (48.46 KB, 419x464, 419:464, 1566306949292.jpg)

File: b80d49d61a920d3⋯.jpg (2.12 MB, 2732x2028, 683:507, 1585354016233.jpg)

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834354  No.98473

File: b4a1461106a92d0⋯.jpg (181.94 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 3f660ccc388fe8c218ffcde565….jpg)

No one cares to discuss eco-fascism?

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873ba2  No.98475

File: ff00ed3527b67de⋯.png (478.88 KB, 1149x565, 1149:565, checklist.png)


I don't think anyone disagrees with what you posted, but they may also have nothing to add.

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39e21e  No.98477

File: 47692c33a69aaf8⋯.png (269.55 KB, 1568x750, 784:375, dehumanize_yourself_and_fa….png)


finally its back

not much to discuss for me yet except to say that the ideas of eco-fascism has pushed me in a new direction, two years ago i lived in a metropolitan hive of scum and villany, i now live comfortably on the countryside with seeds in the ground, waiting to sprout. this place lost so many of the old posters and many are probably lurking around before digging in. i know i am one of them.

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25e61f  No.98670

Eco-Fascism is based

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834354  No.98781

File: 81b68b54d0c711e⋯.jpg (176.23 KB, 867x743, 867:743, 1557544188323.jpg)

File: 81e8b29f95f455b⋯.jpg (3.34 MB, 3240x4320, 3:4, 1557547834969.jpg)

File: d06c6c950c835e6⋯.jpg (129.18 KB, 1024x640, 8:5, 1561206162867.jpg)


Well then, let's discuss ways we can practice and promote eco-fascism.

I, for example, have turned my entire back yard into a vegetable and herb garden, and have started a grove of fruit trees. I also successfully got my town to rally around a campaign blocking construction of some Jewified shopping center in what used to be farmland and is now meadows full of deer and wooded areas.

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5d3807  No.99155


>Leftists think humans are separate from nature

That's Abrahamism for you: nature is not divine, so they say. If human souls are divine, they cannot be part of nature, which they see as gross and broken, wanting it destroyed.

Leftists, devoid of faith as they are, are a new version of this wherein, this time, it is humans who have to be removed. Or more precisely CIS white heterosexuals that defend the evil patriarchy.

>Only humans are capable of appreciating the serene beauty of a forest, and without humans, there is no point in preserving that beauty.

But do you believe in ETs or "entities"?

And do you believe that colored people are human?

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afb75d  No.99967

File: 34a29c5389e4739⋯.jpg (104.99 KB, 875x960, 175:192, man_as_a_rising_beast.jpg)


Underrated post.

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fd0ad5  No.100094

File: e69e2c909864602⋯.png (4.2 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1575330305218.png)

>Tracing the link between natural food and the Nazis


>tries to smear anyone against processed foods, wanting to eat naturally and healthily, etc. as being a Nazi

>proceeds to demonstrate how the Nazis were right on several levels

Oy vey.

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2d496e  No.100119

OP this is a great thread. Thanks for making it, but I have a few questions.

>Is there really any difference between ecofascism and other fascist/third position ideologies? Wouldn't they all be in support of preserving the environment?

>Would Kaczynski be an ecofascist?

>Where can I read ecofascist literature like Linkola? What were some of his views?


Nice post

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e8fed8  No.100120

This is actually pretty Jewish. The real take is the Nazi worldview. Humans are a part of Nature, a world that has value outside of human beings. Not everything is about humans, and in fact most humans are not even good. They'd be better off dead with millions of healthy, eugenic, beautiful animals living there instead.

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834354  No.100337

File: d79b4cb0f251c08⋯.jpg (94.24 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 1571838298730.jpg)


>That's Abrahamism for you

No, it's Judaism. Christianity teaches that we are to be stewards to nature, to be responsible and dutiful in tending to it. It also teaches us to be fruitful and multiply, and the only groups of whites who are currently reproducing at replacement level or above are members of Christian groups (Amish, "quiver-full" movement, etc.) and the Mormons.

Granted, the Jews have successfully infiltrated and cucked pretty much every major sect of Christianity in the last couple decades. Which is why we need to encourage and promote the smaller, more traditional, sects that haven't ben bluepilled.

Sadly, pagans are just as cucked and infiltrated with Jewish thought. Even the ones who aren't, well… Hitler dismissed them as a bunch of LARPers who put on animal skins and pretended to worship Odin, but none of them actually did it because the actual religion has been dead for centuries. Hitler only used them inasmuch as they were useful to his ends, and rolled his eyes at them otherwise.

>do you believe in ayy lmao's?

No. I'm open to the existence of life elsewhere in the universe, but do not believe we've encountered it yet.

>are colored people human?

No. Neanderthals are more closely related to Europeans than niggers are, and yet Neanderthals are considered a separate species and niggers are not.


>is there a difference between ecofascism and regular fascism?

Yes. Eco-fascism is fascism applied to the natural environment. Fascism itself is not necessarily concerned with the environment. National Socialist Germany, for example, practiced eco-fascism while Fascist Italy did not.

All squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares.

>would kaczynski be ecofascist?

I haven't read his works yet, but possibly. He certainly had an excellent grasp of the leftist mind and despised it.

>where can I find ecofascist literature?

Archive.org, for one thing. I'm not going to pretend my views of eco-fascism are the official ones. I'm an eco-fascist, and I'm expounding on my approach to ec-fascism, not somebody else's. I'm in favor of a human-centric world view (meaning whites), believe we should be responsible toward nature and nurture it as much as possible, but not at the expense of ourselves, we should do everything we can to promote health and cleanliness in our physical and spiritual lives, and we should responsibly develop technology to better care for ourselves and the environment we live in.

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834354  No.100347

File: 35acbf4d2166024⋯.jpg (172.8 KB, 800x1280, 5:8, 1587643279144.jpg)

File: 90f84a26e7dc96a⋯.png (451.63 KB, 1120x697, 1120:697, 1527524518551.png)

File: 0016360019bbc6c⋯.jpg (171.02 KB, 911x675, 911:675, 0016360019bbc6cd779ee3d075….jpg)

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File: 4221ee4b2afde91⋯.jpg (54.26 KB, 400x500, 4:5, 1578882437098.jpg)

4/pol/ found one of the Nazi physical fitness manuals that was burned and thought lost, and through community effort, translated it into English.


Naturally, in addition to environmentalism, self-sufficiency, and healthy, natural food, eco-fascists are in favor of other health initiatives, such as proper exercise.


>Himmler would compensate for the lack of proper tactical and strategic training with ensuring his men were at their physical peak and also completely ideologically indoctrinated. Himmler would make physical training one of the most important parts of the Waffen SS’ training and ensured the various sports such as boxing, running track and field, rowing, and others were integrated throughout the day, creating not only fit and healthy troops but also building the camaraderie within the Waffen SS.

>As a training manual of the Waffen SS cited by Bernd Wegner states, “Sport arouses belligerence, hardens the will, promotes self-discipline, and therefore promotes the training of the SS man to the level of a combat-effective fighter. Sport forces on to accept subordination, and strengthens the cohesion and esprit de corps of the troops. In addition, it should also afford the SS man relaxation and rest; and give him pleasure.” This shows that Himmler understood the importance of balance when training his men and ensured that they not only enjoyed the training but would also find it as a release from the indoctrination they would undertake, similar to that of students going to the gym or playing sports to relieve stress. Steiner, a leading officer within the Waffen SS and commander of the Deutschland Division expressed his views on the sport oriented training of the Waffen SS as follows regarding the troops under his command, “[they are] a disciplined sport type, of supple physical stature and mentally concentrated on performance”. He took pride in his men’s physical ability to carry out extremely mobile shock assault actions while maintaining full combat effectiveness.


>I managed to find a copy of a US Army document from 1942. Written by the War Department's Military Intelligence Service, this document was published in Septempber of 1942 and it is titled "German Military Training."

>It's a PDF and will not let me copy/paste, but it details in the first few pages that the entire Nazi regime worked within the culture to create a society that already had training. At 10 boys would begin participating in programs through the Jung Volk (Young Folk) that taught many of the values and principles deemed important for future German soldiers, such as loyalty and strength. At age 14 they would then move to the Hitler Jugend (Hitler Youth) were they would get a taste of the military. In addition to being taught a military mindset, students in the Hitler Jugend were taught military tactics and regularly took part in training missions and mock combat. At this point in the paper it has a few paragraphs from a pre-war American observer who was allowed to study the training of Hitler Jugend. The observer explains that a 16 old boy was able to command a force of 30 other teenagers in military like operations on par with an experienced American officer and this troop of boys between the ages of 14 and 16 practiced military precision that mirrors that of regular soldiers. There are several statistics given that state that over the course of one year, 6 million teenagers participated in sporting events, and that each year 135,000 youths were taught aviation, 295,000 youths were taught military vehicle operations and mechanics across 1,300 shops, 78,000 youths were taught naval operations each year, there were 30,000 outstanding marksman and the Hitler Yugend had its own rifle school and was regularly supplied with military grade firearms. In addition, there were 3,540 outdoor camps held each year in which youth would participate.

>At this point it is very clear that by the time a man was even old enough to fight, he was already very experienced in orienteering, survival, military order, weapon use, and combat scenarios. It is no wonder then that Nazi Germany had one of the finest armies in human history.

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834354  No.100351

File: 4f00c6f55aeee72⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.6 MB, 1162x728, 83:52, 4f00c6f55aeee7290e79af44f8….png)

File: a74224ad01413b0⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 60.54 KB, 500x315, 100:63, nakednazis2.jpg)

File: cea02a27c08ebaa⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 147.7 KB, 850x566, 425:283, nakednazis3.jpg)


Tying into the Nazi emulating Greek and Roman attitudes toward body image and physical fitness:

>Nudism in Nazi Germany: Indecent Behaviour or Physical Culture for the Well-being of the Nation


>Naked Nazis: Book reveals extent of the Third Reich's body worship


TL;DR: The Nazis initially banned the nudist movement when they rose to power, fearing degeneracy and Weimar sexuality. Once they'd looked into the nudist movement more closely, it was openly embraced by the Nazi movement, especially the SS, as something healthy and spiritual, bringing people closer to nature. The Nazis printed hundreds of photo books showing men, women, and children exercising in the nude, relaxing or working in rural areas while nude, etc. They had massive nude gymnastics routines at the Nuremberg rally grounds.

You can still find Nazi nudist photobooks floating around on ebay; for obvious reasons, Jewish sellers really love the ones that focus on BDM (League of German Girls) members exercising and playing in the nude. These photo books, as with other nudist/naturalist photo books, are legal and don't count as child pornography because they document the nudist lifestyle.

PLEASE DO NOT POST ANY MORE PHOTOS OF NAKED NAZIS IN THIS THREAD. We can discuss nudism in relation to the natural, healthy lifestyle promoted by eco-fascism, but I don't want this thread devolving into a bunch of nude photos, and I especially do not want photos of nude Hitler Youth being shared. There is too much potential for abuse or things spiraling out of control.

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834354  No.100352


Also mods, please feel free to delete the above post if you feel it violates 8kun standards.

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834354  No.100358

File: a49cae9578d8142⋯.png (36.66 KB, 1156x904, 289:226, 4e8f4769d9d62c4896c6e0a790….png)

File: 373d6226fa4d784⋯.jpg (52.33 KB, 500x707, 500:707, 1568436460004.jpg)

File: dbec7a3576f912c⋯.jpg (108.74 KB, 724x1024, 181:256, strong_horse.jpg)

File: 089688e188150df⋯.jpg (75.61 KB, 461x580, 461:580, wewelsbergcastle.jpg)


Continuing with physical health and fitness, I personally believe in eugenics. Those who are severely defective (Down syndrome, severe autism, dwarfism, etc.) should be sterilized to prevent spreading their defects to others. Those identified as having excellent genes should be encouraged to breed more, selecting for high intelligence and physical fitness. Dolph Lundgren, for example, is very tall, exceptionally physically fit, has an IQ of 130, and multiple degrees in chemical engineering. He also speaks several languages and is pure-bred Nordic. Dolph would have been poster material for the Waffen SS.

Genetic engineering, used to eliminate harmful genes (bad eyesight, diabetes, certain cancers, etc.) and increase the spread of good genes (strong immune system, high intelligence, efficient metabolism, etc.) within the gene pool. Once the majority of the population carries genes for turning us into geniuses with the bodies of Olympians, we'll be sitting pretty good.

The problem, of course, is that genetic engineering is still in its infancy and we're still learning how genes interact with each other. There's also the issue of how GMO products have either turned out defective by accident (GMO wheat that makes people with no gluten sensitivity suddenly become unable to eat gluten), or by deliberate actions (corn that makes men sterile).

Thus, before making any forays into genetic engineering of the population, we should stick to traditional selective breeding and sterilization of defective members of society, and gradually work the kinks out of the technology.

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