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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The holocaust never happened

File: 2d4ebd94dc01ce5⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 3.44 MB, 3040x2240, 19:14, jew_exploiting_young_woman.png)

38dd23  No.97602

How do we stop the Jews from turning beautiful young women like this from turning into porn whores? Pic related could have had a caring husband and a wonderful life. Instead she threw it all away for this? Why do beautiful women do this to themselves?

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000000  No.97611

You have to enslave women and kill all white knights/cucks/beta numales first.

Jews use women's NATURE to push them to do this faster. But all women will do this regardless of any jews, as it is their very nature.

Women must be either enslaved by men again, or replaced by artificial wombs.

There is not a single woman in the whole world who will chose a good life and a good husband over being a whore for as long as her beauty lasts. Even the ugly ones will whore out to numales for resources and attention. It is the very nature of all women.

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07cf32  No.97616

vote for donald trump again and support more privitization.

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8a0619  No.97621

have a daughter and don't molest her

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5deffd  No.97622


Eat more bats.

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b9089e  No.97632


>Torposting is back. Brace for spam ; )

No kidding.

You wanna know how I know you are a nigger?

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b9089e  No.97633


You could encourage the jew to eat more balls as well. Balls and bats, both will work.

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29244d  No.97661


Good answer. Won't account for all cases though.

More realistically, swap the profit incentives around. Take a look at the lockdowns and the effect they have had on self-production and webcamming right now for example.

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10085e  No.97676


>Love Ed Powers

He's another member of the tribe. Real name is Mark Krinsky.

A lot of people don't realize that, aside from being a porographic rab, Goldstein's "Screw" was also the publication that popularized the term of "Homophobia" as a tool for the normalization of sodomy. The concept was the brainchild of his co-racialist (of course) George Weinberg. Prior to that, "homophobia" was a fear of being wrongly perceived as gay, similarly to how "Judeo-Christian" used to refer to jews who became Christians, not the non-existent "Judeo-Christian tradition".

That disgusting kike was just the gift that kept on giving.

>The concept of homophobia came to him in 1965, around the time he gave an invited speech, titled “The Dangers of Psychoanalysis,” at the September conference of East Coast Homophile Organizations (ECHO). As he reflected on his professional colleagues’ and heterosexual friends’ strongly negative personal reactions to being around a homosexual in nonclinical settings “it came to me with utter clarity that this was a phobia.” Preparing the speech, he later said, “set me to thinking about ‘What’s wrong with those people?’“

>During a 1998 interview, he told me “I found that no matter who they met or how they reacted, I could not get them to accept homosexuals in any way, and that none of them had any homosexual friends.” It occurred to him that these reactions could be described as a phobia.

>Weinberg’s circle of gay friends at the time included Jack Nichols and Lige Clarke, the activists who first used homophobia in print. They wrote a weekly column, “The Homosexual Citizen,” for Screw magazine. Screw, described by one historian as a “raunchy sex tabloid,” was published in New York by Al Goldstein, and had a circulation of approximately 150,000 by mid-1969. “The Homosexual Citizen” was a first: a regular feature directed at gay readers in a widely circulated, decidedly heterosexual publication. Goldstein gave Nichols and Clarke control over the content of their columns but he composed the headlines.

>Drawing from their conversations with Weinberg, Nichols and Clarke wrote about homophobia in their May 23, 1969 column, to which Goldstein assigned the headline “He-Man Horse Shit.” They used homophobia to refer to heterosexuals’ fears that others might believe they are homosexual. Such fear, they wrote, limited men’s experiences by declaring off limits such “sissified” things as poetry, art, movement, and touching. Although the Screw column appears to have been the first time homophobia appeared in print, Nichols always credited Weinberg with originating the term.

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38dd23  No.97740


What kind of father must you have been to raise a daughter like this?

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38dd23  No.97752


How do these old fuck convince these girls to screw them? When most guys can't even land a date with a girl who look like pic rated.

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7c92ef  No.97877


money. go on tinder try to get dates. most likely, you wont be able to, unless you are really handsome or settle for shit tier women. now try offering the same women fiancial incentive on your tinder page for sexual favors, do it vaguely tho so you dont get banned. you will get a huge amount of hot matches. you give your average college student girl 200-300$ and she will let you fuck her in the ass, when otherwise she wouldnt even talk to you. im not even joking, thats how shitty this world is.

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