973e60 No.97471
My professor is a muslim lady who teaches an ethics class. The class has a heavy influence of pro-globalization and pro-communist ideas, and a passing grade is required to graduate.
This is the abstract and outline of my semester essay:
The onset of a fully globalized and interconnected world has never been closer, and if it happens, it will be the first time in recorded human history. While achieving a fully interconnected world is possible, it likely will not be possible without restructuring the banking system of the entire planet. Almost every country has a different currency, and that must change for a fully globalized world. Therefore, the significance of banking systems and their currencies, as the world globalizes, cannot be understated. This research paper aims to understand what banking systems have been used in the past, and why they failed. These failed systems will be compared to the systems that are being used throughout the world today, and the effects of these systems, both past and present, will be analyzed with respect to the overall wellbeing of their respective societies. The ethics surrounding the enforcement of these systems, along with the ethics of the causal effects these systems have on their respective populations will be recognized. While banking systems currently differ, that may soon change due to the globalizing world. This paper will analyze the ethics of present and past banking systems in order to distinguish the most ethical globalized banking system.
1) Introduction
a) Objective: This section will ensure the reader understands the differences between currency, money, and labor.
i) Past currencies
ii) Who creates currency
iii) Why does currency have value
2) Types of banking systems
a) Objective: to establish the evolutionary history of currency with respect to the happiness and ethical treatment of the population.
i) Coco nibs to fiat
ii) Why banks are important: Public vs Private.
iii) Interest rates, loans, FDIC, Capital
iv) Past banking systems and the effects these had on the poorest, minority, most common, and wealthiest.
v) Slaves, Serfs, indentured servants, and debt slaves.
3) The Federal Reserve, IMF, and other national banking systems
a) Objective : This section will distinguish the creation of the federal reserve and how it is unique compared to past currencies.
i) Constitutional amendment, Titanic, JFK, FDR, John Adams, civil war, revolutionary war
ii) Quantitative easing, Interest rates, income tax and their effects on the economy. Similarities to past systems.
iii) National debt vs Global debt
iv) Petro-dollar, enforcement, oil wars, maintaining control, bubbles
4) Conclusions
a) Objective: This section will summarize the most pressing ethical issues involving centralized banking today, and how the consolidation of different banks into one unified bank could lead to exacerbation or mitigation of these issues.
i) Steps to ensure it cannot be abused as others in the past
ii) Steps that would ensure unethical abuse of the population
iii) What you can do to ensure you are not treated unethically by centralized banking
5) References: hacker 4/8/16/nein chan
I want this essay to make my professor feel hatred towards jews. Any ideas? I have a bunch but you can tell my writing is shit and I don't think "jews are satanic vampires and Hitler was a really great guy" will be easily cited.
Pictures are encourage and required for the report.
←-Here is an example of a book that I will be citing.
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3fbca7 No.97482
You want the truth or you want a passing grade?
The problem is a multinational globalization. Globalization would be fine if we were all a nation, since then we could trust one another to have each others' interests at heart. Hence a country like the UK would have student grants when they are a reasonably homogeneous nation, but this becomes student LOANS when it's a mishmash of various peoples, because no one gives a shit about "the whole" any more, and no one expects that the individual will be a benefit to "the whole". It's about care. We have a jewed world in which the dominant moneyed jew arranges matters to their own benefit. And which does not care about you or your people, but rather invents a fake liberalism which is really fascistic for their own benefit. True liberalism would be wonderful, but can only exist in the presence of a clearly national structure
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973e60 No.97490
I don't give a shit about the grade, I want incremental steps that lead her to identifying the problem as being jews, without it being too obvious.
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973e60 No.97492
>True liberalism would be wonderful, but can only exist in the presence of a clearly national structure.
>invents a fake liberalism which is really fascistic for their own benefit
This is a great point. I can draw parallels and examples of laws/rules that were marketed to the public as a way to help them, but actually only benefit the select few. Do you have any examples off the top of your head? They own all corporations so I guess anything that squishes small business, but I want to point the finger at a unique jew every time.
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3fbca7 No.97496
how about to focus on the problem of "international finance" which has a particular "nature" of working only for its own benefit. this "problem" unfortunately prevents all the wonderful hope that globalization could offer under different circumstances, and causes people to reject this potentially wonderful thing
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8a4b88 No.97497
A Muslim lady who teaches ‘ethics’?
Common anon, even you can see the irony here, right? Maybe you should write an essay about the ethics of fucking nine year olds or taking people slaves…
Muslim ethics teacher…Bwahahahahaha
Oh, better yet, write an essay on the ethics of using acid attacks on European women in clubs who don’t want to fuck you.
Hey, another one for you, write an essay about using your rape victims body in your Falafel shops meat in the EU…it can be multi purpose ethical investigation into rape, murder and cannibalism. I don’t think you will pass (if you make it graphic enough) but fuck it maybe she will quit because it is just about as funny as fuck that anyone from that religion or who is semitic would have anything to say about ethics at all…it is fucking comedy gold.
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973e60 No.97499
I actually think the irony is deliberate, as if to condition you to ignore the ethics of muslims while critiquing the western world.
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3fbca7 No.97500
Many examples. Such examples are very valuable though and already pre-spiked and would be a trigger to any leftist professor. It should be blindingly obvious that mccain and biden for example represent this form. You could find things Bush did, like no child left behind, that was a fake liberalism which was actually a fascistic move to keep education dumbed down. Most of the examples are race-related, which we can all think of those, but they are very triggering. Abortion is fake liberalism of course. Trannyism is fake liberalism that's actually fascistic. You put me on the spot. I can think of many examples but they've pretty much all been "pre-spiked". Unionization is not fake liberalism. Most newer "liberalism" is fake. It was the republicans who were the globalists for NAFTA, for example that was a Bush 1 bill, pushed through using Clinton. The Brady bill was a Bush 1 bill pushed through using Clinton. On and on and on the examples go. Maybe make it anti-republican in thrust, that should disarm her photon torpedoes
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973e60 No.97502
Ehh, I don't know how effective tying in education or the race examples would be when the topic is currency manipulation and debt enslavement
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3fbca7 No.97504
It's all one picture though. Education is a cost to people. Ordinary Americans can't afford private education or 1 parent off to homeschool because their wages have gone down in real terms relative to boomers, so both need to work to maintain a family where it used to be that only 1 needed to work. That's another example of fake liberalism. This is part of debt enslavement. And it sets up the next generation for further enslavement because they are dumbed down. You have to compare the US education system to other countries. They don't teach children things here until they are 8 or 9 that other countries teach at 5 or 6. And no child left behind was a racial move also because it stopped remedial tyrone from being put in the remedial class where he belongs. It's economics. All the major things of life are dominated. All the big costs. And this is tied to low wages, which are exasperated by the influence of "international finance" in the globalization (immigration)
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3fbca7 No.97511
Currency manipulation and debt enslavement are inextricably linked to wages. You must show a plot of wages and relate this issue to globalization. This is your direct path to showing that while globalization "may remain a lofty goal" (or some such disarming bullshit), the trouble we are having is that capital is dominating the process, as it always does, as was explained to us by Plato. All subversion begins with powerful people. Thus this issue cannot be addressed without getting down to fundamentals of philosophy. Plato told us that any attempt to change the existing order would be subverted by the powerful. All unions become infiltrated. All new movements become infiltrated. To me, this is where my mind naturally goes when considering these things. If you really want to understand it, you have to accept that all these processes are subverted processes, as Plato told us they would be. So if I really gacve a shit about winning over this person, I would focus on "The Subversion of Globalism by International Finance"
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973e60 No.97514
I see the connection now, thanks for explaining it.
Honestly I think I'll look for laws pushed by them and analyze their effects on the population.
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973e60 No.97518
>the subversion of globalism
That was actually a thought I had. Like it is possible to have a fully interconnected world, but (((for some reason))) it has only led to the unethical treatment of the population by centralized finance.
The answer to ethical centralized banking is not to have centralized banking.
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3fbca7 No.97541
Also we can examine countries which do positive things for their people, and which have high social benefits like Norway which earn far more than Americans for the same jobs. Where the government has invested their oil wealth wisely. Or Finland, which has a nuclear bunker space for every Finn in case of emergency, but also uses that space productively during peaceful times. The more homogeneous the population of a country, the more the state does things that are to the benefit of the people. The more (((diverse))) the population, the more they are nothing but a slave population to feed the voracious appetite of capital
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0cd16a No.97555
Your ethics are as good as hers, there is no such thing as universal ethics. Whites have abandoned the ethics specific to them due to universalist Jewish influence, this is why they got subjugated by everyone else who doesn't have such delusions.
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8a4b88 No.97579
I don’t have any ethics because I am not a hypocrite. I just think it is hilarious to see people pretend that they do, especially for something as mutable as ‘religion’. It is such a farce.
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3e4115 No.97646
there are around 4000 placental mammals currently identified by taxonomists
each of these placental mammals has its own menstrual cycle
yet none of these placental mammals have a menstrual cycle like the cycle of the moon
only a human woman has a menstrual cycle that is the same length as the cycle of the moon
this is because god is real and put the moon in the sky as a metaphor for a woman
all the elites and secret societies understand this but never let on because of how crazy it makes them sound despite being the cold hard truth
so now we have evil people tricking men into thinking they are women
those men are not born with the cycle of the moon
it is NOT ETHICAL to claim someone has the cycle of the moon when they do not
trannies are UNETHICAL
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6dcb78 No.97652
>My professor is a muslim lady
>I want this essay to make my professor feel hatred towards jews
she is mudslime so she supposedly hate jews already
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8a4b88 No.97655
The moon is the perfect symbol of trannies. They are variable and not fixed.
They are LUNAtics.
They are never the light but a rather pale shadow of what it means to be heterosexual.
The moon is not a natural body of the Earth just as trannies/homosexuals are not a natural part of Earthly life.
Someday soon trannies will die out. Homosexuals will die out.
The moon will fracture and break apart.
GLOBOHOMO variability will be gone forever as will the symbol that represents them.
The moon.
You know why they call him the ‘man on the moon’, right?
Again, the moon is not female but rather homosexual in nature. A woman’s period is symbolic of the wound that homosexuality brought into the world, It is a reminder for women that GLOBOHOMO, their mortal enemy still lives and breathes in this place and that we have not murdered him and set things right again.
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8a4b88 No.97656
>she is mudslime so she supposedly hate jews already
This is a lie that jews and Arabs (brothers) tell you so that you will be easy to conquer. It is a shell game, nothing more. While you are looking at one, they are using slight of hand to stab you in the back from the other side.
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3fbca7 No.97665
Moon is the reflective feminine principle, sun is the active masculine principle. These are absolute truths set in the heavens for us to see. They can choose to be ignorant though, but it's a choice. And if they were still unsure, the moon is even placed at a perfect location for its size to fit exactly over the sun in a solar eclipse. It could not be clearer. The only remaining question, is why does the designer permit the scum to kill and burn the design.
It's in the language too. It's not even simply something remote. There are elements of the language, the etymology, that are ridiculously high level. The bull → taurus → torus, for example.
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973e60 No.97675
What the fuck does this have to do with centralized banking?
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7bf26d No.97679
>I don't give a shit about the grade
Oh well in that case,
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973e60 No.97681
Absolute gold, this is what I was looking for. Thank you!
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973e60 No.97711
you mean to argentina?
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8a4b88 No.97724
>Moon female
>Sun male
No anon. Earth is female. Sun is masculine. Moon is homosexual (unnatural/variable) not a natural part of our system. Moon is not feminine.
There are many uncorrupted (aka non GLOBOHOMO legends that speak of a time when the moon was not in our sky’s…this was when globohomo was killed on site rather than pandered to). It was only after Tiamat was murdered by Marduk that the moon became trapped in our orbit. Within the verbal history of mankind since ‘the time before the moon’ is remember by aboriginal tribes.
GLOBOHOMO is responsible for all usury and central banking.
Read Occult Theocracy by Edith Starr Miller. We are talking about your OP but on an esoteric level. Or you could read Sumerian Swindle: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (free PDF). You will learn more about the history and invention of the (((banking system))) in the first 100 pages of this book than you will from any other resource I can think of…
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6f1c30 No.97732
OP this is not worth it at all
Whatever your teacher might publicly state, all Muslims already hate Jews. It is built into the Quran. It is one of their main things
Almost like they fit in with us once you get past the brutalism… Almost like importing them might be a good start to creating a mono-goy-race if one wanted to achieve such a thing…
Anyhow, if anything you're just making yourself into a Jew by being dishonest to assist your secret agenda
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973e60 No.97738
You're either new to sliding threads, or you've been drinking. Either way your posts are very transparent. Now hop to another IP and try again.
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8a4b88 No.97744
The Quran was actually written by jews. Mohammed was an illiterate pedophile terrorist, just like his semitic followers. THEY ARE BROTHERS, NOT ENEMIES.
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d784df No.97835
anybody have E Michael Jones' Barren Metal: A History of Capitalism as the Conflict between Labor and Usury?
Its on my other hard drive don't have time to post it but may help OP.
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306839 No.97880
I don't really understand the idea that the Jews are killing Europe. I don't mean I don't understand how that idea forms but I don't understand how naive one needs to be to take it at face value.
The propaganda about Europe is huge and when one sums up propaganda it's almost exclusively about Europe. Negative propaganda about the USA is minimal and normally concentrates on finance/monetary, oil, economic hegemony. There is little real propaganda to do with American militarism and it's attempted domination of the old world… or really the whole world. Propaganda regarding the USA is generally very positive and mainly through all types of media. Just notice how even economic or financial/monetary propaganda generally paints the USA as prepared to weather the storm and eventually they will solve the issues and the stoic survivalist frontier type American will rise like a Phoenix as with the whole mass of Americans. To just end this point, the USA is really painted as essentially the founder of all that is modern, right and good, though in comparison to much of History the USA is a very small blimp and is likely to continue to be. My point in beating this drum has to do with Europe somehow being the enemy of the World of: the Jew, of the Arab, of the Black, of the Asian, of Freedom, of Finance, of History, of the People of the World and of Life. It's not hard to draw the line between that absurdity and the very idealistic political black propaganda that it is. With even a simple reading of a few pre WW2 books it's clear to see the constant revolution that the world is under in our lifetime especially when contrasted to post WW2 reading of history. It think this is likely the domain of the status quo. Lots can be extrapolated from this without arriving at the typical 'it's the Jews.'
For full disclosure I am ethnically an Ashkenazi Jew.
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40e5d3 No.97915
*You're* Jewish? You're Jewish?
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8a4b88 No.97924
America won’t ‘rise’ like anything. You have utterly destroyed it and polluted it with subhuman trash just like you did to Europe. You subhumans really have no FUCKING CLUE what you are saying or doing. You are totally and completely schizo.
You dumb fucks actually think, after all that the Ethnically European people have generously given the entire world, that we are ‘your enemies’ rather than the entire parasitic planet being our enemies via envy, hatred and consuming desire.
Get it through your thick FUCKING HEADS…
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339a18 No.97936
OK what I am about to tell you might seem a bit too much… even something your boomer parents would call a stupid life ruining decision, but here we go:
I studied information science and had courses on deonthology that I liked. I moved on to analytic philosophy and did a paper on speech act theory. Then I got seriously into deconstructionism and all the french mindfuckery. I spent ten years of my life on this. It's all stupid shit for the sake of arguing, what you are setting yourself up to is a life of servitude for GRAY LITTERATURE that is being treated as a god by the academics. Remember that the Jews are the people of the book. Before they invaded Europe with their holy books we followed a much nobler way of life that wasn't dictated by a book. It's called the GERMANIC LAW. Uni is a self perpetuating machine of writing and reading that the parasites leech off of because they are too weak to make it in the real world. Nothing comes of it. Do you really expect that this institution will make you a better person? By the end of it will you really have changed for the better and be ready for a job? All white collar people I've met that just got shat out of the meatgrinder that we call Uni are pathetic mouthbreathers who are emotionally immature. I wasted a decade on that shit, I could have done a robbery instead and taken the time and be better off now. Might even have gotten some proper friends to pull some shit off with.
Get a real fucking TRADE JOB. I have a house, paid off all my debt and I have investments because I fucking work my ass off and I have never felt more powerful.
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5ba3df No.97995
I think you're an idiot. Lol, I seriously can't believe anything you just said, it has no cohesive direction and your thesis doesn't even support your original idea, it just trails off into confusion and job correlative data. You sir a troll or a dumbass.
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ddcd9b No.98044
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ddcd9b No.98046
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000000 No.98098
>using acid attacks on women who don’t want to fuck you
As if that was a bad thing.
As soon as all straight white men start doing this as everyone should, everything will be better for the whole white race.
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000000 No.98102
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8a4b88 No.98243
Because who doesn’t want to fuck one of the remaining and precious beyond measure less than 1% of the global population of fertile European Women when their faces are melted off.
How about you go throw acid on your mother because she won’t fuck you. That seems like a good place for you to start.
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8a4b88 No.98244
I wish this faggot would go back there. That is where ‘it’ belongs.
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a036f1 No.98275
Statistics about how the jews are extremely nationalistic and want to establish a ethnostate, dancing israelis too.
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f70211 No.98358
OP, please let us know hoe this goes
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f70211 No.98359
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306839 No.98657
University for some time has been just business. Sure, there are great people that come out of there and for some professions it's required but even then it's questionable how valuable that path is. But, there are plenty of people that don't paint, cut wood or spread concrete all day that add real value to society. Maybe you should just consider how most of society isn't productive in any way.
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306839 No.98667
Well, Europeans have been generous to the world. There are plenty of historical accounts/legends of all over the world of pale and bearded men imparting the gifts of knowledge and civilization. Also, almost all of these end up with the natives BTFO those same generous people. I mean, if that's not clear enough I don't know what is. There were no Jews in those times. If you think Jews aren't in the same boat you are also mistaken. Although I'm no apologist I do see Jews influenced by propaganda just as non Jews… to think they are attacked and the victim and other non Jews 'don't get it and aren't like us,' or that somehow they are just better - this is really the realm of fools, weak heads and soft hearts.
A short while ago the Japanese Government made it official the natives of Japan – the Ainu. There is something very special about this. The real natives of Japan are no more. The new natives of Japan are of Indo-European origin. How did this happen? Easy, the natives were killed off and mixed with the Ainu and Chinese. The Ainu had somewhat of a similar but less devastating fate… so naturally as survivors most pure they eventually became the natives. The truth is the common Japanese man is more native than the Ainu… or the natives of Taiwan which there are still many of.
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