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File: 8cbe0a34f9cad5e⋯.png (3.66 MB, 3700x2388, 925:597, Hmmmmmmmmm.png)

15787e  No.97403

Link to original post that started this inquiry: https://www.reddit.com/r/maryland/comments/g3niq3/i_simply_cannot_believe_that_people_are/fnstpyl

Reddit user does not link personal info so here it is:

Registrant Name: Michael Murphy

Registrant Organization:

Registrant Street: 106 Stockton Street

Registrant City: Jacksonville

Registrant State/Province: Florida

Registrant Postal Code: 32204

Registrant Country: US

Registrant Phone: +1.9045271042

Registrant Phone Ext:

Registrant Fax:

Registrant Fax Ext:

Registrant Email: lowerpigpen@hotmail.com

Following the train of logic of the reddit poster, I erroneously believed this was the culprit:

Michael C Murhpy, president of the UoF. Previously under fire for getting Donald Trump Jr to speak at the school for $50K


However, a company called Eco-Relics exists with the same address info as the WHOIS info. The owner of which is another Michael Murphy who had himself listed as President and CEO of Murphy Capital LLC in "Asheville NC". Googeling Murphy Capital North Carolina gives a Burnsville, NC address. The email address in the WHOIS stuck out. I looked up "Lower Pig Pen" and it brought up a road in Green Mountain, North Carolina. Looking up the distance between Burnsville and Lower Pigpen Rd, Green Mountain NC reveals that they are attached.

Who is behind it? pic related

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5bc832  No.97430

Your OP isn't clear at all. Who is behind what? No, no one is going to your reddit link for clarification.

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2dbdd9  No.97448

File: 22e12165a33dd7f⋯.jpeg (47.73 KB, 600x338, 300:169, A6F601D8_F92E_42FE_A844_5….jpeg)


He is ‘upset’ because one more covert agenda is made public AGAIN without any understanding of the financial implications. Now we have so many ‘special interest’ groups fighting for control in the Wuhan Flu situation, drug companies (don’t take the vaccine), vaccine companies (don’t take the drugs), government agencies (we must have total control), financial institutions (back to work slaves), etc etc etc. It is a ‘shitstorm’ of epic proportions. Enter this group, and God knows who they are backed by…probably hasidic jews due to their close ties to DJT and his own agenda to ‘make jewery great again’ off the backs of the Ethnic Europeans in this nation. So who is OP? OP is probably China whose only interest is to ‘make china great again’ since they are totally fucked raw without lube by this and they lost every shred of respect anyone could have ever had for them…liars, thieves (sure the pathogen was probably manufactured HERE but they FUCKING STOLE IT)…and that is what you get when you medal in things that are beyond your ken like the bug people.

May the shitshow continue and everyone with a special interest in ‘making some sweet moohlah’ continue in this epic shitshow until they drop fucking dead of the PATHOGEN without any warning. If someone wants to ‘give you information or advice on the Red Death’ make sure that they disclose ALL THIER FINANCIAL DATA to you before you take it.

At this point there are so many people pushing their own parasitic interest with ZERO regard for the repercussions (or cost of HUMAN aka European Life) that it is an whirlwind of SHIT.

Tl;dr All part of the continuing shitshow anon.

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15787e  No.97452


Yeah that's my bad for being a fucking retard.

A plebbit poster had made a whingy post about people protesting the lockdowns. The linked comment is from another nigger who who checked the domains for a number of "reopen X" websites that had been linked to a number of different facebook groups advocating to go out and protest en masse, all of which were basically identical in their descriptions. Those previous domains had been put through a proxy, however the OP who was from Maryland then checked the domain for "reopenmd" which had been created with a similar timeframe to the others and found it had not been registered with the proxy service, so i checked the domain myself and found it registered to "Michael Murphy" in Florida. So I dug around and found what i had placed in the image.

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5bc832  No.97460


So it's trumpniggers who are worried about their stock portfolios and want the slaves to go back to work?

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15787e  No.97466


>So it's trumpniggers who are worried about their stock portfolios and want the slaves to go back to work?

Thats a given, Jews are losing money on their speculative investments and someone is astroturfing this as Gun rights groups as well in an effort to appeal to boomers. Could be an attempt to force government crackdowns.

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2dbdd9  No.97476

File: 407586ca62cdb00⋯.jpeg (70.38 KB, 404x305, 404:305, 763F029E_383F_49E8_A965_8….jpeg)


It is the ‘jewish contingent’ realizing that the fucking slaves better get back to fucking consuming if ANYTHING is going to survive the economic collapse. Why do you think their half breed disgusting mongrels are coming out the woodwork EN MASSE to tell people that the virus ‘is a nothing burger’.

Have you spent time looking at the financial charts? To call them ‘horrific’ is probably the largest understatement I have made in 2 months.

They are worse than horrific, they indicate massive hyperinflation, massive starvation, massive death. Basically you are looking at a corpse that blood has set up in rigor mortis and the kikes (who are dumber than fuck) are finally realizing that IT IS A FUCKING CLIFF in front of them and not the little ‘control exercise’ they had planned at Event 201. This is simply the ‘financial interests’ trying not to panic…”row you fucking slaves, back to work, we don’t care if you die or infect your family”. (Sort of like them saying it was ‘just a flu’ at the beginning). They probably did a risk [anal]ysis that showed them that if they could get you back to work and the economy returned to CUMMMMSOOOMMMING once more (since the USA has no rival on the entire planet for its ability to consume) that their losses would not be such that they could not easily REPLACE you with a nigger crack addict they found on the street in Shitcongo. See, they don’t need anyone in the USA to PRODUCE anything anymore all the subhumans can churn out all the cheap fucking shit in the world…they just need warm bodies, nigger or otherwise to CUMMMMSSOOOMMMM their POS products.

I hope you have secured your food, water and your ability to defend yourselves.

I am serious, spend some time looking at financial charts, there is NOTHING like that to light a fucking bonfire under your ass to do everything you can to secure your future.

Also, PS…drump is pissed as fuck that he and the hasidim cronies were dumped by the wayside (a lifetime of contacts) and the harder core Bolshevik bastards at FEMA were granted total power over everything that will happen in the USA from now on. He quickly signed his rights away as POTUS and installed people he didn’t know as the Bolshevik destroyers of this nation. Now that the Bolsheviks are in full control of many states there is a power struggle going on behind the scenes where people like Kushy are ‘upset’ that they are totally and completely irrelevant now. Lemme see if I can find you a picture of FEMA…all of them are Bolshevik jews.

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2dbdd9  No.97483

File: 5d329e01876383c⋯.png (257.61 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 586AFCD8_11F1_4ABC_9DE1_CA….png)

I can’t find the photo I want of drumpf and shekel turning over our nation to the Russian Bolshevik jews…there is a different photo that is opposite drump and shekel looking down the table and it is astonishing (to me at least) that they are all jews. It has probably been memory holed after I started commenting online that they were all jews…hahahaha…

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2dbdd9  No.97486

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here is an example of the kikes mongrels trying to get you to CUMMMMMSOOOMMMM again.

There is this one and ‘Dr Shiva’…seems like all the nigger/part niggers want you to head down to your nearest mall and breath deep, or as this faggot likes to say if you can actually stomach the entire video that he would like to kiss someone (female; honestly he doesn’t seem like the type to have this sort of preference) on the mouth if they had the Wuhan Flu.

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15787e  No.97537


>makes premature ejaculation analogy

>All niggers laugh

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c18041  No.97554


Having actually different interests pushing their separate agendas would be good for a change. I guess their interests were aligned as long as they could mutually exploit others, when there is a crisis, it's each 'man' for himself again.

Why don't ethnic Europeans have their interest groups? This might be a good opportunity to make some.


Or it could be this. Neo-bolshevist kikes need an excuse to start their purges.


FEMA is probably your equivalent of Bolshevik authority that was in charge of gulags.

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a72a38  No.100135



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