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The holocaust never happened

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1f2ad7  No.96986

blacks are plotting to kill whites because of a tiktok video

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ef9cc9  No.96987


So, that's the global spokesperson for all blacks? Good to know.

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3a442a  No.97039


>nigger genuinely doesnt understand his hypocrisy

>you think this is a problem

Back to yiddit.

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bd6756  No.97124


Can’t wait to see all the other races lining up to go live with the niggers in Wakanda. Oh that’s right, that is never ever ever going to happen…ever

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a9f074  No.97139


thanks OP you saved the white race ,since no faggots or thots use it

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97380e  No.97155


Don't worry, they're too busy killing each other

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350054  No.97174


It only stops by genociding niggers and jews.

Feds will call you a fed if you spread this fact.

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2306d5  No.97191


I believe when it comes to niggers we can try something like this. If any sciencefags with the potential skills to develop this are reading, do it!


When it comes to Jews… well, whether you believe it happened in the past or not, it is definitely an option, don't you think?

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2306d5  No.97193


This. Nigger Twitter is the ultimate proof of black-white IQ differences. The average adult nigger is the intellectual equivalent of a white 7-year-old child.

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fdcdb4  No.97198

imagine wanted to be on team black in a race war, ahaha

a city of them will lose to a classroom of kids of any other race.

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bd6756  No.97203

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Feds will call you a fed, jews will call you a fed, anons will call you a fed…but even the feds know it is truth. You don’t see any of those glowniggers ‘retiring’ to East LA or Compton for the glory years, do ya? People can like like a fucking rug but what they actually do is the litmus that they must be measured by. In this case feds are just furious because they are FUCKING HYPOCRITES.

Glowniggers this one is for you…

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000000  No.97584


Niggers kvetch for a race war on a Jew owned and controlled social engineering site. Not one twittrer employee or any of the glowniggers who illegally spy on Americans will do a single thing about this glorious person of color. This nigger will not be fired from his job, expelled from school, get a knock and talk from the feds, be vilified in the jew press or face ANY negative repercussion whatsoever. The British intelligence organization and freemasonic clut of B'nai B'rith, which is the parent of the anti-christian, anti-white, ADL that was discovered to be illegally spying on Americans in their San Fransisco office and was connected to Johnathan Pollard will not make a single tweet and will not include this nigger requesting a race war in the propaganda they furnish to the stupid people in our congress who do not represent the interests of Americans.

This is how you know for an absolute fact the Jews who control the channels of mass communication, their NGO subversion networks, and the fake smart people in our government, law enforcement, and our "intelligence community" are working day and night against you.

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000000  No.97613


If people don't kill them (and kill the jews), they will keep doing whatever they want.

Glowniggers/feds want you to do nothing, and will accuse you of being a glownigger/fed if you point out that violence indeed, solves all those problems.

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