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File: e0756ca5d7b0126⋯.png (42.71 KB, 1000x411, 1000:411, rtsusrthsrthr.png)

8e06d4  No.96765


What are you going to have to show for yourselves now?

You gave the government this power, and now your government controlled retirement fund has been handed out as stimulus!

Your $750, 000+ Homes are going to be worth $150, 000

Bet that is not enough to pay off your mortgages!!!


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8c554a  No.96949

>$750, 000+ Homes

At that point, why even stay?

I got a spacious house in Portugal for 160.000€.

Staying in Canada/USA is fucking retarded at this point.

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89d2e5  No.97018

File: e95fbf7eee20d8e⋯.png (530.34 KB, 850x441, 850:441, CanadaHouse.png)




This sold over asking by the way at 2.5 million Canadian. Good luck flying without the Chinese money laundering now.

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8e06d4  No.97111


its funny you say that,

B.C. Victoria/Vancouver areas are about to face the same thing, race most effected by this? The Chinese immigrants, who along with artificially low interest rates are the reason for the bubble.

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8e06d4  No.97114


I am pretty sure i am on the No Fly list, i wouldnt even try to escape canada at this point… i am pretty sure we are as good as imprisoned in our own country unless you suck kike dick,

Buuuuuuuut, Canada is vast and not 100% policable.

Also, i still have hope america will turn around, and we have day of the rake.

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f0311e  No.97115

File: dfc2d329c772af9⋯.jpg (7.51 KB, 255x250, 51:50, ea3f2dd3faaaab2f1ec033e18c….jpg)

Reddit spacing ,halfcuck topics…neck yourself

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d53ebb  No.97118

File: fdc441416013ace⋯.png (132.96 KB, 500x627, 500:627, are_you_ok_retard.png)


Fnord. Nobody who complains about "reddit spacing" types over a full paragraph, ever. Prove this post wrong as a habit.

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8e06d4  No.97119


Can't tell if butthurt boomer…

Or kike bankster trying to shut it down.

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5b75f2  No.97162


Don't forget to burn the boomers' houses.

If you can't have something, destroy it, so the kikes can't have it either.

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