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The holocaust never happened

File: 568fef638656b45⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 2.48 MB, 2970x2483, 2970:2483, race.gif)

File: e238757b757d28c⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 149.78 KB, 480x406, 240:203, pritner.png)

cf4c53  No.96712

Pic related. I have a 24" commercial printer, and I'm looking for ideas. I live in a hyper liberal college town. Nothing to get me arrested or charged.

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de193a  No.96717


>Nothing to get me arrested or charged.


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db786a  No.96719

File: 8e4835c00d17e92⋯.png (1.58 MB, 2218x1814, 1109:907, Morality.png)

Do a favour and redpill the public. on democracy, media or equality or some shit

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a5cb64  No.96726


>Nothing to get me charged

You only get charged if you get caught. Print something that matters locally. Call out homosexuals in office, or nigger teachers and niglets who are ruining schools, or trigger happy cops. Make every statement undeniable, use a picture of your target to make it personal.

Put the print up using wheat glue (biodegradable, don't be a nigger), and don't talk about it to anyone. Don't use facebook or any other nigger site to check how people are reacting. Just put the prints up and go about your life. Retards get caught when they take pics of what they've done in order to brag about it, or talk about it to normalfags who rat them out.

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cf4c53  No.96751

"nothing to get me charged"

By this I meant no blatant hate crimes, i'm looking to be more subtle. Given the 1st amendment, there is not much that would merit an arrest. I've already got some images , and I plan on using wheat pastes.

I won't get caught and I don't care about checking up on the fallout.

Looking for memes of the "it's okay to be white" caliber

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721ee1  No.96755


>Nothing to get me arrested or charged.

Brandenburg v. Ohio makes getting charged for speech alone really difficult.

Forget about redpilling people with words, actions matter. Incite some action!

Sow some chaos, people are on edge because of the whole Corona shutdown already.

Inspiring niggers to commit acts of looting, for instance.

Black looters getting shot = race riots. Nothing more redpilling than that.

Given that police have given up on prosecuting "petty crimes" in some states, and wearing a face mask is expected, it won't take much to incite looting.

Monkey see, monkey do.

Add some bullshit excuse to it, some anti-capitalist/fuck da police message, they'll gobble that right up.


For something with a higher impact, you could also distribute instructions on how to sabotage the electric grid.

Calls to target rich neighbourhoods, etc, something that'll resonate with the bored and unemployed.

The simpler the instructions, the better. Shooting out arcing horns and radiators on large transformers is something any bored moron with a gun can do.

Make a little boogaloo happen!

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16eb6b  No.96757

File: dc57a24436b9cc1⋯.png (157.04 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, W.png)

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7555df  No.96761


> By this I meant no blatant hate crimes

Your very existence as a straight white man is a hate crime.

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2f8b46  No.96783

File: b97478a4de6f348⋯.png (1.41 MB, 3600x2091, 1200:697, 74c9a0ba080f68b09b64d65383….png)

File: 155fb176c1ddac1⋯.png (805.93 KB, 1247x700, 1247:700, 155fb176c1ddac1b1ac8512ad1….png)

File: 2ff6720e602b213⋯.jpg (26.1 KB, 425x601, 425:601, 1388772213438.jpg)

File: 37ab3f617005415⋯.jpg (102.93 KB, 720x450, 8:5, 1388772588673.jpg)

File: 008b8b6c3071d25⋯.png (558.43 KB, 591x456, 197:152, 1388774470903.png)

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2f8b46  No.96791

File: cd5363672ff70e2⋯.jpg (206.71 KB, 1254x1839, 418:613, 1388774533992.jpg)

File: ffb551eecae9145⋯.jpg (116.44 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, 1388774659282.jpg)

File: 12ac54a5cc7f69e⋯.jpg (63.49 KB, 500x750, 2:3, 1388775544800.jpg)

File: ccd4feff0ad6940⋯.jpg (104.7 KB, 956x960, 239:240, ccd4feff0ad69404e6693b16b3….jpg)

File: 66162be89e5d017⋯.png (352.31 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, TRUTHSEEKER.png)

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a5cb64  No.96792

File: ceff980ffba6c46⋯.jpg (177.29 KB, 1414x610, 707:305, paris_has_changed.jpg)

File: d6c1df777817a38⋯.jpg (65.93 KB, 551x400, 551:400, segregation_works.jpg)

File: 3dc60016ca7105f⋯.jpg (77.04 KB, 960x960, 1:1, whites_in_zimbabwe.jpg)

File: 51c8ec16a858f12⋯.jpg (32.05 KB, 720x496, 45:31, help_the_minorities.jpg)


That's terrible propaganda. You want statements that even the most brainwashed normalfag will agree with. "Diversity means less white people" for example, is value neutral, and true. Liberals and conservatives both agree that a group of white people isn't diverse, and a group with only a single white person is more diverse.

It's undeniable, yet everyone knows what you're really saying. Diversity goes against the interest of white people, white people can never completely embrace diversity, because ultimately, white people are not compatible with diversity.

You will have the left react to your message with hatred and vitriol, and reasonable people go "Hey, isn't it true though?" and "It's not a hateful poster!". Another good example is "islam is right about women", ignore the message itself, the way the propaganda is crafted, is very good.

It's why announcing to the public that certain figures are jewish is always met with hostilities from jews. They know what you're doing, and any reaction gets more people to think about the differences between jews and gentiles, meaning the only move the jew can play that doesn't hurt him badly, is censorship.

IOTBW worked because it's true and undeniable. #whitegenocide is a dead end (currently) because too many people have been taught to shut such thoughts down. Also, you're too far separated from the reality that normalfags live in. They don't see white people being genocided. However, they are seeing less and less white people. Less white people on tv, less white people in the store, less white people at their workplace.

"Niggers are retarded" Bad propaganda

"Different races have different average IQs" Better propaganda.

Lastly, having the word "NO" in your poster is another garbage idea. You don't want to push a negative onto people, make it at least neutral, if not positive.

"Separate spaces for separate races" means you want to create something, "white ge*NO*cide" means stopping. The former works better in practice. Identify the threat, let people come to the conclusion that they need to stop it on their own.

Posting examples pro-white images that aren't pushing a negative (stop, deny, resist). It's not suggestions for OP, my suggestion is to take a local issue and identify faggots, niggers and/or jews as the cause.

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cf4c53  No.96806


This is great, thank you anon. You articulated exactly what i'm going for.

"it's okay to be white"

"diversity means less white people"

I can print out some of the already posted pictures in a glorious full color banner.

I don't want to be dismissed at hateful, I want to have an effect. it looks like my image upload fucked up, but I was going to post the "truth about race" infographic.

It will be challenging to divert blame for any and all problems from trump.

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af872e  No.96837

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55930d  No.96850


already did, my commercial rig isn't listed.

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55930d  No.96854


Also I bought this printer second hand from another country, so I think I'm okay.

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46781d  No.96879


Don't forget "Islam is right about women". Doesn't say anything blatantly "wrong", and can't be argued against without massive cognitive dissonance. Reporters could only talk vague circles around "troubling language" or saying some tranny found it problematic, with no reason why.

"Open borders for Israel" is close, but will just get reported as "anti-Israeli" flyers. I think the agree and amplify approach is better:

"Israel is right about migration" or "Israel must defend its borders and people" begs normies to think about why they disagree, or accept the premise and draw parallels.

Other possibilities:

"Diversity is not enough"

"Step aside for diversity"

"Black racism is #valid"

"Bernie bros want the benefits blacks fought for"

"Biden 2020: keep black college and healthcare funded!"

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000000  No.96892


It's good if it's a simple phrase like that yeah.

"Racism means noticing how people are different"

"Women want to be better than men"

Using those child drag queen images could be good too.

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673226  No.96893


no one will read this, its too detailed

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28462c  No.96905


AFAIK only laser printers do that tracking dot shit, inkjet should be fine. Good on you anon for wanting to wage a propaganda campaign, make sure you use shit like this


Which is simple, accurate, and easy to quickly look at and understand, and uses good imagery. Don't do some lame slogan like "muh white genocide" because everyone has been inundated against such things already.

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721ee1  No.96924


>AFAIK only laser printers do that tracking dot shit, inkjet should be fine

The exact opposite is true, but nice try, Shlomo ;)

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28462c  No.96936


>While not all printers do this, nearly all color laser printers — at the urging of the United States government — code hidden metadata into their pages.


>It turns out that this is something pretty well known - just not to the general public. It turns out that almost all colour laser printers print a special pattern of "microdots" - a tiny grid of dots small and faint enough that you can't see them with the naked eye under normal lighting. The American digital privacy and free speech organisation the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) maintains a list of printers that contain tracking dots, though as it warns on the page, it is probably safest to assume that all modern colour laser printers do include some form of tracking information.


Don't be a faggot.

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d33e53  No.98828

File: b3152532b456a17⋯.jpg (73 KB, 1024x1006, 512:503, 1581943265801.jpg)


>Drop truth bombs about bio-weapon corona

Drop them here then. There's no evidence compelling enough for normalfags. We need scientists with credentials who can talk on video, we need a clear explanation to exactly what corona is and it all needs to not be schizo like fungusfag. Normalfags worship science and the science men, that's why any scientist that goes against the scientific truths of global warming and racial equality is deemed a quack and a dangerous subversive. Even in /cvg/ new shit is learned every day, and the details still haven't been fleshed out.

It's really difficult to craft the propaganda around that atm. Focus should be on isolationism. If the borders had been closed, lives would have been saved. Even 'build the all' Trump can't close the borders and the american people is paying with their blood.

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9a9a4e  No.98856

File: d31011a68882edb⋯.jpeg (1.91 MB, 2339x3119, 2339:3119, allen_ginsberg_beat_gener….jpeg)




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260b76  No.98873


Doesn't have to be elaborate. Just evident truths, such as the fact that the US intelligence community agrees it is man made. The FBI arrested a few CCP spies from Harvard in January connected to the Wuhan lab. CCP covered it up and lied. These things aren't conspiritard level theories and are factual. Shove it in their face. Just simple facts, and link them together. Anyone who isn't a brainwashed university liberal will see it.

Call for a boycott. Get rid of the Chinese.

I'm in the process of organizing. Slowly but surely. I intend to spread these flyers and the truth-bomb propaganda about China/CCP state-wide soon.

After 4chan started censoring threads and revealed their CCP sympathy, and several other major big tech companies started censoring information, I left and have decided to take action. What OP calls Print Warfare is just the beginning.

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e02516  No.98878


No offense but I'd avoid all of that and any higher level concepts.


There's only two rules in my opinion.

(1) It must be about My race/people. The white race/white people. (The "my" is important, as it makes it personal instead of abstract.)

(2) It must be dead simple.

You guys really need to understand that what's cool to us, or persuasive to someone receptive, is not what's going to work for the average white. This kind of stuff may not result in more of /ourguys/, nor get the average white person to act (he will not). Instead it's about educating the white public on key issues so it's acceptable for *us* to act!

It's OK to be white is top tier because its simple, and it gets to the heart of the issue. Currently, I'm meming the word Anti-White every other chance I get as it is basically our "racist". Like IOTBW, it gets to the point that society declares its bad to be white. I like Tim Murdocks / whiterabbitradio.net stuff, such as the mantra. People diss the term white genocide because they don't understand it's an accusation (and a legal one at that). I believe it is literally the call that will get the Jews and their anti-white friends the rope.

"Racism is an anti-white slur"

"It's OK to be white."

"Diversity means chasing down the last white person."

"Anti-racism is a code word for anti-white."

"Only white people are called racist."

"Solution to the race problem? White Genocide."

Or taking the enemy's logic to its logical conclusion which is appropriate in certain situations (like discretely in a Marxist classroom):

"It's not OK to be white."

"Only white people can be racist."

"No white people? Racism solved."

If I remember, there was a study that when confronted with the fact the U.S. would soon be non-white, whites acted more "racist".

"More Immigrants means less racism!" (the indirect setup, then below)

"Americans rejoice: Majority non-white achieved within 22 years!" (The white genocide conclusion

Quote some American founders like George Washington, might be an idea.

Do not advocate violence.

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9a9a4e  No.98881

File: 4b90e3b608e4242⋯.png (226.91 KB, 740x590, 74:59, Yanqing_Ye_FBI_Wanted_Post….png)


Get interviewed by the FBI for posting FBI wanted posters.

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260b76  No.98882

OP please don't put some dumb racist shit up.

Please put something relevant to red pilling people on China.

Big tech companies and social media are pushing their censorship hard right now on anything with anti-Chinese undertones. Please, if you're serious about putting up propaganda, don't ruin it for those of us trying to actually help people realize the dangers of the Chinese

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e3d637  No.99009

File: 5c8d369a0d95943⋯.jpg (168.33 KB, 1300x1065, 260:213, an_old_enamel_sign_adverti….jpg)


this is a valuable point, and not one I had considered before now. What might be helpful is arguing that immigrants coming to help western health care systems, would be more use in poorer thirld world countries. Sending them to Africa and the middle east etc would be the most charitable approach to world poverty and deprivation. Putting that in a snappy and memorable line on a poster might be a challenge though. Once this lockdown is over maybe consider printing business cards with these messages on. These could be left in cafes, library books, park benches etc. They could have links on, and maybe some people might take them home, or show their friends, which might prove more productive, than some guy walking past a poster he'll forget about before he gets home. Just a thought. Also,,

what happened to Britpol???

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95e68e  No.99103

File: 7a049a7f44f4b2e⋯.jpg (108.5 KB, 569x428, 569:428, ConsiderTheFollowing.jpg)



"Why should we steal hope from other Countries?"

Point out how all these H-1b visa holders could be used to fix their home nations. Mention that all those doctors and engineers could improve Pooland and Apefrica but instead we are stealing (yes use that word… Hammer home the point that we (the United States)) are robbing hope from lesser nations and ruining their chances to improve… Point out how bad conditions are in those nations and cite the numbers of H1-b engineers that are being brought from there same with doctors… These stats can be easily obtained from places that the normalfaggots will trust. End it with something about how we in the US already have it good here… "So why do we have to keep stealing from others?".

When it comes to the writing/wordsmithing part I can cover that, I just suck at the graphics half. Since that is the most important part… 1/4 writing, 1/4 putting them up (not just getting the posters up, but also picking a good location for them) and 1/2 for how it looks… Nobody wants to read a /leftypol/ sized blob of text which is roughly the size of the original x-box while on their walk… too much time for a normalfaggot. All I need is a direction, and I can put out propaganda that would make Gobbels proud… Since after all… "The best propaganda is based on Truth.".

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28462c  No.99269


>"Racism is an anti-white slur"

>"It's OK to be white."

>"Diversity means chasing down the last white person."

>"Anti-racism is a code word for anti-white."

>"Only white people are called racist."

>"Solution to the race problem? White Genocide."

IOTBW is top tier because it doesn't have any "reactionary" sounding language. Throwing around words like "genocide" and "chasing down white people" are too easy to ridicule, whereas the only way to counter IOTBW is to literally say "it's not ok to be white," which is very damning, entrapping and revealing, which is why it works. But the rest of this kind of stuff here strikes me as too blunt or inflammatory, and sounds like it's coming from a position of resentment, bitterness, etc. It's too easy to counter this kind of stuff as emotional, irrational, based on fear, etc. and ridicule it. It's better to go with the classic IOTBW, possibly in some new iteration or imagery added, otherwise it needs to be shit like


that strikes the right combo of easy to read and understand, informative and self-evident, etc. and just scary enough to get people thinking without sounding like a bunch of ranting fearmongering. It would actually be good for us to do some dedicated propaganda workshop threads for both memes and posters. Seems like now would be a good time with all the internet and IRL political activity regarding the virus and economic lockdown shit.

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2d8cd5  No.99305


< Just evident truths,

< the US (((intelligence community))) agrees

You know this isn't the place for Migapedes, right?


Who's behind muh CCP covered-up line? Kikes, their neo-cons and alt-clite lackeys!

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3afc14  No.99307

Ok, so what do you want to do, do you want them to overreact and make fools of themselves like with IOTBW or do you have the odd notion of trying to convince them to join our cause, the latter of which is extremely difficult.

Ima assume the first one.

Generally the simpler the better, get an image of say an Islamic terrorist attack e.g. Beslan or Nice or some very basic fact in image form which the libs always attempt to deny whilst getting very triggered in the process and give it a caption of something along the lines of 'white lives matter, Islamic terrorism kills more than far right terrorism, whites are being replaced etc.' Of course nothing that could be construed by a reasonable person as an attack.

Experiment with several different poster formats until you find one or some that stick and keep using them.

Try and be relevant too e.g. mention that if the borders had actually been shut properly we wouldn't have tens of thousands of people dead from the coronavirus.

And finally don't lose hope if you don't get success initially, you will succeed in the end.

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2d8cd5  No.99311

The European Man 1188 pages "fellow white people" tweet archive!! -) https://archive.org/details/TheEuropeanManTweetArchive/mode/2up

Nice article, with links to other articles. https://christiansfortruth.com/over-1000-shape-shifting-jews-exposed-for-pretending-to-be-white-on-twitter/


Worldwide number of islamic attacks since 9/11 + what the Quran actually states (see 3 things about Islam, still on yt).

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70b8f2  No.99887


print some prototype board games on that bad larry and make some wholesome friends

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a99378  No.99907


You can't go wrong with IOTBW.

It never fails to give the enemy and aneurysm.

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935129  No.100032

File: ee5abdc1acb0405⋯.jpg (103.33 KB, 612x792, 17:22, 1570081875970.jpg)

File: 7440a9c57ff5364⋯.png (784.55 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Abu_Ghraib.png)

File: 7199c2ded80fb87⋯.png (875.72 KB, 729x864, 27:32, Remember_the_free_shotguns.png)

File: d3936c6b5353e77⋯.jpg (209.59 KB, 1080x593, 1080:593, Circumcision_Judaism.jpg)

File: 456e3408e019559⋯.jpeg (72.46 KB, 1024x636, 256:159, Chinese_delicacy_Fetus_ro….jpeg)


>but I'd avoid all of that and any higher level concepts.

Drop really controversial shit. The main goal is to be outrageous enough to force local media to report on it (and possibly even national media), thus spreading it even further. But at the same time also try to be as truthful as possible without doing any sort of deceptive tactics. Try to aim for as low word count as possible but, if it really catches people's attention like the first pic, I think that can be forgiven to a certain extent. Just note that the longer you make it, the longer it needs to stay up for anyone to actually read it.


>By this I meant no blatant hate crimes

You're meant to not get caught, genius. So don't do it in front of cameras or while next to people in broad daylight. Hate crime is something that is simply a charge stacked on top of another one. All it does is simply notate your intention and further punish you for that intention. If the thing you are doing is not a crime, it does not constitute a hate crime. Putting up shit like posters on property that isn't your own is seen in the eyes of the law as vandalism. So it's a hate crime because it's vandalism, which you did with a particular intention. It's like making a law for assaulting midgets, you still get charged with assault, you just get punished extra for the victim being a midget.

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d1269b  No.100037

File: 49ae6aa1dca6009⋯.jpg (82.63 KB, 600x840, 5:7, emo.jpg)

On an unrelated side note, let's take over their emojis the way we took Pepe.

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