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File: e9a517d5266c1a8⋯.png (188.38 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_2020_04_17_12_3….png)

2fe0d3  No.96618

Boomers: We want our Pre Virus Economic Activity of:

<Magic printer money

<Perpetual debt

<Welfare for niggers

<Millions of imported mudskins

<Abortion clinics on every corner

<Corporations pushing endless faggotry and race mixing

<Toxic factory food

<Chinese fuckery

<Televised degeneracy from pedophile Hollywood

<Israeli vaccines and drugs made from dead children

Retarded American fuckwits deserve to be destroyed by the Jews.

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8a3a72  No.96621


They want all the factories moved to India and israel now instead of China. American nationalism IS globohomo. I also don't think you understand money, but I won't drag your thread off too much.

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138d3d  No.96632

File: ff2648a90e96338⋯.jpg (41.45 KB, 728x704, 91:88, 1569683271559.jpg)

Tell me oh enlightened one then as a wage slave myself how is one supposed to climb up the socioeconomic latter when everything in our lovely nation is privatized and profit is always put over the product/service first?

Go to school- get into debt over student loans

Get into trades- get into debt over school/training plus purchase of tools and any certs needed for said trade

Start your own buisness- ge look theres more schooling, certs, loans, etc. I mean short of killing and rape what is one to do?

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43f30b  No.96643


<Magic printer money

We still have this

<Perpetual debt

Still got it

<Welfare for niggers

Still happening

<Millions of imported mudskins

Slowed but illegals still pouring in

<Abortion clinics on every corner

Only thing thats shut down

<Corporations pushing endless faggotry and race mixing

Still happening

<Toxic factory food

Still here

<Chinese fuckery

Still here

<Televised degeneracy from pedophile Hollywood

Still fucking here

<Israeli vaccines and drugs made from dead children

Being developed right now for the coronavirus and its literally Israeli because they coincidentally were making a corona vaccine this year for no reason at all :^)

Quit pretending like the virus has put an end to this shit, we still have literally every issue except for abortions meaning the only difference is that we get it with copes or without copes.

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cc67a8  No.96655


>he thinks there needs to be specialized clinics to have an abortion

Nigger, you can go to any hospital in the country. Literally every hospital is an "abortion clinic".

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2db3eb  No.96659

File: ed662b005df22d6⋯.jpg (707.85 KB, 1125x1121, 1125:1121, Philosorona.jpg)


What if we took power from the government and gave it to the individual, allowing people to self-isolate if they choose or work if they choose?

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2fe0d3  No.96660

File: 18267322cab4360⋯.jpg (88.22 KB, 1016x1024, 127:128, IMG_20200131_214458_571.jpg)


That's the point. All this bullshit is still being pushed on us, and instead of holding these parasites hostage until it goes away, niggerwits can't wait to jump back into the grind to keep this bullshit machine churning. People bitch about Kikerosoft chips in vaccines. The real mark of the beast is letting your country be destroyed by satan-worshiping sand niggers so you can live in the illusion of comfort.

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edde9f  No.96661


>Slowed but

Nope, accelerated.

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f40371  No.96662


>Nigger, you can go to any hospital in the country. Literally every hospital is an "abortion clinic".

Are you a fucking wet brain or something?

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