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8c13e7  No.96312

I got my monthly credit card statement in the mail this week

>Looking through I notice two charges

>One for a few cents, the other for a few cents (.16 cents total)

>Charges both named "Life Insurance" and "Single Disability Insurance"

>So i called the number on the card

>Spoke to the representative for a good 30 minutes

>He needs to speak to the higher ups to figure out what these charges are for

>Apparently they're incase you die, the bank still gets interest

>Explain to him about how Ponzi Schemes are illegal in my state, and I need information as to what was hidden in the contract i signed

>Gets back to me today

>Explains to me he's able to help me out by contacting my local branch and having them mail out the thick contract

>Minimum wage of the worker who has to print all the forms - $11.80/hour

>Printer Ink - $?

>Mailing a thick contract - Easily >$3.00

>My ROI is pic related

How has 8ch been enjoying their time off?

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9b3a2c  No.96318

PSA: When you use a credit card all your purchases are logged (obviously) and VISA/Mastercard sells that data to companies like (((Google)))

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8c13e7  No.96319


Well yeah, but in the (((current year))) you cant survive without credit?

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3ff52d  No.96365


Yes. I haven't had/used a credit card in several years. Since (((they))) want us "cashless" I write checks for everything now. Phukkem.

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