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The holocaust never happened

File: 6a0c14c49a72a69⋯.jpg (47.98 KB, 633x380, 633:380, BillJeffrey.jpg)

55d8ca  No.96220

I was reviewing some information last night and something clicked: Epstein or his former estate could be charged under the RICO act.

Shortly before Epstein was suicided he moved all his funds into a special account that couldn't be touched by his victims, but under RICO any criminal syndication can be charged as a group as long as financial ties are made. Just for example since Weinstein has been convicted in New York of sexual assault, against multiple women, and in civil court in California he also settled a case there, it should be feasible to connect both of Weinstein and Epstein financially, and then to a larger scheme of sex trafficking. This doesn't even include Epstein's actual sex handler Sarah Kellen who has multiple witnesses say that she organized sex for Epstein. If there was a diligent case pursued to connect all these elements together the DOJ could charge the entire organization under one crime. Also since this included the transportation of minors across international border, the funds Epstein moved into a special account could be frozen under the same freezes the DOJ uses to freeze terrorists accounts.

What do law bros think?

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c933ca  No.96228


Is it Epstein's birthday or something? For fuck's sake, condense this faggotry to one thread.

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55d8ca  No.96248


quality post anon

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dd7514  No.96287

Competent prosecution of the mossad and pedovore crime racket would require a justice department not entirely corrupted by their influence. Trump is a kike puppet. Expect no help or justice from the government until we purge it of traitors. Our hope now lies entirely with populism.

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5d089c  No.96439

I know who Eric Weinstein is and can imagine where his loyalties reside. But for better or for worse, he's one of the few people actively trying to keep the Epstein story alive.

His vlog a few days ago describing his encounter with Epstein is pretty fucking interesting.


His description of Epstein as "a construct" reminded me of Twin Peaks's tulpas and the notion that they were "manufactured". And with Lynch's creepy fascination with the FBI, I now wonder if those tulpas weren't supposed to represent MK Ultra victims of something like that.

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59edc9  No.96467

can we send jews to prison for tricking the world to believe that jews are humans?

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580f4e  No.96485

File: db114a4b9d9e21d⋯.jpg (462.09 KB, 767x497, 767:497, Israel_does_Microsoft_s_ma….jpg)

File: 7458055019d32b2⋯.png (521.51 KB, 728x654, 364:327, Unit_8200.PNG)

Israeli-Microsoft and Mossad own (and basically control) all of the Pentagon's data, why does no one ever talk about this, I mean if Gates' name in his black book isn't enough there's your link to Epstein and Maxwell right there

>In a victory over Amazon, Microsoft wins $10B Pentagon JEDI cloud contract

>U.S. Department of Defense today announced that Microsoft has won its Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure (JEDI) cloud contract, worth up to $10 billion over a period of 10 years. With this, Microsoft will provide infrastructure and platform services for both the Pentagon’s business and mission operations.


>Adallom was reportedly acquired by Microsoft for $320 million in July 2015.[2][3] The Adallom product was rebranded as Microsoft Cloud App Security (MCAS)

>Adallom was founded in 2012 by Assaf Rappaport, Ami Luttwak and Roy Reznik, who are former members of the Israeli Intelligence Corps’ Unit 8200 [pic related] and alumni of the Talpiot program.


>Bill Gates: Israeli tech ‘changing the world’

>rumors have swirled for years that major parts of the operating system were developed in Israel, something the company has confirmed although it has never specified just which components of Windows are “Israeli.” Gates, who does know, wasn’t telling either, but he was “very happy” to wish the Microsoft Israel R&D center a happy 25th anniversary.


>Bill Gates – Israel is a high tech superpower


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8058f3  No.96489


>why does no one ever talk about this

Because this board is a honey pot? Jews-Hindustanis. That's the parasite class, along with the military. They don't want you knowing where to aim your guns.

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fed6cd  No.96504


Hollywood is arguably the syndicate. Lolita Express was a movie reference. Tying Epstein to NXIM or others might be effective.

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0d9ac9  No.96507

File: c2047a898a3945c⋯.mp4 (4.31 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, IOBB_Cult_Dershowitz_Lady_….mp4)

File: 878dca4d2b54a37⋯.png (898.2 KB, 690x2511, 230:837, Jeffrey_Epstein_accuser_We….png)

Alan Dershowitz is a member of the Independent Order of B'nai B'rith a Jew only British Freemasonic cult whose NY branch was founded on 9/11/1851. >>52656

British IOBB cult member Alan Dershowitz was introduced to Epstein by "The Lady Rothschild." Epstein is a Rothschild golem, an agent of British intelligence, just like Soros. Epstein was a pimp/blackmail man for the Crown/Rothschilds who use to fuck little girls with Prince Andrew. In the project veritas video, the reporter specifically said "The Place" quashed the Epstein story. The House of Windsor, who controls the Jewish American Press, quashed the story.

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517c4f  No.96509

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I heard Epstein won the Powerball for $30 something million. The winnings were put in a trust under his name.

Since then there's been a bust, one of the top lottery guys inserted code in the RNG AND RIG IT COMPLETELY UNDETECTED.

>DES MOINES, Iowa — A former lottery security official was found guilty Monday of rigging a computerized Hot Lotto game so he could win a $14 million jackpot then trying to get acquaintances to cash the prize for him without revealing his identity.

>Prosecutors said Eddie Tipton inserted a stealth program into the computer that randomly picked the numbers then deleted it so it could not be detected. Although Tipton, 52, never got his hands on the winning total, he was charged with two counts of fraud.

So this one loner is able to rig the lotto. He fucked up by not finding someone to claim it. He himself went in to claim the winnings on the very last day it was valid. They got suspicious because it was to be paid into a trust. When they asked questions he immediately forfeited the prize. They still had the security cam of him buying the ticket and he was identified. Oddly enough this lottery game covers 14 states, incl the one Epstein won in.


If he wasn't a total dumb ass he would of got away with it. It's weird how there's no concern about their RNG being rigged.

Imagine if Epstein's buddies rigged the lottery like they rigged their 'promise' software. That would be a very fast way to get rich. That's enough money for a foreign govt getting involved in the rig.

Jews are not lottery players, I would like to see how many Jews claimed big lotto winnings. More than a handful won the powerball. names of big winners.

There's no fucking way that's the only vulnerable RNG and there's no fucking way this iisn't happening all the time.

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fed6cd  No.96510

File: 3af078957409e43⋯.jpg (99.32 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, EAZpmS0UYAAf7FQ_1_.jpg)



Epstein was Mossad. Maybe Gates, logged on the black book, had some data center type thing going on there. They do have a voracious appetite for data.

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78ccc8  No.96568


Pretty sure we have all figured out where to aim our guns, anon…foreigners and aliens.

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78ccc8  No.96571

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The whole pedo thing was just a foil to distract you. Do any of you think that there is any justice whatsoever on this planet right now you are totally high. But whose fault is that?

Now Ethnic Europeans are facing a police state AND THEY STILL WON’T KILL THE GUILTY. So fuck it…I don’t even know why I bother commenting anymore. Humans are retarded.

It is obvious that they were NEVER sentient.

Epstein once said to his genetic engineering buddies that he would ‘help the world’ by re-writing our DNA so that we all carried his kikenigger DNA inside us. That is a total reality now or he could replace our DNA with nigger DNA.

None of you understand, even remotely, how bad things really are and none of you care either.

That is because you are not sentient.

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511221  No.96606

File: 24c41ada71da69f⋯.jpeg (126.57 KB, 1024x978, 512:489, Qlarp_retardation.jpeg)


>being a Qcumber

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fed6cd  No.96610


You're a human, so sorry but your rant is left empty and incoherent. Unless you're Jewish and think everyone else is goyim?


The point was to share that image. All you have to offer is to complain about the letter Q in the upper left hand corner.

Are you guys paid shills or bored and just parroting talking points you saw on another board?

Why come on this thread to complain about the subject? It's the only thread on pizzagate. There are plenty of threads to rant about white girls dating black guys and posting on social media. That distraction was designed either by you or for you. Go there. Be gone.

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28a7f0  No.96613


Trusting anything that comes from Q makes as much sense as trusting anything that comes from Jews. Q is a blight, a virus. It must be eradicated for the good of all mankind. Q is literally run by Jim "yoga pig" Watkins and whenever you disseminate information from Q, you become part of the infection.

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3f6731  No.96627


Everything Q-LARP says is a priori false. Eat shit and die, faggot.

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42e2b3  No.99381

There is something more fundamental: Anthony Weiner's laptop and the 'insurance' files. This is the atom bomb, so to speak. A standard anon cannot get to these files. However, that laptop would have connected to the internet, maybe Google Drive, maybe gmail. XKEYSCORE would have seen it, the alphabets would probably be aware of the contents. The police who saw it first made a very big mistake in not leaking it all, immediately. I speculate that some anon, somewhere, may be in a position to influence this situation, IDK. But this is more relevant than a long protracted lawsuit. You think you can out-litigate their (((lawyers)))?

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