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File: 33ee47120dc24d3⋯.jpg (25.9 KB, 678x381, 226:127, 106488385_1586894426262ap_….jpg)

9c87cc  No.95993

>On Wednesday Gov. Gavin Newsom announced that about 150,000 undocumented workers in California will receive a one-time cash payment of between $500 and $1,000, as part of a $125 million disaster relief fund created to help immigrant families impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.

>“We feel a deep sense of gratitude for people who are in fear of deportation, but are still addressing the essential needs of tens of millions of Californians,” Newsom said.

>The disaster relief fund for undocumented immigrants, a combination of $75 million from the state and another $50 million from philanthropic partners, is the first-of-its-kind in the nation. The funding will provide aid to those who are ineligible for unemployment insurance benefits and disaster relief because of their immigration status. Newsom said last year undocumented workers paid more than $2.5 billion in state and local taxes.

>The state’s Disaster Relief Fund will be dispersed through a community-based model of regional nonprofits who are experienced with serving undocumented communities. Newsom said personal information from undocumented workers will not be required in order to take advantage of the financial support.

Source: https://ktla(dot)com/news/local-news/newsom-announces-125-million-disaster-relief-to-help-californias-undocumented-immigrants-impacted-by-covid-19/

Just when I think Newsom can't spend any more money on short term, bleeding heart bullshit he pulls this. God I hate this state.

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c923d5  No.96041


>God I hate this state.

Same here anon. It's literally just giving them 1,000$ just for being the worthless shitskins that they are. Why the fuck don't I get 1k free for being a white man with a job who already has to pay for these retarded subhumans' entire lives? Fucking outrageous.

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38924e  No.96047

>The state’s Disaster Relief Fund will be dispersed

Watch the state get hit by an actual disaster and Californians pissed that Newsom wasted all the funds on spics. Oh, who am I kidding? Californians are so fucking dumb they'll blame Trump for it.

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5518fb  No.96051

how is it legal to give (citizen) money to illegal immigrants

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a3a566  No.96053


>actually thinks the rule of law has existed at any time in the last 107 years

Fuck off, dipshit. You're the reason they're still in power.

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f52150  No.96179


and why not just a bus ticket south to tijuana?

oh I forgot that would make far too much fucking sense

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000000  No.96816

The best part of this is I know several people who live in this negrified shithole state, pay the highest taxes in the country in exchange for the lowest quality of life rating in the country, all of whom qualify for the Trump Bux but none of them have received a dime. Everyone is getting the can't determine eligibility message. Newsom and the democrats are a cancer on the state.


It isn't but you have to understand California has been colonized by low skilled uneducated non-americans from all over the world who don't have any idea what America is. The state is ruled by immigrants who vote these moron democrats into power. The moron democrats are controlled by George Soros who implements policies that make everyone poor. It's a vicious cycle of mob rule. California is becoming Mexico because whites the pay taxes are taxed into oblivion to pay for invader welfare. The democrats have a super majority here, which has enabled them to pass INSANE laws like decriminalizing intentionally giving someone else AIDs.

The state and weather are beautiful in some places but it's ruled by absolute morons who implement policies to make people poor at the behest of their ultra-wealthy Jew financiers.

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000000  No.96819


>and why not just a bus ticket south to tijuana?

California IS Tijuana in some places. They want all of California to be Tijuana.

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16b048  No.97335


When is the Repeal Prop 13 Save the State Bill?

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1c673c  No.98158

File: a1bebd01ab719eb⋯.jpg (91.41 KB, 325x255, 65:51, tsar.jpg)


clever smart ass pandering to illegals with free money + this crisis = another term for newsom in office. fuck those liberal shitholes would be great if russia or china would just threw a couple of tsar bomba into pacific near the commiefornia and let them all drown in tsunami. unfortunately it is not going to happen.

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e448ed  No.99182

B-but thats how communism works goys! Your money belongs to everyone.

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4d7b16  No.99355

many of the illegals who are lured into california will end up moving to other states

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6b79ab  No.99549


what's an undocumented immigrant?

show up without documentation and collect your neetbucks.

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16dc74  No.99552

So….. How exactly are UNDOCUMENTED (Aka no social security or government record) paying taxes exactly?

I want the names of these nonprofits who are 'distributing' the cash.

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a8d35b  No.102246

File: 8dc602b783c7c3b⋯.png (140.59 KB, 642x507, 214:169, 1532231606190.png)

File: 09b7dd80f27647c⋯.png (350.99 KB, 473x414, 473:414, 1588286096429.png)

Newsom's a born loser everything he touches turns to shit. As mayor of San Fran Sicko he accomplished zilch zip zero nada unless you believe snorting cocaine and fucking your best friend's wife counts for something.

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ecd915  No.102268


I wouldn't even mind them if they minded their own business. Problem is, commies aren't content to simply have democracy, meaning that we could split the country in two, so that Dems have an entire nation to fuck up, but that wouldn't be enough for them. They would still feel the need to impose their morality on everyone outside of their own lands.

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90ea2c  No.102334

File: 4d2f49661246d5b⋯.jpg (143.79 KB, 927x591, 309:197, 4d2f49661246d5bd9bbd23f40a….jpg)


just move out ya dumb torpedo

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