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The holocaust never happened

File: 92e16401a93122d⋯.jpg (136.36 KB, 1024x1366, 512:683, blood_libel.jpg)

63e5e7  No.94907


This is an interesting podcast delivered by a Christian Identity researcher who mulls through documentation evidence. Jews have a spiritual hatred of our race and harbor deep rooted sadistic tendencies.

I don't wish for this thread to devolve into a shit flinging fest between pagans and christian of different types, this information though delivered by a racialist Christian is pertinent to all whites

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88a733  No.94908

Old stream from 2014 but will still check it out, interesting subject. Oprah covered the same thing early in her career in the late 80's in which a jewish woman talked about how certain jewish families and sects are very cult-like and are involved in child sacrifice. Jewish woman segment begins around 20:48.


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49c58a  No.94910


Hey anon, I'm curious how you'd see our path into the near future. Will the Jews purge the goyim just like the prophecies foretold or am I mistaken? I hope I am

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63e5e7  No.94925


this podcast pertains more to medieval europe. Still links in todays occult rituals


what prophecies fortold that my friend? are you a christian? if so i have a podcast which might elucidate the end of the age prophecies which are on the horizon. Don't think for a second the old testament is a jewish book.

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63e5e7  No.94926


completely baffled as to why this stuff was aired on Oprah. shooting themselves in the foot surely

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49c58a  No.94964


The enemies of God are given power to overcome and eradicate his children in the end times as written in Revelations.

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63e5e7  No.94970

File: d1d563eec6b27f7⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 397.29 KB, 640x925, 128:185, christian_identity.jpg)


yea pretty much though they wont completely exterminate us as dire as it might seem. when Joshua retook Caanan after the exodus, he was commanded by god to exterminate the Caananites (jews) and spare none. He did not and so they slowly integrated and came to dominate over that land (Pharisees, Saducees, Roman favor) God said that for Joshuas disobedience the jews would be a thorn at our side

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7b9129  No.94974

File: 05037463d3f0173⋯.jpg (27.41 KB, 530x530, 1:1, garbage.jpg)


>Christian Identity

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63e5e7  No.94978

File: 7730af1a9a5a7a0⋯.png (304.33 KB, 350x448, 25:32, christianity_4j.png)

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545f1f  No.94991


It's monday and christkike shills are back, I guess their Passover holiday is over.

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10934e  No.95024


I don't believe in CI, but Christogenea does great work. Their series on The Protocols is fantastic.

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63e5e7  No.95030


it's a shame you don't believe in CI but i understand, i rejected for a long while as well. I would recommend the German Origin series for something that focuses on a more or less secular history of our race and sojourn into Europe via Scythians/Parthians?Sacae/Saxons. Haven't given the protocals series a watch yet

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63e5e7  No.95031


I don't do holidays or silly rituals mate, i'm not a larper

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7b9129  No.95032


CI teaches that Jesus of Nazareth, a Judean, was White. It is literally "WE WUZ" and should not be taken seriously by anyone.

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63e5e7  No.95037

File: 342e9f943bfbbb6⋯.jpg (217.92 KB, 1200x1163, 1200:1163, christianity_94939.jpg)


We wuz Iranian, Persian, Egyptian, Aryan Indian, Parthian, Schythian, Huns, Ancient American, Tibetan, Babylonian, Sumerian, Phoenician & Greek so why the fuck is it such a stretch to concede that Ancient Judea/Israel, which was of the Aryan standard linguistically, Militarily & Architecturally is also White? Did all these other great ancient white nations not get Brown'd? Did not the mongrel remnants of these ancient white civilizations take credit for our ancient achievements? You sound like the retard who thinks wogs were romans and Arabs created a golden age of science

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7b9129  No.95073


>We wuz Iranian, Persian, Egyptian, Aryan Indian, Parthian, Schythian, Huns, Ancient American, Tibetan, Babylonian, Sumerian, Phoenician & Greek

I told a guy yesterday that he was literally the most retarded person I'd ever seen on any image board. You just changed my mind. You're just another nigger staring at that statue with a tear in your eye saying, "my ancestor". I thank God every day that no woman would ever touch your penis and that you will die without leaving your little niglets to continue the infection you've brought. You have never accomplished anything of your own, so you try to steal other people's accomplishment.





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63e5e7  No.95079


you sound like an ungrateful individualistic cunt who chides others hardwork and sacrifice

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422722  No.103180

Great stuff

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f874bd  No.103184


They kicked me off their website because I don’t believe in the words of jewish Paul. Called me a ‘heretic’ because I would not follow the jews.

I think they are probably ‘fine’ when they are here, but if you go to their website or want to interact with them, then it is a different story. Then you MUST believe in what the jews say or you are a ‘heretic’. I was surprised and profoundly disappointed.

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1aec13  No.103200

File: 4e7c5db97103ae6⋯.png (552.27 KB, 1700x5488, 425:1372, Jewish_ritual_murder.png)

File: 45e88143df92fb1⋯.jpg (98.71 KB, 681x1024, 681:1024, Child_sacrifice.jpg)

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