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File: 44d6bcadd7002f5⋯.jpeg (38.17 KB, 342x257, 342:257, holodomor.jpeg)

d8dc4f  No.94832

Starvation - The Red's Oldest Weapon: World's Biggest Pork Processor Shuttering South Dakota Plant After Spontaneous Outbreak of 238 Virus Cases

Smithfield shutting U.S. pork plant indefinitely, warns of meat shortages during pandemic

>CHICAGO (Reuters) - Smithfield Foods, the world’s biggest pork processor, said on Sunday it will shut a U.S. plant indefinitely due to a rash of coronavirus cases among employees and warned the country was moving “perilously close to the edge” in supplies for grocers. Slaughterhouse shutdowns are disrupting the U.S. food supply chain, crimping availability of meat at retail stores and leaving farmers without outlets for their livestock.

>Smithfield extended the closure of its Sioux Falls, South Dakota, plant after initially saying it would idle temporarily for cleaning. The facility is one of the nation’s largest pork processing facilities, representing 4% to 5% of U.S. pork production, according to the company. South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem said on Saturday that 238 Smithfield employees had active cases of the new coronavirus, accounting for 55% of the state’s total. Noem and the mayor of Sioux Falls had recommended the company shut the plant, which has about 3,700 workers, for at least two weeks.

>“It is impossible to keep our grocery stores stocked if our plants are not running,” Smithfield Chief Executive Ken Sullivan said in a statement on Sunday. “These facility closures will also have severe, perhaps disastrous, repercussions for many in the supply chain, first and foremost our nation’s livestock farmers.” Smithfield said it will resume operations in Sioux Falls after further direction from local, state and federal officials. The company will pay employees for the next two weeks, according to the statement.

>The company has been running its plants to supply U.S. consumers during the outbreak, Sullivan said. “We have a stark choice as a nation: we are either going to produce food or not, even in the face of COVID-19,” he said. Other major U.S. meat and poultry processors, including Tyson Foods Inc (TSN.N), Cargill Inc [CARG.UL] and JBS USA [JBS.UL] have already idled plants in other states.


Obama Administration Approved Sale of American Food Producer to Red China

>On May 29, 2013, WH Group, then known as Shuanghui Group or Shineway Group, the largest meat producer in China, announced the purchase of Smithfield Foods for $4.72 billion,[32] a sale first suggested in 2009.[33] At the time of the deal, China was one of the US's largest pork importers, although it had 475 million pigs of its own, roughly 60 percent of the global total.[34] According to Lynn Waltz, the Chinese ate 85.3 pounds of pork per person in 2012, compared to 59.3 pounds per person in the US.[35]

>Shuanghui said it would list Smithfield on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange after completing the takeover.[36] On September 6, 2013, the US government approved Shuanghui International Holding's purchase of Smithfield Food, Inc. The deal was valued at approximately $7.1 billion, which included debt. It was the largest stock acquisition by a Chinese company of an American company.[11][37][38] The deal included Smithfield's 146,000 acres of land, which made WH Group one of the largest overseas owners of American farmland.[12][b]


Prepare for precision biological weapon releases by PLA agents on American agricultural, industrial, technological, financial, and political institutions in order to achieve final full-spectrum dominance for the People's Republic of China.

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eca195  No.94836

File: 99c992036c75284⋯.jpeg (120.6 KB, 791x800, 791:800, 0ECEBAD9_B509_44AC_8B2C_E….jpeg)

Yes, fren…this is why ‘multiculturalism’ is such a ‘great idea’ never forget who taught it to you. I fear that most Europeans will die from their pathological altruism and the sickness of jewish thought over the next two years, until there are so few people left alive that a little child could count them. There are only going to be two types of people in the next two years (this will be how long it takes for most of the world to die).

Those who know how to find or procure food and those who don’t. Everything the jew touches, he destroys…this is what we are seeing and this will be the penalty for letting the jew talk us into letting them live in our nations.

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9568ef  No.94844


Wasn't there some kind of moth infestation targeting agriculture in some states last year?

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1d21a1  No.94861

So nationalize it. If they won't, you can stop bleating on about "commies".

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3265dc  No.94892

File: 278d39cd2752ee2⋯.mp4 (10.4 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Hell_March.mp4)

Take a look. This is what a real war looks like. China's going to lose of course because the US has way more cards to play including a literal Trump card (sorry, couldn't help myself) but the disruption will be interesting, possibly even historic, as a result of the on going process of purging hostile entities from one another's economy. But China ultimately can't overcome the fact that it's economy is geared towards servicing the American economy and that's why it can't win because China's manufacturing capacity is replaceable but American consumer demand is not. 2020 is truly the year all anons have been waiting for.

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55bb0c  No.94982


So Smithfield was just purchased by china, and 4 months later once receiving permission to ship food to China, all the companies shipping food to china are suddenly infected and have to shut down?


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55bb0c  No.94983


Also look up CECLA, as JBS USA I believe a Brazilian company that processes meat is getting infected and shutting down too. CECLA is South America's chinese butt buddy business club.

interesting connections.

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3e3ca9  No.94999


>China's manufacturing capacity is replaceable

Not really. Besides, moving it somewhere else that isn't the West doesn't anything for us.

>but American consumer demand is not.

China has a larger middle class than America and Canada have total population put together.

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784acc  No.95002

Americans should eat less pork anyway. Stuffing a pound of bacon down your throat every breakfast really isn't healthy

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11e77e  No.95052


how about you attack processed sugars and plant oils before meat?

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784acc  No.95062


How about you stop drinking bacon grease and stuffing your maw full of bST before you start crying about a little safflower oil?

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0ae655  No.95069

File: 41a9dba97f59cfb⋯.jpg (336.99 KB, 861x557, 861:557, baconweave.jpg)


>plant oils

No wonder you fatty fat fats are fat beyond fat.

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11e77e  No.95077

File: d3a493974317f1a⋯.jpg (135.54 KB, 371x315, 53:45, d3a493974317f1a27e3ca47f6e….jpg)



Good job strawmanning you absolute fucking nigger. Everyone knows when someone refers to plant oils its towards vegetable oil, palm oil and similar. NOT olive, avocado, or coconut oil.

Also bacon fat is unhealthy because the garbage that pigs are fed like different industrial feeds.

Nothing, and I mean NOTHING can beat free-range meat and animal products in health and nutrition value.

America unlike other countries can sustain mass free-range farming because of its vast free lands. The reason Americans eat so much garbage is because the food industry tries to dime everyone and be as cheap as possible and that extends to them influencing health and food politics and research.

>a little safflower oil

More like bucket loads.

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784acc  No.95086


Goalpost Status: Moved

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11e77e  No.95092



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1143f8  No.95097


>"Oy vey, you can't replace cheap labor with employing your own national workforce! It'd hurt the GDP!"

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3e3ca9  No.95104


You have reading comprehension issues?

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2ef066  No.95109

mommy, what's cholesterol?

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fb4eab  No.95110

File: fbe5d0bcfbb829e⋯.png (43.76 KB, 342x298, 171:149, fbe5d0bcfbb829e511bab71c09….png)


China's middle class will have to grow to the size it is now plus the size of the American population in order for their economy not to recede. Where will they get the money to increase the incomes of an extra 300 million people particularly as America withdraws it's trade relationship? 1.3 billion people means a lot of mouths to feed but it doesn't automatically equate to high per capita private consumption. As of 2018, according to the World Bank that figure for America is around $38,000 2010 USD whereas China sits at about $3,100. These are just basic ratios but they are indicative of the impossibly large wealth gap that has to be overcome by many more Chinese if their country is to stand any hope of avoiding serious recession as American consumer demand shifts away from China.

Also, Chinese manufacturing capacity is literally in the process of being replaced. Mexico has increased it's manufacturing of the same type of goods that come from China for the last decade and industrial capacity continues to grow throughout southeast Asia. In the recent past, this has been driven by market factors but now with added political pressure from people and organizations who were shown the flaws of pure globalism under Corana-chan's loving embrace, this trend is only increasing.

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3e3ca9  No.95112

File: a8088e7afafe364⋯.png (58.85 KB, 670x893, 670:893, mefobillsunzcapitaloverlab….png)


China has the means of production. They can muddle if their trade relationships are interrupted.


>southeast Asia

aka not the West – because capital is fungible, right?

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15807a  No.95124

File: 24be1ab4d771a12⋯.gif (1.65 MB, 500x675, 20:27, notasurprise.gif)


this next war will be unlike anything the world has ever witnessed, with technology, human misery, and automation playing key roles in the absolute chaos we are to unleash upon earth.

>the world wars to end all world wars indeed

Coming to a Dem city ran near you, soon!

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a436d6  No.95175

File: e404afdac3f4dc9⋯.jpeg (61.02 KB, 650x350, 13:7, kale_.jpeg)


>Nothing, and I mean NOTHING can beat free-range meat and animal products in health and nutrition value.

Wrong, NPC meatcuck. There would be no outbreak humans had evolved past the cruel cannibalism of our fellow sentient beings. The world could be a paradise and you insist on turning it into hell.

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bcca94  No.95200

File: 47bc084ca064300⋯.jpg (370.31 KB, 1917x1161, 71:43, format.jpg)




Why wasn't this pinned though? This used to be the standard ):

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e2be21  No.95205


You try muddling with 1.3 billion mouths to feed. See how long you stay in charge.

This might be a bit premature but in response to coronavirus induced critical supply shortages resulting from supply chain disruption either from economic slowdown or from national export bans on particular types of goods, Western countries across the globe are in the process at all levels (individual, business, government) of discussing how to avoid a repeat of this failure. Part of this discussion that repeatedly comes up is moving some amount of critical manufacturing (like chemicals for medicines) back to Western nations. I wouldn't be surprised if even more than that makes it's way back to our shores.

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30fbb9  No.95207

You say starvation, I say loses weight. Do you have any idea how much food America throws into the garbage every year? America will be fine and slimmer!

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3e3ca9  No.95210


>You try muddling with 1.3 billion mouths to feed.

China's dependence on outside sources of food is highly exaggerated. It exists, but is mostly a product of rising living standards demanding more, not the base caloric needs. They also have the world's largest grain producer to their direct north and plenty of agricultural producers in South America who aren't going to turn down the money.

>discussing how to avoid a repeat of this failure.

They will move their factories somewhere else that isn't the West, where you and your family would have access to it. Probably India, since Indians are the chosen anti-White, anti-Muslim, anti-China vector international jewry has chosen as its key reinforcement bloc for its managerial class. After all, the Indians have a real stake in this after they've been BADLY outclassed by China and clearly aren't the future superpower and they are also all over the failing Anglosphere's technology sector. They'll run us into the ground at full speed with the jews in the passenger seat.

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fc4e96  No.95244


>cannibalism of our fellow sentient beings



Do you even English? Sentient means capable of feeling pain, which includes worms and trees. Sapient is the correct word.

Cannibalism is intra species, so unless you consider yourself a mindless livestock…


>plenty of agricultural producers in South America who aren't going to turn down the money.

Vulnerable to naval interdiction. In peacetime no problem, but reliance on foreign, especially overseas producers is always a liability. This is why China's Belt and Road Initiative scares the shit out of Washington, because once it's finished they won't be able to isolate China anymore. It guarantees Washington becoming a second rate power.

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da13c7  No.95245


… Its worth it. Pastured pork is worth it.

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