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The holocaust never happened

File: 5ccaa666a9694e1⋯.jpg (36.28 KB, 720x439, 720:439, enemy.jpg)

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39e7c3  No.94685

The Age of Christianity, the Age of Pisces, is characterized by the psychological deception of the masses, persecutions and the abandonment of boundaries, but its most important characteristic is its dualism. The sign itself is ruled by Jupiter, however his parent is Saturn, the God of the modern "Jews" or remnants of Judah. Jesus was born precisely during a Jupiter/Saturn conjunction, his Sun was standing right on the cusp between Sagittarius and Capricorn, ruled by Jupiter and Saturn, coinciding with the Solar Solstice. Saturn is known as the God of the wretched, the poor, the malignant, the lowest people in society, while Jupiter is known as the God of the nobility, the head of the Roman pantheon. Jesus called himself the Alpha and the Omega, not merely portraying himself as the personified Sun that rises and falls only to be rebirthed. His mere birth circumstances painted him as the God of this dualistic age. "Jesus Christ", the Messiah of the Jews, the least among the nations at that time, did not come for the Jews themselves to be saved, but also to the Gentiles. By abolishing the Jewish customs and effectively killing the organized religion of ancient Judea, he universalized it, made it supreme.

Considering what we've seen in the Wikileaks email leaks, the elite sacrifice children to different pagan deities, particularly Moloch. While Christians jump to the straight conclusion that they are Satanists, they aren't incorrect while doing so, just not really understanding the scope of things. Moloch (or Melek) is merely the title of the highest deity in the Canaanite pantheon, translated as "Great King", another title is El, which is commonly translated as "Lord". The actual deity in question was Baal Hammon, Cronus or Saturn. He is the highest deity in the Canaanite pantheon, but also the sole deity of the Jewish religion.

"God" shows himself to the broader public, the gentiles, the formerly noble ones, while "Satan" reveals himself to the elect ones, the oppressed Jews. The elite believe that these entities are just as powerful as one another, even though God is considered to be "almighty" in the Christian religion. It is only logical to conclude that both are one and the same deity, but two different personas. A chameleon entity.

Out of what we've seen it is reasonable to assume that Talmudism is the cult of the elite, while Christianity is the cult meant for cattle, as Jesus didn't come for the wise and strong, but for the weak and needy, not to rescue us from our sins, but to elevate the Jews and humiliate the Gentiles. He embodied and preached the abandonment of all traditions, castes and borders, which is the key to Jewish supremacy. The Bhagavad-Gita teaches that racemixing brings forth the lowest class of all, lower than the Jews, who are the inferior race to all. As it has been written in the Apocrypha that Jesus went to India before he spread the gospel, it is no coincidence that Jews know the truth of this teaching and try to apply it to render all of their enemies as slaves.

As King Polydoros of Sparta once said:

<If you worship your enemy, you are defeated. If you adopt your enemy’s religion, you are enslaved. If you breed with your enemy, you are destroyed.

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bc3630  No.94699

File: 162eddbf225657c⋯.jpg (7.69 KB, 570x456, 5:4, 61caecfb19d295a8cc0a519029….jpg)

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File: 79b2e767a3b36e6⋯.jpg (124.95 KB, 800x766, 400:383, Mercury_with_Caduceus.jpg)

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You're right about some things but wrong about others.

The simplest way to summarize what I'm about to write here is to realize the symbolic significance of the Star of David, and of the Swastika (and I don't just mean in the context of Nazism, but as an ancient symbol found all over the world, tied to Indo-Europeans/Aryanism, to Persia, Mithraism etc).

The Star of David is ultimately about the dualism of the male and the female, solar and lunar, Apollonian and Dionysian etc.

The upright triangle represents both the shape of the male genitalia, and is the alchemical symbol for fire.

The downwards triangle represents both shape of the female pubis and the ovaries, and is the alchemical symbol for water.

The Swastika represents both Thor swinging his hammer around/the lightning this produces, as well as the cycling of time, or more precisely the cycling of Astrological ages, as you touched on with the mention of the Age of Pisces.

The following is all about Mercury/Hermes, Mithras/Arimanius, Taurus, Aries, and the Gnostic Demiurge

Mercury/Hermes is the Roman/Greek god of financial gain, commerce, eloquence, messages, communication (including divination), travelers, boundaries, luck, trickery and thieves; he also serves as the guide of souls to the underworld. Hermes is also a god of shepherds.

The rabbis of the Talmud discussed Mercury more than any other pagan deity and apparently considered him almost synonymous with idolatry. Verses addressing his worship in the Mishnah closely follow verses mentioning the worship of Ba'al and Moloch. As Mecury was (semi)secretly worshiped, he was mostly depicted not by a statue, but by a "pile of three stones" - presumably either in the shape of a triangle or as a 'trilithon'. Trilithon are commonly associated with Stonehenge and related structures, but can also be seen at the Temple of Jupiter in Baalbek, and at Mnajdra, the temple of solar worship in Malta.

Mercury is also syncretically related to Odin. Both are depicted carrying a staff (in Mercury's case, the 'caduceus', a winged staff entwined by two snakes, a symbol nowadays associated with medicine) and wearing a wide-brimmed hat, and both are travelers or wanderers. However, these relations go beyond superficial similarities; both gods are connected to the dead (Mercury as 'psychopomp' - the only god allowed in both Olympus and the underworld - and Odin as lord of the dead in Valhalla), both were connected to eloquent speech, and both were associated with secret knowledge. Keep in mind, Odin also famously gave away ONE of his EYEs in return for wisdom.

Alchemists also referred to the concept of the 'aether' - which only until the late 19th century was an element believed to permeate all throughout space, providing a medium through which light could travel in a vacuum - as 'universal mercury'. The alchemical symbol for Mercury is similar to that of the symbol for Venus (goddess of sex, fertility and prosperity, also related to the Mesopotamian/Babylonian goddess Inanna/Ishtar), also used as the gender symbol for women.

Except the symbol for Mercury also has 'horns'.


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bc3630  No.94700

File: c4fabc07b7793ac⋯.jpg (308.48 KB, 1300x957, 1300:957, hieroglyphs_bull_and_ankh_….jpg)

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The god Mithras was worshiped in temples called 'Mithraeum', which almost always had a depiction of Mithras (in a Phrygian cap, also known as a 'liberty cap', a symbol used in Revolutionary France and America) slaying a bull. As Mithras is a god associated with the passing of astrological ages (a.k.a the measurement of time known as the 'great year'), this depiction is seen as a representation of the death of the Age of Taurus - an age associated with the Earth, agriculture, and the bull - and the rise of the Age of Aries (Aryan Age), associated with war, fire and the ram.

Also note here how Aries is a ram, that there is a famous myth that Hermes saved a city from plague by carrying a ram on his shoulders around the city's walls, how Moloch is a bull, and how the Egyptian Ankh symbol (which is assumed to be inspired by the thoracic vertabra of a bull) looks a lot like the symbol for Venus/women. The Ankh itself is the symbol of life, and the life force which acts like air or water. Both the Ankh and symbol of Venus are also said to depict a (hand) mirror.

In these Mithraeum could also sometimes be found depictions of what some believe is Mithras himself, but is mostly referred to as Arimanius. Arimanius is a winged figure with a lion's head, attached to a snake which coils around the figure's body. This figure also holds a caduceus like Mercury. The name of Arimanius comes from the Persian 'Ahriman', a name which refers to both the 'destructive spirit' and the main adversary in the religion of Zoroastrianism - either adversary to the Spenta Mainyu, the 'holy/creative spirit', or directly of Ahura Mazda, the highest deity in Zoroastrianism.

The 'demiurge' god referred to in the religious system of Gnosticism - who is the creator of the material world, and the interloper god which Gnostics believe came between this world and the authority of the True God - is commonly referred to as Yaldabaoth. Yaldabaoth is commonly depicted as a lion's head with a snake's body.

Vid related is highly relevant and informative here too, I strongly recommend looking into Jorjani's books, as well as Robert Sepher's.


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2d29c5  No.94720

>It is only logical to conclude that both are one and the same deity, but two different personas. A chameleon entity.

are you sure the kikes aren't lying to themselves about this?

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c90912  No.94725

File: c7d7dc69d2cc2c6⋯.jpg (65.59 KB, 864x648, 4:3, FringeFaggot.jpg)

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c1a470  No.94819

Interesting thread. Bump.

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6dcefc  No.94833

File: 22129e781ccd096⋯.jpg (347.78 KB, 1339x1900, 1339:1900, rabbit76.jpg)


You make me interesting when you talk about the Age of Pisces

and lost all credit when you stop talk about age of aquarius .

the Age of Pisces is over now we are entering age of aquarius

instead looking for the new core of souls you only look back to the useless past. so boring


>3rd pic

I want to fuck him

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7c11de  No.94837

File: 767c6c1848803c4⋯.jpg (50.44 KB, 401x599, 401:599, tumblr_oa6zttieF01rce03mo1….jpg)


mercury is the information system of a given thing in existence, sulphur is the fuel/energy of a given thing (think lifespan), salt is the energy matrix, the body of a thing in existence. when manipulating in-vitro these are a liquid, an oil and the salts, these can further be divided into binaries ad infinitum, hence the traditional egtpyian/greek elements.

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6c97e0  No.94854


>Robert Sepher's.

Disinfo kike muddying the waters

>The name of Arimanius comes from the Persian 'Ahriman',

What is this based on? Can you show those words having the same etymological roots?

>Yaldabaoth is commonly depicted as a lion's head with a snake's body.

Notice the lack of wings and being the snake rather than being coiled by a snake. Arimanius/Zurvan is an Aeon with demiurgic attributes, but not the Yaldabaoth. there can be a multitude of such entities


>these can further be divided into binaries ad infinitum

*converges to one

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7c11de  No.94870

File: 383c92d7f5d267a⋯.jpg (213.32 KB, 630x550, 63:55, Michael_Maier_Atalanta_Fug….jpg)


>converges to one

indeed, when the operator chooses to end the circulations ;-)

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39e7c3  No.94901


I genuinely hope they are lying.

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39e7c3  No.94902



It's not over yet.

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39e7c3  No.94904


I'm assuming what you're trying to get at is that Jesus was just the incarnation of Hermes, who came to announce a new Age.


And apparently he's also himself the Demiurge or the God of this world. However IIRC Jesus did not declare himself to be of this world, he spoke in distance about a God that rules this world and not his, he called his children not to be of this world but the sons and daughters of Heaven. I'm casting some doubt on what you're trying to convey.

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bc3630  No.94924

File: a795993dbcb0ef9⋯.jpg (419.88 KB, 1208x950, 604:475, medalian5.jpg)

File: e47402133f4d8d8⋯.jpg (81.84 KB, 542x550, 271:275, wpid_12240121_102531196420….jpg)

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I'm not even necessarily putting forth any personal opinion here, I'm just providing some syncretic information I've gathered and imploring you to apply it to what you already know and draw your own conclusions.

One thing I'd suggest though is to not think in terms of 'Jesus = Hermes', but to 1. ask how you get such similar gods and myths from all over the world, and 2. ask what these gods and myths really represent, not necessarily in terms of *other* myths/gods but in terms of philosophical concepts/morals/states of consciousness/whether the gods came first or were created as 'sigils' to *cause* the actualization of the attributes and myths they're described with etc.

Especially keeping in mind that consciousness itself, and the way people viewed reality and processed events, may have been vastly different for pre-Bronze Age collapse peoples - see: Julian Jaynes' 'The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgnMyF-o0sQ

However my personal theory I've fleshed out so far is that the two main gods/forces in this reality, even above the grand dichotomy of male/solar/Apollonian vs female/lunar/Dionysian (or maybe they're related somehow, because some believe even the solar Aryan Mithras is a goddess), seems to be the force represented by the Star of David/Solomon/Ishtar, and the force represented by the Swastika.

The former is concerned with a synthesis of opposing forces, and the latter is a force of time.

Ultimately we might say one is dualist, and the other is non-dualist - but this final conclusion is only something I've started thinking about very recently.

Now this is something that's extremely important to understand here, and is one of the things I was getting at with my previous posts - Aries is a ram. Saturn is the god of time. 'Satan', if he is indeed related to Saturn, is depicted as both a ram or at least horned, as well as an 'Ahrimanic' 'destructive/chaotic' force. Yet Baphomet is depicted as having both a goat head, and being a hermaphrodite (male/female synthesized) creature.

Now before you get the wrong idea, I'm NOT saying that the 'Satan/Baphomet' etc. that we know of today, and the attributes we apply to them, is actually a BASED Aryan god. But there are two possibilities that I personally believe this raises - either the Nazis, and every other Aryan peoples throughout history that used the swastika, fucked up and used the symbol of a semitic god, OR, more likely, the jews created concepts like Satan and Baphomet, and mixed everything around and redefined shit so much, to get us to worship their god and believe attributes/symbols of the Aryan god are evil.

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39e7c3  No.94963


Baphomet isn't related to Aries, you're thinking of Capricorn.

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14866a  No.95181

I cannot believe this this thread. Synchronicity is real. The answers you seek are within. The Swastika may represent Zen.


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