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The holocaust never happened

File: 090e30972d04b49⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 2.38 MB, 1868x1322, 934:661, bezmenov.png)

673145  No.94635

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8ba3fd  No.94650

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Yuri is based as fuck. His other talks are also pretty good. If these methods seem particularly Jewish, that shouldn't be surprising. Kikes birthed the Soviet Union, and the heads of Soviet intelligence were kikes. To this day, kikes run the Russian elite and heavily influence their geopolitical maneuvering.

In Two Hundred Years Together, Solzhenitsyn goes through the history of Jews in Russia, their role in the Soviet Union, and how thoroughly they destroyed the Russian people. Note that kike publishers have stonewalled the official English translation of this work over two decades now, and the non-Russian versions that do exist have been heavily redacted and censored.



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a257e2  No.94686

File: 0418c57c8df537f⋯.png (749.54 KB, 1200x801, 400:267, 0418c57c8df537fe19be590715….png)

Thank you for this high quality red pilling material.

A couple of books written by Bezmenov are on libgen: http://libgen.is/search.php?req=bezmenov&lg_topic=libgen&open=0&view=simple&res=25&phrase=1&column=def

Also, take a look at Propaganda (1928) written by Edward Bernays, a classic in public opinion manipulation.

We need an investigation of the same scope to measure precisely the potentiality of our today technologies - internet and social media - to mold public opinion. But also to resist in this psychological warfare.

The only way to truly fight back such evil forces is a spiritual renewal, the come back of true Christianity. Only founded deeply enough in truth can we stand steadily enough to defeat them.

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53cd85  No.94689

File: 91f0d93d46f40fa⋯.jpg (159.04 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, Uri.jpg)


Do you have a link to this book?

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a257e2  No.94695

File: f2238f507f8dd25⋯.jpg (43.91 KB, 480x342, 80:57, bernays.jpg)

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c606a8  No.94696

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6b29ce  No.95345

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I'm surprised how many people watched that video and didn't notice his specific warning about people like Trump.

Here's his specific warning about Trump and explained what happened to Bernie.

As Yuri, Trump and Obama have said about Bernie taking power, that'll never happen. They rigged it twice, now go fuck yourselves

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91aad9  No.95355


>Oh no, the goyim are waking up!

>Quick, make them read our (((Bible))) and trust the plan again!

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6eaff0  No.95358


Yet Bernie's policies are more communist and Jewish. GTFO, go to reddit with that nonsense

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60fa4f  No.95369

File: f6135fb52bbfb9b⋯.jpg (41.91 KB, 800x450, 16:9, BASED_Trump_signs_executiv….jpg)

File: aaa69de8e283c02⋯.jpg (60.37 KB, 1023x575, 1023:575, Trump_with_Tevfik_Arif_and….jpg)



>still being scared of socialism

bernie would've 100% unironically done more for us, both constructively and as an accelerationist force, than trump. you fell for a nationalist-uprising-pressure-release-valve, who works directly with the most powerful jews in the US (and the world for that matter, see: chabad lubavitch).

cucked socialism > cucked nationalism

>how about that black employment rate tho folks

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5331e5  No.95370

File: 07fe1d55297d77a⋯.png (445.49 KB, 484x768, 121:192, Yuri_leaker.png)

Why does everyone always forget the rest of his content?

Atlanta lecture (pretty much the same as the LA lecture): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOW6ysVKOg8

The rest of the contents from his LA appearance beyond the lecture itself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxMaCJ-3cM8&list=PLF5863E552BBF1AC3&index=2

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5331e5  No.95373

File: 2ef4991d9ddb724⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 3.94 MB, 712x400, 89:50, leftypol_board_owner.webm)


>you fell for a nationalist-uprising-pressure-release-valve

You are assuming Bernie wouldn't serve as a release valve either. Obama too came with a lot of promises with socialist policies and instead only did those policies as far as they would serve to increase the government's power. He campaigned with promises of clamping down on the surveillance state and on ending wars in the Middle East, yet he did none of those things and even got elected a second time. He fulfilled only those promises that would serve the government's interests.

>cucked socialism > cucked nationalism

Fuck off back to /leftypol/. The fact that you are calling for people to pull the exact same strategy but just for your candidate instead makes it pretty clear.

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96a17b  No.95376


Nigger, stop posting faggot porn.

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5331e5  No.95379

File: 7813f37823bc180⋯.png (2 MB, 2788x2236, 697:559, leftypol_advertising.png)

File: da13e872daf50a7⋯.jpg (118.41 KB, 1033x1060, 1033:1060, leftypol_debate.jpg)

File: d6cab6a66efdb6a⋯.jpg (140.19 KB, 1342x383, 1342:383, leftypol_official_party_st….jpg)

File: 61f8186cb732b95⋯.jpg (105.03 KB, 951x599, 951:599, leftypol_prolapsed_people_….jpg)

File: b79b3f339875825⋯.png (898.47 KB, 1366x1768, 683:884, leftypol_revolution.png)


What do you mean, Anon? That's a strong socialist woman.

Are you afraid of women or something?

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60fa4f  No.95380


i literally never said either were a good choice retard. most likely anyone who ever makes it that far will NEVER be a good choice, and will be beholden to someone. i'm just talking tactically, that if you *were* gonna vote, you'd be better off voting for the guy who's at least marginally less zionist and capitalistic.

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5331e5  No.95382

File: 98c7a2d26d41c87⋯.mp4 (13.16 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Kurds_welcoming_Syrian_arm….mp4)


>you'd be better off voting for the guy who's at least marginally less zionist and capitalistic.

The whole fucking point is that the less zionist and capitalistic image is just a facade. Obama tried to paint himself as a socialist as well. A commie obviously, but a sort of well-meaning commie. And then when he took power, he simply reflected the exact same ideals as those of the etablishment. You are going with this retarded mentality of "I'll just vote for the other guy next time", which we are supposed to pretend it magically different because it appeals to your leftist bullshit.

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d4657d  No.95747

File: 1dabcc27c4ccd9f⋯.jpg (50.08 KB, 749x500, 749:500, 3wrv2h.jpg)

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39d7b3  No.95998


All time classic that never gets old. Not only is it required viewing, but you should watch it every year.

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39d7b3  No.96002


The guy interviewing him is no slouch of an author himself.

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95e125  No.96076

< 04/12/20

Notice this thread is being kept up after 4 days.

> Yuri warned america

You do realize that he was under JOG control when he did that? They could have send him back to the Soviet-Union on a bullshit excuse if he said anything the "deep state" did not.


< Based

Did he name the jew? Did he name the jewish banker role in the Secession War, Woodrow Wilson administration and Andrew Jackson's fight against (((them)))? Thought so.

< If these methods seem particularly Jewish,

Jews and traitors always accuse others of their own deeds. If anything, it would show he said exactly what they wanted him to say.


> Kikes or cucks using boomer anti-communism to push for mass immigration and race-mixing.


> How many saw it.

Notice YT did not take the video down or cut the views. Because they want him to be known.

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95e125  No.96078



Terry A Davis will be brought back, not to bring peace but with a chainsaw.

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