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File: 4c5352e25cb5aa5⋯.jpg (207.58 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 4c5352e25cb5aa566d3db17bf6….jpg)

95bfde  No.94272

Here is what I think.

No german living today has ever done anything bad to jews. Still, jews constantly accuse germans of gasing them, despite none of the germans ever did that.

Every nation has suffered at some point in history. Holocaust is not as bad in comparison to what many races went through under russian and british occupation. But again, no russian or british today has ever done anything bad to any other race, and it would be wrong to accuse them of such.

I think, the only true reason why jews hate germans and so viciously attack them, is because germans are christian.

It's as simple as that.

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e62971  No.94295


>no russian or british today has ever done anything bad to any other race

What about Germans? The DDR concentration camps? The wall dividing Germany where both sides were shooting Germans?

More than half of the people guarding it were Soviets on the one side and the Ango-Americans on the other.

Or the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rheinwiesenlager Anglo-French-American Concentration camps were they starved Germans to death?

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e62971  No.94297



The soviet union was disbanded 1991. Until that point they were actively ethnically replacing eastern Europeans who's countries they controlled.

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95bfde  No.94300



Yeah sure, but it wasn't really that bad.

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e62971  No.94307

File: 93d9c96366c5a6d⋯.png (368.22 KB, 640x617, 640:617, death_to_america.png)


>it wasn't really that bad.

More like really bad with mountain of corpses.

Have you already forgotten that they used pictures of expelled Germans from the eastern territories on trainwagons for material and claimed those were jews being deported?

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e62971  No.94323


Not to mention that half of the expelled didn't arrive meaning they were killed

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c210f9  No.94351

File: dae98767329ca46⋯.jpg (382.67 KB, 533x800, 533:800, His_Instruments_Democracy_….jpg)


I have two points,

1. The holocaust is a total hoax. Not one iota of physical or documentary evidence exists for the holocaust, it is based entirely on the personal accounts of Jews. In the field of historical research, personal testimony from interested parties is considered to be the least reliable form of historical evidence. Additionally, an incredible amount of actual historical research has gone into disproving every aspect of the holocaust narrative.

A good place to start researching the holocaust are the essays of the dissident American Jewish journalist Ron Unz:



2. The holocaust is not even used primarily against Germans, it is a blood libel against all Aryan peoples. Holocaust indoctrination is a central aspect of all Aryan societies ruled by Jews, it is used to psychologically condition children using traumatic images of deceased typhoid victims into never questioning the right of Jews to rule over us.

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0c8caa  No.94408

File: 1554221ae5dd4b0⋯.gif (46.58 KB, 250x194, 125:97, 1554221ae5dd4b0700c584f9ef….gif)

>Faggot cal arts picture

>Who wants to hear my retarded opinion on the holohoax, which totally happened by the way?

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