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The holocaust never happened

File: 32c58926e3658b9⋯.png (91.51 KB, 300x250, 6:5, OggqhkCLAK_12.png)

23f999  No.94056

China : NO Economic Rebound + Military Prep Drills for Taiwan Invasion


>SpaceKnow, a New York–based company that monitors economies around the world from space, shared with Barron’s weekly data that it compiles from three satellites that collect infrared signals from China. The company’s Broad Activity Index—based on infrared data from more than 5,000 locations across China’s supply chain—shows deep, ongoing contraction.

>The Broad Activity Index, last updated with satellite data on April 5, stands at minus 0.2. That is the lowest point since reports emerged of the coronavirus in Wuhan.

>“The SpaceKnow data suggest a continued slowing in China’s economy, despite official data saying otherwise,” says Jeremy Fand, SpaceKnow’s chief executive.



>The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) held military drills featuring warplanes near Taiwan on Friday as part of “military struggle preparations against the island,” Chinese state media reported on Friday.

>Global Times, a Communist Party propaganda newspaper, said multiple PLA warplanes – including H-6 bombers, KJ-500 early warning aircraft, and J-11 fighter jets – conducted a far-sea, long-range drill above southwestern waters near the island of Taiwan.

>The PLA warplanes were seen flying over waters southwest of Taiwan and then entering the skies over the Bashi Channel – located between Taiwan and the Philippines – before returning to base via the same route, Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense (MND) confirmed on Friday. Taiwan’s armed forces are closely monitoring the country’s surrounding waters and airspace, Taiwanese military spokesman Shih Shun-wen said.

>Friday’s drill marks the sixth time this year that PLA aircraft have been recorded operating near Taiwan’s airspace, according to Taiwan’s MND.

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f14f70  No.94069

Nobody ever invades anything, nigger.

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b6b3aa  No.94072

what about Crimea

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9948c8  No.94077


100 yuan has been deposited in your acc. Keep up the good work for glorious motherland, comrade.

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2b28bb  No.94080

File: 2ad7fcd650058b0⋯.jpg (38.98 KB, 577x433, 577:433, Mongol_natsoc.jpg)


I wish we had a nationalist, racially conscious and economically socialist regime like China does. All Chinese in Aryans lands still have to go home though.

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917917  No.94085

File: dde935b3afcfdeb⋯.jpg (239.26 KB, 585x540, 13:12, Red_Chinese_threat_detecte….jpg)

File: d01000f6cf6276a⋯.png (823.06 KB, 728x621, 728:621, Chinese_containment_makes_….png)

China is boxed in. South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, the Philippines, Malaysia, and Vietnam effectively contain Chinese Pacific ambitions. Controlling Taiwan achieves the security goal of breaking that containment. Also, while there are no natural resources to be had by taking Taiwan, it would remove them as an economic competitor to China (as well as delivering a national moral boost).

Unfortunately for China that means heavy, local resistance because the local elites in Taiwan are direct competitors (as opposed to many Western elites which have shared interests with China). Taiwan's also pretty well armed, has the ability to manufacture it's own arms, and is increasingly close with Japan. All this taken into account, I honestly don't see China managing to control Taiwan.

As an aside, The Philippines is probably the weakest link but it's just too far away for China to do more than neutralize it economically. Forget Chinese boots on the ground there because that would mean 1) trying to suppress the local population and 2) maintaining Chinese control in the most internationally sailed waters in the world.

The way I see it, these drills were probably just button pushing to test if Corona-chan has changed (or affected) Taiwan (and other's) response to Chinese military activity in the area (though military strategy is little bit beyond my knowledge).

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77bae5  No.94089



wew . You could have as well posted a CNN article while you are at it

Hol up, you be saying that a mysterious New York based company watching the goyim from space is saying that China will invade Taiwan?


<if>someone disagrees with kike propaganda

<then>call him a (hillary support-/) chinese shill

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5f13ef  No.94091


Fuck it. It's Carte Blanche to destroy China over it.


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8ead88  No.94094

File: 1e7454d4a3ac077⋯.jpg (40.61 KB, 501x585, 167:195, ce6.jpg)

ching chong, ping pong, communism numba wan!

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9575bd  No.94119






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b0e73c  No.94120


>The Philippines is probably the weakest link

Aside from existing obligations to US allies, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan, invading the Philippines will be like invading US soil since the US guarantees their independence. And Vietnam being poised against China must really sting since on paper they are ideologically aligned. Can't even paint them up as being western capitalist puppets since they successfully rejected a western capitalist puppet regime.

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cd842c  No.94139

File: d36d8dd514fe2d9⋯.png (392.06 KB, 608x409, 608:409, qualcomm.PNG)

File: 496b73bff6bf250⋯.png (191.06 KB, 805x504, 115:72, aipac.PNG)


>there are no natural resources to be had by taking Taiwan

Missing the point - 'natural resources' are largely the past. AI/big data/cybersecurity/internet of things/robotics etc. are the true domain of power and control.

Taiwan holds a pivotal role in the future being the home of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing, the world's largest semiconductor foundry. TSMC creates CPUs for AMD, Apple, Nvidia and Qualcomm, among others. Though not officially, one only has to look at AMD's relationship with China and their managing board to see that they are virtually owned and run by China. They are also surpassing Intel as we speak, who have been suffering manufacturing setbacks and 'unfixable' 'security flaws'.

Not only have Apple cut ties with Intel and struck a deal with Qualcomm - one of the main companies behind 5G, whose first 5G cellular was developed in Israel - but TSMC themselves surpassed Intel by market capitalization back in 2017.

However Intel themselves are largely Israeli research and design, if not wholly run by Israel, so we may debate if those 'security flaws' (read: backdoors), as well as Intel delaying one of their main chip plants in Israel - and Gates stepping down from the also largely Israeli Microsoft - are all so incidental, and if they have anything to do with what's going on here.

This article below sums it up - read 'Huawei' as 'China', and think of all the jobs and billion dollar contracts that would be lost for China if Trump had his way here, and you'll understand the severity of this proposal. With Taiwan's situation and proximity with Hong Kong, I can only imagine who they'd be more inclined to deal with, or at least not anger.

Taiwan will be 'hit by the virus' or there'll be actual physical confrontation/'war' in the South China Sea by June-July, screenshot this.

>U.S. mulls cutting Huawei off from global chip suppliers, with TSMC in crosshairs


Also see

>What does Israel's future 5G network have to do with coronavirus?

>What makes 5G so important for Trump and the US is that it is predicted to soon serve as the backbone for all critical infrastructure and is viewed by experts as having the potential to be as transformative for the world as the invention of electricity was in the 19th century. 5G’s faster download speeds mean that it will be the foundation of all new technologies – think driverless cars as an example – and if it is compromised, it could give a country like China the ability to undermine another nation’s basic needs.

>Israeli-Chinese relations have also flourished in recent years and Beijing is today Israel’s biggest infrastructure partner, building roads, tunnels, ports, railroads and more in deals valued at tens of billions of shekels.

>We need to decide if we are with the Chinese or the Americans and the government understands this very well


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c702bf  No.94141


All of this would rely on the American people having sympathies or feeling socially inclined to ‘go to war’ for the Philippines. I just can’t see any of us giving a shit. It would be like another Vietnam.

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c702bf  No.94142


Why aren’t any of these fucking TRAITOR PRICKS this interested in keeping our nation (which they have utterly despoiled) ‘safe’. I swear to God…every fucking day I think more and more about leaving my life and starting a full blown populist revolution.

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ba5058  No.94218

File: cb4e0f2d16ede04⋯.png (389.96 KB, 918x639, 102:71, Maybe_China_not_numbah_wan.png)


For China, natural resources means the raw materials with which to feed into their manufacturing and export economy. Without them, their people aren't employed and fed meaning political instability. The Chinese are all over the primary producing regions of the world, Africa, South America, US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, for this reason.

I definitely agree though that there is a bit of a war for the future going on right now between China and America particularly in the technology sector though I suspect for China it might all be for moot in the long run due to the trend of American consumer demand increasingly being met outside of China (namely Mexico). China's going to struggle to replace the lost American consumer market. No where in the world are there an extra 300 million consumers sitting around and even China itself (despite it's huge population) only has a bit over 100 million that consume on par with the West. The rest are considerably poorer, too poor to absorb Chinese industrial surpluses.

When that happens, it's factories:

1) make things at a loss (really a temporary measure only given China's enormous debt) or

2) shutdown effectively signaling the end of China's rise as it falls into political chaos or

3) direct industrial surplus into a war but for some of the basic reasons stated in >>94085 I don't think China can win a meaningful conflict anyway.)

Anyway, that's a bit of a larger picture view of things so I appreciate the more focused view your post provides.

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22c091  No.94221


>I definitely agree though that there is a bit of a war for the future going on right now between China and America particularly in the technology sector

Unless there are some serious dramatic political shifts and major regime changes I think China is basically contained as far as physical growth or empire building ambitions. Highly unlikely the USA/NATO countries would allow those regime changes to happen as well. I highlighted this part because I think that whatever conflict, however big or small with the USA, will be mostly a tech war or cyber warfare based than any kinetic war. The leadership on both sides just has too much to lose by going full retard and trying to literally wipe each other out, much more likely to try to fuck with, damage or topple each other with indirect means.

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e225d1  No.94234


I agree. Open war is even less useful to the Chinese than it might be for the Americans. But I also think the economic reasoning of >>94218 puts China in a tight spot that might compel them to do something drastic. Maybe this is bit out there but imagine Xi (or some future Chinese leader) under severe political stress due to millions of unemployed factory workers resorts to giving America an ultimatum: Trade with us more or we'll start a nuclear war. With nothing to lose and with their tendency to have very little regard for human life, I consider it a possibility.

Of course, before it comes to that, they'll leverage every position they've got including using their Chinese diaspora across the West to influence Western politics with at least one sought after outcome being that Western firms maintain business relations with Chinese firms even if it stops making economic or strategic sense from the Western perspective. Personally, that's one of my concerns, particularly in countries like Australia, Canada, and New Zealand where they've let in an astonishing number of cashed up Chinese relative to their total population sizes.

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25a5c7  No.94239


Don't underestimate the ZOG media machinery. You'll be crying over those poor Phillipino muslims being turned to soap in Chinese death camps soon enough.

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6734c2  No.94302

File: 2bd6fe033d40bcb⋯.mp4 (3.11 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, China_numbah_wan.mp4)


> You should've posted the .mp4 version.

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63bb31  No.94342


>Trade with us more or we'll start a nuclear war.

don't care

China has demonstrated that interacting with them is a zero-sum game. The CCP is already engaged in an indirect war with, well, everyone including their own people. They say as much, but more than that, they have a strategy of lying while they build up their unique weapons arsenal. And any globalist elites that side with China… they're gonna be reeducated soon enough.

As long as the CCP is in charge, as long as that corrupt social system shapes the thinking of the Chinese people, China is done.

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02609a  No.95184

File: 1d49bcca7aef3bf⋯.jpeg (133.6 KB, 2048x820, 512:205, chinese_glassware_factory.jpeg)

Would you like to play a game?

40.151872, 116.311770

25.573427, 119.457223

39.811208, 116.705013

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1dc0e4  No.95189

File: 9eb94344664a0ab⋯.png (879.42 KB, 812x2149, 116:307, JoshHowley_NewColdWar.png)


Based on the results of China under the CCP, versus the results of say, India or postwar Western states, all the evidence indicates that they are much better off than some theoretical alternative that hasn't been delivering hard results year over year, decade over decade.

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02609a  No.95198

File: bf6516ff1c07928⋯.jpeg (91.57 KB, 759x456, 253:152, chinese_fried_rice.jpeg)

Skyking Skyking Do Not Respond Charlie Mike

40.736059, 114.937260

26.943760, 120.072385

31.322446, 121.412650

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337f9d  No.95208

File: c2160b9e6ef8473⋯.webm (3.63 MB, 404x720, 101:180, deadly_chink_infrastructu….webm)


Woah. A literal CCP shill here on 8kun? We should all feel so honored.

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1dc0e4  No.95212


What they are doing is clearly working for them. It's very hard to argue, but arguing it does take attention away from 56%.

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2f29fd  No.95227

File: 5a1365004ebf1f4⋯.jpeg (203.65 KB, 984x1024, 123:128, 3CA144BC_B76F_4B11_BEB4_F….jpeg)


Working for them? Anyone can blow bubbles…chinese bubbles are so great that for all practical purposes they are actually blowing themselves.

Pic apparently this is ‘art’

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b7052b  No.95229


>working for them

And all it took was a hundred and fifty million dead.

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2f29fd  No.95233


Mass slaughter and confiscation of their property has that ‘magical’ effect, doesn’t it? It worked in Russia as well, she has never recovered.

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1dc0e4  No.95235

File: 9b98df4d837b977⋯.png (151.37 KB, 655x2200, 131:440, mefobillsunzamericavschina.png)


Yes, working for them. They aren't the ones being gleefully genocided in their own countries. Every problem is INTERNAL, never external.


How many all in for the jewish war harvest at Verdun, Passchendaele, the Somme, Stalingrad, Normandy, Okinawa, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki?

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1dc0e4  No.95236

File: c1c45e93fbfc533⋯.png (519.67 KB, 626x5185, 626:5185, Screenshot_2019_12_11_The_….png)

File: 993ec7dadd2880d⋯.png (651.65 KB, 630x6362, 315:3181, Screenshot_2019_12_11_The_….png)

File: d1fef150f7c64e2⋯.png (524.22 KB, 626x5298, 313:2649, Screenshot_2019_12_11_The_….png)


I'd say Russia recovered more than well enough. Sergey Brin and his faggot father sure thought so.

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a6d037  No.95256

File: 93e8e242b1e7d60⋯.png (26.88 KB, 1283x302, 1283:302, Economy_Globalise_china_th….png)

File: 74e02bd000c4204⋯.png (152.35 KB, 1000x541, 1000:541, 1579583019953.png)

File: 7d1ebb034302997⋯.png (1.98 MB, 5112x3420, 142:95, QUANTUM_ANON_2.png)

File: 76da3b06a541832⋯.png (3.71 MB, 6264x3564, 58:33, QUANTUM_ANON.png)

File: 54740bac01e670a⋯.png (806.48 KB, 800x5132, 200:1283, sdcx.png)


>1980 - Most favored Nation Status for China (J. Carter)

>1984 - Caribbean Basin Initiative (Free Imports to USA)

>1994 - WTO Formed, Marrakech Agreement (W. Clinton)

>1994 - War on Jobs, NAFTA, Deregulation of Trade, 3 Nations (W. Clinton)

>1994 - Most Favored Nation Status for China Reinstated after Tianamen Square (W. Clinton)

>1996 - Most Favored Nation Status for China Reinstated after Tianamen Square (W. Clinton)

>2000 - Pemanent Normal Trade Relations with China and WTO Membership for China (W. Clinton)

>1996 United States campaign finance controversy


>Lincoln Bedroom for contributors controversy

>"Fat Cat Hotel: How Democratic High-Rollers Are Rewarded with Overnight Stays at the White House". This report, written by Margaret Ebrahim


>China Was Bill Clinton’s Russia

>In 1996, a foreign government didn’t just meddle, it donated.


>Remember When Bill Clinton Was Accused of Trading White House Access for Political Favors?


China; Space Force; Jihad; Biological Warfare; WW3: electric bogalooo

>The Democratic National Committee forced to return $2.8 million in illegal contributions, much of it from foreign nationals, and much of it brought to the party by fundraising executive John Huang. Huang originally represented U.S. interests for the Riady family; Indonesian businessmen with close ties to the Communist Chinese government.

>John Huang a Commerce Department appointment… one that came with a top-secret security clearance.

>Charlie Trie member of a Chinese Tria d crime gang that has close ties to the Chinese Communist Party. Trie's money contact in Macau, who wired more than $1 million to Trie's U.S. account, most of which is believed to have ended up in Clinton Defense Fund and Democratic Party campaign coffers, is Ng Lapseng, a Triad mobster and Chinese communist official. In fact, Ng visited the White House and attended a number of Democratic Party fund-raisers in Washington, sitting next to President Clinton at some events.

>"James and Mochtar Riady have a long-term relationship with a Chinese intelligence agency; influenced Clinton-Gore policies that decimated national security export controls ….product of negligent Administration oversight of joint U.S.-China high technology programs and satellite launches, that have dramatically improved Chinese nuclear missile accuracy and reliability.

>The critical premise of the authors has been validated by the recent rel ease of an explicit Pentagon report to the Congress illustrating how the China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) is developing a range of high technology weapons to destroy American satellites and establish "capability to establish control of space and to deny access and use of military and commercial space systems in times of crises or war."

Year of the Rat: How Bill Clinton Compromised U.S. Security for Chinese Cash

>In August of 1994, Bill Clinton’s Secretary of Commerce, Ron Brown, flew to China to try and seal two deals for American corporations.

>The Chinese agreed to buy the planes; McDonnell Douglas should sell a mysterious company called the China National Aero Technology Import and Export Corporation (CATIC) a set of specialist machine tools that shape and bend aircraft parts stashed in a factory in Columbus, Ohio.

>They used the same excuses, NYT ; avoid sending any signals that would fuel China's belief that the United States is trying to contain China's power, militarily or economically.

>there were two catastrophic decisions Clinton made in 1993 :The first was to radically break from the post-World War II trading system; passing NAFTA,creating the World Trade Organization, opening up the United States to China as deep commercial partners. The radicalism of the choice was in the intertwining of the U.S. industrial base with an autocratic strategic competitor.

>The second choice was to reorganize the American defense industrial base

>In 1993, Defense Department official William Perry gathered CEOs of top defense contractors and told them that they would have to merge into larger entities ,i.e. monopoly—contracts, and slashed the Defense Logistics Agency, resulting in thousands of employees with deep knowledge of defense contracting leaving the public sector.

Bill Clinton and American Financeers; Matt Stoller.

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1dc0e4  No.95257


Very extensive list that indicates, extremely clearly, that the problem is on this end and not on China's. I imagine you don't have the same visceral reaction when the government of the US bribes some officials in Indonesia or Sudan or wherever and gets the keys to the kingdom.

There is no space force, either.

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a6d037  No.95265

File: 7abf5bdd04ce379⋯.jpg (52.8 KB, 400x527, 400:527, 1101910729_400.jpg)

File: 0d7eab53bb8c441⋯.jpg (32.76 KB, 333x499, 333:499, 043fa1cf879e6a25df6d68078f….jpg)

File: 8b315b00c7ec580⋯.png (545.17 KB, 720x592, 45:37, US_ISLAM.png)

File: ac88b9b6f91003a⋯.png (263.17 KB, 551x534, 551:534, 1582422352897.png)

File: 6bed9092f36a50c⋯.png (1.43 MB, 3072x1840, 192:115, Soros_Judaism_Nietzche.png)


> that the problem is on this end and not on China's.

All Strategic Advantages over an Enemy are gained through Exploiting his Weakness.

>git gud faggot.

>I imagine you don't have the same visceral reaction when the government of the US bribes some officials in Indonesia or Sudan or wherever and gets the keys to the kingdom.

>>I imagine you don't have the same visceral reaction


>when the government of the US bribes some officials in Indonesia or Sudan or wherever and gets the keys to the kingdom.

Imperialism was Britains MO and seems USA role as the Dominant Geo-Political player ended up being it's bane; Corruption in the US has served as highway for other Nations interests. Americans always do the dirtywork of others.

http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1180847/pg1. Excerpt:

>“Inslaw Inc is an information technology firm which developed the famous PROMIS software, an NCIC-type tracking technology incorporating numerous databases such as court records, financial institutions, and utility companies.

>Pirated versions of the software were sold by US intelligence worldwide to 88 foreign intelligence agencies, Hillary Clinton was the intellectual property lawyer for a company that obtained and marketed copies of the stolen PROMIS software.[2] “

>That company was Systematics Inc, of Little Rock Arkansas,[3] now known as Alltel. Systematics was founded by Jackson Stephens of Stephens Inc., owners of Worthen Banking Corporation which bankrolled Bill Clinton's 1992 Presidential election campaign.[4] Stephen's was also co-owner, along with the Lippo Group (the Riady family) of the American branch of BCCI which laundered drugs and arms sales in the Iran-Contra scandal.

>After BCCI was shut down the UK's The Guardian newspaper reported that the terrorist Abu Nidal had maintained BCCI accounts. Jonathan Beaty and S.C. Gwynne, the Time reporters who covered the scandal write,

>However, the main purpose of the BCCI, and the reason behind its meteoric rise, was its connection to the ISI and the mujahedin fighting the Soviet Union in Afghanistan.

>Coincidentally, in 1983 the British-based World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) suggested that two national parks be created in Pakistan's northwest, and although rather thin in natural wildlife the preserves proved to be excellent for poppy growing and for staging mujahedin incursions into Afghanistan

>Lord Nicholas Bethell, a career British Intelligence agent, formed Radio Free Kabul as a voice for the mujahedin. In 1981 Lord Bethell accompanied Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher on a tour of the U.S. to drum up support for the resistance, eventually leading to the creation of the US-based Committee for a Free Afghanistan

>One of these was Major General Walter Joseph Cawthorn who, as Deputy Chief of Staff of the Pakistani Army established Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence in 1948.

>However, by 1980, when the BCCI finally applied for and received a license from the Bank of England. In fact, one of BCCI's primary economics advisors was the former British Prime Minister (1976-79) Lord James Callaghan. The BCCI may have been created by a Pakistani, but in the end it was a British-based and British-controlled bank.

>The Muslim Brotherhood has evolved into something like a Muslim equivalent of the West's Masonic brotherhood.

>"In the 1950s and later, the West opposed the secular Arab nationalist movement for two reasons: it challenged its regional hegemony and threatened the survival of its clients leaders and countries. Specifically, there was nothing to stop a secular movement from cooperating with the USSR; in fact, most of them were mildly socialist. Furthermore, most secular movements advocated various schemes of Arab unity.

The Globalists and the Islamists:


>See Something, Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government's Submission to Jihad.

>In June 2016, Haney testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee, where he alleged that the Obama-era DHS had ordered him to delete hundreds of files about reputed associates of Islamic terrorist groups. Haney made the case that several attacks in the U.S. could have been prevented if some of the files had not been deleted, the Examiner reported.

>Writing in The Hill in February 2016, Haney claimed Obama had thrown the U.S. intelligence community "under the bus" for failing to "connect the dots" after a Nigerian Muslim terror suspect was linked to a failed terror plot on Christmas Day in 2009.>Following 9/11 like many American's, I began reading up on Islam.

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02609a  No.95269

File: 1aeb58d3701fbdf⋯.jpeg (127.11 KB, 1477x1177, 1477:1177, chinese_fried_wings.jpeg)

Take Charge And Move Out

30.732710, 104.092144

36.158569, 120.388165

30.710859, 103.958091

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