>1980 - Most favored Nation Status for China (J. Carter)
>1984 - Caribbean Basin Initiative (Free Imports to USA)
>1994 - WTO Formed, Marrakech Agreement (W. Clinton)
>1994 - War on Jobs, NAFTA, Deregulation of Trade, 3 Nations (W. Clinton)
>1994 - Most Favored Nation Status for China Reinstated after Tianamen Square (W. Clinton)
>1996 - Most Favored Nation Status for China Reinstated after Tianamen Square (W. Clinton)
>2000 - Pemanent Normal Trade Relations with China and WTO Membership for China (W. Clinton)
>1996 United States campaign finance controversy
>Lincoln Bedroom for contributors controversy
>"Fat Cat Hotel: How Democratic High-Rollers Are Rewarded with Overnight Stays at the White House". This report, written by Margaret Ebrahim
>China Was Bill Clinton’s Russia
>In 1996, a foreign government didn’t just meddle, it donated.
>Remember When Bill Clinton Was Accused of Trading White House Access for Political Favors?
China; Space Force; Jihad; Biological Warfare; WW3: electric bogalooo
>The Democratic National Committee forced to return $2.8 million in illegal contributions, much of it from foreign nationals, and much of it brought to the party by fundraising executive John Huang. Huang originally represented U.S. interests for the Riady family; Indonesian businessmen with close ties to the Communist Chinese government.
>John Huang a Commerce Department appointment… one that came with a top-secret security clearance.
>Charlie Trie member of a Chinese Tria d crime gang that has close ties to the Chinese Communist Party. Trie's money contact in Macau, who wired more than $1 million to Trie's U.S. account, most of which is believed to have ended up in Clinton Defense Fund and Democratic Party campaign coffers, is Ng Lapseng, a Triad mobster and Chinese communist official. In fact, Ng visited the White House and attended a number of Democratic Party fund-raisers in Washington, sitting next to President Clinton at some events.
>"James and Mochtar Riady have a long-term relationship with a Chinese intelligence agency; influenced Clinton-Gore policies that decimated national security export controls ….product of negligent Administration oversight of joint U.S.-China high technology programs and satellite launches, that have dramatically improved Chinese nuclear missile accuracy and reliability.
>The critical premise of the authors has been validated by the recent rel ease of an explicit Pentagon report to the Congress illustrating how the China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) is developing a range of high technology weapons to destroy American satellites and establish "capability to establish control of space and to deny access and use of military and commercial space systems in times of crises or war."
Year of the Rat: How Bill Clinton Compromised U.S. Security for Chinese Cash
>In August of 1994, Bill Clinton’s Secretary of Commerce, Ron Brown, flew to China to try and seal two deals for American corporations.
>The Chinese agreed to buy the planes; McDonnell Douglas should sell a mysterious company called the China National Aero Technology Import and Export Corporation (CATIC) a set of specialist machine tools that shape and bend aircraft parts stashed in a factory in Columbus, Ohio.
>They used the same excuses, NYT ; avoid sending any signals that would fuel China's belief that the United States is trying to contain China's power, militarily or economically.
>there were two catastrophic decisions Clinton made in 1993 :The first was to radically break from the post-World War II trading system; passing NAFTA,creating the World Trade Organization, opening up the United States to China as deep commercial partners. The radicalism of the choice was in the intertwining of the U.S. industrial base with an autocratic strategic competitor.
>The second choice was to reorganize the American defense industrial base
>In 1993, Defense Department official William Perry gathered CEOs of top defense contractors and told them that they would have to merge into larger entities ,i.e. monopoly—contracts, and slashed the Defense Logistics Agency, resulting in thousands of employees with deep knowledge of defense contracting leaving the public sector.
Bill Clinton and American Financeers; Matt Stoller.