b698c6 No.93015
Now that the goal of the epidemic is coming into focus, we can look back and say with confidence that the anti-vax movement was created, launched, and endorsed by state actors and/or spooks of the cabal. The first reactions to chipping via the mandatory covid vaccine will be "It's unproven science", "I can choose what goes into my body", "This is unethical/oppressive". These have been the anti-vax talking points since its popularization, and (in the court of public opinion) they have already been disproven.
Assuming I'm right, how do we stop it? How would we go about changing minds and recruiting patriots to resist government overreach? People are easily swayed by the media, and the media has been beating the anti-vax sock puppet for years. Even edgy neo-nazis and literal commies look down on anti-vaxxers, and now we know why. This is the epitome of social conditioning. The government won't have to do anything to the guy who speaks out against the chipping, because the obedient public will ridicule him out of relevance before he can do any damage.
Post info about the fake&gay false flag anti-vax movement ITT.
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11e0ef No.93017
Nice pic for ants, faggot.
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ff1b4d No.93018
>now that the goal
>(in the court of public opinion)
>assuming im right
You need to go back.
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b698c6 No.93022
Nice slide attempt, faggot
What is your point? Speak with more substance.
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ff1b4d No.93024
No need since you keep outing yourself.
Not going to spoonfeed some shill nigger and or bot.
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bdfc29 No.93026
>muh vax
there is already a chemical that cures corona and vax and pharma are shilling hard against it
really makes you thinkus
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cbb5d4 No.93027
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b698c6 No.93031
The classic leftist tactic of claiming that there is no need to provide an argument. Not surprised since your grammar and writing style make it clear that you're a mobileposter.
Of course, because they're waiting to distribute their own vaccine instead. I'm sure it's just a random cohencidence that Bill Gates has gone into maximum overshill at the same time Microsoft is teaming up with drug researchers.
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65644d No.93148
Good point OP. The shills are calling you a bunch of names. Must be onto something.
All I do is just not get vaccinated. Tell people the facts that there are more regulations on animals vaccinations vs human vaccinations. Explain that we survived long before people injected us with shit. Show the bill gates video about population control. We are winning
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a1c05d No.93155
Willingly getting vaccinated FOR ANYTHING in this day and age is the epitome of mental retardation. Live healthy, avoid cities, take liposomal vitamin C if you catch something; you'll live healthier and longer.
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c1004b No.94031
Look up the history of vaccines, it was always a scam, and Louis Pasteur had 2 sets of science papers - 1 read, and a fake one for vaccines, as shown by Princeton Universities book The Private Science of Louis Pasteur, based on Pasteurs archives his family held.
You haven't bothered doing any research, so just watch this virologist expose it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTETvlWL-Wg&t=
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93e9ff No.94039
>oy vey goyim do everything jews say
>anyone who says not to do what jews want is a shill
Sage, report.
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e80ebe No.94176
Go back to reddit, faggot.
The NSDAP were "anti-vaxxxxxxxxxxxers".
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f2d336 No.94448
Everyone should read pic related. It's basically Culture of Critique for vaccine freedom advocates. I'm not saying we should throw all vaccines out the window, although maybe we should. The simple fact of the matter is no honest scientific effort to assess the frequency of vaccine damage has ever been made that wasn't either shut down or repressed by pharma kikes.
They love vaccines not only because there are less regulations around them, but many are mandated by law. Which basically translates to guaranteed sales.
Take measles for example, any treatment made would easily be sold to anyone with measles. However MMR2 vaccine is required by law in order to enroll a healthy child in middle school. Which do you think translates to more profit?
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583810 No.95285
You hit the nail on the head. I've been saying the same about flat-earthers for years. I recall back around 2016 it was a pure meme. In any given Flat Earth group on Shekelbook 95% of people were just playing along with the joke, including the admins. Once it sufficiently permeated the normiesphere suddenly they were a serious faction of deranged nuts peddling subversive pseudoscience, to the consternation of Redditors everywhere. They're held as the epitome of the words "conspiracy theory", in order to sour the public's taste and (ironically) feed them that schizo line of "nothing every happens." Finally, someplace that horseshoe theory actually does apply. The fact that ePsTeIn DiDn'T kIlL hImSeLf filtered through and became Reddit's stale meme of choice for a while just shows that our brew is stronger than (((theirs))) I suppose.
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564539 No.95372
Like much of modernity, vaccines have a dysgenic effect on the population as a whole.
Vaccine advocates like to talk about herd immunity but they forget that healthy herds are thinned from time to time. When we don't allow our herds to be thinned, we, in effect, choose to let weak links that would have otherwise been culled from the gene pool reproduce and create more weak links.
Eventually, there are a significant number of people walking around who are basically unfit to survive on their home planet… and would die if the structures and systems that provide their nature-cheating synthetic immunities collapsed.
The lack of foresight/concern for future generations and the health of the species as a whole shown by advocates of vaccination is boomer-tier.
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11442b No.95445
Shut the fuck up retard.
The problem isn't vaccines. The problem is SHITTY vaccines.
Goddamn, the whole fucking europe cringes at this anti-vaxx shit.
Bring that shit up in ANY european country, you'll be laughed out the borders.
Ask yourself this: why is anti-vaxx such a huge deal in the US but not in Europe?
Because Europe doesn't have a corrupt FDA aproving lead-lined vaccines that cause you more problems than they fix.
BUT GODDAMN, aren't they cheap to produce? Fuck it, mass-produce that motherfucker and ship it out the door.
HOLY FUCK, we got a huge stockpile of poison-needles, how the fuck do we get this in the veins of those stupid fucking bastards?
WAIT, I got a fucking idea: MAKE IT MANDATORY.
Eat shit and die, burger sack of shit.
>Oh anon, americans aren't that dumb, they're quite educated and woke too!
Yeah? Well take a look at the fucking retard I'm replying to: wants to spread his message, but sages his own fucking point.
Either he doesn't even believe the shit he's peddling, or he's a fucking grade-A certified moron.
Or maybe he's both: a fucking AMERICAN.
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4da01c No.95469
>The problem isn't vaccines. The problem is SHITTY vaccines.
Yet all vaccines are "shitty", full of toxins, and there's no proof or evidence they work in the first place. The "proof" it works is they check your blood after an injection and say "yep, the vaccine's in there". kys shill
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11442b No.95482
>Yet all vaccines are "shitty"
"All" vaccines?
Your shitty picture takes one, ONE out of HUNDREDS. You took the one that people actually sucessuflly sued Big Pharma over. I'm not gonna claim it's the worst one, shit man, I wouldn't doubt at least one of those is jam-packed with cyanide or worse shit, but your clever "infographics" take ONE vaccine out of all of them, and imply the rest are all bad.
Do you know the term for taking a small sample, pointing out it's flaw and then generalizing for the rest?
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11442b No.95483
OH and btw:
>The "proof" it works is they check your blood after an injection and say "yep, the vaccine's in there".
You're a grade-A retard.
The proof is that when the vaccine is deployed, the number of cases drops dramatically. Shit, there's diseases that killed thousands and people don't know about nowadays because of vaccines.
Do me a favour, join the Bolsonaro supporters on the street chanting "Corona is fake" and die with them already.
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cbd36c No.95502
> Assuming I'm right
You're not. Every premise in your screed has been debunked, many time times in many places by many people.
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cbd36c No.95504
> The classic leftist tactic of claiming that there is no need to provide an argument.
I think you meant to reply to OP.
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cbd36c No.95507
Don't forget the vax corps have legal immunity so after their concoction cripples you, you can't even sue them.
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cbd36c No.95510
> The problem isn't vaccines.
The problem is vaccines.
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cbd36c No.95512
> post hoc ergo propter hoc
you're the retard.
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11442b No.95526
> Lorem Ipsum, retardandum Quandum
Pointing out fallacies is not an argument.
Especially when it does not apply in this case. It can be an induction fallacy, everything we deduct out of inductions COULD be wrong.
However, since we must, by necessity, base our knowledge on empyric facts, this is what we can observe:
>A desease exists
>a vaccine is developed
>vaccine is administered
>number of cases dimishes
It doesn't happen to a small amount of cases that can, statistically, be discarded. It occurs on near 100% of the cases.
If you wish to disprove inductions, you can do one of two things:
>Be a lazy faggot and simply point out it's an induction
And the universal answer you'll get is "So…? What's your point?"
>Point out another cause for the observable events
Number of infections lowers after a vaccine. Do you know of at least ONE reason why it does so? Is that reason common throught all 300 diferent vaccines currently in use?
Because the use of vaccines IS the common factor between all of them.
If you can't come up with a reason as to WHY it happens, then you're not making a counter-argument: you're denying one and presenting NOTHING.
And let me finish with a tangent.
Look at this picture. This are your most recent 5 posts on the thread.
This place isn't Twitter, faggot. It's a place to argue, present ideas, defend them and establish arguments. It's a place where you're required to put a little more effort in your posts.
And it's a place where you can write more than 140 characters, dipshit.
THIS SHIT right there, on the pictures?
This isn't discourse. This isn't arguments, and this isn't anything at all.
This is a Twatter user arguing the only way he knows how: reposting shit other "smart" people he follows said, and then adding "No, you're wrong" bellow it, hoping other's get tired of hearing you before you look really fucking stupid.
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d9a86a No.95541
>worthless image
>stone toss
>not able to tell if ironic or not
Get the fuck out of here.
Antivax is just schizo shit with plausible entry point. Yeah yeah all that shit could happen but go into any stem field and the stupid shit they think of doesn't exist
>Vaccine bad
Alright go get the virus you stupid fucking
Get small pox, chicken pox, the flu, and tetnus and tell anyone with a fucking brain if that shit is real or not.
OH RIGHT, you'd be dead RETARD
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d9a86a No.95544
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727cd7 No.95569
>sneezes once
>has to get hooked up to an IV bag and has to get 6,000,000 vaccinations
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cbd36c No.95574
I'm vaccine (and drug) free and haven't gotten seriously sick in decades.
The idea that poison makes you healthy is one of the biggest frauds of the last two centuries, maybe the biggest.
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f90a93 No.95616
This, there are serious issues with many of the modern vaccines, such as the bill gates ones, using weak toxins that leave the virus viable and instead cause the infection they're supposed to prevent.
There are others however who use cheap toxins to effectively de-fang the virus but they then go on to cause long-term organ damage.
The problems lies in the fact that we've let (((doctors))) who are on the executive payroll of the pharmaceutical companies they're supposed to review and regulate.
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bb0af1 No.95766
Motherfucker, you are 100% a paid shill or a bona fide ignoramus. There are toxic organomercury compounds in many of our vaccines that we give to CHILDREN, these compounds are KNOWN to be toxic. Look up Thiomersal. The rate of Autism has skyrocketed from 40 years ago, it used to be 1 in 5000, now it is greater than 1 in 69, it begs the question, what Environment are us and our children being exposed to? Who is accountable? Where are they located?
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bb0af1 No.95768
42 USC §300aa–22. Standards of responsibility
. . .
(b) Unavoidable adverse side effects; warnings
(1) No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death associated with the administration of a vaccine after October 1, 1988, if the injury or death resulted from side effects that were unavoidable even though the vaccine was properly prepared and was accompanied by proper directions and warnings.
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f63090 No.95771
>The idea that poison makes you healthy is one of the biggest frauds of the last two centuries, maybe the biggest.
Says the man who thinks he has to drink poison, and yes, alcohol is poisonous to all living cells, just to keep the "demons" at bay.
It's alright. We're all a little judmental most of the time, but none of us enjoys judgment directed at ourselves. Good judgment is pretty useful to develop though. Following conventional "wisdom" doesn't always get you there. In fact, it rarely does. Conditions change, and reasons behind actions change. Just because people get used to something does not make it efficacious or right. You would do well to remember that, Euroserfs… You idiots literally do everything your leaders force you to do; and even being in a conversation about freedom while arguing for more enforced conformity makes you look like the stupid cow you are.
I am with Killcen on this:
I am not taking any vaccine, mandatory or not, and neither will MANY Americans.
Bill Gates and his cronies can rush out this huge cash cow to the world, but I ain't buying. Any politician recommending door to door enforced testing and vaccinations should be removed from office, shot full of vaccines, and "We, the People" should start demanding our human liberty. After all, these people giving orders are not better than me, nor do they have more authority over my life, unless I give it to them. In fact, they have zero power to either help or hurt anyone unless many people give them that power. Feartards will always eat up the fear porn and do anything their slavers tell them to do. People are easily controlled through fear and greed.
Vaccines have been proven to be far more efficacious to greedy Big Pharma investors than they ever have been to public health. Just because most people ate up their lies that your kids need these shots in order to stay healthy, does not make them any less lies. If you can' t see by now that anybody can prove anything just by rearranging some numbers then I can't help you. I know how you like those "We're Here to Help" types like Bill Gates; but he's just slicker at lying – a better psycopath. I can't help you if you want to be a sheep.
Just my own experience – shit on it if you must, but my kids never were vaccinated and have never been sick.
>inb4 my unvaccinated kids gave vaccinated kids diseases.
<if your precious vaccines actually worked that could not possibly be the case
No. Face it. Vaccines are for greedy fuckers to make loads of money and establish even more power over your lives, more "compulsory" shit, etc. Vaccines are like insurance. Gambling on the belief that something bad will happen – living your life based on fear. If you want insurance, get it! I do not deny you that right! But you have no right to force me to buy that shit you're selling!
If the Vaccine Worked It Wouldn't Be Mandatory.
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ded9f1 No.95773
I agree, not so much controlled opposition though, but a usefull one. The argument has been distorted to: Muh vaccines gives people autism. People like to discuss at length the numerous chemicals, harmful or not, in those vaccines. When in reality the conversation should be much simpler:
>Should the government have the power to inject you with whatever they want
I had this discussion numerous times, especially with all the flu-shots people were getting. In hindsight this all seems like normalisation in preparation for this covid-19 hysteria.
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11442b No.95777
>If the Vaccine Worked It Wouldn't Be Mandatory
Of course. Everybody knows the population at large is widely reliable and frequently makes the best choices in their own interests.
It's not like humanity as a whole, throughout countless years have made really shitty decisions that constantly bite them in the ass.
Therefore, we can sumarize that if the population at large does not want something, it's bad, and if they DO want something, it must be good.
That's why folks like you eat shit everyday, right? Millions of flies can't be wrong, after all.
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f63090 No.95778
File: c35fa1f715ea87b⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 3.35 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, virus_may_soon_be_eradicat….gif)

Getting a flu shot is stupid. The virus mutates too rapidly for the vaccination to be of any real value. You know what viruses mutate even more rapidly? Coronaviruses. So, duh, the vaccines won't work for anything except to line some pockets and enforce further control over the livestock.
In Other News…
The Virus Soon May Be Eradicated!
>.gif related
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f63090 No.95779
>wasted trips does not realize he is buzzing around eating shit with the rest of us!
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2514c5 No.98920
>The problem is SHITTY vaccines.
so 99,999% of all commercially available and state-enforced vaccines.
Good observation.
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1eb6cf No.98942
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c1a8a6 No.98986
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I pressed play but couldn't finish, at a glance it's clear that guy is full of shit.
Anyhow i saw this Tucker video earlier and it reminded me of the enormous power of the Jewish media. Check of the polling on halting immigration and I'm sure it's like this in most white countries. The overwhelming majority are anti immigration but some how now leader in any white country can get elected supporting views the majority agrees with.
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affd37 No.98989
Vaccines are full of rape. And they have paid out on causing autism. I have seen the court dockets with my eyes but can no longer find them. Not to mention when I would go to my Doctor and bring up how many vaccines have unsafe amounts of mercury she had nothing to say. And most doctors don’t even know what they are talking about. I know more about chiropractic than most of the doctors I interacted with. And the clinic I go to is part of one the best hospitals in the country. Get fukt big pharma shill. Your tactics are known. How come Abbot changed their name? Push moar useless drugs on seniors.
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c1a8a6 No.98995
Many times I've mentioned the drug that will give us the upper hand on Corona, Ivermectin. It was being ignored, fortunately Bill Gates is going to fund it.
The results so far absolutely crush Trump's snake oil and save your outrageous lies about Bill Gates. He's trying to save your lives.
One thing's for sure there's never been a better time to discuss immigration policy and how it fucks over American workers. You guys probably think everyone on the left and every non white support mass immigration, that's simply not the case.
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e54f13 No.98996
There is absolutely nothing wrong with vaccines. They are not created in some smoke-filled backroom of a synagogue by (((government))) officials - they are created by doctors trying to help mankind.
If you are unironically anti-vax, you are either really stupid or are trying to discredit the other people on this board.
HOWEVER the recent idea of putting in a microchip with the vaccine to make it possible to track every single person is the real problem!
Focus on that, not the vaccination itself.
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c1a8a6 No.99055
We should be thankful Gates is putting up all this money.
So yea, you can be edgy and larp as an anti vaxxer but when push comes to shove, shut up, pull em down and get the shot, am i clear? I'm sure you're used to spreading your cheeks but that's not necessary. fo know you enjoy spreadingyou need to shut up and get vaccinated take the shot.larp but at the end of the day shut up and get the vaccine.
Now if someone wanted to criticize gates
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c1a8a6 No.99060
A fair criticism of Gates is he's facilitating a population explosion of African savages.
Not only are they getting vaccinated, they're getting treatment for AIDS. That was a perfect virus for Africa, now they ghet treatment and we immigrate them and do not test for AIDS..
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d1895d No.99186
So what? We see that from 1973-74, varicella deaths dropped decades before the licensing of the vaccine.
It started to go up around 84 and you would have a hard time explaining why.
The type of fall that happened around 94, over 3~4 years, had already naturally happened 4~5 years before too over a similar period.
Which combined with pic1 shows that around 80~84, both viruses returned in strength.
Maybe the cause wasn't properly identified, yet got dealt with indirectly and the vaccines just happened to make it look like they managed to reduce the problem.
Or maybe the migrants needed the vaccines but Whites didn't? More migrants meant greater numbers of reported cases, until they got vaccinated in greater quantities.
Those pictures don't tell enough and contain information that can be used against what they seem to be arguing in favor of.
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22c93e No.99203
>Assuming I'm right
No you're a shill
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c4cd7f No.102091
If you love vaccines so much vaccinate yourself.
Where is the "OP glows" button?
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f264f8 No.102167
Why are normies so triggered by antivaxxers? The MASSIVE amount of triggering it causes makes no sense to me. This is some Truman Show tier shit because I get vaccinated and can't relate at all to the HYSTERICAL mass triggering antivax causes. It's like scripted mandatory SJWism for all actors.
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73916c No.102303
gas yourself retard
flu vaccine makes coronavirus infection worse: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31607599/
>Vaccine derived virus interference was significantly associated with coronavirus and human metapneumovirus
>Studies have suggested that coronavirus vaccines carry the risk of what is known as vaccine enhancement, where instead of protecting against infection, the vaccine can actually make the disease worse when a vaccinated person is infected with the virus. The mechanism that causes that risk is not fully understood and is one of the stumbling blocks that has prevented the successful development of a coronavirus vaccine.
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