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The holocaust never happened

File: f3f5986d5920084⋯.jpg (1.97 MB, 2000x3000, 2:3, hideo1.jpg)

File: 456ad20d059ff34⋯.gif (1.14 MB, 600x600, 1:1, krcxbi.gif)

aa0f87  No.92791

It's always been the diabolic degenerate Jews. Red pill the country on Jewish control over video gaming, Hollywood, music, big tech, comics, tabletop gaming, porn, television, news media etc.

We must combat the diabolical Jewish menace and their ethnic monopoly.

Red pill the country anyway you can on the ethnic Jewish monopoly on all forms of entertainment.

They're not even trying to hide it anymore.

Give some examples of the most blatent Jewish thing you have ever seen in an entertainment product.

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c7f8c8  No.92929

File: 305572d87b624e2⋯.pdf (2.59 MB, Adolf_Hitler_Mein_Kampf.pdf)


So, OP, tell me - what are you going to do about it? eh?

> We must combat the diabolical Jewish menace and their ethnic monopoly.

What do you suggest OP?

> Give some examples of the most blatant Jewish thing you have ever seen in an entertainment product.



I see it all

I cannot unsee it anymore

I have lurked on /pol/ way too long and I cannot unsee it

maybe there was a point when I could have just turned it off, but I am way past that point.

as a matter of fact that point no longer exists for me.

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7c201c  No.92940


They control cuckchan now too.

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563f44  No.92978

File: b4b3aa850a38ce3⋯.jpg (118.21 KB, 960x641, 960:641, rug1.jpg)

File: a9cee93183202f1⋯.png (124.46 KB, 364x273, 4:3, Today_I_Am_a_Clown.png)


That first pic is good but I must disagree with Beauty and the Beast, that was an adaptation of an 18th century French fairy tale, the biggest point of which was actually to prepare girls for the idea of an arranged marriage. I actually don't consider it to be furry tier nor the Beast character as an analogy for niggers or whatever. Don't just look at the behind the scenes stuff either, there was a huge amount of blatant joo propaganda shoehorned into childrens' programming in the 90's to soften them up for what was coming.

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b363a7  No.92991


Also 8chan bud. This place is similar

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9fb297  No.94308

File: dc32034eb8f6240⋯.png (630.25 KB, 2287x1503, 2287:1503, Elfriede_Jelinek.png)

>Jewish literature

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9fb297  No.94309

File: ed575f1f8eaff7a⋯.jpg (118.82 KB, 931x461, 931:461, Noel_Ignatiev.jpg)

>Jewish politics

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9fb297  No.94310

File: d7bab67c758b0d3⋯.png (88.75 KB, 468x881, 468:881, First_mosque_in_England.png)

>Jewish architecture

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9fb297  No.94311

File: 9aa573e70ce4ea9⋯.png (235.66 KB, 1102x793, 1102:793, Kurt_Lewin.png)

>Jewish psychology

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9fb297  No.94312

File: 055097a33961192⋯.png (168.89 KB, 1336x966, 668:483, Members_of_the_Communist_P….png)

>Jewish coincidences

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9fb297  No.94313

File: 25a9c59935e329f⋯.png (157.94 KB, 1165x664, 1165:664, Birth_control.png)

>Jewish inventions

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9fb297  No.94314

File: 2632d0f1ac4adeb⋯.png (59.46 KB, 1663x610, 1663:610, mkultra.png)

>Jewish mind control

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9fb297  No.94315

File: 6d8b4cca1f18fe9⋯.png (415.75 KB, 1458x1326, 243:221, _alain_de_botton.png)

>Jewish intellectualism

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9fb297  No.94316

File: a42056f189bc54d⋯.png (370.75 KB, 725x1213, 725:1213, The_European.png)

>Jewish newspapers

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9fb297  No.94317

File: 27253a32424ed22⋯.png (171.35 KB, 1697x534, 1697:534, payoneer.png)

>Jewish services

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9fb297  No.94318

File: b10b6d88d1fb715⋯.png (653.06 KB, 1604x1142, 802:571, Earrings.png)

>Jewish culture

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9fb297  No.94319

File: 7311b9bc0a329d1⋯.png (255.77 KB, 1304x634, 652:317, Ralph_H_Baer_Inventor_of_V….png)

>Jewish invention

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9fb297  No.94320

File: 5ee39e5353a5cf9⋯.png (110.02 KB, 1024x541, 1024:541, Immigration_2.png)

>Jewish immigration

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9fb297  No.94321

File: 88a7d8b5f53cff4⋯.png (140.87 KB, 485x261, 485:261, Magnus_Hirschfeld_Inventor….png)

>Jewish sexuality

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9fb297  No.94322

File: b016042c6949dd3⋯.jpg (906.13 KB, 2512x1332, 628:333, Marcus_Eli_Ravage.jpg)

>Jewish writings

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9fb297  No.94324

File: 2333dd9eb5adc03⋯.png (217.3 KB, 884x525, 884:525, blonde.png)

>Jewish stereotypes

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9fb297  No.94325

File: d2735d3e978f7f4⋯.png (179.83 KB, 971x506, 971:506, black_music.png)

>Jewish music

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9fb297  No.94326

File: ead100744f64611⋯.png (300.63 KB, 1245x1259, 1245:1259, German_revolution_2.png)

>Jewish revolution

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