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File: a7111439f9c318d⋯.jpg (238.76 KB, 682x864, 341:432, 1575228197845.jpg)

eac6fb  No.92279[Last 50 Posts]



>Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) will announce the suspension of his 2020 presidential campaign on Wednesday, paving the way for former Vice President Joe Biden to become the Democrat Party’s White House nominee.

>Sanders announced his decision to depart the race during a conference call with staffers and will address supporters at 11:45 a.m. EST regarding the move.

>The Vermont senator’s decision comes as the U.S. is racing to combat the spread of the Chinese coronavirus. The ongoing pandemic caused both Sanders and Biden to campaign virtually and delayed primary elections across the country.

>The move also follows a series of crushing losses in key primary states, which prompted Sanders to reassess the viability of his campaign.

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b65996  No.92284

Just when you thought he cant sell out any more, wait until the general when he starts endorsing Biden on television

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0c1ddd  No.92286

File: b52c69ba29257e8⋯.png (348.73 KB, 600x477, 200:159, 1579038606071.png)


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0c1ddd  No.92289

File: 2d30c75842780a3⋯.png (20.9 KB, 696x324, 58:27, hy9ij.png)


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b65996  No.92290

File: 4615df594c114ef⋯.png (19.67 KB, 716x217, 716:217, 1586360981062.png)


Rip mom

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0c1ddd  No.92295

File: 2e6433336a7b691⋯.png (75.85 KB, 640x314, 320:157, 9gt87guh.png)

Can't wait for the Bernie riots at the Democratic Convention in August tbh

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cbd44c  No.92297

File: b8869b03d1e5e28⋯.png (144.93 KB, 595x684, 595:684, Selection_045.png)

File: a331a87a1d70590⋯.png (101.23 KB, 594x421, 594:421, Selection_047.png)

File: 03cb16ccd5c1f9c⋯.png (237.18 KB, 597x422, 597:422, Selection_048.png)



Ron your dumpster fire of a website needs some TLC

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d43e91  No.92298

File: aa02934003dac05⋯.jpg (10.39 KB, 262x192, 131:96, laugh.jpg)

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ca489c  No.92299

File: 6c97d0a0f077212⋯.jpeg (102.72 KB, 474x521, 474:521, 41969590_652F_41FC_B8EF_4….jpeg)

Congratulations everyone. We did it again. We got our guy the nomination. Now let’s put him in the White House.

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07adf7  No.92301




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e863f0  No.92302


Apparently Twitter has some sort of filter that shadowbans you or some shit if you post words like "die" or "kill".

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06f3fd  No.92309

File: 114bab79300e132⋯.jpg (211.52 KB, 1162x850, 581:425, 61a0e15d176bfef6d36aed0c74….jpg)

what a surprise! who would have thought that this political operation was just another way to "redistribute" some of that middle class money for "thy good of thy people!"

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b89bd9  No.92311

File: c4ef935a14e5358⋯.png (9.77 KB, 577x147, 577:147, 4thhouse.png)


Dont worry guys they're still giving their money away to him.

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a2537b  No.92315

Browsing Plebbit for some tasty tears. Man, they really expected free or reduced tuition, housing, and healthcare. Did they think that Bernie would make it work via Jew magic? They really think they can do these things by throwing money at it.

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6d07ea  No.92318


encourage him, i want to laugh even harder, these people are reaching levels of stupidity that are really hard to comprehend

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561e7d  No.92326


<Scam goyim for a second and third vacation home

<They continue to give you money for your fourth vacation home even without you scamming them

Sometimes I really sympathize with the kikes. How can you see these suckers and not want to take all their money?

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b33965  No.92332

File: 59d371a86bbff0d⋯.jpg (113.71 KB, 1108x275, 1108:275, dune_salt.jpg)

File: 67febd445669b85⋯.jpg (106.79 KB, 737x415, 737:415, salt_train.jpg)

File: 6bcda1a7e98e27a⋯.jpg (693.45 KB, 1600x1201, 1600:1201, salt_piles.jpg)

File: 5f5ea641d20a2de⋯.jpg (83.35 KB, 800x533, 800:533, mountainous_salt.jpg)

File: ca8ec262cf3593c⋯.jpg (407.88 KB, 1200x894, 200:149, salt_storage_as_far_as_the….jpg)

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahaahahahah!! The eternal gibs jew is out for good, probably getting too old for another try now.

Biden Bush 3.0 (D) debating Trump will make for some amazing soundbites.


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b33965  No.92333

File: 6614b1d0a8d1b39⋯.png (204.69 KB, 420x315, 4:3, biden_and_bernie_loli_kek.png)

File: a0ae4656d43fd11⋯.jpg (137.75 KB, 640x539, 640:539, ABSOLUTELY_HALALMO.jpg)

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faaf34  No.92344

How was he supposed to lead a revolution when he's a massive pussy?

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bd186d  No.92345

File: 08e904bc9c301fe⋯.gif (966.95 KB, 320x182, 160:91, 1408442077607.gif)

A curious turn. Did he get crushed in that WI primary? Do you think he'll endorse any of the Dems, despite being everything he stood against? And is that clown Warren still in the race?

What a shitshow. All we need next is for Biden to have a major 'senior moment' at the big DNC convention and make a colossal ass out of himself. Again

>imagine being a Berniebro

>looking good, especially around midterms

>signs that DNC is starting to put their thumb on the scales become clearer each day

>other competitors clearly worse orators except Gabbard, most are assorted lunatics (Warren, Yang, Buttgieg), establishment slaves (Biden, Warren), or rich assholes (Bloomberg)

>actually have an energetic base that can fill meeting halls

>DNC starts to actively fuck Bernie over, first with the (((errors))) with the Idaho primary was it Idaho? I don't even remember, then through active efforts to take the steam out of his campaign

>get blown out in SC

>still could probably get a nomination, or at least split the ticket if you tried, and have healthy funding

>just say fuck it on a random Wednesday with little to no fanfare and not even bother

>supporters are millennials who are already having hourly anxiety attacks because they've never had any hardships in life, and Corona-chan is now fucking them in the ass, then see this news today


2020 is amazing.

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b89bd9  No.92352

File: 54e9ec5efca104f⋯.jpg (21.78 KB, 250x239, 250:239, IMG_0778.JPG)


Sanders is most likely going to endorse Biden just like he did Hilary in 2016 he has no balls. I think that he might actually like getting fucked over or something because he never complains about it or anything.

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2d2bb0  No.92357

File: 53f773e6765be4b⋯.jpg (10.41 KB, 720x115, 144:23, FB_IMG_1586375539065.jpg)


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d976c1  No.92363


Yea there'll def be no refunds for the trillions Trump has sent from the middle and lower class.

Congratulation now you have to pedos compromised by Mossad. Trump anal raped his supporters so hard that i just can't imagine what he'll do when there's no pressure to be re elected.

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8a6e70  No.92365

File: 4351208ab7a682e⋯.png (182.74 KB, 900x600, 3:2, niabmbw6rlk41.png)


Biden is suffering from dementia. He forgets what he's saying mid sentence. It'll be interesting to watch socialists and dems jump through hoops to justify their support for Biden. Having said that, Trump v Biden is going to be a bloodbath. I wouldn't be surprised if Biden shits himself on stage.



Sanders will get paid off again.




>being this /leftypol/


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69fabc  No.92372

File: 934da5688d50716⋯.png (199.17 KB, 924x1159, 924:1159, biden_infected.png)

rip dems lol

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d0c25a  No.92375


He's a Democrat and will endorse whomever gets the nominee from the Party. That's how it works. Just because your big orange faglord whines and cries and throws a tantrum every time someone says mean things about him doesn't mean that's normal behavior. Sanders has always said he will endorse the nominee, even if it isn't him.

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07adf7  No.92394


I wish this was real, then they can throw coumo into the ring at the last second and watch him flounder about instead.

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2d2bb0  No.92405


>implying intelligent people on here thought he would actually be white nationalist

He's great for the liberal butthurt.

The amount of circumcised cock he sucked on the campaign trail made it apparent what side he was on.

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d0c25a  No.92414


He's a Jew. He's always been a Jew. He's never tried to hide the fact that he's a Jew. Literally everyone on the planet knows he's a Jew. Was there ever any question what side he's on?

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c91c1b  No.92420

File: e7cabe2f72168ca⋯.jpeg (35.96 KB, 365x363, 365:363, external_content_duckduck….jpeg)

Leftypol sad.

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5d97f0  No.92422


checking these triple threes of loli groping

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f94a84  No.92423


And Hillary will be the VP candidate.

People will expect her to run the country, either from the shadows, or openly if Biden runs into sufficient trouble.

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bd186d  No.92432


Bernie's Independent, anon. He switched affiliations after they fucked him over in 2016 and has been I-VT ever since.

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d0c25a  No.92439


He was running for the Democratic Party nomination and has vowed to back the DP nominee. That pretty much makes him a Democrat, even if in name only.

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a920e2  No.92448

File: 4148a47ad908e8a⋯.jpeg (537.46 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, EU2m9RtXsAAMkS0.jpeg)

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a920e2  No.92450

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081f08  No.92458

File: 675c41d02002063⋯.png (126.86 KB, 480x266, 240:133, ESHB3ImWAAMTCJy.png)


If this were made by a 14 year old it would be kinda cute in an edgy way, but on the other hand if an adult made this we would be looking at some kind of diagnosis or at least problems.

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ae348f  No.92460

File: 885f8849361d6a3⋯.jpg (180.92 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, Communism_sucks.jpg)

Once again, the jewish prostitutes are discarded pennyless on a back alley.

Will they ever going to learn, pol?

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a2537b  No.92461



Lel, I'm sure her hate and negative energy journal worked for Teump so she's onto her next victim.

Anyway, I've been looking for salt on Plebbit, but have yet to find a good vein. It's really been a lot of moaning and nothing more from what I've seen. They keep saying America is now doomed, the overdramatic cunts. I mean, at best Trump has implemented some decent economic policy and at worst has kept the status quo.

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ae348f  No.92463

File: aa8eef4f627b1d3⋯.jpg (78.98 KB, 1398x1080, 233:180, moonmoth.jpg)

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88cc0b  No.92465

File: 96c79918a2d190f⋯.png (53.95 KB, 585x243, 65:27, Screen_Shot_2020_04_08_at_….png)

We live in an open-air asylum

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393522  No.92474

File: 8745a911a6b3a5b⋯.png (147.79 KB, 601x351, 601:351, Screen_Shot_2020_04_08_at_….png)

Vote for rock climber

(I also rock climb, but that's as retarded an identity as non-binary)

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081f08  No.92481


In CY+1 it was #VoteBlueNoMatterWho for these people but now the DNC has picked such an awful canditate that they would rather Trump (the pussy grabber) get four more years than support Obama's vice president (the finger rapist).

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d0c25a  No.92488


That's from 3 days ago.

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8a6e70  No.92491

File: 8ed8a08026408cd⋯.png (82.5 KB, 726x805, 726:805, ClipboardImage.png)

It looks like enough Bernouts are ready for a violent revolution. I'm expecting more once Biden gets crushed.

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876899  No.92492

File: 488a4d60c182592⋯.jpg (194.5 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 488a4d60c182592d7d247fa7e8….jpg)


>But I am not a skilled enough worker apparently.

Colour me surpirsed.

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88cc0b  No.92500

File: e09eb27b713ea03⋯.jpeg (299.76 KB, 1720x1234, 860:617, EVGDXkYXsAMZ8YQ.jpeg)


>It looks like enough Bernouts are ready for a violent revolution.

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8cc17b  No.92508


They look like they'll start crying when the first bullet hits any one of them. Then they'll all look at the nigger, and he goes forward and dies first in true Hollywood fashion.

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081f08  No.92512

File: 40d36d7e0f6fc9f⋯.mp4 (10.21 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Chicago_Antifa_Starts_Self….mp4)

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a920e2  No.92519


We live in a parody

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d4f44d  No.92520


>tfw been in marital arts for only 4 years and everything about that video disgusts me

>those strikes

>that godawful choke

>that single leg takedown

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9a74a5  No.92521

kike candidate sucks up more money from dumb retarded kidults to pay for his new houses, once again pulls out before the end and backs the zog paedo candidate.

The whole time he lives in Vermont, a safe, clean majority white state and advocates for mass immigration and spic take over of major American cities while pretending to advocate for the working classes (who are majority white).Imagine falling for this twice. Imagine believing that you were ever going to win for a SECOND time.

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cbbde9  No.92528

File: d7c57366a05d668⋯.mp4 (5.6 MB, 720x404, 180:101, LGBTQPRSTUV_gun_club.mp4)





Better start practicing more lest you get taken out by one of these brave people

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d4f44d  No.92531


Lel all that jiggling while firing.

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6eaf5d  No.92533


>you’re leftypol because you point out that the ZOG emperor just publicly shilled for communism and that this is bad

Kill yourself, please.

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bd186d  No.92535

File: 486f68ee015d409⋯.jpg (66.08 KB, 315x419, 315:419, 486f68ee015d409c72b975a68e….jpg)

File: 1c1a778c4521874⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1131x849, 377:283, 1c1a778c45218740a9245c1fed….png)

File: aad87f9b251a2bf⋯.jpg (46.59 KB, 510x525, 34:35, aad87f9b251a2bf706534bebfe….jpg)


Quaking in my boots over here.

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081f08  No.92537

File: 522ae369bf832d1⋯.webm (8.12 MB, 720x576, 5:4, Soviet_aerobics.webm)




Is this the /pol/ approved excercise I need?

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9f724e  No.92543

File: dd0c8effe69753a⋯.png (8.52 KB, 271x96, 271:96, ClipboardImage.png)

Aaaahahahahaha /leftypol/ still assrekt about orange man and being ignored in the bread while sperging continuously.

Your fake jew cuck got owned and now it's down to the final jew cuck.

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697849  No.92548

File: 74de76ae56496af⋯.png (109.66 KB, 620x477, 620:477, wut1.png)

File: cb0e7534648c6e3⋯.png (196.55 KB, 622x482, 311:241, wut2.png)

File: d09256755f669d9⋯.png (110.36 KB, 622x501, 622:501, wut3.png)

File: 2b05f26dda264c3⋯.png (58.69 KB, 638x288, 319:144, wut4.png)

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82b1c3  No.92578


I guess they got their money back?

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bd186d  No.92582


Looks like it. Sanders' campaign is 'generously' giving out refunds 'in light of the COVID-19 situation.'

Still, if those pics are anything to go by, it doesn't look like many of his followers want anything to do with the DNC, which is bad fucking news for Biden.

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aba28e  No.92583


can you keep your fingers








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aba28e  No.92585

File: 7c30a4c2b3ba2f3⋯.png (417.3 KB, 878x447, 878:447, ClipboardImage.png)


>pic related


Anon astroturfing the berncucks spotted. Top kek whichever autist that was.

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bd186d  No.92588


Work a fucking adult job where you send emails, cuntrag. Line breaks don't always mean people come from leddit.

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aba28e  No.92593

File: 314b020fbc412b6⋯.png (358.91 KB, 614x450, 307:225, Yoshitaka_Sakurada.png)


No one who has lurked at least two years on /pol/ and some time here does that. I run a business and send many emails a day you dumb nigger - just stop being an enter faggot, you have no excuse. You shat up /cvg/ as well with your nothingburger reddit spacing, you are obvious as fuck.

Just stop it. It's not hard.

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56c6c7  No.92628

File: a327cb288e0fb9d⋯.jpeg (4.23 MB, 3120x4208, 195:263, leftypolmodsad.jpeg)

Leftypol mod sad. Lights yard in honor of Bernie.

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a920e2  No.92634

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


If any of those ladies tried to choke me like that I'd have them on their ass so fast.

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a920e2  No.92638


I honestly have no problem with fags learning to shoot. Owning a gun is the gateway drug to taking responsibility and thinking for yourself.

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a920e2  No.92639


LOLno, but keep telling them they are

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14b55c  No.92641


>1:52 Jumping up and bending down

Please for the love of fuck DO NOT DO THAT. If his grip is too strong you may dislocate your neck.

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a920e2  No.92643


You pull down with your hands, not your neck. It's a desperate move assuming your opponent is tall and strong enough to lift you (which the antifa types aren't)

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14b55c  No.92645


Be that as it may. In self-defense classes we're taught to use the first tactic or at least try to squeeze your hands between his arms and your neck. Never do any sudden movement that involves throwing all your weight down if your neck is restrained. If his hands had slipped that would have been it.

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88cc0b  No.92650


I have never, and I mean never seen anyone successfully squeeze their hands inside a RNC. If they did all that would accomplish is tightening the choke. Fire your instructor immediately.

Only thing you can do in that situation is:

1) Grab the cinching hand with both hands and pull down.

2) Failing that (because you can't reach the hand), face the choke and step aside (like the video)

3) Failing that (because you're being lifted), break the posture of your opponent

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466449  No.92668


>expecting a bunch of neutered trannies, faggots, soyboys and wahmen to threaten the establishment

The establishment wouldn't give them so much support if it thought they would ever be any sort of threat.

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c754d9  No.92879


keep going anon, the salt after they realise will be paletable. Also don't let 4/pol/ find out about this, they'll ruin it

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d0c25a  No.92893


>the entire country, every man woman and child, knows that Bernie stopped his campaign

<b-b-b-but surely 8kun knows first! D: D: D: D: D:

You are literally everything wrong with the internet.

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37789c  No.92898


>Only thing you can do in that situation is:

>not kicking the choker in the nads with your heel

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aba28e  No.92900

File: 5a83d9ddd7ad98a⋯.png (84.51 KB, 1394x481, 1394:481, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c5ac81e4cf9c79d⋯.png (102.04 KB, 1087x818, 1087:818, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 77bc805998c87ea⋯.png (162.15 KB, 1296x609, 432:203, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5acd723acda5535⋯.png (134.75 KB, 1389x814, 1389:814, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0b98f76f04b0fbf⋯.png (121.87 KB, 1411x912, 1411:912, ClipboardImage.png)


You don't even understand what anons are talking about and can only emotionally kneejerk about unrelated means. Go back to /leftypol/ you assmad faggot.

>moar salt

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ffe303  No.92912

File: 5824a6100838190⋯.mp4 (228.28 KB, 576x1024, 9:16, bernie_screamer.mp4)

I was hoping there were more of these, but this is the only one I found

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d0a6c5  No.92973


Fool me once…

I guess only hardcore Bernouts get suckered twice.

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41a5f7  No.94042

The real question is

will he buy another house with the money of his bankrupt debt ridden supporters $$$$$$ ?

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4d9ff8  No.94046


Buy it and rent it out

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2d2bb0  No.95258

File: 05dd8b650b63667⋯.jpg (13.96 KB, 292x315, 292:315, 1398774191532.jpg)


Good farming job, anon. Thanks

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2d2bb0  No.95259


The funniest thing about his campaign this time around was that he had to go from saying "millionaires and billionaires" to just "billionaires" because of all the scratch he made from last time.

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1c6236  No.95280

I am inquisitive, whom will replace Joe Biden if he get vitiated by Coronavirus? He is an grey haired oldster so his immune system is not functioning properly as it used to be.

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2d2bb0  No.95282


The DNC will just pick someone and it won't be Sanders, which will be hilarious. Might be whoever his running mate is. Or they'll just prop up a dead body like they're doing with Ruth Bader Ginsburg

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1c6236  No.95286


>Or they'll just prop up a dead body.

How can they prop a dead body up if he cannot show up on the tv show? It will look like a corpse withe heavy make up on if they do that.

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6907cf  No.95352

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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493deb  No.95353




That's a lot of salt there.

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ca489c  No.95377

File: f10624096a5886d⋯.jpeg (312.35 KB, 2048x1149, 2048:1149, 094A4905_0874_439D_A6F0_7….jpeg)



These people trying to work magic are ridiculous. Biden beats Trump in everything except hand size (pic).

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6907cf  No.95381

File: 337eb3352fa37f3⋯.jpg (38.21 KB, 450x495, 10:11, 337eb3352fa37f3c09258684cb….jpg)


oh lord

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cf93cd  No.95387

File: 225405cd31dd4db⋯.png (177.13 KB, 640x360, 16:9, walmart_yesterday.png)



The shadows betray you, because they belong to me.


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2d2bb0  No.95437


They'll go back to radio broadcasts and say that it's an homage to FDR

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52be9e  No.96667


>Voting for an actual jew. ishygddt

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7b68e1  No.96711


>voting for a Jew who is pretending to not be a Jew. ishygddt

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995bde  No.96745


>I'm going to have to leave. Move to some nice nordic country

Now, I wonder if smoool is, the worst those of European descent have to offer, or is not even European at all.

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070855  No.96768

File: 4c2898ca40fbc05⋯.jpg (7.32 KB, 225x225, 1:1, gfmsfxmgxmgh.jpg)



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070855  No.96770

File: bd3214d8afeb822⋯.jpg (69.92 KB, 960x952, 120:119, 49158413_10214942530329069….jpg)

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607044  No.96776

For the Dems, Bernie was like a yoked donkey. They used him to plow the field. He knew, but after a completely hollow career, this gave him some exposure and notoriety. He gets to be part of history. Plus the money.

All he had to do was clear the field then just get out of their way. He told them to promise him some sort of bullshit platform so he can give an illusion of credibility to his base. Plus the money. Same routine as last time. A good donkey is an underestimated asset.

Bernie knew the whole time he was never going to be the nominee. His base is stupid for not seeing they got conned. HRC def got that part right.

Plus Bernie's wife is fucking atrocious. Could you imagine her as first lady? She looks like the old ugly bitch that plays Rob Schneider's wife in Grown Ups 2

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7b68e1  No.96788


>plus the money

What money? You do know that when people donate to your political campaign, you don't get to keep it, right? All the money Bernie didn't spend on his campaign will go into the DNC coffers for other candidates. Literally every penny must be accounted for, which is why you cannot donate anonymously to a candidate.

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d24b94  No.96880

Bernie has never been a real worker. He gutted a college for its wealth yet commies like my neighbors revere him and fetishize working cushy soft jobs.

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070855  No.97113


I Remember the debate between Moly and Vaush, im pretty sure Vaush didn't know what 1/2 the words he used actually meant.

And i say that, because i do.

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405cc9  No.97147


We should encourage them.

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405cc9  No.97149


This! Let the marxist fucks exhaust all their resources and die of starvation or being shot by the ZOG like they would in the communist utopia they dream of.

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405cc9  No.97151


Same way Trotsky did, just have the mindless drones do the atrocities for him while he cowers at a corner.

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405cc9  No.97152


>>DNC starts to actively fuck Bernie over,

>implying the kike wasn't consciously controlled opposition and a total scum from the start

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405cc9  No.97154


Want to know how we knew since 4 years ago?


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070855  No.97251


They tried to prop him up as the democrats answer to Ron Paul, but those who understood Ron Paul knew better. even with the media "black out" and being screwed by "the establishent" But Ron Paul never endorsed the guy he lost to either. Because RON Paul had Principles, and well… Bernie sanders does, they lie in alliance with Israel.

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a75ab5  No.97474

File: 42b9663e605e09f⋯.jpg (172.29 KB, 917x821, 917:821, feel_the_burn_for_the_seco….jpg)

File: 2dd1fa8fd8980e9⋯.jpg (83.19 KB, 826x629, 826:629, Bernie_Sanders_Doll_2020_.jpg)

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