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The holocaust never happened

File: f45d7b35779a9d9⋯.png (664.19 KB, 680x383, 680:383, 1585087412292.png)

93744e  No.90003

>2nd amendment in place to nullify a tyrannical takeover

>America taken over by tyrants in the 1900

>if not earlier

Literally how can you brag about your guns when they were proven absolutely useless a century ago?

I guess guns don't do shit when they're in the hands of a cowardly populace

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645826  No.90012


You're right, Americans are just cattle.

But… they're cattle with guns.

That's why they're so well fed and plump.

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21a160  No.90035

File: 5a42c89319c2619⋯.png (102.03 KB, 1007x464, 1007:464, Screenshot_2020_04_04_07_0….png)

File: 51826a0397dc875⋯.png (223.13 KB, 988x624, 19:12, Screenshot_2020_04_04_07_0….png)


>America taken over by tyrants in the 1900

Another shit thread



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781a03  No.90038


To be fair, the 2nd Amendment was written at a time when the people and the government had the exact same guns. Now the government has warships, fighter jets, and nuclear weapons while the people have pea shooters. Your AR-15 might bring you comfort when it comes to a nigger break-in, but the government can firebomb you from space.

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5cacd5  No.90039


He's right. A real militia never existed in the USA, everyone minded their own business and forgot how important it is to defend their own people.

The jewish takeover of the federal reserve was the nail in the coffin, the government doesn't even control their own currency anymore. Why do you think all those billions were sent to Israel ? Why didn't anyone react ? They were too "busy" with their own lives, not caring about their own people.

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eea2fc  No.90041


>He's right.

He's wrong, and you didn't even read.

America was taken over in 1803, and it wasn't the second amendment that failed.

The entire structure of government was faulty from the start.

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df38fc  No.90059

The entire cohenstitution was a failure. We need to abandon all 1776/patriotard LARPing.

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31a71e  No.90069



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bc0333  No.90259

File: fa5f4f0bea9ab1c⋯.jpg (257.5 KB, 1068x832, 267:208, hSSRXM8.jpg)


Weapons like warships and nukes don't matter shit in a situation where people are trying to over throw the government.

>pic related

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3ad927  No.90262

File: abfcd928431964f⋯.png (34.6 KB, 300x250, 6:5, 53CED211_ABA9_486D_93C4_96….png)



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3ad927  No.90264


(((Government))) is a jew concept.

Of course it is always going to fail.

Name one government that did fail and is still running smoothly over the last 6,000 years.

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781a03  No.90275


>he thinks a tactical nuke won't stop a rebellion


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dfb9d5  No.90278


You think if cattle had guns they would kill the farmer?

No. They would make the farmer bring better grass.

Americows are the perfect shekel cattle.

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3ad927  No.90284

File: c3a53f8df35c926⋯.jpeg (214.07 KB, 1023x681, 341:227, 88E8E9A0_A6C7_463C_AF29_A….jpeg)


>Work you like a slave owner farmbitch!

Sounds like the cattle’s priority is perfect to me.

MFW you don’t have to do anything to make the kikes into your slave bitches.

Why you think they are so ANGRY about gun ownership…those bitches be tired a hauling that good hay.

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5b25fd  No.90285


>>America taken over by tyrants in the 1900


Notice how the Constitution doesn't allow restrictions on the transatlantic slave trade until 1808? The tolerance of slavery shows that it was dominated by tyrants from the start. It wasn't until the 20th century that America STARTED to move towards freedom.

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683f39  No.90291



Get the fuck off this website.


>retarded enough to think anyone is ever going to fight back, anywhere on Earth

It’s not 1939, dipshit. Whites have already lost.

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3ad927  No.90313

File: 2ee9c66e0503e62⋯.jpeg (15.43 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 3694DACC_2D4D_4EBD_82DD_B….jpeg)


Don’t be such an angry kike, just because you are my slave bitch. Now bring me some hay or I’ma bust a cap in your worthless nigger ass…

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e163f1  No.90368


Allowing dangerous animals to roam free is not a step towards freedom. It's a step towards chaos. There's a reason why animals are kept inside cages in zoos. The end of slavery, if anything, was a step towards tyranny.

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82e886  No.90371

Jews controlled US finances starting with the rise of the (((federal reserve))) after WWII, not before even WWI. Also day of the rope is coming, don’t worry

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5b25fd  No.90533


Your concern trolling about the supposed threat posed by free Negroes is somewhat undermined by the fact that the choice wasn't just 'allow import of slaves' or 'free all the slaves' - if Negroes are so dangerous, they could have STOPPED BRINGING MORE IN. Of course, then the elites would have had to work with their hands.

Your concern trolling is further undermined by the fact that Fascists, per capita, kill more White people than Negroes do. Are you willing to support a legal system that applies the same restrictions to Fascists that you would apply to Negroes?

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7312cb  No.90555


Why do we let any non-European/Whites live at all, anon? What is the point of their worthless lives? Do you think they contribute something other than crime, parasitism, terrorism, theft and murder? They contribute NOTHING. Fascist, by their nature are supporters of (((big government))) aka THEY ARE KIKES ANON. They love the parasites. They need to die as well as the subhumans/parasites. (((GOVERNMENT))) is a kike construct that is alien to this planet and it should be obvious TO EVERYONE, subhuman or not that it is a failed system that can never work no matter what guidelines it operates under. This should be patently obvious to EVERYONE at this point. The only people who are stupid enough to support a parasitic failed system must be assumed to be crypto-kikes and exterminated as well. This would be like you coming up to me to tell me that faggot gay rape was an ‘ok system’ and that it should be promoted as worthwhile within society. There are less people murdered by faggot gang rape than are murdered by government…but even you can tell that faggot gang rape is UNDESIRABLE in society…so why would you support something that is even WORSE?

Nothing the kikes have to offer is worth partial if in…these kikeniggers are not human at all and have no relationship or interest in LIFE or productivity other than what they can rob and steal from it.

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f4f154  No.90849


When was the last time there was a massive armed resistance against the ruling party here in the United States? There have been flare-ups but no protracted, organized army (in part or whole). The last one that rings a bell was the miner's revolt (Blair Mountain) in, I think, 1921. And the government dropped bombs on them from the air.

But, until such a time as we can contemplate what such an organized resistance would look like in practice - versus theory - the fine details of how our 2nd amendment rights are slowly eroded away mean less and less.

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683f39  No.90894


>you’re a jew because I can’t refute what you say

>you’re a jew because you want to kill all jews

Fun fact: you will never use your guns at any time for any reason. Ever. Nor will anyone else. Whites lost in 1945.





Reminder that the mods allow this jewish spam on the board. Reminder that the site ownership will ban them if they don’t. Reminder that this entire website is completely compromised.

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7312cb  No.90897


The 2nd Amendment cannot be ‘eroded’ anon. God given rights cannot be ‘taken away’ by men. Nor really, can they be granted. It is only your own belief that they can be taken or granted by men that gives men power over you. When you KNOW that they are granted by God and Natural Law…no one can take them or alter them or grant them. They should be a foundational principle of your soul. This is what makes them SELF <—-as in you, yourself, your being EVIDENT. When you know that they are not ‘given’ by men then you will know that they cannot be taken from you either.

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7312cb  No.90900


Don’t be a faggot. I use my guns all the time.

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683f39  No.90942


No one will ever believe you.

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f4f154  No.90965


Sure thing. And I'll let the ATF know about that when they see I accidentally left the rifle buttstock on a 'pistol AR'… Or, you know, you could look up Ruby Ridge to see how that scenario plays out.

Sure, the right to defend yourself and your family (and your property) through the use of force need not be a subject limited to simply the tools commonly allowed by the society you live in. However, the society you live in is altogether willing to allow - en masse - the authority of other men wearing three and four letter jackets - to show up to your house, murder your dog, and maybe even murder you if you don't go quietly.

This whole thing - this society we live in - we all know it's a thin veneer. It's an illusion. However, there are men and women who draw paychecks for the simple purpose of maintaining that illusion through the use of deadly force. And that deadly force is backed up by every court in the land. Even if it isn't - like in Ruby Ridge - most of the participants on the other side are dead or had already served so many decades in prison that routine life outside of those walls is nigh impossible.

That's the reality. That's the 'law of the land'. And no matter what it says on a piece of paper written by dead men long ago, nothing is more relevant than the 'right to draw air into your lungs' and that right will be jeopardized the second those men and women in three and four letter jackets decide you are not playing by their rules.

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7312cb  No.90976


Ruby Ridge was a false flag anon. Nothing happened there. It was one of the governments first big ‘productions’ to keep the tax cattle ‘in line’…but it never happened IRL. You want to look something up look at the Bundt Ranch. That is what it looks like when people oppose the (((government))).

If that deadly force wasn’t backed up, you would never know…CIA Jane would have just ‘gotten robbed’ off duty and killed in her car by a nigger carjacker…none of you jokers would be one iota wiser. That is what it means to be assassinated anon. I would know since you guys threaten it often enough to keep your tentative grasp on the power that doesn’t belong to you and that you don’t wield. If anyone really gets tired of you people you will never know what happened. I am trying to think of the name of that glownigger who was recently assassinated on the dance floor….what was his name…who cares. He dead.

ANd I know that most of that shit is your own internal housecleaning…but shit does happen to people all the time anon. Just the same way that you attempt to make shit happen to us for your own reasons as well. Let’s put it this way, I am not worried about it at all. Everything you are speaking of is the fantasy or thin veneer of ‘civilization’ and everything you know can be drop kicked the fuck out when that imaginary veneer ceases to be functional as a guideline for society.

I am just saying…you got NOTHING anon…and that I am others are going to really enjoy burning our way across this nation when that time comes. We are going to leave nothing alive behind us but a burning decimated landscape that won’t support life for 1,000 years. People are going to run in terror in front of us…this type of power is the only real thing we can expect from the coming scenario….talk to me about something as inane as ‘muh bump stock’ and you will totally reveal your glowcuck background to everyone around you.



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683f39  No.90978


Then don’t post here at all, you fucking yid. No one is going to fight back against this shit.

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af3ce3  No.90981


No, freedom does not fail. It's the people who fail to protect & defend their freedom that are the problem.


I don't know why many people don't just shoot them if they intrude on their property without legitimate reason (perhaps some have but most don't live to tell and nor will the media mention it anymore as they don't want more martyrs or bad PR for their co-conspirators).


Most people won't fight back unless they are forced to, as in, they are personally and directly threatened. When people face the threat of losing everything in some crisis, that is when they can become very dangerous when armed. And if that were not true, no one would care about this issue or be debating it, would they?

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eea2fc  No.90988


>Name one government that did fail and is still running smoothly over the last 6,000 years.

Jewish families.

>muh not government

The kike aristocracy has fucked over all competitors as long as they've existed.

A government can only exist if it's founding nation expels all jews spiritual or otherwise, or is comprised entirely of jews.

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7312cb  No.91091


>jews are ‘successful parasites’ so lets become jewish parasites as well

No anon. I don’t really know if you understand what you are saying here. Do you?

(((Government))) is a jewish idea. It is PARASITIC on humanity. What the ever living fuck are you thinking? The last thing we want to do is BECOME THE FUCKING JEWS.

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7312cb  No.91092



That is the unfortunate nature of humanity. We are different from the alien jew in that we are simply peaceful and quiet (this is NOT BAD like the jew would have you believe) unless directly threatened.

They are alien on this planet and defective because they don’t belong here…their ideologies and ways of looking at things are TOTALLY CORRUPTED and inhuman. They think because HUMANITY doesn’t attack, murder, terrorize and torture everything in our path that ‘WE ARE DEFECTIVE’ because we are ‘not like them’…putrid corruption. However, I would argue that WE ARE PURE and that their own putrid state of terrorism and murder is the corrupted state. They want everyone to ‘be like they are’ low trust murders and terrorists…but HUMANITY (what is left of it, Western Europeans) don’t feel any need to slaughter everything in their path and destroy everything they touch. They think we are ‘weak’ because we don’t want to act like they do…they manipulate us because we don’t respond to anything but a direct threat…FUCK IT…the world does not NEED them anymore…what does it need terrorists and murders or worse their parasitic machine (((government))) for? We don’t. It is time for the Fallen to DIE and be totally purged from the planet.

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a4ccd5  No.91578

The rifle may have failed but what about the lighter fluid filled supet soaker?

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e34a57  No.91598


I would recommend bear spray over that, as lighter fluid needs to be ignited to cause damage, and you don't want to accidentally burn your own property down right? Get some bear spray, a pepper spray gun with extra cartridges, a good shotgun (12G or 16G), and a couple rifles for sniping intruders from longer distances (preferably .223 and/or 5.56 cal). You may also want to invest in a wired camera kit (with night vision) to monitor the outside of your property when SHTF (preferably powered by 12Vs and a decent power inverter if off-grid) and some trip wire to trigger alarms nearby if someone happens to intrude by stealth. Have some fiberglass paneling to duck and cover behind during a potential shootout too if you can afford to work with that.

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a4ccd5  No.91685


>bear spray

How does bear spray help burn down 5G towers and electrical substations?

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