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522e76  No.89608

Is it possible that the European Union is in fact just a British-lead, Allied occupation puppet government? Britain is trying to leave the European Union, but the elites of Britain are knee deep within the globalist coalition that is the Brussels based European Union. People who approve of this occupation puppet government can’t get off their high horse(s). They proclaim open borders between European countries, free Universal Healthcare (that is utterly useless in a Pandemic, and essentially an underdeveloped Union of previously developed White nations.

The Allies took on the Nazi German government by going through the Western Front. Belgium is a predominantly English buffer state. Belgium right after WW2 was like a country-sized Checkpoint Charlie. The deeper I think about it, the more I quickly realize that the European Union is indeed a fake government that is as real as the American DMV. Also, the European Union just spews out whatever new Trotsky failed communist ideals that emerge in college campuses. The EU is not original by any means - the Soviets previously made their own Warsaw Pact that was ethnically way more jewish than the EU today.

The ultimate point here is that the European Union is indeed a High Horse for the Allied occupation forces. It is entirely controlled by the West and it indeed has immediate influence over Germany because of Merkel submitting her government to the English. Unlike America, the European continent does not have a Groyper movement, nor any Youth conservative movement, nor any opposing minority party. English people have indeed forced Democracy down Germany’s throat. Spain controls the German Youth by making them yet another Trotsky socialist FIFA World Cup country. Yet, the actual Britbongs themselves don’t want to get involved in a mere Allied puppet government they know damn well they created.

Is England the true winner of World War II? Does Germany really have any control over itself? Is Merkel more of a State governor than a real nation leader?

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69697d  No.89652



Germany still is occupied by the UK and US.

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262e5c  No.89723

EU works by most member states being squeezed so the money goes to Germany, and then Germany gives that money to Israel. The eternal Anglo haven't been such a big player lately, it's more to do with the fact that London is one of the centers, if not THE center of international jewry. There are no British or Germans here, just a bunch of rootless cosmopolitan parasites taking all white nations as hostages.

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be7080  No.89732


This. The Anglo-Saxon might have bled during WWII for the cause of international Jewery but he's been cast aside now that he's largely outlived his usefulness. Therin lies the real lesson, no matter how well you serve the Jew he will never be your friend and will ALWAYS betray you in the end.

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262e5c  No.89764


Agreed, seeing how they have utterly ruined those nations which have helped them historically and waged wars on their behalf is a good lesson to anyone. It literally doesn't make any difference do you bleed for them or try to gas them, they will destroy you in the end.

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966a66  No.89815

File: 7d4e9cefc6ef812⋯.jpg (254.05 KB, 737x994, 737:994, 6_million_1919.jpg)


once US pulls troops out of germany, ww3 is coming quickly.

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dff86a  No.89854


>or try to gas them

nobody did that

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8a3e83  No.89890


Except that will never happen.

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