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The holocaust never happened

16ecfd  No.89181

Let me tell you how we should react to China's politics.

It is very important that we do not put any pressure on China and that we do not condemn its actions in any way, and that we do not declare war(trade or otherwise) or impose sanctions.

China is on its way to become a capitalistic democratic society. It just needs time.

Right now China is in its early stages of capital accumulation. It behaves extremely reckless and aggressive. But this is completely normal for any developing capitalistic country. All western countries went through this stage of colonialism,imperialism, exploitation and war for resources. This is normal.

Sooner or later this stage ends and capitalistic society goes into the so called "Stable State" (see Growth Theory). It is a state of late capitalism where capital accumulation no longer contributes to economic growth. All developed countries are now in the stable state, and China will get there eventually too.

Transition into late stage capitalism is always accompanied by transition into a more democratic form of rule. Capitalism and democracy go hand in hand. China's communist party knows this and in order to stay in power desperately tries to sabotage China's economic development. We should not allow to this to happen. We should let the free market do its magical thing.

Why do we want democratic China? Chinese are a very conservative society and there is 2 billion of them. Imagine what blow the international jew would suffer if there were 2 more billion nationalistic conservative capitalists with traditional values.

Jews do not want this to happen, and will work with communist regime to try to destroy China and prevent its development at any cost.

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16ecfd  No.89182

File: 89942e58796418e⋯.jpg (45.23 KB, 564x564, 1:1, 03caac432afdbdb64078db7bea….jpg)

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0a6e7a  No.89183


Shut up chinkoid.

The only thing worse than the jew, is the Chinese

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16ecfd  No.89184

File: 2e750316112684a⋯.jpg (45.28 KB, 564x563, 564:563, 03c53c2a89b615d582cfff834a….jpg)


Look at Hong Kong you dipshit

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4f6267  No.89186

China is running the American System or the National System (Germany) of economy. Japan utilized a similar system in Manchuria and in the postwar period. China calls this system Socialism with Chinese characteristics. More broadly this can be considered Industrial Capitalism. This is a, more or less, permanently efficient system. Historically it only ends with outside intervention (war), with the exception of the Plaza Accords and Japan, but there were trade sanctions prepared which are often a preclude to war.

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0808ed  No.89195



you have a good point

Governments can be nice to them







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4da4fd  No.89198

File: 79f4a50a99f8a58⋯.png (208.77 KB, 800x1672, 100:209, CHINA_HISTORY.png)

File: 30d1dd763353215⋯.png (5.83 KB, 779x127, 779:127, CHINA_HISTORY_01.png)

File: 30d1dd763353215⋯.png (5.83 KB, 779x127, 779:127, CHINA_HISTORY_02.png)

File: 55251673b58c1ee⋯.jpeg (160.75 KB, 1266x462, 211:77, CHINA_HISTORY_03.jpeg)

File: cac2a2bb9abb9e4⋯.png (38.35 KB, 1266x354, 211:59, CHINA_HISTORY_04.png)

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4da4fd  No.89199

File: 75f6f9a4fe645e7⋯.png (31.39 KB, 1266x262, 633:131, CHINESE_HISTORY_05.png)

File: 7e0157ae0ec9455⋯.png (57.98 KB, 1266x521, 1266:521, CHINESE_HISTORY_06.png)

File: 4426932bf3be30d⋯.png (49.88 KB, 1266x413, 1266:413, CHINESE_HISTORY_07.png)

File: 9193a3342fba841⋯.png (17.32 KB, 677x202, 677:202, CHINESE_HISTORY_08.png)

File: 81d6aaf1b9d2f51⋯.png (42.65 KB, 1266x308, 633:154, CHINESE_HISTORY_09.png)

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4da4fd  No.89201

File: 8debc67c4ad808f⋯.webm (2.79 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, CHINA_OUR_FREINDS_FROM_AC….webm)

File: bf00669df8ef532⋯.png (107.42 KB, 1785x565, 357:113, China_plan_for_world_takeo….png)

File: 8faad166f41d0f3⋯.jpg (82.31 KB, 960x684, 80:57, CHINA_POLLUTION_VS_USA.jpg)

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4da4fd  No.89202

File: 1b24cd6c0029f85⋯.webm (887.99 KB, 640x368, 40:23, chinese_electrician.webm)

File: 1e1e74f470bb726⋯.mp4 (5.76 MB, 320x568, 40:71, CHINESE_FOOD_YUM_YUM.mp4)

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4da4fd  No.89203

File: 41ca86786455ce2⋯.mp4 (1.62 MB, 320x564, 80:141, CHINESE_MAN_FUCKING_A_CHIC….mp4)


Don't click on this

You were warned

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4da4fd  No.89205

File: 1b4e096cb8d683e⋯.webm (3.36 MB, 480x270, 16:9, CHINESE_BASED_LAUNDRY_AD.webm)


Hope the spoiler worked on that last one.

Now, because no race is totally without merit, (even the chinks)…

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5376e1  No.89219

File: f9b327dc32a1233⋯.jpg (256.56 KB, 1008x1500, 84:125, 1388284051553.jpg)



>worse than jews



Chinks aren't even 1% as much of a problem as jews are.

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8ea41f  No.89241


China is suffering from the terrible effects of this worldwide tragidy which is this pandemic. We should support China through using our most advanced billion dollar airborne sterilizers. Combines all known methods of sterilization- heat, radiation, pressure; is instantaneous and can be used to treat an entire city at once!

It is the least we can do, we are all in this together!

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398da1  No.89251


subhuman filth > evil jews

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6ba6f6  No.89268

File: 3736ce06ec50314⋯.jpg (81.68 KB, 499x516, 499:516, say_fuck_to_china.jpg)


>China did nothing wrong

>Don't say China did anything wrong.

>Just let China keep stealing shit and controlling the global economy via sneaky means like the jews have told them to do.

>But they're really nationalist, guise.

>8814 save the white people, right gwailo?

Fuck off. Chinks are the kikes of the East and they only care about chink domination, nothing else.

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0808ed  No.89285



We must secure cheap Chinese manufacturing sources for the future of cheap Chinese goods

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89203a  No.89297

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

kill yourself you gook

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957479  No.89319


Ching Ching Chong zing Wong Hong Kong smul schlong

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5376e1  No.89329


>Winnie the Pooh

It's so heckin funny, just like on reddit. I wish I could updoot your post right now.

Remember when Trumpniggers pretended they weren't neocohens?

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c4b2c0  No.89340


It's not a joke, you simpleton.

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89203a  No.89374


this copypasta makes every gook banned from the site by their own chinese firewall if you didn't knew newfag

now go off yourself

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b9b9de  No.89377


We can get there a whole lot faster, and with the whole world instead of just China.

We would have to broadcast all our news to the world, cook up a mock authoritarian crisis in the USA, then show everyone in painfully explicit detail exactly how we deal with authoritarians in our society.

Then the whole world would know how to free themselves.

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2b4249  No.89416

File: ef61083cbbd9a71⋯.webm (5.7 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, CCP_secretary_in_Wuhan_Do….webm)

>capitalistic democracy

China is not a democracy and, although people are allowed to participate in the market, there is still very heavy government influence in trade. They intentionally take (not buy, since buying would mean they get paid for it) 51% of shares in companies so that they would still have the last say in what does and doesn't happen. And this isn't just for foreign companies coming in and then being forced to give over half of their company to the government, this also applies to many Chinese-owned ones as well. The largest companies in China all have the government holding the majority of their shares. Given the fact that this is a population of 2 billion, that is quite a large amount of control. So does this sound like government-owned or does it being potentially up to a maximum of 49% privately-owned make it sound like free market? But don't worry, they removed that limitation for the international financial industry, meaning that banks wouldn't have to surrender majority ownership to the government. Ain't that swell, all these diplomatic solutions to further help the Chinese people.

>late capitalism

Oh look, it's a commie trying to protect not-real-communism by pretending to be in favour of capitalism. Your own words betray you.

>Chinese are a very conservative society

Only conditionally conservative, whereby they are more than happy to do away with it if the government deems it adequate.

>Imagine what blow the international jew would suffer if there were 2 more billion nationalistic conservative capitalists with traditional values.

Well the international jew has fairly exclusive access to the market in that they do not have to give up control like everyone else. All other foreign companies and many large domestic companies do have to surrender it. And the nationalism you describe is simply worship of the government, which a commie obviously can't tell the difference between.

>Why do we want democratic China?

Doesn't need to be democratic, it needs to not be a socialist bugmen country since calling it a nation is a pretty huge stretch.


Also it still works. If they use a safe VPN then they won't be blocked but otherwise they get blocked pretty fast.

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a44fe4  No.90066

File: 85450a62fc791ca⋯.png (539.18 KB, 1110x658, 555:329, chinahate_by_George_Soros2.png)

Like I give a fuck about capitalism.

Fucking boomers the lot of you.

I'm a national socialist not a fucking market liberal capitalist.

That said, I stand with China 100%. Hong Kong protests were CIA through and through. I bet they saved a fortune on street lighting since all the protesters glowed.

Chinahate is for tiny pinprick brainlets who are useful idiots for neocon warmongers. Anyone dumb enough to post unironically in chinahate threads is not someone smart enough to have in your crew. They are dangerous idiots at best or glowniggers at worse.

Also, Maoism is only one step away from National Socialism on the political compass.

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9bc105  No.90087


>They intentionally take (not buy, since buying would mean they get paid for it) 51% of shares in companies so that they would still have the last say in what does and doesn't happen. And this isn't just for foreign companies coming in and then being forced to give over half of their company to the government, this also applies to many Chinese-owned ones as well. The largest companies in China all have the government holding the majority of their shares. Given the fact that this is a population of 2 billion, that is quite a large amount of control. So does this sound like government-owned or does it being potentially up to a maximum of 49% privately-owned make it sound like free market?

Why would companies being able to pack up and leave whenever they want be a desirable thing from our perspective? Are you under the impression you're talking to IMF bankers here?

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d75324  No.90106

File: a4477996b1184cb⋯.gif (78.44 KB, 307x298, 307:298, mao_ht9_.gif)





China and Israel daily trade and share technology along with the fact Israel literally allows chinks from china into their ethno-state who are half Jewish.

The chinks don't give two shits about whites and you wouldn't care if we went extinct off the Earth. You are literally defending a shithole that is going to accept same sex marriage and has allows trannies to castrate themselves and some zogged shit America has accepted. China is nothing like NS Hitler hated the reds, the kikes, international finance in which china is also associated with. Anyone who shills for china is a non-white anti white cuck with fuck off you subsersive mutt contarian.

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9bc105  No.90114


>The chinks don't give two shits about whites

He wasn't making that argument. He's making the argument that you don't either [I'm using "you" because it's obvious you're a mil-shill]. You know what definitely isn't good for Whites? Another dysgenic Forever War while our lands are swamped with niggers. Your business interests aren't our problem – you've made it perfectly clear what you think about us.

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d75324  No.90120


>Durr muh lands only swamped by niggers

And are the chinks any better glownigger, the same chinks who bitch and whine about muh non-existent racism from whites, the same people who bitch and moan to school officials about a whitie scoring higher than them, the same chinks who look at you funny because you don't like them? China is replacing Italian within Italy and literally allowed the niggers to go racial hatred free of niggers being a country they shouldn't be in the Chinese are not better than the kikes and they must be swamped as well. Just because boomers hate them doesn't mean we can't hate them as well.

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0b4b84  No.90129




Pick one.

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a44fe4  No.90279

File: 178e9449598bb88⋯.gif (3.35 MB, 360x202, 180:101, miga_nigger_yarmulke.gif)


Literal molochian servant accusing others of doing what he is doing for sure. Whether China be one thing or another, you guys certainly are child murder-rapists, satanists, abortionists, white genociders, and child trannyists.

Whether China be one thing or another, you and its enemies are pure evil and must be hunted down and eradicated at any and all costs. There is no room for nuance on this issue. Promoting Chinahate can only lead to a nuclear war and 100m dead white people minimum. Promoting Chinahate can only serve as a distraction from jews and their abominable crimes on the systematic level.

A man can no more have two nemeses than serve two masters, and your focus on China is extremely telling.

Anons ask yourself who benefits from Chinahate? How does white nationalism benefit from dividing attention between jews and chinese today or jews and iranians tomorrow or jews and russians the day after? It's the jews and we are under ZOG. There can be no greater priority than getting out from under ZOG do not be distracted by their Molochian agents like this faggot.

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726ec4  No.90512


>kikes being the enemy means we absolutely have no right to criticize anyone else who causes problems

>kikes being the enemy automatically makes everyone else swell and harmless

There can be more than one knife in your back, you know.

China is one of the international jewry's tools, by the way, a golem dotingly raised by Kissinger with US money since the 70's. And while evil needs to be smote in its heart, its claws need to be ripped out as well, whenever possible. There is no way that defeat of the international jewry occurs without a conflict with China. It does not, however, need to be a hot one.

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c9afa0  No.90516


Well, anon, if china is ‘national socialism’ I sure as fuck don’t want any of that!

All (((governments))) are jewish because government is a jewish ideology.

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c9afa0  No.90517


Our best bet would be to re-engineer COVID to be a race specific bioweapon and put it back into China. Hair of the dog that bit them and all.

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c9afa0  No.90519



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cb6264  No.90587


that's the thing son, it is a bioweapon. Meant to take out the chinks and the iranians. It's made by the jewish world to cripple their enemies.

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726ec4  No.90610


As I said above, communist China is a kike creation. It may play tough and rattle sabers, but it's all for show - I have no doubts that their party's top ranks answer directly to (((international banking interests))) and other influential kikes.

Still, China is a tool, not the wielder, but that doesn't make it any less dangerous to subverted people of the West.

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ea9e32  No.90627


The chinks have controlled 8chan for a loooooonnng-ass time. Remember when Russia had their Snowden moment, revealing their techniques of tracking people? Those threads kept getting deleted, because the yellow kike is in league with the roooskies (and probably are the main coders behind the software, computers in russia are steam-powered).

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d7470a  No.90631


>muh CCP fullchan

Fucking kek, yeah that's why there is a 48-thread long general calling for them to be glassed and outing all their infection exportation, mask hoarding from other countries, variants, biolabs and the rest?

I must be the shittiest chink shill ever, kek. You are a dumb nigger

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bc5392  No.97015


"China is controlled by the jews, goyim!"


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