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The holocaust never happened

File: c4ed4652b77faa9⋯.jpg (207.17 KB, 1260x840, 3:2, 93d2963156b18e182d7d1bca60….jpg)

cee98e  No.87429


>TEL AVIV—Israel is struggling to contain a concentration of coronavirus infections among ultraorthodox Jews, with the impact reaching Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who went into isolation after an adviser from the community tested positive.

>Mr. Netanyahu’s office said on Monday evening that his test for the virus, as well as those of his family and close staff, came out negative, though officials said he would remain in isolation as a precaution in keeping with ministry of health guidelines.

>While the ultraorthodox make up about 10% of Israel’s population, ultraorthodox patients account for 50% of those hospitalized with the coronavirus disease, Covid-19, according to an analysis by Israel’s Channel 12.

Thank the ultraorhodox jews for keeping israel infected.

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5572ad  No.87499

>Transhumanist kikes getting rid of religious kikes with their bioweapon


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c30ed7  No.87506

File: 89c85e16768582c⋯.jpg (77.41 KB, 1280x854, 640:427, 1581712292523.jpg)


Or, the corona golem that he jews created to attack their enemies - Iran and China - inevitably turned on its master.

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e9b573  No.87507


They"ve been infected for years. Probably longer.

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6412c1  No.87645

Knew those fucking hasidic nigger-tier jews would do it. Go hasidic nigger kikes, infect the lot.

Theya re nigger welfare gib kikes that shit out kikelets and most kikes hate them, kek.

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c6a156  No.87688


>after an adviser from the community tested positive

Netanyahu already has the blessing of corona-chan

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556ee9  No.87694


even if it was just a metaphor

there was a reason for og golem destruction

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7c9bb7  No.87790

File: ae6d7408c88b2cf⋯.png (68.61 KB, 1912x384, 239:48, Israel_is_fucked.png)



Those idiots ,are going to turn their own countries into Auschwitzland lol.

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64fa37  No.87832

File: ab3797c7564f2aa⋯.webm (2.64 MB, 640x350, 64:35, corona_virus_is_for_non_J….webm)


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8466b9  No.87863


That old bastard on the left definitely said "goyim" with a shit eating grin.

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cee98e  No.87917


B-but how could the c-chosen be w-wrong?!

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cc8ad0  No.88239



The False Flag attack (911/Dancing Israelis) of the Corona Virus and the probable War with China within the next year is to smokescreen Pizzagate and the revelation of the hidden hand behind it all

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c2af8f  No.89938

Israel is on track to have the least deaths of any country.

They've downgraded to an estimated 10k deaths to under 1k.

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1b2acd  No.89944


Time to cough on jews.

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c2af8f  No.89945


Fuck that anyone spreading this should be arrested for terrorism.

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8cd24b  No.90021


Ultraorthodox Jews understood pretty quick that the pandemic is serious, and just a day after these articles the Ultraorthodox jews were much more cooperative.

these community are very suspicious of the out side world and barely use mainstream media and internet.

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7f18a4  No.90101


Oy vey! Its a shoah! Its worse than the 66 million goyim we killed in Russia!

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b557c0  No.90227

Reminder that kikes got "free" (paid for by US tax dollars) gas masks a few years back, which could be ordered online or picked up at the (israeli) post offices.

Reminder that they are such greedy fucks that most were sold online.

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bee67a  No.90245

>the moron on the left with the blue mask not even covering his nose or mouth

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aee875  No.90252


>sold safety equipment for shekels…

Why you mad bro?

They are clearly retarded…

They are going to die neck deep in shit just like they fantasize about 24/7

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35b62c  No.90448


Mad that they got them paid for by us goys.

Amused that their nature deprived them of the protecttion thus afforded.

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