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The holocaust never happened

File: 50bdfb6cc97d888⋯.png (405.81 KB, 600x719, 600:719, _439.png)

File: e9e072f5871f094⋯.png (55.62 KB, 1000x186, 500:93, oD_logo.png)

d3e152  No.84977

The coronavirus crisis shows it's time to abolish the family

Leftist NGO takes advantage of the COVID-19 situation to argue for the (further) destruction of the traditional European family.

I'll be honest, I haven't read most of it very closely as the retarded Marxian rhetoric in every paragraph became exhaustively jarring very early on.

>In the hopes of ‘flattening the curve’ of the pandemic, vast swathes of society have adopted contagion-slowing practices (be they mandatory, voluntary or semi-voluntary, depending on the local legislature) known as ‘social distancing’ and ‘sheltering in place.’

>Certainly, there have been eco-fascist sentiments, and calls for authoritarian state control over the situation, but mutual aid has also proliferated: grocery runs and disinfection supplies for the immunocompromised; childcare and safe injection kits for sex workers and substance users; co-pay waivers; eviction moratoriums; rent strikes; and efforts to secure shelter for the houseless. The latter, in particular, exposes the unspoken and mostly unquestioned crux of the prescribed response to the pandemic: private homes.

>Nuclear households, it seems, are where we are all intuitively expected to retreat in order to prevent widespread ill-health. ‘Staying home’ is what is somehow self-evidently supposed to keep us well. But there are several problems with this, as anyone inclined to think about it critically (even for a moment) might figure out – problems one might summarize as the mystification of the couple-form; the romanticisation of kinship; and the sanitization of the fundamentally unsafe space that is private property.

>How can a zone defined by the power asymmetries of housework (reproductive labor being so gendered), of renting and mortgage debt, land and deed ownership, of patriarchal parenting and (often) the institution of marriage, benefit health? Such standard homes are where, after all, everyone secretly knows the majority of earthly violence goes down: the W.H.O. calls domestic violence “the most widespread, but among the least reported human rights abuses.”

>Queer and feminized people, especially very old and very young ones, are definitionally not safe there: their flourishing in the capitalist home is the exception, not the rule.

>Secondly, among those of us who do have private homes, a huge proportion are not safe there; and being unable to leave only multiplies the threat. A quarantine is, in effect, an abuser’s dream – a situation that hands near-infinite power to those with the upper hand over a home.

>In short, the pandemic is no time to forget about family abolition. In the words of feminist theorist and mother Madeline Lane-McKinley; “Households are capitalism’s pressure cookers. This crisis will see a surge in housework – cleaning, cooking, caretaking, but also child abuse, molestation, intimate partner rape, psychological torture, and more.” Far from a time to acquiesce to ‘family values’ ideology, then, the pandemic is an acutely important time to provision, evacuate and generally empower survivors of – and refugees from – the nuclear household.





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8498ac  No.84981


Yah, no, fuck them and their anti-white propaganda. Once the system crashes I'm not going to accept their "solutions" anymore. I will homestead, grow my own food, hunt and fish, and be 100% self-sufficient as I use my solar panels and solar generators and 12V / power inverters to ration my energy supply. Kikes can take a long hike!

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d3e152  No.84991

File: 8eecb3aa661c09b⋯.jpg (24.29 KB, 400x400, 1:1, G1G0f8Yx.jpg)

File: 2d6bbbba68b96c3⋯.png (286.69 KB, 600x637, 600:637, _440.png)

Of course I wasn't especially surprised with the dribble that these people are pushing out, but my first thought with these things is generally to find out who exactly is saying this, and who helps to support them.

The writer of the article is a not-particularly-interesting author who seems to be living in Pennsylvania, Sophie A Lewis. Your typically depressed, demoralised and broken 21st century woman, her work often focuses on the kind of deconstructionist transexiqueer shit that you'd expect.

>Theorizes heterosexualism, anti-work, family abolition, queer care. Occasionally translates: e.g. Communism for Kids. @out_woods






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d3e152  No.85016

File: 586b67259233bbd⋯.jpg (19.22 KB, 396x300, 33:25, David_Elstein_2_0.jpg)

File: 7e92d2ebf21e45a⋯.png (316.24 KB, 1020x4680, 17:78, openDemocracy_executives.png)

File: d3ea1203b62876f⋯.png (90 KB, 1020x1250, 102:125, openDemocracy_Foundation.png)

What took my eye more is the website itself, however.

>openDemocracy is a United Kingdom-based political website. Founded in 2001, openDemocracy claims that through reporting and analysis of social and political issues, they seek to "challenge power and encourage democratic debate" across the world. The website has attracted around 8 million hits a year.

>The founders of the website have been involved with established media and political activism. It has been funded by the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation among other organisations including the Open Society Foundation the National Endowment for Democracy, the Ford Foundation and Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust.[1]

>Prominent contributors have included Yanis Varoufakis, Caroline Lucas MP, Peter Oborne, Paul Mason, Owen Jones, John Berger, Chantal Mouffe, Étienne Balibar, Chuka Umunna, Kofi Annan, George Soros, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Shirin Ebadi, Sidney Blumenthal, Peter Hain, Pierre Bourdieu, Manuel Castells, Fred Halliday, and David Blunkett.

Well that's quite a significant backing, along with some pretty interesting contributors - far more interesting than the grunt who authored the work I've quoted in the OP. I decided to check out Companies House to glean some more info on the company behind this website, the 'openDemocracy Foundation for the Advancement of Global Education' (company 04807614) - and I've attached the screenshot of their current directors to this post. Now for SOME reason, one of these names in particular stuck out to me, so I decided to look into one man a little further. Lo and behold, he is the current chairman! And he has an interesting life story.

>David Keith Elstein (born 14 November 1944), is Chairman of openDemocracy.net and an executive producer at Portobello Films.

>His parents were Polish orphans who were brought to Britain by the Rothschild Foundation, and ran a ladies' outfitters in Golders Green.[1]

Mr Elstein seems to have quite a storied involvement with the British media, as evidenced by his Companies House page - but interestingly, he rarely, if at all mentioned on the corresponding Wikipedia pages of the projects he has had very close proximity to, or even led at one point in time.

>At the BBC he worked on Panorama and The Money Programme.[1] His subsequent production credits, include for Thames Television, The World At War and This Week (of which he became editor)[3] and elsewhere Weekend World, A Week In Politics, Yuri Nosenko, KGB and Concealed Enemies.

>After his time at BSkyB as head of programming, he launched Channel 5 as its Chief Executive in 1997. Elstein has also been Managing Director of Primetime Productions and Managing Director of Brook Productions Ltd.

>He has been a visiting Professor at the University of Westminster, University of Stirling and University of Oxford, having been the inaugural Visiting Professor in Broadcast Media at Oxford in 1999. His six lectures there were entitled "The Political Structure of UK Broadcasting 1949-99".

>He is also a director of Kingsbridge Capital Advisors Limited, and was previously a supervisory board member of two German cable companies. He has also chaired Screen Digest Ltd, DCD Media plc, Luther Pendragon Holdings, Sparrowhawk Media, the British Screen Advisory Council, the Commercial Radio Companies Association, Really Useful Theatres, XSN plc, Sports Network Group plc, Silicon Media Group, Civilian Content plc and the National Film and Television School. He was also a director of Virgin Media Inc and Marine Track Holdings plc.

That's about all for this dig, but I hope I have given /pnd/ some valuable info or interesting leads to continue researching with.













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38a055  No.85035


This shit right here is why:

Islam is Right About Women.

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e29d45  No.85046


>100% sellf-sufficient

>my solar panels

>my solar generators

>my inverters

Give me a break. You're dependent on thousands of people necessary to manufacture and engineer those parts. If every man just grazed on the land like niggers we'd achieve as little as they did. National Socialism is the key. Men working together are far greater than the sum of their individual parts.

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d3e152  No.85050

File: 2fe6ff4e9ea6696⋯.png (45.49 KB, 688x313, 688:313, debt.png)


Don't forget to exercise your most important constitutional amendment.

And if you aren't American, look up FOSSCAD.

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2e28e3  No.85110

>all that bullshit

The nuclear family is very flawed but for none of the reasons that bitch is going on about. The extended family is what ought to replace the nuclear, it was standard for 99% of human history.

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0a5583  No.85147


Good post anon, those rats need to be exposed as much as possible, but most of us can see in advance (((who))) is behind such organizations.

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543f1d  No.85177


The genetic explanation of Hypergamy is found among modern communist women and not among the "disenfranchised, socially marginalized and resentful women of yore". Modern Women are hypergamous and the birth rate of their male members dictates their fecundity, which is, ironically, what drives down the beta male birth rate, which in turn erodes their lineage.

… But we have all heard so much about the economic and social costs of Women's rights over men that we have forgiven them.

But this imbalance goes back to an organic origin.

- The less physically fit and healthy the wife, the greater her libido for sex will be, and she will seek to acquire as many competing males as possible.

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38a055  No.85187



Islam Is Right About Women

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8df680  No.85189

File: 3d7bb86903470aa⋯.jpg (261.54 KB, 1050x1500, 7:10, dress.jpg)


>a bolshevik which wants to shiva (death) the bol (bull, taurus, torus, life force)

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282a4a  No.85431

What is interesting is all of these conservacucks screaming about how granny would gladly die to save muh economy.

Fucking ridiculous times. As if it;s just the old dying. They're the first to go, then everyone follows. Trumptards are a cancer like libtards. I can't wait for the hard Mad Max reset.

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2ed652  No.85522


>Leftist NGO takes advantage of the COVID-19 situation to argue for the (further) destruction of the traditional European family.

Tavistock/Crown psywar NGO encourages people to do things that are harmful to themselves like all of their other NGO's, their propaganda "news" outlets, and their professors that control our universities.

Be sure not to notice the butterfly logo and the significance of that symbol.

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d3e152  No.85526

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


On that topic, I found this talk yesterday that covers the same issue. What he basically describes is the "false dialectic" of the dominant post-war narratives, ie conservatism and liberalism, as means to the same ultimate end of preventing the rise of NSDAP-style politics.

We have what I think is a concise and clever counter to this in the form of the following meme: "What have progressives progressed? What have conservatives conserved?". We should use it as often as possible.

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bcac5d  No.85534


In security you never apply a security control that costs more than the asset you intend to defend. This is day one page one security theory.

For example, I could hire a team of ex-sf for 1,000-1,500 a day per man to ensure no one steals your car. I wouldn't do that because defending your car is worth less than the expense associated with defending it.

In the case of the Coronavirus the republicans have noticed that the cost associated with stopping the virus vastly exceeds the benefit of stopping the virus entirely. The corona-virus is a PSYOP and bioweapon rolled into one. The original figures of the quantity of people who would die came from England. The bioweapon was released by the chinks, it would not surprise me if they did it intentionally.

Then you have the Crown/Tavistock/CIA controlled media hyping the virus like it's the end of the world scaring the shit out of everyone when we have a 70 year old drug that can prevent and cure this virus just waiting to be distributed that they are discouraging people from taking. What's really going on is the MSM will use the virus as a wedge to agitate. No matter what the president does it will not be enough. They encouraged a shutdown. If he opens up the country, he'll be blamed for the virus spreading. If he keeps the country closed we will enter into what will likely be the worst recession in history. Circumstances have been created to where a loss will occur on either side of the coin.

Another thing, world wide something like 30k people have died. We lose something like 60K every year to opioids being smuggled into our country from mexico and china from the opium fields we waste money and lives defending in Afghanistan and the house of Windsor Knighted Sackler family poisoning red states. Imagine if the "media" propaganda outlets highlighted those deaths and the source of those deaths and the benefit it would have on our society.

This is a hustle, a 9/11 scale PSYOP. The people who are susceptible are the elderly and immune compromised aka fags with AIDs and people with cancer. That subset of the population should have been quarantined and

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3d2b86  No.85558


national Socialism is indeed the key

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3d2b86  No.85559


nuclear family isnt flawed. looking at it as the end all is flawed. individuals must strive. individuals build family, family builds extended family, extended families build tribe. tribe is race.

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484786  No.87768



remember that this is leninist propaganda

they couldn't pull through with it back then becouse the population wasn't insane enough

but now?

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3b0d0c  No.87919


>Sidney Blumenthal

Wait, is that the same guy that was involved in Benghazi?

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38a055  No.87929


So why do you avoid naming the Jew like the plague? The JEW is the cause of ALL OF THOSE THINGS!

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2d3a19  No.87964

look into "Elective coparenting"; it is the newest form of advanced cuckolding and jewish ideology being promoted by marxist universities and national broadcasts like NPR/CBC.

the model is based off faggot parenting and is being heavily pushed on modern women that hit the wall and want child support without ever getting married while having gay men raise their bastard children.

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8af2b8  No.87965

File: f4783ab6948ee54⋯.jpg (67.04 KB, 648x451, 648:451, hitler_crowd.jpg)


Self sufficiency isn't a mutually exclusive with National Socialism, if anything it's a prerequisite of it. No unified nation would want its individuals weak and dependent and if self-proclaimed "natsoc" leader wannabe ever tells you the contrary then look for the jew behind the curtain.

Don't forget, a sum of zeros is still zero.

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55002f  No.87966


Curve the sperging please.



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4db993  No.88095



>different than (((democrat)))



>not jewflu

Found the jew.

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c38ecd  No.88219



Do I though? Name them.

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f55eb3  No.88276

The article is correct. A lot of people are subject to violence at home and have nowhere else to go because of the pandemic.

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0ecc53  No.88366

All valid points, thank you for posting this.

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f3e9a7  No.88459


No it's not. People even accused of domestic violence are treated like witches and even have 'basic human rights' violated by the state.

The real question is where people suffering violence from .gov can go.

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a18728  No.88496


We need confidence and that includes confidence in unity so you're right.

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ba74ce  No.88522


>So why do you avoid naming the Jew like the plague?

I've gone to painstaking lengths to provide numerous references that affirm yes, the apex or pinnacle of the problem is in fact Jews. However, the problem Jews are the aristocratic high finance Jews, the court Jews or the hofjews, the court Jew golem, and their useful idiot puppets in congress, business, and our so called "intelligence" agencies.

The Rockefeller Jew intelligence activity pre-dates the founding of the CIA, the Rothschild Jew intelligence activity predates the creation of MI6, the Warburg Jew, and golem class intel Jews like Soros, Kissinger, Koch, Kristol, and Brzezinski. The Freemasonic Jews from the cult of B'nai B'rith, parent of the ADL, which is a British intelligence organization. Those Jews are aided by non-jew useful idiots like the House of Windsor Sir George Bush, the McCains, and Zionist all hail Israel CFR stooge Lindsey Graham. Ever notice how Lindsey is in charge of the Senate Judiciary and puffs his chest out but never actually does a fucking thing.

The entire "name the Jew" meme is a vulnerability because it fails to name the court Jew, the golem Jew, and the useful idiot non-jew puppet menace, which exposes anyone who is genuinely noticing who the problem is to harassment by law enforcement and the fake smart people who work in our "intelligence" community because naming the Jew implies hatred of every Jew solely based upon race as opposed to ideological differences. The combination of these forces of idiocy, nepotism, entrenched intelligence community access, and trust funds is the problem.


While both parties are keen on destroying the country with debt, colonizing our country with aliens to destroy our culture, lower our living standards, and using our military to steal oil for Jews that hate Christians, many of the republicans are Christian and so they are at least against Marxism. There is some distinction, for example the Republicans didn't vote in favor of the shadow government's coup against the president which was publicly led by the Jewish democrats and cheered on by Jew media outlets.

The Wuhan Wheeze is a chink biological weapon. However, I'm sure the Mossad pozed Iran with it.

China has been built up to topple the US the same way the US was built up to topple Russia.

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f6874d  No.88552


The only thing keeping me from being a communist is being involved with people like this. These are the most hateable people on earth.

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6a0af9  No.88764


What shitty clickbait.

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6a0af9  No.88765


She's bordering on satire though. This article almost seems critical of the thing it espouses. Deliberately retarded.

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6a0af9  No.88767


Islam also fucks boys and dresses them as girls.

Pretty lewd but of course utterly degenerate behaviour that must be gassed.

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a197c1  No.88926


I did, merely a few posts in.


>However, I'm sure the Mossad pozed Iran with it.

Very possible, and in relation, a thread I just made on that same tangent >>88924


Thanks for the posts.

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