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File: f9d6d0a9a170535⋯.png (391.23 KB, 1300x1454, 650:727, Trump_ends_Fed_.png)

8f40ee  No.84651

I'm no expert on the Fed and the controversies, but it sure looks like Trump just seized control of them.

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8f40ee  No.84655

File: 8f1cbf7c4a9bcac⋯.png (1.67 MB, 2682x1861, 2682:1861, Fed_meme.png)

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cd1925  No.84658

im in disbelief

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8f40ee  No.84660


Trump has a history of bold and surprising moves. This sure looks like one of them.

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102273  No.84662

>BlackRock will be handling the trades.

>Rothschild → Mnuchin

Not too swift on the ol' uptake, are you gents?

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cd1925  No.84664


>blackrock will be doing the trades

oooooh, now it makes sense; not sure how I missed that the first time through

guess its just a false alarm then

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8f40ee  No.84666


OK, but who is in control here? Some sort of deal was made, and apparently on Trump's terms.

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102273  No.84672


Trump's terms = the jew's terms. This is an even more direct jewish control with less pesky possibility of people who aren't jews forcing themselves into the conversation through government representation.

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c402fb  No.84683


The only reason you'd be surprised by anything he's done is if you were gullible enough to believe his campaign promises.

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1ff9fb  No.84695

Fuck yeah he did!!!! https://youtu.be/zgMAz5XP7Jk

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7b0d48  No.84721


Mark of the Kushner. Trump speaks the common mans tongue, this is a fact and one of the reasons he was popular/got elected. However, his entire history especially in real estate in jew york city means his hands are balls deep in jewry. He always has been. The reason a lot of us voted for him is because we realized the only one with any potential in this corrupt fucked up capitalist oligarchy political tyranny we live in at change was if a good spirited billionaire decided to break good. His views, because spoken in the common tongue, sounded like what most have been dying to hear their whole life see manifested politically despite the background of the man screaming otherwise. Thus most people voted for the idea of that man doing the right thing speaking and hopefully enacting said things into our reality.

The truth is quite the opposite. Things have gotten worse with only cope conspiracies that force you to return down the Alex Jonestown rabbit hole to somewhat hold onto any sense of things going our way. At this point its safe to let the actions of whats happening in your reality field on a day to day basis tell you the truth.

Reality is things are closer than ever to being manifested in favor of the jews. But a smart man also knows the closest your enemy is to victory is the most vulnerable he's ever been. Black Swan events are real and destructive as fuck. Worst winter in a hundred years in moscow as Hitler was on the doorstep. A near catastrophic defeat for the Americans at Ardennes. Sometimes your luck runs out and the gods laugh as it fucks you in the ass at the most inopportune moment.

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acb010  No.84725

File: 496b73bff6bf250⋯.png (191.06 KB, 805x504, 115:72, aipac.PNG)

File: 1c970c33111f1b1⋯.gif (44.98 KB, 952x500, 238:125, late1984.gif)

File: c3065b39f71db22⋯.png (537.87 KB, 671x606, 671:606, Eurasian_Economic_Union.PNG)

File: 496937c4829a68d⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1652x1876, 59:67, foundationsofgeopolitics.png)

>a power transfer just went down

Yeah, a 'power transfer' from Israel using the US/NATO and the petrodollar to rule the world, to Israel using Greater Israel and Eurasia, and the 'fourth industrial revolution' (big data/'internet of things'/AI etc.) to rule the world.

Economic crash has been inevitable for years now. Among hundreds of other things (that, surprise surprise, the media isn't reporting on while it's so autistically focused on everything to do with the virus itself) the virus is being used to cover up the crash and make it look like a (relatively) slow decline, and to distract from all the major geopolitical/systematic changes that are currently occurring and being blamed on the virus.

Bibi openly bragged about this at AIPAC in 2018 (pic related) and also here in 2016:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uqwsb1TjQs&t=420s [Embed] [Watch from 7:00]

That clip is a MUST WATCH, it perfectly explains how Israel dominates the world and what's powering all of these current events.

Also see:

>How Israel's Haifa Port Stands to Gain From the Coronavirus [same formerly US-managed port set to be handed over to China by next year]


>What does Israel's future 5G network have to do with coronavirus?

>“We need to decide if we are with the Chinese or the Americans and the government understands this very well"


>Why is Israel outsourcing its national infrastructure to China?


>World upside down as EU and Russia [and China] unite against US [over Trump's Iran oil sanctions and Nord Stream 2]


>Israel and Iran both set to join Russia-led free trade zone [Eurasian Economic Union - and it's way more than a free trade zone]


>Russia grows stronger in East Med while US looks for comfort


>Greece, Israel, Cyprus sign gas pipeline deal, angering Turkey


>A Gold Bloc For Iran, Russia, And Turkey…Oh My!


>An Israeli Pivot to Eurasia?


>Can Russia and China ‘Synergize’ the Eurasian Economic Union and the Belt and Road Initiative?


>Israel’s Pivot to Eurasia


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4351f0  No.84821


"Entrepeneurship .. I Will Take It."


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f4a9a8  No.84825

File: 5b59a434c4cf0ce⋯.jpg (11.59 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 13.jpg)



>in control of anything

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4351f0  No.84826


What does it mean that Blackrock's will be doing the Trades?

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a9c97b  No.84827

Go back to your containment board, Qoomer.

Q is a LARP

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a9c97b  No.84828


You hope too much. Why would anything good ever happen? How could you ever think that anything good could ever happen?

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000639  No.84844

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399825  No.84848

The only people that attack Q are:

>Low info brainlets that have hardly followed it.


Paid agents/shills.

We know you’re on here MOSSAD.

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f4a9a8  No.84860

The only people who believe Q is real are:

>fat toothless boomers in trailer parks


Paid agents/shills.

We know you're on here FBI.

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a9c97b  No.84868


Q doesn't Name The Jew. He doesn't want to exterminate them. If you're not down with genocide of jews, get the fuck off this board.

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cd1925  No.84875


blackrock is owned or essentially owned by the rothschilds

so, since they're doing the trades, they still control the money

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2a0427  No.84916

> Q-Tard ruins a perfectly good thread by using Q references in his OP.

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a9c97b  No.84920


It can't be a good thread if a qoomer posted in it.

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4f9f6e  No.87896

Definitly power plays being made but i think its Jew vs Jew at this point. Globo jews vs Zionist jews. Jews can never get along.

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