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File: f774df37dc68b29⋯.png (658.74 KB, 800x450, 16:9, globohomo1.png)

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6c20b1  No.83816

Globohomo - Blessed By Coronachan

By Liane Ferreira, 25 Mar 2020



> "In sickness and in health." Societies and economies have never been so close and interconnected as today, and coronavirus has made those connections even clearer. Globalization now faces its biggest challenge after the rise of populism, protectionism, accompanied, to some extent, by Brexit. Is globalization 5.0 in question?

> The novel coronavirus is creating international dysfunction at unprecedented levels. If in the beginning, challenges were to be expected worldwide from its impact on the Chinese economy and disruption in the supply chain, but now the global economy and people's livelihoods everywhere are at risk.

> The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) estimates that in 2020, the world economy will grow at the slowest pace since 2009, due to the outbreak. The forecast growth of 2.9 percent was revised to 2.4 percent.

> In case of a longer-lasting and more intensive coronavirus outbreak in the Asia-Pacific region, Europe and North America, the OECD prospects for global growth could drop to 1.5 percent in 2020.

> Now, this outlook is closer to becoming a reality. Stock markets are being greatly affected. London, New York, and Tokyo markets have seen sharp drops since the outbreak began. Wall Street even recorded its biggest one day decline since 1987's Black Monday on March 16.

> The travel market is the most hit by travel restrictions, and aviation companies face liquidity problems and even bankruptcy.

> "Severe blow"

> "The pandemic has dealt a severe blow to an already challenged globalization process," Ehud Eiran, member of the Israeli Institute for Regional Foreign Policies, told CGTN. This is evidenced by the decrease in the movement of people and goods; EU closing up, trade restrictions; suspicion towards foreigners.

> "Global supply chains are interrupted and the economic crisis that will follow will decrease global trade. The legacy of the crisis might be an effort by many nations to bring back production home, as the weakness of the global supply chain was just exposed," he explained.

> Even though this should be a time for cooperation, the professor noted that "nation-states and their preferences will determine the level of cooperation." "Turning inward was already part of the discourse in a number of European and Asian countries. I expect these trends to gain further support with this crisis," he said.

> Harold James, professor of history and international affairs at Princeton University, shares the same view. "There are many signs of a backlash against globalization," he said to CGTN.

> Governments become dominant

> The general consensus by the scholars is that national governments will be the dominant actor, as Eiran puts it.

> For the academic, in the short term, the crisis "strengthens governments in most states," because they take more responsibility and penetrate deeper into citizens' lives. "It may also play a crucial role in reviving the economy as seen in the U.S., for example."

> On the other hand, it can challenge the effectiveness of the state in resolving the situation.

> Similarly, Rodrigues added that "governments will be strengthened with national unity discourses that dilute political differences and other divisive issues."

> For James, "the crisis is increasingly becoming a competition of political systems, as evidenced by the slanging match between the U.S. and the Chinese governments," and so far, "China's social controls look as if they are more effective than the rather chaotic and visibly over-burdened health systems of other countries."

> This "will almost certainly lead many other countries to want to emulate China – though probably not in Europe, where there are much greater concerns about privacy."


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9a18ed  No.83817


> A step into self-sufficiency

> James thinks that there may not be a direct link between the pandemic and a renewed wave of protectionism, "but countries – at least big countries – will want to ensure (and they will be lobbied by producer groups) that they have their own supplies of vital goods: face masks, anti-viral drugs."

> In his opinion, the virus effect has been disruptive but will be short-lived. However, many manufacturers will draw the consequences and likelihood of it happening again and not want to be dependent on long and distant supply chains. For example, the supply of medical emergency products has shown how dependent Europe and the U.S. are on China and India.

> "There will undoubtedly be a push to greater national self-sufficiency," the professor stressed. He expects the trend of moving production back to some countries to continue and intensify.

> On the other hand, Ehud Eiran still believes that even in a decline, it is possible to go back to the previous level of globalization, "but this requires leadership and vision."

> On this point, Teresa Rodrigues, professor in the Political Studies Department, Nova University Lisbon, told CGTN that a pandemic is by definition a global event with inevitable alterations to economic dynamics and human relations. But she doesn't believe that a setback or even regression in globalization will happen after the outbreak is over.

> "The process is ruled by dynamics that in the mid-term are irreversible and will tend to continue and restart after the pandemic is over," she explained.

> Rodrigues admits that the pandemic calls for a return of the border concept, clearly seen by entrance bans and is based on the national political power, even for countries that are part of the EU. For her, the crisis has been viewed in a "very localized manner," and not as a matter of global governance.

> New framework needed

> For Pedro Paulo dos Santos, lecturer at City University of Macao, the concept of globalization "will without a doubt change" and a new framework needs to be adopted: one based on cooperation and unity, even if some attempt to take advantage of the situation and progress towards isolationism.

> "Nations and organizations will have to develop a better system of precautions, warnings, and curative and containment measures for potential future virus outbreaks. This will not be possible with the current level of globalization. It would indeed be a mistake to revert to a concept of globalization that such an event as the coronavirus outbreak was not able to unite all nations under one speech or dynamics," he told CGTN.

> In his view, if the epidemic was addressed as a potential global issue and not a localized problem, it would have been possible to prevent it from reaching a pandemic level.

> Health and economy: hand in hand in the political agenda

> For Eiran, public health will remain an important issue, but "inseparable from a broader discussion about the economy and its underlining values." It also doesn't mean a "clear and immediate public investment in health."

> Along the same lines, Rodrigues noted that "health security will never be more important than economic security. But we might see some rethinking in terms of security measures at that level, once fragilities in the response are identified.”

> Dos Santos agrees that public health will be the top agenda in the global arena for months, perhaps years, tightly connected with the economic discussion. "For vital changes necessary to prevent future outbreaks or improve containment on a global scale, massive amounts of financial support will be paramount," he said.

> On the other hand, James expects "the crisis to produce a pretty widespread debate about the collection (use and dissemination) of health and other data by governments."

Source: https://news.cgtn.com/news/2020-03-25/Coronavirus-Blow-to-globalization-and-a-push-for-self-sufficiency--P90rTdNzDq/index.html

Archive: https://archive.is/VZKRg

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325139  No.83823

EU to break up?

China tanking because no more exporting goods?

The current "NAFTA" agreements shot to shit or stay in place?

Federal Reserve?

Currency backed by Gold again?

Woodrow Wilson happy again, but still guilty?

Foreign debt disappears because fuck them?

Manufacturing jobs coming back to the U.S.?

Kikes literally lose their grip on world control?

this is so fucking huge and unprecedented

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9f2d3c  No.83828


That would all be nice but still seems pie-in-the-sky virus notwithstanding.

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f16c03  No.83893


there are negatives too

>ID2020 and forced vaccines

>totalitarian government at the hand of jews

>forced quarintines periodically

see for example (long video but worth it): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CCVUc5ZMZo

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b6cee0  No.83913


The EU isn't breaking up. That's a zionist anglo-nigger wet dream. In reality, the EU is the most capable of and has the most potential for genuine third position fascism. The Anglosphere understands this which is why it was imperative to break the nigger UK away and move it closer to the nigger US in preparation for a future war against the EU and Russia.

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5fb0ac  No.83914

File: 2239c34978b36e5⋯.png (405.69 KB, 658x1015, 94:145, Screen_Shot_2020_03_26_at_….png)

File: 7ea99933d46b305⋯.png (96.77 KB, 753x509, 753:509, Screen_Shot_2020_03_26_at_….png)

You weren't kidding about the homo part.

Reminder that blood donors aren't tested for HIV (it's an expensive test). Instead, large batches are tested and thus it's critical to only have low-risk donors.

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9e79f7  No.83937

Take a whitepill you pathetic faggots



> con·jec·ture

> /kənˈjekCHər/

> noun - an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information.

> "conjectures about the newcomer were many and varied"

> verb - form an opinion or supposition about (something) on the basis of incomplete information.

> "many conjectured that the jury could not agree"


> "The pandemic has dealt a severe blow to an already challenged globalization process," (((Ehud Eiran, member of the Israeli Institute for Regional Foreign Policies,))) told CGTN.

Worried Kikes

> the economic crisis that will follow will decrease global trade

U.S. will be a much better country after we get our manufacturing jobs back

> "Turning inward was already part of the discourse in a number of European and Asian countries. I expect these trends to gain further support with this crisis,"


> The general consensus by the scholars is that national governments will be the dominant actor, as Eiran puts it.

Not global-type governments, such as the EU

> However, many manufacturers will draw the consequences and likelihood of it happening again and not want to be dependent on long and distant supply chains.

Manufacturing Jobs coming back to U.S.

> Rodrigues admits that the pandemic calls for a return of the border concept, clearly seen by entrance bans and is based on the national political power,

Stronger borders

> Dos Santos agrees that public health will be the top agenda in the global arena for months, perhaps years, tightly connected with the economic discussion.

This may last some time

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b6cee0  No.83959


There's no whitepill for the Anglosphere.

>Not global-type governments, such as the EU

Most of the people under the EU government are White – outside of France, Italy, and Germany [latter two under direct US military occupation], overwhelmingly so. You have real national socialist parties in the political fabric of multiple EU states. Not civnat israeli nigger trash. When the EU was pressured by Washington to admit Turkey and israel, it rejected both of them. There is a very thin leadership class of fossils holding onto some idealized globalist EU, but they have no real power. Washington's behavior towards the EU tells you all you need to know about it from the jew perspective – because Washington and London are all jew, all the time. No matter how much revolting and discredited anglo-niggers try to point away.

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7fe1d9  No.83974

Put this in /cvg/ you stupid nigger, why the fuck did you have to kill a thread for this bullshit?

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17970d  No.83997


I swear, every single fucking thread has you niggers saging it. EVERY FUCKING ONE. And you're always seething mad cursing at OP. Why? Every. Fucking. Thread. Fucking teenager angsty retard

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284542  No.84181

File: 68ab85d52cced96⋯.jpeg (198.5 KB, 480x640, 3:4, E6CD62DE_0FAF_4EAC_A8B3_6….jpeg)

How could this make any difference if you have no more right to object or consent to dysgenic manipulation? Are you guys bought this cheaply by the jew media? How can you forget that they are the ones bringing this news to you? Their world WAS globalism, that is what we are exiting out of right now…GLOBALISM…what they want for the new world order is segregated diverse nationalistic nations…’diversity is our strength’ ring any bells…but it is more than that (pic related)…why is a ‘smaller box’ the ultimate agenda for you all? We should have had a European ONLY planet and instead all you fucks want to do is climb into the smallest box you can find and become a gimp for the jews?


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d6d90e  No.84187


This sounds more like a fuck ton of wishful thinking than reality.

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284542  No.84194

File: 3bc5f99bd0095c7⋯.jpeg (1.25 MB, 2448x3264, 3:4, 7557F847_346C_4BB2_9896_5….jpeg)


As I like to say, HOPE is the romanticism of the future. But why romanticize a cage? I am so confused by people. Why are everyone’s dreams so small now?

Did the kikes manage to utterly destroy our ability to think and dream…I feel like I am doing CPR on a dummy…what is the point if none of you will ever have the ability to live?

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f16c03  No.84226


You are correct, brother. I was just pointing the possibility of negatives from this.

I hope and will fight against it. But you know, the eternal jew will try to transform this into a justification for forced vaccination and maybe even forced ID2020 identification.

My point is to stay alert, now more than ever.

Notice how we cannot even go outside to see what's happening, or else we go to prison. ZOG has free reign to do whatever they want while we are locked in our own houses.

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322afd  No.84235


not taking the 'whitepill' nor the 'blackpill' yet, but talking the middle realistic approach or greypill if you will, it won't fully be gone but globalism will decrease back to the 80's or 90's but this a good thing the panama canal is always under construction because it can't keep up with cargo size, China was planning on giving nicaragua money for new canal, and Miami/ Caribbean port hubs were expanding( the northeast ports aren't deep enough or don't have enough space, so send smaller cargo ships there).

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d56524  No.84271


Only demographics matter – not your fairy tales, mil-shill.

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e05ce2  No.85958

Its a virus to kill off the senior citizen population because the governments of the world don't want to give them social security checks. They need that money to pay debt to the privately owned (((central banks))).

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5c65f8  No.86060

File: c35fa1f715ea87b⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 3.35 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, c35fa1f715ea87b461bfe9bcaf….gif)

Did You Hear?

Good News!

The Virus May Soon Be Eradicated!

>.gif very related

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e0e4ec  No.86067

Why don’t they reveal who the Patient 0’s are? Why don’t they do a Freedom of Information Act on it?

So we can find out who’s who.

The Demographic Distribution of the Virus.

Pass this along

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29ac0d  No.86069


because the gooks are secretive of patient zero?

Hell we can't even get truthful numbers and you want patient zero.

The fuck you smoking.

Patient zero is most possibly lab assistant tho at the wuhan labs

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076bee  No.87118

File: 17e93913c8b9fcb⋯.jpg (4.9 KB, 290x293, 290:293, spifyigstanhqvj.jpg)


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e4a1b0  No.87158

File: 11992a144b723de⋯.jpg (7.19 KB, 289x296, 289:296, hstnneeubsbpdhsvlac.jpg)


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53bc55  No.87238


The Patient Zeros in the US , we have that data , state for state , town for town.

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8dda54  No.88996


I'm not so sure. (((They))) are certainly exploiting this for another nice power grab. Look what Blackrock is doing.

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