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The holocaust never happened

File: 3b2db9d0cae3e6c⋯.png (181.75 KB, 1151x835, 1151:835, 7vdsth.png)

c60c60  No.83443

pic related.

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c60c60  No.83452

we must prevent false flags

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c69e22  No.83453

they wouldn't be announcing it this way

>hey mom look at this job offer, I think I'm gonna give it a try

too many possibilities to get exposed

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3e8773  No.83468

The crisis actors narrative is pure disinformation. They do these kinds of exercises all the time.

When ZOG carries out a false flag, they actually kill goyim. It's their Talmudic duty.

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8e3dfd  No.83628


your shilling is pretty bad. zog does what is needed. Killing people is always more of a mess than setting up an staged event. Maybe a couple of deaths are real, but they don't even need to fire a shot to make the whole world panic. Just look at the corona bullshit.


that's how they always do it, though.


who said anything about preventing?

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8e3dfd  No.83632


Also, who the fuck would be conducting some kind of "excercise" with the country in lockdown? this smells extremely fishy. This might be something.

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19b413  No.83639

File: 634cc9d9fa653cf⋯.png (481.24 KB, 1080x2160, 1:2, Screenshot_2020_03_26_17_3….png)


U R I N E . . . I D I O T . . .

if only you were a false flag, but you're not

your homosexuality is authentic

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cb6493  No.83643

File: f2cf4910c403c67⋯.jpeg (583.3 KB, 1242x2016, 69:112, 37AB586A_9B2D_480F_9AA4_0….jpeg)

False Flag are going to be a popping, 4 Chins already posted that Corona is 4D FalseFlag to put the Chinese in check so they’re going to make some happenings in order to get us analyzing “the shooter” , the fake gas attack link- https://besacenter.org/perspectives-papers/has-syria-reactivated-its-chemical-weapons-program/

and other Bull Shit post Corona Hysteria.

Oh! (Pic related) If your leaf ass followed me over here then I fucking told you that your shit would get deleted as soon as I posted about the Fucking Zog and Globohomos , anybody got answers to these questions?

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e532bf  No.83645


>absurdly huge number of pay with no specifications about the project

>wants all your PII

>all caps and !!!

Totally not a honeypot, goys!

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19b413  No.83647

File: fad206bfe86f679⋯.jpg (480.59 KB, 769x1280, 769:1280, 20200326_140743.jpg)

File: 3780a1bee9dbb10⋯.jpg (497.71 KB, 1124x1280, 281:320, 20200326_140816.jpg)


>was looking under 'gigs' on CRAIGSLIST

>wants to be taken seriously

pick one

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19b413  No.83649

File: 3d90f31e638242a⋯.jpg (214.4 KB, 1115x1080, 223:216, PicsArt_03_26_05_46_11.jpg)

couldn't even wait til the 2nd question to begin making typos

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25b65e  No.83687


>Killing people is always more of a mess than setting up an staged event.

That's retarded. Killing people involves less conspirators than hiring hundreds of actors. Common sense tells you what's easier.


It was posted 20 days ago, before the lockdown.

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8207b1  No.83773


What’s this Twatter👌😆?

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2a6ec4  No.83790


>your shilling is pretty bad. zog does what is needed. Killing people is always more of a mess than setting up an staged event

Anon it's not necessarily shilling. I'm a former milfag and the military uses civilians for these kinds of training exercises, especially if they want something specific, IE people with real amputations to do realistic CASEVAC training, people who speak Arabic to simulate working with a Middle Eastern interpreter you will have with you on patrol, etc. They definitely use crisis actors for their false flags, but it's also not uncommon at all of military and law enforcement to use civilian volunteers for training as well. Cops will even sometimes do stuff like have a guy literally get drunk for realsies (or put on actual goofy ass beer goggles) to simulate a belligerent drunk they might have to deal with on the street, it's pretty funny.

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e6f345  No.83964

File: 8bddd5dbb318bed⋯.png (518.61 KB, 622x489, 622:489, 8bddd5dbb318bedede2f64de4d….png)


>Cops will even sometimes do stuff like have a guy literally get drunk for realsies (or put on actual goofy ass beer goggles) to simulate a belligerent drunk they might have to deal with on the street, it's pretty funny.

I want that job. I think I'm very qualified.

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d9abe7  No.116085


Good Find Anon

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