bb522b No.83006[Last 50 Posts]
No, this is not a demoralization thread, this is just an update on his trial. The motherfucker plead guilty, looks emaciated and like he hasn't slept in days, and if you watched the court video, looks like he's on the verge of crying. Rumor has it that the staff have been fucking with his food. I hope he hasn't bent, but with so many other of these other optics screwers in the past, it seems to be heading that direction.
Link to article
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e46672 No.83021
Words can’t describe how bad I feel for the guy, hopefully sometime soon another letter will be leaked or his lawyers could put out some kind of statement or something so we can see his motivation behind doing this.
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bb522b No.83025
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e46672 No.83041
Just looked it up, apparently after he sent the letter to the anon and somebody that was arrested for sharing the video sent a letter to a media outlet, New Zealand banned all letters from being sent or received by "ideological extremists" until a "review" is conducted.
Obviously thats bullshit and this alleged "review" will probably last until that bitch Jacinda forces a law through banning free speech of political prisoners.
Either way, in the letter Brenton said that this email address :
is the best way to contact him so I will probably go ahead and send one with a PO box address and see if I get anything back
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6f4bbd No.83046
How is this cucking?
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e46672 No.83048
Read the news articles, all of the muslim scum are happy that there will not be a trial and in Tarrant's manifesto he said he would take the case to trial to prove that he acted in self defense
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44acab No.83072
Zero chance they didn't cut him some kind of deal on his sentence, none of you pathetic faggots calling him a cuck have any ground to stand on. You losers will never be anything compared to St. Tarrant
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cf8f51 No.83085
>Rumor has it that the staff have been fucking with his food
Now that is rage inducing
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556c53 No.83087
that doesn't look that much like him, even losing weight, it looks slike him somewhat but,,, somethings wrong, is it a camera effect? his head is less round, something is weird about this, maybe they want an actor to plead guilty, did he die? would they lie and doa fake guilty plea for the world?maybe he isn't working out and lost a lot of weight? fuck he looks pretty broken down, I wish we can see more, they cut it when he pleaded, a report said he asked about one of the names and that it be repeated, they must have cut that it must have been the English name, you would thinkhe knows about the pandemic and it would effect the trial,
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556c53 No.83088
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cf8f51 No.83090
dumb faggot shizo posting
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556c53 No.83094
>>83090 I do believe it is him now, But I only wonder what happened to him now
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556c53 No.83095
Mike Bush (police top guy) says he can't elaborate on what made him change his plea to guilty.
Something happened.
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2ffddc No.83098
why do you worship this loser?
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cf8f51 No.83102
this and assange is leading me to believe the west is becoming more like china disregarding it's own laws
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45bf3c No.83109
Definitely wouldn't call this cucking. If this rumor that his food has been tampered with, it would explain his gaunt look and his desire to get on with it.
I'm sure everyone would like to pull a Breivik circus if they were in his shoes, but once he's sentenced he'll be transferred to a proper prison.
I hope that means he'll get better food at the very least. Does anyone know if NZ uses solitary confinement? I'd hate to see the mad lad slowly warped into a new Charles Manson
I admire anyone will to stand up against the disgusting machine that's devouring our planet
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cfa1f6 No.83113
Because anons like him are useful idiots for the jews. They, like (((Tarrant))), only accelerate the Jewish agenda by causing tension between the west and the muslim world and distracting from the Real (((Enemy))).
People like Tarrant are niggers, because only niggers go on mass shooting sprees instead of winning hearts and minds like Hitler.
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45bf3c No.83117
The thing is, Hitler's never coming back. We live in the ashes of what he tried to create. I don't fully support SIEGE, but it's time to start considering new options because sadly the old ways can not work.
We live in a time of info overload, post truth, a global surveillance state (howdy Clark), mass distraction, and every western country has been subverted to the point where politicians only focus is (((never again)))
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e46672 No.83136
Hitler won in an age when the internet did not exist, when jews did not hold as much power as they do now, and when mass migration had not already taken a stranglehold of many western nations.
We can't look at Hitler and think his methods will automatically work in our day and age
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e46672 No.83142
Please stop posting cringe
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819df5 No.83150
This entire thread is nothing but JIDF shitposters gaslighting the entire board and you should all be gassed and then lighted (on fire) as well.
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fdedcd No.83166
Can someone upload the letter here?
They've clearly starved him, tortured him and drugged him to make him plead guilty. Don't be too hard on him, everyone cracks eventually.
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000000 No.83168
He looks like absolute shit. I'm not happy that he caved, but I'm going to cut the guy a break, because from the looks of him it is pretty obvious the guy is being mistreated.
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e46672 No.83170
Just google “Brenton Tarrant letter” and a bunch of pictures will come up
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4353ed No.83174
And to be expected. The prison system in the Anglo sphere has been a gulag long before one even existed in backwaters Russia. Many infamous writers and political thinkers in Britain commented on this shit from the late 1800's to early 1900's at how humans are basically being treated like animals.
If you're not going to treat a prisoner working off his debt to society then you become as bad as the criminal himself and the idea of working off a debt is turned into a facade.
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b3e889 No.83194
Humans are animals, but people tend to torture or kill for no real reason (in this case because Tarrant fought the race mixing new order) because of brainwashing and angst and former restraint. This is why you focus on the inward problems (infrastructure) before the outward ones.
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3b2855 No.83195
What has ZOG done to our Saint?
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cddb3a No.83208
And at the very least, he could have killed secretly as many rabbis and true jews as he could, without exposing himself.
He acted like an impulsive nigger.
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000000 No.83210
ZOGbot's families will get what they deserve.
They chose the wrong side.
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eaf3c0 No.83247
Reminder that this assclown was the final nail in the coffin for the death and fragmentation of 8chan and it's community. All the rest of the things happening after were lowering the casket six feet under.
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e035ef No.83253
Reminder that the (1) is samefagging demoralizing FBI-agent
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92c44d No.83281
>Rumor has it that the staff have been fucking with his food.
No, prison staff are all professionals. The faggot bitch just can't get his steroids in jail and so has reverted back to his natural pathetic physique
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5ad03b No.83284
> Rumor has it that the staff have been fucking with his food.
This is brilliant. You can neuterize dangerous prison inmates just by feeding them soy.
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bd5cd1 No.83286
Kosher Tarrant somehow didn't target (((the appropriate people))) and barely spent a week on fullchan. Thanks for banning semi funz for kiwis and pushing kike agenda further you kosher faggot.
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c923e2 No.83295
>this is not X, but
yes, this is X, and spinned on purpose as usual.
mandatory reminder that non-whites are being imported by (((them))) in our lands
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92c44d No.83349
Everyone shilling for this Zio-terrorist is a kike and no exceptions. They are seriously ass-blasted that they won't get a trial and that little Brenton's 15 minutes of fame is over.
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d2cb1f No.83362
He'll convert to Islam in prison and that will be the most hilarious thing I've ever heard.
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d2cb1f No.83365
What you fail to realize is that Hitler actually gave the Jews all the power they have today. If it weren't for Hitler, the 6 million argument and the State of Israel would not exist. People like Tarrant never win. They merely bring focus and power to those they try to destroy.
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9d5e30 No.83389
Who’s got the shooting video I wanna show my homies
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b203a7 No.83398
t. no action Comfy Cuck
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207f32 No.83401
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fde0aa No.83402
They tortured this dude, that only makes him a martyr. No different than sandniggers beating and starving US pilots and then making them sign confessions.
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55e489 No.83403
probably camera lens
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608d30 No.83406
The state of Israel was founded by the Rothschilds in the 20's before Hitler was even a thing. It just didn't manifest until after WW2, it was always in the pipe.
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84f25f No.83411
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e46672 No.83413
This actually makes a ton of sense.
Pic related is what a court artist said he looked like just after arrest which is pretty similar to the photos we’re seeing now so I bet the prison camera is causing some sort of distortion.
We do know though that Brenton is at least being deprived of sleep though since even Breivik experiences that and it’s fairly common in prisons these days
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e46672 No.83415
I’m stoopid and forgot the picture
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002515 No.83467
Are you one of those faggots who takes "le good jew" Bjerknes seriously?
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a08123 No.83478
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84c2b2 No.83552
Its very unfortunate that he was coerced to plea guilty, but I can't blame him seeing the condition he is in. Another explanation is that he may want to simply go to normal prison as quickly as possible so that we can write to him more freely and speak more directly to him now that nothing is sensitive to the topic of his trial anymore. May he be blessed for his great sacrifice and the terrible price he pays for doing so
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fda093 No.83562
> 377 days after
I think they got their justice on day 0
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a93a5f No.83572
Doesn't matter whether he pleads or not. The act is done. This is like saying that David Irving's research is meaningless because he was forced to fold in the end.
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18ffb3 No.83637
if(query == “Brenton Tarrant letter”) {;
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2987ea No.83663
I know a faggot when I see one, and HE'S DEFINITELY A HOMOSEXUAL
it used to be latent and repressed, but why bother hiding it now, right?
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2987ea No.83664
>removed the gay flag
I see what you did there
(just like him before going to prison, you actually think you can hide the truth with a transparent Lee take tough guy routine)
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2987ea No.83668
LMMFGDAO @ him crying like a girl
hahahaha he's not looking so well, is he?
he's falling apart at the seams hahahahaha
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2987ea No.83670
wtf ? he's got no shoulders
what an effeminate little bitch
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3132e2 No.83672
>When your shooting video failed to inspire ISIS because they were bombed to hell by Russia and Assad, and even ordinary muzzies saw through the obvious zionist psy-op, so there was no retaliation for your shooting and thus no wars for Israel
Oy vei. Hopefully his idol (((Breivik))) is doing better.
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fa2c61 No.83679
The way I see it holding on for a year is pretty impressive. Straight up torture might be banned but they have other ways to slowly destroy a person's spirit. The most used ways to achieve this is shit nutrition, isolation, and denying someone adequate sleep. Sooner or later people are either going to break and do as (((they))) tell them.
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5162d2 No.83682
pathetic. filtered
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95e7c8 No.83693
The path of the Hero is difficult, but the only one worth taking. I would switch places with him if I could. Just the knowledge of having destroyed so many enemies and woven so much chaos upon the forces of darkness is worth a million lifetimes of degeneracy.
Remember: you're already dead. The only question is: do you dare?
Jewish prostitutes, you know who you are: the only reward of your devilry is erasure and shame. Death to the whores of Judea.
Hail Tarrant.
Hail Breivik.
Hail Earnest.
Hail Bowers.
Hail Crusius.
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f28f57 No.83696
no need to 'trade your life for his'
youre both homosexuals, who get fucked in your face, and you've both got women's shoulders
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f28f57 No.83698
I guess it's pretty humiliating for you to see him crying like a bitch, huh?
it's pretty much a dead giveaw6that you're also a sniveling little girl, just like him.
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f28f57 No.83699
you're a lot like 'tinyshoulders' Tarrant…..
neither of you will EVER see a vagina as long as you live
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f28f57 No.83701
He literally looks like he has AIDS …..
not even joking. He looks exactly like an AIDS patient
hey, explain why his shoulders are so small…
seriously….. wtf is the deal with his tiny shoulders?
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f28f57 No.83702
he looks SO sad and broken
hahahahaha and sick !!
he looks extremely sick….
hahaha what a sissy… pouting and crying exactly like a 9 year old girl
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3132e2 No.83704
>Actually tainting that based Irani queen with those zionist cocksuckers.
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f28f57 No.83706
guess what, Sallyboy?…?
I realize him that you think you're being 'all badass and intimidating', but obviously you like the external perspective required to have self-awareness…
Because your pathetic, cheesy little 'do you dare' poetry was SO EFFEMINATE !!
no shit, Sassypants….
It's like you're trying to be an emo girl
You remind me of an effeminate nine-year-old boy, 3 years before he realizes he's homosexual, trying to be 'artsy' and 'edgy', thinking he's dark and Moody and scary…
You should wear some black lipstick and dye your hair fluorescent green and draw crosses on your face with a magic marker….
You should wear one of those fat girl trendy goth dresses they used to sell at Spencer's back in the 90s…
I'm not joking when I say you're the farthest thing from masculine or intimidating I could possibly think of…
You're like a little fat girl
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e3059a No.83708
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f28f57 No.83715
fucking pathetic, dude…..
That reminded me of something out of a middle school 'student poetry book'…
Maybe you should start cutting yourself?
Have you ever considered a nose ring?
You will probably begin menstrating soon, so don't freak out when it happens…
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f28f57 No.83717
……. You literally wouldn't believe what my wife is saying about you right now……
I read your pathetic 'intimidating little boy manifesto' to my wife while she's making dinner, and she literally almost dropped the salmon on the floor !!
Hahahaha !!! You wouldn't believe what she saying about you !!!
You even made a woman laugh at how effeminate you are
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f28f57 No.83719
…. Hold on a minute…..
I'm going back in the kitchen to tell her the name of your adorable little 'intimidating' poem….
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f28f57 No.83721
I realize you're not sexually attracted to females,
But if you ever decide you might want to 'give
heterosexuality a try', do yourself a favor….
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b3e889 No.83725
The moment is eternal, you can be a pathetic neurotic kike that waits for the moment of shame all you like but it changes nothing.
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fe9ca2 No.83729
*in effeminate, overly melodramatic, lisping voice*
"Remember: you're already dead. The only question is: do you dare?"
DO YOU DARE !!!!!!
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d48f53 No.83730
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7fd8d1 No.83731
This whole thread is demoralization propaganda kek. Just look at these tranny niggers trying to humiliate anons who support Tarrant. I don't support what he did (because it was harmful for our interests, not because there is anything wrong in massacring brown excrement), and his "supporters" usually glow like a sun, but I just came here to take a piss at obvious provocateurs. Imagine being such a subhuman rat that you need to seethe with impotent jealousy at someone who supposedly "threw his life away" .
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fe9ca2 No.83732
………………….that sounded WICKED COOL
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d48f53 No.83733
If it was harmful, it wouldn't make the jew trannies so angry.
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7fd8d1 No.83737
It's just pure subhuman screeching and attempting to gloat over a superior lifeform being punished for fighting against being replaced by inferior lifeforms, typical kike behavior, doesn't have anything to do with practical matters.
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eb2327 No.83738
I think you and >>83693 should write a poem together
That would be BITCHIN' !!
That would be so cute !!!
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eb2327 No.83741
……just imagine how many cute guys you could meet online if the two of you teamed up and wrote some of your 'intimidating manifesto dark Moody emo' poetry…..
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2ec07c No.83745
I would say 51 dead sandniggers is a pretty practical matter.
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eb2327 No.83748
… guys could probably even get a gig writing advertising slogans for perfume commercials….
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eb2327 No.83763
…. I remember when I was a teenager and I thought I had 'shock value', just like you do….
(the one thing you didn't countdown was how boring people perceive you)
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eb2327 No.83770
hint: nobody's 'angry'
……….except you………..
because you're disenfranchised……….
You've been marginalized since before you were born……
You and your ilk actually insignificant……..
laughed at behind your back……….
and THAT'S egg zack lee™ why you're so angry
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b3e889 No.83771
Neurotic kike or some sort of shitskin, can't quite tell. I'm guessing the former but feel free to correct me if you are just a salty shitskin.
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eb2327 No.83775
actually, I'm neither…..
But I can definitely tell you what I AM
….im heterosexual, unlike you….
I'm married…. I get tons of pussy….
I always have … Always……………….
But you've got your little computer….
And your little temper tantrums….
and somehow you try to convince yourself that you'll have a woman one of these days, but until then….
It's just you and that obsolete little computer….
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eb2327 No.83778
i have just one question for you, Sallyboy….
"Do You Dare ?"
lonely boy
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eb2327 No.83779
you guys think you're hiding it
You think nobody can tell what's really going on
You guys don't get any pussy…. End of story
And that's why you're all so angry and frustrated
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eb2327 No.83783
"the moment is eternal"
"Do You Dare?"
I've never seen a more effeminate bunch of 'intimidating badasses' in my life….
You're just like a bunch of angry Little girls
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2ec07c No.83788
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916002 No.83789
kek, the birds aren't buying the lefty shit anymore now they're sperging out hard
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f9f71d No.83832
sad young ladies hot getting for pleasure
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immediately a little fine info. i could vouch for any look who really has authentic each day women the fact that just wish to bang. this specific page name called b.a.n.g.p.a.l.s. insert that name in to your web browser, or simply run a search to get B.A.N.G.P.A.L.S any time you usually are serious about getting set, the your own personal most effective bet!
this specific is one associated with all those points you have got to notice to consider so proceed try it out. ..
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fcc807 No.83833
learn to archive you nigger
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140d58 No.83910
look into new Zealand mental health acts?
could diagnose mental illness, drug him and use deception to keep this "confidential"
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140d58 No.83915
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2cbb43 No.83919
Of course they've fucked with him. Anything that originates after he's been in isolation so long is stupid. His spirit rises above that. The physical can only take so much "careful treatment" by the authorities.
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60a975 No.83989
Did anyone notice a dot on his right cheek? as for credibility, you can no longer be sure deepfake applications are already very advanced.
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b71314 No.84027
'dot on right cheek' : sperm allergy
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766037 No.84057
Before we get to any conclusion we must first agree that they most likely drugged and hypnotized Tarrant. This was practicized here in communist Romania in order to get proper answers out of people, and since it leaves no physical marks there is no proof of it and therefore human rights democracies (TM) can do it too.
The purpose of hypnotizing is to get the subject to do what you want, including *saying his toughts out loud*. And since he is drugged, he has no way of psychologically resisting hypnotization
It is better to be dead than captured
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7aabad No.84069
lol @ "drugged and hypnotized"
hahahahahahaha !!!!!!!
you're pathetic !!
(you obviously have no education on psychology or pharmacology, because you apparently don't have any understanding of the truth behind 'hypnotism')
Hahahaha wow!!
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7aabad No.84070
The purpose of hypnotizing is to get the subject to do what you want, including *saying his toughts out loud*.
you watch too many movies & tv shows, dude
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7aabad No.84076
since being incarcerated, he has quite literally fallen apart at the seams. He has muscular atrophy, his face clearly indicates crippling depression and despair. he has lost a ton of weight. he's getting no natural light, so his skin is pale and sallow. the prison diet has made him vitamin deficient and anemic. the blemish on his face is most likely staph infection, due to the deplorable filthy conditions. He's obviously despondent and has been doing a lot of crying lately. he has quite literally aged and deteriorated exponentially in a short amount of time.
poor widdle baby boom boom is unhappy
if you think that's bad, JUST WAIT!!
just wait to see how bad he looks in another 5 years hahaha
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2bae80 No.84127
>waaah, muh online community
You dumb literal niggerfaggot, this man sacrificed his life and you are bitching about not being able to shitpost in a virtual place where half of traffic was from glowies. Terrorism works, it inspires, empowers, sets an example, sends a message, it is a desperate act of fighting back. What have you done?
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7aabad No.84137
literally seething, aren't you?
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83ecc2 No.84190
Deep fake? Maybe? How could we know? It is pretty obvious who are down and who glow. This is something we will need more info on for sure. My advice to those who seethe is to try and collect viable samples of the corona virus and propagate them in chicken blood and inside eggs , or with blood agar . When the time is right and the jews have come out of their holes … Then and only then strike a mighty blow for st. Tarrant. A brave man who was inspired by traveling the world and would not let the death of ebba go unpunished. Don't be discouraged, use your brains to figure the best asymmetrical response and then
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a08123 No.84196
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83ecc2 No.84199
No you are a kike. Lol
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8d49de No.84215
probably is just a combination of the camera lens and him lousing so much weight
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8d49de No.84222
its probably a cut
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030c4e No.84245
imagine killing over 40ppl and thinking that it will help your case in any way shape or form how retarded you have to be to actually believe it
good thing that hes not getting any exposure like breivik does because he mightve created even more retards like himself, going out and killing some innocent people
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b796b4 No.84344
So we already had a Tarrant thread (>>76246), which OP was a blatant attempt at luring anons into the usual false dichotomy "totally fake/ totally legit", but fortunately said thread got put on good rails very quickly, so Hasbara bois were not happy and they decided it was time for another Tarrant thread.
>Imagine being young and sacrificing your life in order to share a white WN "based" political message that totally fails to expose kikes and their minions lel
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e46672 No.84449
I don’t think the man cucked, at 1:53 in the whole video of the court appearance he smiled when they read out “Linda Armstrong”.
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c73b90 No.84673
at 1:53 they said "caught Mr. Tarrant performing fellatio on inmate number 47713"
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92c44d No.84944
Get a load if this dirty kike desperately insisting his boy Tarrant is still trolling and providing a doctored image as "evidence".
There was no trolling. Tarrant was clearly mentally and physically broken. The retarded memes are long forgotten and now he has only the stark reality of what he has done.That grimace at 1:53 is what happens when you have an itchy nose but your hands are cuffed to the table. Of course you know this but you're a kike so you're still shilling the idea that he isn't a broken loser. He even makes that face after another Islamic name was read out so it clearly has nothing to do with the English sounding name you lying rat Jew.
Remember folks. Every Tarrant "fan" is a dirty Zionist Jew rat trying to incite more "white terrorism" by glorifying this pathetic broken loser. Don't take the bate, instead learn to spot the kikes among us.
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e46672 No.85096
> providing a doctored image as "evidence".
>He even makes that face after another Islamic name was read out
Ok schizophrenic
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e46672 No.85097
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92c44d No.85249
Remember folks: when Jews tell outrageous lies in the hopes that the sheer weight of the falsehood will confound their opponent it's called chutzpah. Hitler wrote about this phenomenon in Mein Kampf. This Tarrant-loving kike is a classic example. He is trying to tell you that this flinch is a smile and that Tarrant is still trolling his victims despite politely confessing to all charges. Kikes really do have no shame.
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c80157 No.85443
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e941b8 No.85473
I'd take Muslims over kikes like you any day of the week.
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21ab53 No.87684
He was a /fit/zen so likely faced a hard shutdown as well as psychological torture and apparent food deprivation from the Crown for being a bad slave.
Watch the propaganda video lionizing Jacinda for being so humane and welcoming. Then watch the other attached video that was posted to the Facebook group of the Mosque he shot up and was referenced in The Great Replacement.
These so called world leaders are going to carry on with the liberal pro invasive species ideology that has been social engineered into them by the "education" system, social media, and main stream "news" until the all of the western world is in the state the Boer farmers are in where they are politically powerless and overrun with violent double digit IQ aliens who attack and destroy them.
We see this now with the North Africans and Muslims who are raping, stabbing, and murdering their way across Europe with the rap music PSYOP encouraging it. European leadership do not care about their citizens except for Hungary. The invasion is happening in the US with British London School of Economics trained House of Windsor asset who manages the Queen's finances, Rothschild golem, George Soros importing violent MS13 double digit IQ subhumans into America.
All the aristocracy has to do to induce population replacement is avoid hiring anyone who is White as a matter of policy (they already do this) which will make whites too poor to have a large family, while simultaneously importing people whose expected living standard is much lower and will pop out infinity future criminals with no care in the world for how to pay for them. Then they will use their political assets to force whites to finance their own ethnic, political, and cultural replacement by way of intense taxation.
Diversity is a cancer on any host society. It is not beneficial especially at the intolerable rate the invasion is occurring. On a long enough timeline Terrant will be vindicated and seen as Paul Revere like figure to those who are not vulnerable to the aristocracy's propaganda.
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ce207c No.89051
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04eb65 No.92482
>>84127 he's been a good goy and posted online while his nation is being destroyed
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9e18af No.103065
True. They're probably paying muslim niggers to rape him in prison. That's why he snapped.
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e3bf78 No.104966
Is the judge a dot indian or something, she can barely read by the sounds of it.
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