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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The holocaust never happened

File: 482889da81fbe40⋯.jpg (205.02 KB, 1024x717, 1024:717, sharapova.jpg)

e0fa31  No.81700

- No war for Israel

- No Blacked culture

- No LGBT Parades

- No Hollywood degeneracy

- Europeans

- Blocked porn sites

- Asked people to have babies

- Putin

- China backed

- New space program


- Christian

- Nukes

- Democracy (not Jewish rule)

- No nigger ads everywhere

- No Globalism

- Freed the US from Hillary

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b487c2  No.81721

This idea that Russia had anything to do with getting Trump elected needs to end. Trump is a frontman for the same clique of jews that looted the collapsed USSR

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87db0e  No.81722

not even bait

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acd33c  No.81724


Russia, in a lot of ways, is like 50s America during the communist scare. They are super nationalistic but will support globalism or kikery only when it fits their interests. Unlike the US today which blindly worships consumerism and shekels. Putin learned a lot from America's recent mistakes and has reformed his country to not follow the same mistakes made. That's why the media portrays him as a dictator, he doesn't allow kikes like Soros to do whatever they want against the interests of the motherland. They don't mind capitalism as long as it's for the interests of the nation state.

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fc0676  No.81739


>Trump is a frontman for the same clique of jews that looted the collapsed USSR

I think Putin was one who learned that Bolshevik revolutions do not end very well. Remember, during the cold war the CIA actually exploited flawed Marxist ideologies through propaganda aimed towards Russian citizens. This actually led to mass destabilization of Russia, and created fringe groups of ideological nimrods who used violence and subversion within society (much like Antifa goons today in the USSA only they were not pussies but real off-hinged killers). Putin knows all this being former KGB, he understands radical leftism leads to collapse and mass death. That's why he resigned so early from his former career working with his comrades and later went into politics. Putin is a man of reform, after despotism and radicalism collapsed alongside the nation state. So I think he understands how reality works and thus, is not someone who is going to put up with too much kikery or subversion (and to radical leftists that seems draconian because they are not allowed to misbehave like fringe assholes over there). In fact, and I may be ridiculed for saying this but America has been looking more and more like Soviet Union the last couple decades and Russia is looking more like Americana during the civil war period. Ironic how things can change so much.

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b487c2  No.81749


You are all mixed up. Putin and the overwhelming majority of his government, especially in the critical places, are holdovers from the Soviet times. They aren't people who came up during the collapse or after. A hallmark of Putin's time leading Russia has been a reversal of things implemented and imposed after the USSR's dissolution. Communist Russia was a far more conservative society than the US. Everything that is happening in the US is because of capital. Third-worldism is the reserve army of capital.

The reason why we keep going in circles is because people like you don't understand the world around you.

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ca0702  No.81754


Sage and report.

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857cc4  No.81800


- No men live older than 50 (liver disease)

- $4 a shot of heroin (still inject krokadil)

- Deny the holocaust? Go to jail.

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109db6  No.82044


>doesn't deny any of the mentionned points

also krokodil is good, since it gets homojunkies dead in no time.

why would you want those to live longer?

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891200  No.82284


Righteous dubs of Slavic truth

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891200  No.82287


> Russia, in a lot of ways, is like 50s America

Very true. It's their first post-war generation that is growing up with material abundance but the parents still remember hard times.

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b1043c  No.82290

File: adaacac1cf241af⋯.jpg (151.66 KB, 640x948, 160:237, dugin_antiwhite.jpg)

File: 4763355d292fd8a⋯.jpg (378.81 KB, 800x449, 800:449, controlled_opp_.jpg)

File: 496937c4829a68d⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1652x1876, 59:67, foundationsofgeopolitics.png)

File: aaa69de8e283c02⋯.jpg (60.37 KB, 1023x575, 1023:575, Trump_with_Tevfik_Arif_and….jpg)

File: 3ac90c7ecf03362⋯.png (480.53 KB, 579x559, 579:559, eurasianeconomicunion.PNG)

>(((Marx))), (((Trotsky))), (((Lenin)))

>90% of the first Soviet government

>Gives them a state (Jewish Autonomous Oblast)

>First to recognize Israel at the UN

>Socialist Zionists make up large majority of Israel's founders

>Including Mapam, 2nd most popular party for years, who openly praised Stalin and Mao

>And David "I am a Bolshevik" Ben-Gurion himself

>Large majority of Russian oligarchs are Jewish or Israeli dual citizens

>Eternal 'ex'-KGB president

>Every single Israeli PM and most of the government are from Russian/ex-Soviet families

>To this day Russians make up large majority of immigrants to Israel

>To this day Israel is working with China and Russia *against* the US in certain avenues, like high-tech, weapons, navy, infrastructure etc.

>Chabad Lubavitch are both Putin and Trump's best buddies


>Helped Israel do 9/11

See: https://www.bitchute.com/video/CZjIhPndAKmy/

Don't fall for the BASED PUTIN propaganda, Slavs and the Russian people themselves are one thing, but the Russian establishment are not your friends.

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8a323d  No.82292


>China backed


>Freed the US from Hilary.

This glows.

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60688f  No.82438


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8b9733  No.82525

File: 5f635cb0fefc667⋯.png (470.52 KB, 680x549, 680:549, 1582558892987.png)


>cope, the post

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0f5e08  No.82591


Slide thread and Op is a massive faggot and has absolutely zero clue what he is talking about

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4cbf3c  No.82607


Well I think it's rather ironic how Russia kicked out George Soros and his NGOs and told the Rothschilds to 'take a hike' and nationalized their central banking system. Not only that but, from what appears to be true, Putin does not allow a lot of degenerate subversion we see in the US today and is very pro-family. He's often criticized for this by leftist publications too. I'm not saying there is not some totalitarianism to keep things stable though, there may be.

The reason why we keep going in circles is because most people in power don't understand the world. The few leaders who do reside in successful nations that are well defended with overall happy people who procreate and are able to make a decent living.

>Everything that is happening in the US is because of capital.

No, corruption that goes unpunished and gets covered up all the fucking time. The problem is NOT production. The problem is unpunished corruption and protection of corrupted entities by a corrupted subverted government. That is the problem. If America re-enforced the law for the corrupt scum residing in the levels of power we could stop our own decline.

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2eb7d6  No.82610


Didn't even see that one, yes OP is a faggot glow in the dark no doubt, or just stupid.

So I'll refer to the original thread that TRIGGERED this one: >>>72037

^ http://archive.md/3CGiO

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