>(((Marx))), (((Trotsky))), (((Lenin)))
>90% of the first Soviet government
>Gives them a state (Jewish Autonomous Oblast)
>First to recognize Israel at the UN
>Socialist Zionists make up large majority of Israel's founders
>Including Mapam, 2nd most popular party for years, who openly praised Stalin and Mao
>And David "I am a Bolshevik" Ben-Gurion himself
>Large majority of Russian oligarchs are Jewish or Israeli dual citizens
>Eternal 'ex'-KGB president
>Every single Israeli PM and most of the government are from Russian/ex-Soviet families
>To this day Russians make up large majority of immigrants to Israel
>To this day Israel is working with China and Russia *against* the US in certain avenues, like high-tech, weapons, navy, infrastructure etc.
>Chabad Lubavitch are both Putin and Trump's best buddies
>Helped Israel do 9/11
See: https://www.bitchute.com/video/CZjIhPndAKmy/
Don't fall for the BASED PUTIN propaganda, Slavs and the Russian people themselves are one thing, but the Russian establishment are not your friends.