>Hi, here from the Left Coast Right Watch twitter post?
I have no idea what the fuck that is
>No one here except government agency shills are libertarians.
dumb ass fucking shit nonsense argument repeated forever on these stupid imageboards, everyone but you is a government shill at all times.
>We all share your critiques of capitalism
no you dont really lmao your critiques are petty bullshit only as a means to lament your middle class loss of economic domination over others. you're as much an anticapitalist as the ridiculous mining company owner of a few months ago or whatever who got sued to hell for mistreating his miner employees and then cried about the big bad liberal elite media. most rightoid critiques of capitalism are this: middle class losers lamenting the loss of legacy means of production. if it actually came down to it you would lick up jewish capitalist boot to keep yourself "above" the niggers. this is basically what every "white" owned company does today even the petty small ones.
>and at least personally I would propose that arguing for anything further than anti-Capitalism, anti-Globalism, and anti-Zionism – at this point in time, before any real revolution/collapse – has no real functional utility.
nah retards like you only say this shit because you know you don't really want to go too far into anticapitalism because you know where that leads. its not functional utility, you're just a bitch.
>simply having the right opinions on economic and governmental structure, or even living in a syndicalist commune for years, doesn’t result in a person reaching their full potential
what is this gay shit even supposed to mean. the full potential itself is having the courage to do something others wouldn't do lmao. communist kids today are middle class folks who throw their privileges away and move to nigger ghettos, communes and even join third world paramilitaries lmao. (even you retards admit this) NOTHING right-niggers do even comes close to this. you have no potential.
>whether as an individual or a member of society. Call it spiritualism, call it culture, whatever, but you need something non-materialist and metaphysical. You NEED ‘le spoops’ like beauty, honour, glory, transcendentalism etc.
>This is a big part of why fascism and national socialism simply needed to be authoritarian, while communism had to be totalitarian with all its ‘struggle sessions’ and Stasi tactics. This is why that empty meme of fascism being ‘capitalism in decay’ is so laughable, because both the communism of the past, and self-identifying SJW commies, are closer to neoliberalism, in the sense that they don’t seek discipline per se, but something closer to mind control, where you have to *want* what it wants.
this is the dumbest shit i have ever read in my fucking life. you have no fucking clue what communism is or even what fascism is. read a fucking book for the love of god. support aryan communists and read a white aryan communist book for the love of fucking christ.
>Also your argument that communism isn’t inherently jewish (or indeed that anything created by jews isn’t inherently bad) is only half-right. That’s just like saying Christianity in Europe wasn’t inherently jewish – it undoubtedly morphed into something more akin to white culture and morality, but it was still *largely* a jewish invention, and, also like communism, there were superior Aryan values and systems before these jewish machinations.
great so this pathetic argument is now basically measuring how jewish communism is. fucking dumbass.
>If you honestly believe more government power and a restructuring of the distribution of wealth is all that we need
if you honestly believe communism means more government power and redistribution of wealth you are a fucking dumb mother fucker who haven't read enough aryan-communist authors lmao
> or experienced life, enough.
you always got to love the life advise dumb pieces of living breathing white mediocrity want to give others lmao