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85a96f  No.81639

Summing up, we arrive at the conclusion that every attempt to combat a Weltanschaung by means of force will turn out futile in the end, if the struggle fails to take the form of an offensive for the establishment of an entirely new spiritual order of things. Mein Kampf, The World War, Adolf Hitler

Generation after generation lived in the jew's world has eroded our national spirits. If we're going to live again, we have to awaken the racial soul of all our peoples against the jew. The Church is unwilling to take the fight and historically complicit in our destruction. The atheists can't inspire action. The neopagans can't be taken seriously by the People. How do we inspire a spiritual awakening in our nations that will move the population toward us?

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559b71  No.81686


>How do we inspire a spiritual awakening in our nations that will move the population toward us?

There isn't. We live in times of mass deprivation and degeneration that shows little sign of stopping. Religion and Spirituality are degraded and mocked, while those looking for them are generally for self-serving reasons.

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ca31ec  No.81694


Become the Amalek. I figure that most of the user's here never once saved, archived, or published our infographics, and content in physicla mediums transferrable to a future generation, or an educational curriculum designed to fully realize the redpill in it's most primal form to support raiding a generation that can actually fight against jewry and then semitism as a whole, so at that point, provided the apocalypse dosn't result in Moloch Victoryworld, it becomes apparent that that piece of shit rabbai who labelled us as the enemy and set his scummy rat people on all things good and just deserve the enemy they oh-so detest and reville.

The policy is simple, Non-pol? Kill it, do not explain- the time for debate, words and such is passed- a new world must be built on a foundation of corpses before words can be spend tiling it into soil. Few will be given chance for conversion- everyone is on a mission to feed corpses so that the world is saved from ammorality and returns to standards of alignment, and the romatisication of evil, filth, corruption, subversion and death come to an abrupt silence and end. Erasure as a call of duty will be the only policy, we understand their evil to be nature, and it must be culled in a manner befitting what it has embodied- no quarter, no 'exceptions' just a kill-all to be sure- then trying to recover what the ancestors left us before they fell prey will be the truly difficult part.

Jews hate the Natsoc, but someone unironically avenging mankind under the moniker of their alleged lifetime nemesis? That'll put things into order.

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559b71  No.81703


Can't tell if SIEGEtard, Fed, or shill. In any case, death can only bring more death, but if you want to build an empire on corpses, start with yourself.

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51272a  No.81753


Name one empire that wasn't built on corpses.

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559b71  No.81859


The ones that don't thrive on apocalyptic bogaloo fantasies or some abracadabra about 'nature'. No dumb bastard ever won a war by going out and dying for his country. He won it by making some other dumb bastard die for his country.

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51272a  No.81869


You didn't name any anon. Come on now.

>No dumb bastard ever won a war by going out and dying for his country. He won it by making some other dumb bastard die for his country.

Yes that is what we are saying. I don't understand how you can go from "death can only bring more death" to quoting Patton. I think you are more confused than I am though.

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de72c2  No.81883


Is that Israel Zangwill

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559b71  No.81907


Because what you're advocating is just vicious cycle that would not only consume you, but everything else in the world. "Pride in our people" is narcissism and all those infographics are just trash that don't help with anything.

Of course, I can't pretend that I won't be able to convince someone out of being an "Amalek" or want's to enact vengeance for a 'humanity' that doesn't give a rats ass about him and never will.

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51272a  No.81925


>Because what you're advocating is just vicious cycle that would not only consume you, but everything else in the world.

I never advocated anything. I simply asked you a question that you still haven't answered. You strike me as a very dishonest person and I'm going to cease talking to you.

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36915c  No.82010


>that shows little sign of stopping

>corona crisis

>not even allowed to go outside without good reason like work or food

>little signs of stopping

End time is here, faggots!

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b7b391  No.82244


Typical demoralist shill. If they had already won then the propaganda would be useless. You also don't know how bad Weimar was, we still haven't gone full Weimar but we're close.

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a8bffa  No.82623


>How do we inspire a spiritual awakening in our nations that will move the population toward us?

You must awaken the inner flame. Then speak.

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8ea51f  No.82672

File: 7ffa42b89ea14ea⋯.jpg (49.09 KB, 460x276, 5:3, stainscleaningstains.jpg)

Start by cleaning out the agents of evil from our land. Some of them are virtually untouchable, but many of them propagating the materialism and egoism- that degrades the sense of community/family etc- live under a Roof

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15056a  No.82706

File: f7fe5c12d327a81⋯.jpg (302.45 KB, 1499x1105, 1499:1105, American_Progress_painting….jpg)


The Roman Empire and the Persian Empire, for instance (both of which were white). I'm no history fag, but a big component of the success of white empires, in particular has been not there military strength (although that has also been undeniable), but their scientific, cultural, and even bureaucratic insight. Specifically, the ancient white empires (1) established client-host relations, meaning they would protect other peoples who submitted to their authority, and (2) they allowed free trade and freedom of religion (in a non-cucked manner, degenerate religions like Moloch worship practiced by the Phoenecians was forbidden by both Persians and Romans).

I agree that the west needs to be strong. But who do you think is stronger: a stern and disciplined father figure, or a violent street robbing nigger? The white race must take on the role of a stern, disciplined, and perhaps over-bearing father-figure. We are not tyrants or brutes, we are fair and just rulers that are illuminating an unjust and savage world.

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000000  No.82729


>How do we inspire a spiritual awakening in our nations that will move the population toward us?

By first killing off almost all "people" and sub-humans (jews, niggers, mudslimes, chinks, etc), allowing only the strongest, smartest, most honorable and most beautiful to live and to procreate.

What The Hero Adolf Hitler proposed was possible in his time because of the highest quality specimen of White Men were alive at the time. After racial brothers killed each other when they trusted the jews lies in WWII, the inferior procreated. And with the inferior, there can be no national or racial spirit. They don't even have souls, to begin with.

In short: what you propose is not the solution to our current problems. It is a means to avoid falling in those problems to begin with. What will solve our problems is a massive onslaught of all who aren't like us first. Only then, a wakening of national and racial spirit would be possible.

But of course, race traitors and infiltrators will call me, you,m and anybody else a fed for proposing the only solution that works.

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000000  No.82740


Fairness and justice never existed. And never will. Being strong IS being a brute. Will wipe out all of your enemies AND even your equals if they don't behave properly, in order to keep society stabilized and organized.

This anon is completely right >>81694

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a398cc  No.82973



>(1) established client-host relations, meaning they would protect other peoples who submitted to their authority

>send a million of orbitary nations' soldiers for conquest

>get their asses handed over by slightly more than 10 thousand White people that not only were fiercely exclusive and nationalistic but also literally invented the term "ethnos"

>after a century the later topple their royalty and annex all their territories

>stop being a distinct nation for centuries

>ultimately get mongrelized beyond recognition by sandniggers


>miscegenate and recognize citizenship status for its mongrel spawns

>constant revolts and bloody suppression of them

>widespread degeneracy

>constantly and successfully raided by culturally healthy and vigorous pure White "barbarians"

>get taken over by a fringe cult of hippy kikes

You can't domesticate brown hominids, anon. Intermingling with them is a always a recipe for disaster.

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51272a  No.83511


>The Roman Empire

Look up the Sabine women. I'm honestly not well versed enough on Persian history to roll out an example of a bloody life affirming decision equivalent to what Rome did with the Sabine women but I have no doubt there is one. All I'm saying is you simply don't get to be a big empire without others opposing you, this opposition will lead to war as it always has and always will. Limited resources and all that. Death makes way for life, I suggest you read Kurt Eggers.

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96c5c8  No.85475

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6b686f  No.91468

File: d79c9ad7e840a44⋯.gif (2.28 MB, 1200x598, 600:299, Aryan_migrations.gif)


We must take a lesson from the Jews and create an ethno-religious identity deeply rooted in our racial heritage. This isn't too difficult since the most important thing that our people have in common is recent shared descent from a semi-mythological warrior race. White is just a census designation, Aryan identity has real historical, mythological and spiritual depth which we must further develop. Jews are deeply terrified of Aryan identity because they know the atavistic power of bronze age tribalism.

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01a3d5  No.91491

File: 852c32078085bc9⋯.jpg (498.68 KB, 1386x2048, 693:1024, Arimanius.jpg)

Meta-spirituality/religion, just like with metapolitics - push for spirituality and religion without necessarily using those terms, forms or models.

Apart from the more common metapolitical avenues of all the arts and media that can be used, I can think of at least three fairly large and influential loose groups of people that are already inherently 'spiritual', that we could influence. And this is just off the top of my head, I'm sure you can think of many more avenues;

1. Acidheads and stoner culture in general - while there'll always be individuals and currents of hedonism and sloth in these circles, there's also a large majority who search for the (pseudo)spiritual meaning in their 'trips', and so far there have been very few counter-currents in the culture to the idea that the 'ego death' experience (i.e. feeling of loss of ego at peak of trips, of attachment to gender/race/culture/customs/rules etc.) is an inherent good and an *end point*, rather than an experience of 'free will' that can lead wherever they want it to. As most of us have experienced and inherently know, including those who've never even touched drugs, free will doesn't always lead to hedonism, and the realization of what free will fully entails is exactly what lead most of us to understand the inherent good in discipline, hierarchy, struggle etc.

If there's one current that runs through all drug users of this kind it's the desire to question given narratives, and as I've seen with my own eyes, teaching them that the drugs are their own individual tools and that they don't have to accept the hippie ideology so often packaged with their use, can be very powerful.

Although it of course dumps all those alt-lite 'iNtElLeCtUaL dArK wEb' characters in with actual fascists, this article is a good example of what I'm getting at, and they even mention the significance of Ernst Junger to psychedelic culture.


2. New Age/'Witchy' astrology girls - Get them into Greco-Roman-Germanic-Nordic-Slavic astrotheology (and especially the concept of the 'Astrological ages') and blow their mind with how accurate it is, even today. Of course, as with before, there is a degenerate accepted culture and currents of feminism and the like, but if you're versed enough in paganism and how to argue against feminism in general, not only can you emphasize the importance of 'harmonizing' the male/solar/Apollonian etc. and the female/lunar/Dionysian, but you can also argue that modern feminism, especially the 'proud slut' 'business lady' types, actively doesn't allow women to reach their full womanly potential (and you can further argue that these are controlled capitalistic forms of feminism, they'll eat that shit up). Here's a little blog post that might help here https://medium.com/@neoplatonicmuse/the-woman-who-overcomes-2b7a0fb2cbb1

3. General fitness and self-improvement groups - this one should be self-explanatory, but if not - there's only a short bridge between taking your mental and physical strength seriously, and becoming spiritually inclined, and looking for something to self-improve *for*.

Also a bonus one that'll probably be controversial here are self-identifying satanists, or just people who idolize grimdark imagery and media like metalheads and the like - teach them that LaVeyan/'atheist' Satanism is still just as 'Magian' as 'Judeo-Christianity', and that a trv satanist/metalhead etc. wouldn't be a sloth hedonist or SJW (as a lot of metalheads have become lately), but would be Nietszchean and Promethean. Of course you don't have to go anywhere near these people or ideologies in the first place, but if I had the power to convert them, I'd rather hordes of Nietszcheans than LaVeyans.

There's some starting points at least, expand on it and think of all the other people with inherent/hidden potential, especially groups and subcultures that you have already have a personal knowledge of and connection to.

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75dd0c  No.91508

File: 369cc0e1ea9cb20⋯.png (5.36 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 800px_Flag_of_the_Communis….png)


communism is the answer lol


communists did a better job inflaming the racial attitudes of the brown world than anything the right has ever done lol


the answer is white revolutionary left-wing politics


drop capitalism, drop libertarianism


the only thing destroying whites today is capitalism HEH

open borders is capital driven, degeneracy is the body becoming currency and capital

yikes right-toids always want to say that there is an implicit jewishness in things, a jewish spirit if you will. the belief in these kinds of spooks is entirely a rightoid phenomenon but you don't even really believe it as much as you say you do. there have been infinitely more white aryan communist leaders and authors than there have been jewish ones. you don't think even a single drop of "white aryan spirit" or implicit white racialism gets through in what they write and say lmao. white fags want to deny this but even stalin said this was true. stalin rightly said that communism as an idea was the culmination of all european thought to that point, when you deny communism you are denying europe and there is no denying that kek. from the backlash of feudalism to british imperialism only european thought and aryan spirit lead to communism. to say that it is entirely a jewish thing is to confirm some jewish spirit and deny a white spirit and you dont want to do that do you?

even in the ethno-revolutionary leftwing groups of today ethnocentrism and racism peaks through no matter what they try to do.

white-commnunism, right-communism. call it whatever you want but it is the future and the only path LMAO!

i think almost every sector of the right is flirting with this anyway so it is inevitable. places like therightstuff have had a right-communist for a few years now, richard spencer is close to right-communism to and of course saloforum.

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01a3d5  No.91548


Hi, here from the Left Coast Right Watch twitter post?

No one here except government agency shills are libertarians. We all share your critiques of capitalism, and at least personally I would propose that arguing for anything further than anti-Capitalism, anti-Globalism, and anti-Zionism – at this point in time, before any real revolution/collapse – has no real functional utility.

But, post-metaphorical revolution, capitalism is not the be-all end-all ill of the world. Just look at your fellow commies – simply having the right opinions on economic and governmental structure, or even living in a syndicalist commune for years, doesn’t result in a person reaching their full potential, whether as an individual or a member of society. Call it spiritualism, call it culture, whatever, but you need something non-materialist and metaphysical. You NEED ‘le spoops’ like beauty, honour, glory, transcendentalism etc. to erase the culture and morality of capitalism. This is a big part of why fascism and national socialism simply needed to be authoritarian, while communism had to be totalitarian with all its ‘struggle sessions’ and Stasi tactics. This is why that empty meme of fascism being ‘capitalism in decay’ is so laughable, because both the communism of the past, and self-identifying SJW commies, are closer to neoliberalism, in the sense that they don’t seek discipline per se, but something closer to mind control, where you have to *want* what it wants.

Also your argument that communism isn’t inherently jewish (or indeed that anything created by jews isn’t inherently bad) is only half-right. That’s just like saying Christianity in Europe wasn’t inherently jewish – it undoubtedly morphed into something more akin to white culture and morality, but it was still *largely* a jewish invention, and, also like communism, there were superior Aryan values and systems before these jewish machinations.

If you honestly believe more government power and a restructuring of the distribution of wealth is all that we need, you’re plainly a midwit who hasn’t read, or experienced life, enough.

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967b98  No.91558


>government agency shills are libertarians

This statement makes sense to you somehow?

If you are antisemetic you would be AGAINST their institutions as well. Government is a semitic institution. It was invented BY THEM to facilitate their parasitism.

The fact of the matter is that all of the people advocating a (((government))) solution on this board are simply jews by another mother. There is only one solution to the jewish parasite and that is NO MORE GOVERNMENT.

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967b98  No.91559

I am saying that (((government))) is a social mind virus that PROTECTS the jews. Without (((government))) deciding what was ‘law’ or ‘justice’ we could KILL THEM ALL and everyone who was tired of their international terrorism and betraying nations from within would be free to do so AT WILL.

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fa9596  No.92070


>Hi, here from the Left Coast Right Watch twitter post?

I have no idea what the fuck that is

>No one here except government agency shills are libertarians.

dumb ass fucking shit nonsense argument repeated forever on these stupid imageboards, everyone but you is a government shill at all times.

>We all share your critiques of capitalism

no you dont really lmao your critiques are petty bullshit only as a means to lament your middle class loss of economic domination over others. you're as much an anticapitalist as the ridiculous mining company owner of a few months ago or whatever who got sued to hell for mistreating his miner employees and then cried about the big bad liberal elite media. most rightoid critiques of capitalism are this: middle class losers lamenting the loss of legacy means of production. if it actually came down to it you would lick up jewish capitalist boot to keep yourself "above" the niggers. this is basically what every "white" owned company does today even the petty small ones.

>and at least personally I would propose that arguing for anything further than anti-Capitalism, anti-Globalism, and anti-Zionism – at this point in time, before any real revolution/collapse – has no real functional utility.

nah retards like you only say this shit because you know you don't really want to go too far into anticapitalism because you know where that leads. its not functional utility, you're just a bitch.

>simply having the right opinions on economic and governmental structure, or even living in a syndicalist commune for years, doesn’t result in a person reaching their full potential

what is this gay shit even supposed to mean. the full potential itself is having the courage to do something others wouldn't do lmao. communist kids today are middle class folks who throw their privileges away and move to nigger ghettos, communes and even join third world paramilitaries lmao. (even you retards admit this) NOTHING right-niggers do even comes close to this. you have no potential.

>whether as an individual or a member of society. Call it spiritualism, call it culture, whatever, but you need something non-materialist and metaphysical. You NEED ‘le spoops’ like beauty, honour, glory, transcendentalism etc.


>This is a big part of why fascism and national socialism simply needed to be authoritarian, while communism had to be totalitarian with all its ‘struggle sessions’ and Stasi tactics. This is why that empty meme of fascism being ‘capitalism in decay’ is so laughable, because both the communism of the past, and self-identifying SJW commies, are closer to neoliberalism, in the sense that they don’t seek discipline per se, but something closer to mind control, where you have to *want* what it wants.

this is the dumbest shit i have ever read in my fucking life. you have no fucking clue what communism is or even what fascism is. read a fucking book for the love of god. support aryan communists and read a white aryan communist book for the love of fucking christ.

>Also your argument that communism isn’t inherently jewish (or indeed that anything created by jews isn’t inherently bad) is only half-right. That’s just like saying Christianity in Europe wasn’t inherently jewish – it undoubtedly morphed into something more akin to white culture and morality, but it was still *largely* a jewish invention, and, also like communism, there were superior Aryan values and systems before these jewish machinations.

great so this pathetic argument is now basically measuring how jewish communism is. fucking dumbass.

>If you honestly believe more government power and a restructuring of the distribution of wealth is all that we need

if you honestly believe communism means more government power and redistribution of wealth you are a fucking dumb mother fucker who haven't read enough aryan-communist authors lmao

> or experienced life, enough.

you always got to love the life advise dumb pieces of living breathing white mediocrity want to give others lmao

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01a3d5  No.92214


Any actual arguments apart from strawmanning and putting words in my mouth?

>you don't really want to go too far into anticapitalism because you know where that leads. its not functional utility, you're just a bitch.

No retard, my point there is that virtually ANYTHING is preferable to capitalism, so LARPing about your autistic ideal Futurist-Eco-NazBol-Syndicalist system - i.e. arguing for anything that divides you from the 1-5% of the population that are actually pilled and have insurrectionist potential - when we're not even CLOSE to any kind of insurrection, is a net negative and just pointless baggage.


See, cast iron proof of what I was talking about - you might think you oppose Capitalism, but all you oppose is governmental and economic structure. The psychological warfare of the system goes deeper than those surface debates. You go on about Aryan this Aryan that, but spiritually, culturally, morally etc. you're still a Neoliberal Capitalist at heart. Or just a 14 yr old.

>if you honestly believe communism means more government power and redistribution of wealth you are a fucking dumb mother fucker

Go on then, tell me what communism means - you just told me anything deeper than economic structure is 'lol gey'.

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f5a114  No.92245


>so LARPing about your autistic ideal Futurist-Eco-NazBol-Syndicalist system

>is a net negative and just pointless baggage.

This is coming from retards that really want to argue about spirits and ghosts. There is more use in full on tankie cosplay than your spooky pseudo faggotry.

>See, cast iron proof of what I was talking about - you might think you oppose Capitalism, but all you oppose is governmental and economic structure.

lmao do you actually think you are the real anti-capitalist because you believe in ghosts and shit?

>The psychological warfare of the system goes deeper than those surface debates.

Of course that is why I pointed out the actual practical behavior of most committed communist young people of today that you ignored for some reason.

So we don't forget the context, this argument is around this stupid part of your post:

>But, post-metaphorical revolution, capitalism is not the be-all end-all ill of the world. Just look at your fellow commies – simply having the right opinions on economic and governmental structure, or even living in a syndicalist commune for years, doesn’t result in a person reaching their full potential, whether as an individual or a member of society. Call it spiritualism, call it culture, whatever, but you need something non-materialist and metaphysical. You NEED ‘le spoops’ like beauty, honour, glory, transcendentalism etc. to erase the culture and morality of capitalism.

Talking about potentials and spirituality. I am arguing that all communist behavior and social disposition is entirely transgressive and functionally against the system/capitalism no matter how petty it seems to dumb-asses like you and they didn't need some stupid ideas about spirits to achieve it.

When you think about it, the entire cultural/social disposition of leftoid youth is entirely communist, revolutionary and transgressive against the system. When you remember the fact that one of the prevailing ideas of communism revolves around the economic domination of the West over everyone else and even the internal economic domination and power of Whites within the west every single leftoid political act can be explained and if you're actually open minded enough, sympathized with because THEY are doing what they believe, practically, organically, beyond memes, beyond petty internet politics, with commitment and with pride and courage unlike you. From middle class white youth throwing their privileged upbringings to live in ghettos to even the established social media leftists grifting companies of money and so on.

Communist youth today are middle class Whites who throw their privileges away and move to nigger ghettos, communes and even join third world paramilitaries. Even the most queer barista communists are flying to and joining left-wing third-world paramilitaries. There is nothing and nobody on the right doing even close to the same and this is a fact that you can't escape from and a fact that the right will never live down. I honestly suspect that when most of you retards grow up and see this fact in scale compared to what you did when you thought you were a right-winger you will be really embarrassed as to what a fucking idiot you were because it is an inexcusable fact. I mean even these effeminate antifa kids are picking up AKs to fight for middle eastern militias and other ethnic groups facing actual genocides and displacement while NOBODY in the right is doing anything in South Africa. Just that last sentence alone should put everything into scale for you.

But the point is that communists are doing what they say, they are walking the talk, if not slowly chipping away at the system with their small acts of what you call degeneracy they are functionally rejecting it correctly basically achieving the stupid "mind cleansing yourself of capitalism" you want with your spooky ghost stories. But they don't use gay ass spooks but materialism and an actual commitment towards justice and destroying real injustices occurring.

>you just told me anything deeper than economic structure is 'lol gey'.

You actually have to prove that there is anything deeper than economic structure you fucking dumbass. There isn't, almost everything is driven by economic factors and material conditions not spooks. Even this basic idea of communism is explained in The Communist Manifesto but you don't even really understand that.

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6b686f  No.93999

File: 4026f277ceb6461⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1087x656, 1087:656, 1567177403577.png)


How does right-communism differ from ordinary national socialism? I presume only in that it forbids private property and free enterprise. The communist war against free enterprise and private property was a transparent attempt by the Jewish international ethnic syndicate to impoverish, enthrall and neutralize independent Aryan homesteaders, exactly what they seek to do now through the more indirect means of usury.

The most natural and ideal social arrangement for Aryans is a community of independent homesteaders and craftsmen who unite under strong centralized tribal leadership in times of crisis. This is the essence of National Socialism.

The redirection of anti-capitalist energy away from usurers, Jewish insider-trading syndicates and private central banks and towards independent Aryan homesteaders and craftsmen has always been a Jewish gayop.

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6b686f  No.94001

File: b764684dd1640d2⋯.jpg (3.49 MB, 3723x2646, 1241:882, Nordic_Resistance_Movement….jpg)


>communist kids today are middle class folks who throw their privileges away and move to nigger ghettos, communes and even join third world paramilitaries lmao.

They don't throw away a single bit of privilege you faggot. They receive the backing of the state, the media and academia, they face no repercussions for communist larping, so long as they don't question actual Jewish power.

>NOTHING right-niggers do even comes close to this. you have no potential.

Actual dissident activities are ruthlessly penalized by the regime, even pro-Aryan fitness clubs have been rounded up by ZOG.


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