9d6d24 No.7968[Last 50 Posts]
I'm lurking around for a while now. And I'm a jew, not religiously, but anyway, my family is jewish so I'm a jew. I really can identify with a lot of the ideas in this board. I hate niggers and mexicans and arabs and asians and I want america and europe to be exclusivly white and leaded by strong men. But I'm struggeling if there would be a place for me? Most people who think like me say, they don't like the jews or that jews are the deeper problem… But am I the problem? I would fight for my country. What do you all honestly think?
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a4d92c No.7978
The only way you can possibly ever hope to prove yourself is by becoming a serial killer that only kills Jews.
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086baa No.7980
Sneak into Israel.
Work your way up the ranks.
Then self destruct the Samson Option and glass Israel.
This is the only way any good can be done by a jew.
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5fc31d No.8465
There is no future for jews. You are inferior subhumans, akin to animals. Your failures and desperation are showing everywhere.
All jews will be killed soon.
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ae3c21 No.8474
It's always "soon". It's been "soon" since … well, shit … since forever. The Egyptians couldn't do it. The Assyrians couldn't do it. The Romans couldn't do it. The Italians couldn't do it. The Nazis couldn't do it.
… but surely you can do it, right?
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a4a669 No.8484
The jews are history and they can't do anything about it. They are a disgusting abomination.
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504b8e No.8487
Your best option would to be to try to convince fellow jews that replacement of whites is not the path forward for your people if they don't want an actual holocaust to happen and that their best option is to either stop being shapeshifters and either become one with the white race or all move to Israel to live in isolation from the rest of the world, never interfering or subverting them again. Then again, if you could easily exterminate the worlds most infamous parasites of civilization with the press of a nuclear button targeted at one location, it would likely be safer to just marry outside of judendom until no more genes of usury and nepotism remain, becoming truly white and belonging to your people
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9ef5c2 No.8543
Tough question. Personally, I don't really see a problem with that as long as you fight for the 14 words with conviction. But, I have to admit, that it's pretty hard for me to trust you nevertheless. You have to earn our trust and be loyal to our cause. Don't switch sides, or pussy out when pressure is applied to you.
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8843ba No.8552
nice try kike, let me direct you to the oven
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04ff95 No.8554
You can be a minority/jude and still support varying degrees of nationalism. Im a spic so obviously dont support a white ethnostate but I am interested in hanging all traitors and commies from trees. Never mind what the race purists think. You can still be a valuable member of the community without being part of muh superior race
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6e6fe3 No.8555
Your leaders sold you out so they can live on islands doing coke and banging 9 year olds. Sorry jews, but you're done. The world is waking up to your evil and you have got to go…
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8843ba No.8556
lol when us Whites go, you brown savages will descend back into chaos and you will once again be the slaves of jews, just like you were in the past. you are nothing without White people and you are subhuman
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04ff95 No.8558
Dont care plus you're white
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8843ba No.8567
stay salty spic, you're kids will be larping as niggers hahahahah
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5c594d No.8569
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7a246f No.8723
People know jews are a problem and more of them will be revealed as they are forced to join the fight. I remember years ago it was the nwo and secret societies that people were talking about, today it's all about jews, zionists, secret societies and the jew world order, and we all know a jew is a jew. i don't think jews have much time left. Things are moving so fast I can't remember the last time I felt demoralized, but it was many years ago now.
Hail Victory! Death to the Jew!
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19fe12 No.9899
You are aware that you will be hated by the Jews, right?
Look up why they killed Jesus Christ, what did he do.
Accept him as the Messiah, then you will live.
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333cc8 No.9946
You're here trying to distract from the fact that all of your brethren are the problem. Therefore, you're part of the problem.
There is room for much forgiveness on the basis of race. I will be ridiculed for saying this, but lots of people here think the same way. A lot of people here are not staunch racists, I think few people here believe in the one drop rule. There is room for certain types of mixed race people - by virtue of their upbringing, most of them are "white enough." There are many Asians who would contribute well to a society, and most people acknowledge this - usually in the second generation of immigrants, there is notable assimilation and the Asians consider themselves primarily "Americans" rather than "Asians." There is room for many Hispanics - with sufficient education, most of them will learn to contribute to a society well. There is even room, very rarely, for a Nigger - on rare occasion, an educated Nigger will denounce Nigger culture wholesale, while fully acknowledging that Niggers are a problem.
For a Jew? No. Never has a Jew ever come by and, in sincerity, said "I want to contribute to your society. I know most of my people are trash. I denounce this fully. I have skills that contribute to a society, and I have the social ability to not detract from it." Niggers have, very rarely, done this. Hispanics do this quite regularly. Second generation Asians do a milder version of this. But Jews have never done this, ever.
Jews are unique in their failure to assimilate and contribute to a society. Asians manage. Hispanics manage. Even goddamned NIGGERS manage sometimes. But never, ever, has a Jew managed.
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7f2862 No.9949
punching jews cures depression
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000000 No.9953
Been looking for this one for a while, thanks.
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36468b No.9954
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8916cb No.9960
Don't punch jews yourself. encourage blacks to punch jews.
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000000 No.9971
>the deeper problem
Degeneracy, all others are derivatives. Literally, the jews are a outcasts - heretics, thieves, killers, perverts etc, this is the genesis of the jews.
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140684 No.9978
Satan is the deeper problem. Jews are his servants. Everything jews do to subvert gentiles and bring about the coming of their long-awaited "messiah" is preparation for the antichrist. Jesus Christ was the Jewish messiah but they rejected him because he didn't come to bring them worldly domination but forgiveness of sins.
Whatever political solution ends up being implemented, whether it be deportation, extermination, or something else entirely, the resultant jew-free state will not last without the true faith of Jesus Christ. For centuries the Christian West routinely banished jews from their kingdoms for their evil practices and kept them from attaining much influence. Now that society has been reduced to a state of godlessness and (((democratic))) anti-authoritarianism, taught to us in (((schools))) and by our (((media))), there is no barrier to jewish dominance. They can buy out every politician in our political system and they can control the votes of the masses because nobody has any loyalty or discernment.
It's not enough to simply hate jews and what they do. You must understand that they act as enemies of God, and they will continue to be able to subvert any society that has strayed from the true path of the Cross. Jewish tactics only work on the corruptible - saints build up such virtue that they could never be deceived or tempted by their underhanded ways.
Please note that I'm not talking bout the absolutely cucked (((Judeo-Christianity))) of protestant zionism, nor even the equally infiltrated Roman church, but the true faith of Jesus Christ which can only be found in the One, True, Holy, Apostolic and Catholic Church, better known as the Orthodox Church. The Orthodox have never changed the faith and we to this very day continue to sing hymns condemning the jews for their crucifixion of Christ and martyring of many saints. Orthodox Europe never fell prey to jewish wiles. Orthodox Russia had to be forcibly overthrown by jewish bolsheviks, who received immense backing from the already infected jewish US. The strong faith of Orthodoxy can repel the jew, and they hate us for it. Without Orthodoxy, a nation cannot resist their subversion for long.
tl;dr jews hate Jesus and Jesus is the answer to jews. Become an Orthodox Christian.
Here's a Brother Nathaniel link about jews vs Jesus:
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368518 No.9993
Prove yourself by doing atleast one of the following
Kill a Hasidic Jew or any Jew that adheres to the Talmud
Kill a Sabbaten Frankist Jew
Kill a Hollywood or political Jew
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36468b No.10013
Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>Sabbaten Frankist
The "Sabbatean-Frankists" narrative is just another kosher distraction. It lets people claim it's not really the jews, but instead a fringe sect of jews that hate judaism and the Talmud, which Jacob Frank burned.
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9ab6e0 No.10037
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f017f1 No.36594
This. Even when an individual Jew like OP, presumably honestly, expresses solidarity with "his White brethren" he's still part of a community that will exploit his attitude to gaslight us with #NotAllJews when they as a whole are constantly scheming against us out of genetic spite towards the goyim, especially Whites that by merely existing shoot down their narcissistic ethnic supremacist rhetoric.
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f017f1 No.36614
>Satan is the deeper problem. Jews are his servants
I am a non-theist but this is actually correct even if its only a metaphor. "Satan" as an archetype, represents the primordial tendencies of certain parts of the society (hedonists, homosexuals, feminists, egalitarians) to rebel against patriarchal social rules that keep the community healthy and thriving and destroy social cohesion and ultimately the community regardless of whether this is done consciously or out of recklessness or indifference. Ever since based Hadrian killed the last of the Jewish priests all what remains from the (even then barely) functional Hebrew societies is a matrilineal travesty of a nation. It's no coincidence that in Abrahamic mythos Satan is represented by a snake that deceives Even the snake is a primordial archetype of unseen danger, deception, impulse-driven behaviors and destructive overrationalization as an attempt to excuse the previous, and therefore femininity and matriarchy.
Pick very related, Minoans thanks to their nautical skills and the safety provided by Crete's isolation from the continent, natural fortification and Minoans great fleets reached nearly impossible for the time levels of technological and cultural advancement. The problem was that abundance and overconfidence in their natural safety spoiled the Minoans that soon degenerated into quasi-matriarchal cucks that spent all their time in the sea leaving their women at home to run shit the usual way matriarchies do.
The moment natural disaster struck down their fleets, that was the very moment their civilization was pillaged and cucked to extinction by the strongly patriarchal Myceneans the very Minoans helped to advance to a level of being a credible threat to them for the sake of "prosperity" and "mutual advancement through trade".
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109641 No.37019
The nigger is not going to understand the nature of the Jew until the Jews stick a microchip in the pain canter of their brains. And you idiots are worrying about a bar code.
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acc8a8 No.37022
>I'm a jew … I hate niggers and mexicans and arabs and asians
Then why are you here, jewish hater? PND is a board of love and social nationalism is a philosophy of love. Love and free plane tickets.
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759b3e No.37261
I'll assume you're being honest.
You first need to educate yourself on your actual history, how you descended from the Pharasees, how that tribe was invaded by super Jews (Kazarhs), and how there's a tiny group of super psycho Jews intent on world domination and tyranny. Henry Makow is a good place to start.
These super Jews literally think they are gods, and want to dominate the world. They're fucking nuts, of course. The world is ungovernable, for starters, and in order for them to execute their plan, they have to demoralize and degrade the Western world so it won't resist. The problem with this is a demoralized and degraded West won't be able to protect power to protect the Zionist project, so they've basically fucked themselves (too smart by half).
These super Jews will throw the rest of you Jews in the gulag and then the oven in a heartbeat. In fact, they were behind it. So, unless you're in the club? You're gonna get bent over with the rest of us, if they get their way. They prey upon your history of being kicked out for Jewing to make you close ranks and defend them. You are their last line of defense.
Even worse, some of the smarter ones seem to intuitively (or explicitly) grasp this, that's why when the Mossad comes calling they are eager to lick their balls and do their bidding, b/c maybe they'll get let in the club. Which is retarded, b/c they should realize they're going to get Jewed so hard in the way only a Jew can do it.
They also realize that the wealth imbalance caused by their Jewing inevitably results in revolution, so they make sure to play both sides of it, steering it, and insuring they're in the good graces of whoever comes out on top. The revolutionaries think they won, but within a few generations they're back to the same shit. Now you know why.
I have to admit, they're pretty good at it. But, Jews never know when to quit (this is why France got it's "permanent revolution", they just couldn't stop once they got going). It's also why Israel is fucked, b/c the West couldn't stop China from beginning to colonize Africa (and now Pissrael is going to have several hundred million Han Chinese on it's doorstep in a few generations. Well done faggots!).
So, now that you know, do your best to prove me wrong. I ask this b/c in doing so, you'll find I'm telling the accurate truth. Then, if you truly care about your people, you'll educate them about themselves. Unless you know and confront what you are, you can't learn to control your self-destructive behaviors. And if you can't exert self control, you'll forever be a slave to your base nature.
Good luck.
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000000 No.37270
>You're here trying to distract from the fact that all of your brethren are the problem. Therefore, you're part of the problem.
Truer words never said. And OP when talking with other jews:
<filthy goyim, we need to import more sand niggers, only then can we be free from persecution.
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000000 No.37274
>(and now Pissrael is going to have several hundred million Han Chinese on it's doorstep in a few generations. Well done faggots!).
Even worse. It's going to be mongrel nigger/chink half breeds. Who the fuck knows what will come of that? An army of bug men with the lack of restraint inherent in niggers? Too bad I'll be dead and can't watch.
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759b3e No.37282
>Even worse. It's going to be mongrel nigger/chink half breeds. Who the fuck knows what will come of that? An army of bug men with the lack of restraint inherent in niggers?
Probably yes, but cannon fodder in the Han war machine, millions of them armed with Chinese weapons, organized & directed by the Han, filled with hate b/c they'll probably be Muslims, wave after yellow-brown wave of rage filled rape machines pouring into Pissrael…
Well done kikes!
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cc8ec8 No.37285
>OP still a (1)
>idiots still responding
Go back to cuckchan, fucking tourists.
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dc9289 No.37316
>That pic
Every. Single. Time.
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b262a9 No.37331
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e6e62a No.37353 
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e6e62a No.37355 
This school has to be reported for a Jewish infestation problem:
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919bf9 No.80940
You have a big problem and that's your self identity. Shit, you self identified in the second sentence. If you were the type who could be friends with someone for years without them knowing, and when they say
> I never knew you were of Hebraic extraction
you say
< You mean kike? Yeah I forget myself. I disowned the kike family years ago and I've been going to Church with my Christian wife and kids for so many years it makes me uncomfortable thinking about all the evil kike shit I witnessed as a child, well I just try to be the opposite of what jews are and I try to do one anti-semitic act a day for Jesus
then you'd be far enough down on the oven list that you could probably survive the revolution.
But with your current attitude, it's not looking so good.
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919bf9 No.80943
> Im a spic
Yeah but which kind? Conquistador or beaner? Makes a difference.
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919bf9 No.80944
> lol when us Whites the jews go, you brown savages will descend back into chaos
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eb6352 No.80961
In northern spain there are many "states" (they are called comunidades here) like Asturias where people are for the most part blonde with blue eyes.
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899f49 No.80974
Pretty sure I've read this almost word for word
>I'm lurking around for a while now. And I'm a jew, not religiously, but anyway, my family is jewish so I'm a jew. I really can identify with a lot of the ideas in this board. I hate niggers and mexicans and arabs and asians and I want america and europe to be exclusivly white and leaded by strong men. But I'm struggeling if there would be a place for me? Most people who think like me say, they don't like the jews or that jews are the deeper problem… But am I the problem? I would fight for my country. What do you all honestly think?
and this
>There is no future for jews. You are inferior subhumans, akin to animals. Your failures and desperation are showing everywhere.
>All jews will be killed soon.
Hard to tell though, there's so much glare from this board's glow lately
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919bf9 No.80975
True. That's why I don't like using Spic as a racial term. It's a linguistic term. And beaners are beaners even if they speak no Spanish.
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899f49 No.80980
>You're here trying to distract from the fact that all of your brethren are the problem. Therefore, you're part of the problem.
>There is room for much forgiveness on the basis of race. I will be ridiculed for saying this, but lots of people here think the same way. A lot of people here are not staunch racists, I think few people here believe in the one drop rule. There is room for certain types of mixed race people - by virtue of their upbringing, most of them are "white enough." There are many Asians who would contribute well to a society, and most people acknowledge this - usually in the second generation of immigrants, there is notable assimilation and the Asians consider themselves primarily "Americans" rather than "Asians." There is room for many Hispanics - with sufficient education, most of them will learn to contribute to a society well. There is even room, very rarely, for a Nigger - on rare occasion, an educated Nigger will denounce Nigger culture wholesale, while fully acknowledging that Niggers are a problem.
>For a Jew? No. Never has a Jew ever come by and, in sincerity, said "I want to contribute to your society. I know most of my people are trash. I denounce this fully. I have skills that contribute to a society, and I have the social ability to not detract from it." Niggers have, very rarely, done this. Hispanics do this quite regularly. Second generation Asians do a milder version of this. But Jews have never done this, ever.
>Jews are unique in their failure to assimilate and contribute to a society. Asians manage. Hispanics manage. Even goddamned NIGGERS manage sometimes. But never, ever, has a Jew managed.
Pretty sure I read this one damn near word for word before too.
What happens when /pol/acks stick around enough to (((notice))) things?
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0a1b2c No.80982
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88d8c2 No.90293
I don't get why those skinheaded dumbasses even hate jews at all… niggers, spics, zipperheads, queers, feminists, sand niggers, etc are all MUCH worse and MUCH bigger problems… are they that fucking stupid that they don't see that jews have not been a problem in the US since the 90s?
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88d8c2 No.90296
an antagonistic winky face would have been great at the end of that ;)
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fbc8e9 No.91440
Jews are eternal Losers.
See Video on bitchute: Not So Chosen People.
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9e89ed No.91444
Yes, You are the problem
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076749 No.91456
You'll have to prove you care by fighting for our side, using your Jewish connections to climb up the ladders of govt to then sabotage any Jew agenda to subjugate and enslave us.
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e6230e No.91463
It's ok anon, no one is perfect. Pic related is a jewess, but I could learn to forget that.
>Sneak into Israel.
He can go in loudly and proudly with his "Right of Return"
Same. I forgot to save it before it was purged from youtube.
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0eabda No.100692
OP should consult his Rabbi, because he obviously doesn't know the depth and persistence of his peoples crimes. Reads a lot like the ad-hoc duplicity of (((Al Schwartz))) in Touch of Evil.
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9e8c56 No.100748
I know this glowboard is overrun by Q boomers with Jim's blessings but holy shit, at least TRY to keep pretenses, you senile faggots!
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