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The holocaust never happened

File: b86ac7450cff147⋯.png (103.93 KB, 638x366, 319:183, delusion.png)

dcc193  No.77812

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241b70  No.77815

Genetics exists. Race exists. The five "races" of humanity are genetically separate species. Back to reddit.

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0bca81  No.77816

File: 2cad691974369dd⋯.mp4 (12.23 MB, 1766x572, 883:286, chinahighways.mp4)

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241b70  No.77827


>trusting any of that concrete or steel

When it all collapses, though, at least we'll have a blueprint for its replacement with white engineering.

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3ff1ce  No.77838

File: 68b2238b5a25ed5⋯.png (392.1 KB, 700x10000, 7:100, 1575971679393.png)


Wrong. You are delusional.

>Pic related


>The power of large numbers of common polymorphisms is most apparent in the microarray data set, comparing the European, East Asian, and sub-Saharan African population groups (Figure 2C). equation M24 approaches zero (median 0.12%) with 1000 polymorphisms. This implies that, when enough loci are considered, individuals from these population groups will always be genetically most similar to members of their own group. In general, CC and CT decrease more rapidly and to lower values than equation M25

Races can be told apart by ~1000 snps, while there are 3 billion pairs in human genome.

>Craniometric clustering proves races


The thought that races don't exist is based on (((Richard Lewontin's))) idea that the variation of allele within population varies more than inside population.





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f2f23f  No.77853


The only reason 90% of animal species exist is because they're racist enough not to fuck anything that look different, cuck brainlet.

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3ff1ce  No.77854

File: 2eba907c2410199⋯.pdf (1.41 MB, 2eba907c24101991b718042e4f….pdf)


Different species can mix though and their offspring can reproduce.

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61ee04  No.77859


These are just links, what do you expect, everyone to clear their schedule, pour a cup a joe and read over a dozen essays? Make an argument you dumb bitch.

If you're the one who started the other pseudo-science race denial thread, why don't you go answer my post


So fucking lazy, what are you, an overworked shill intern?

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016663  No.77863

first one I start reading

Alan R. Templeton

Department of Biology, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri 63130-4899 USA and Institute of Evolution and Department of Evolutionary and Environmental Biology, University of Haifa, 31905, (((Israel)))

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0f4806  No.77878

File: 0ecd6c06a2f6f36⋯.png (2.22 MB, 5115x5310, 341:354, Shannon.png)

File: 2142f2d524beae5⋯.pdf (6.54 MB, An_algebra_for_theoretical….pdf)

Race is math according to one of the smartest humans who ever lived.

Try citing a real genius instead of the dumbed down social justice warrior fools our Jew/Tavistock controlled universities are churning out.


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7f030e  No.77881


>muh fertility

1. Haldane’s Rule applies to human miscegenation.

2. There are plenty of species that can cross-breed and are fertile. The FST of human groups is greater than that of many other species’ distances.

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fb8558  No.77887



the definition of species has been discussed throughout centuries now.

Because it is central to biology and a very important matter, including politics of course.

To the surprise of no one, since 1945 the discussion leads to a forced ((( consensus ))).

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1aba14  No.77888

File: a04a285fc44e860⋯.png (4.31 KB, 379x85, 379:85, Overwolf_wIiT7XQVGU.png)


I told I'd post it again.

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bdc3ff  No.77894

If i ask a computer to classify people into 3 most similar groups using pure math it will come up with African, Asian, Caucasian. If i give it 4 groups it will add middle east. 5 and you get polynesia. Race is real because it is an extremely accurate classification according to genetic similarity.

>more variation within than between

Retarded fallacy that applies to chimps and humans because you are comparing group variation to individual variation and ignoring that most significant traits are polygenic. Individuals in different races are more different from one another than individuals in same race. That is the apples to apples comparison and is also undeniable.

>spam of anthropology nonsense which reduces to academic virtue signaling

Come back with math or kys

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95f184  No.77971

File: 324f7d835654f2d⋯.jpg (350.85 KB, 685x962, 685:962, 1526266115222.jpg)


You are wasting your time kike. This isn't 2009 anymore, the science is now settled and the genomic evidence is overwhelming, no person with a 3-digit IQ can be convinced at this point that humans are not divided into morphologically and behaviorally distinct subspecies.

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42865f  No.78601

File: dc0ec1523effa3f⋯.png (1.98 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1466180904151.png)



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