9a6292 No.7576
Is The Left Eating Itself Up?
> It would be too easy to pin the blame for the election calamity on Corbyn
> So there we have it. It turns out that the British working-class was not, in the end, willing to throw its weight behind a London-centric, youth-obsessed, middle-class party that preached the gospels of liberal cosmopolitanism and class war. Who’d have thought it?
> Well, me for a start. And plenty of others who had been loyal to the party over many years and desperately wanted to see a Labour government, only to be dismissed as ‘reactionaries’ who held a ‘nostalgic’ view of the working-class.
> It barely needs saying that these election results are an utter catastrophe for Labour. For the party to have failed to dislodge the Tories after nearly a decade of austerity and three years of political chaos is bad enough. But for the so-called Red Wall to have crumbled so spectacularly underlines the sheer scale of the failure. Bolsover, Blyth Valley, Leigh, Redcar, Don Valley, Sedgefield, Burnley, Great Grimsby, Wrexham — just a few of the long-time Labour strongholds in traditional working-class areas which have fallen to the Tories.
> Labour’s meltdown in these places will come as no surprise to anyone who was paying attention and wasn’t blinded by ideology or fanaticism. Some of us had long warned that working-class voters across post-industrial and small-town Britain were becoming increasingly alienated from the party. But we were banging our heads against a brick wall. When many in the party were bathing in the afterglow of the 2017 general election, we tried to remind them that not only had Labour, in fact, lost that election, there had been a swing to the Tories in many of the party’s heartland seats.
> We sounded the alarm bells again earlier this year when, in the local and European elections, Labour haemorrhaged support in several working-class communities across the north and Midlands.
> But the woke liberals and Toytown revolutionaries who now dominate the party didn’t listen to us. They truly thought that ‘one more heave’ would bring victory. They believed that constantly hammering on about economic inequality would be enough to get Labour over the line. In doing so, they made a major miscalculation: they failed to grasp that working-class voters desire something more than just economic security; they want cultural security too.
> They want politicians to respect their way of life, and their sense of place and belonging; to elevate real-world concepts such as work, family and community over nebulous constructs like ‘diversity’, ‘equality’ and ‘inclusivity’. By immersing itself in the destructive creed of identity politics and championing policies such as open borders, Labour placed itself on a completely different wavelength to millions across provincial Britain without whose support it simply could not win power. In the end, Labour was losing a cultural war that it didn’t even realise it was fighting.
> The easy response in the wake of this calamity would be to pin the blame on Corbyn. But that would be a mistake. It’s certainly true that Corbyn was unpopular on the doorstep, but Labour’s estrangement from its core vote predates his leadership. Long before Corbyn took over, the party had started to prioritise the agenda of the urban, liberal middle-class over that of its old working-class heartlands. As it did so, support from the latter began to ebb slowly away.
> Brexit provided an opportunity for the party to reconnect with its traditional base, to show working-class voters that it understood their priorities and was on their side. But it flunked the test, choosing to indulge its own membership rather than appeal to those whose votes it needed. Its decision to support a second referendum spelled electoral suicide. There could be no greater signal to the disaffected millions in the party’s old heartlands that it did not represent them or respect their democratic wishes. From that moment, the writing was on the wall.
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9a6292 No.7577
> So where now? If Labour is to again be the party of the working-class — and there must now be serious doubts that it ever will — it must undergo radical surgery. It must somehow rediscover the spirit of the early Labour tradition that spoke to workers’ patriotic and communitarian instincts, and offered them a natural home. It must exploit that sweet spot in British politics that marries demands for economic justice with those for cultural stability. It must move heaven and earth to reconnect with voters in Britain’s hard-pressed post-industrial and coastal towns who looked on bewildered as their communities were subjected to intense economic and cultural change, and felt that Labour was indifferent to their plight. It must rekindle a politics of belonging built around shared values and common cultural bonds. And, crucially, it must be unremittingly post-liberal in perspective and policy development.
> But, to achieve any of that, Labour must stop treating the traditional working-class as though they were some kind of embarrassing elderly relative. It must learn to respect those who, for example, voted for Brexit, oppose large-scale immigration, want to see a tough and effective justice system, feel proud to be British, support the reassertion of the role of the family at the centre of society, prefer a welfare system to be based around reciprocity – something for something – rather than universal entitlement, believe in the nation state, and do not obsess about multiculturalism or trans rights.
> Such people were once welcomed by the Labour party and felt entirely comfortable voting for it; but now so many of the party’s activists look upon these voters as if they were a different species altogether. And the price has been paid in millions of lost votes.
> There is a danger that some in the party will see the calamitous events of this election as some kind of mandate to return to Blairism. They could not be more wrong. It was the Blairite embrace of globalisation and liberal cosmopolitanism, with all their destructive consequences for working-class communities, that did so much to damage to the relationship between the party and its traditional base. And, as we saw with the abject failure of Change UK, very few in our country want a return to that kind of politics.
> Cliché though it is, Labour stands today at a crossroads. Those whose strategy has led to the most ignominious defeat for the party since the 1930s can choose either to plough on in the delusional belief that working-class voters really would support their philosophy if only they could be shaken from their false consciousness, or instead engage in an honest and frank debate about why things went so disastrously wrong and what it might take to put them right.
> We are witnessing the beginnings of a fundamental realignment in British politics. The old tribalisms are crashing down around us. How Labour responds to this will determine whether it remains a serious political force or is instead destined to become a party of permanent protest.
Source: https://unherd.com/2019/12/is-this-the-end-for-labour/
Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20191217210017/https://unherd.com/2019/12/is-this-the-end-for-labour/
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9a6292 No.7578
This may look like it is limited to the UK, but is it really? Are U.S. "Progressive Liberals" so out of touch with the working class that they can't see beyond their own virtue signalling; cries of, "Racism!" "Islamophobe!" "Anti-Semite!" "Homophobe!" "Transphobic!" and the like; cries about an environmental catastrophe; pushing 'diversity' to kill off the White Europeans in the U.S.; cries for Impeachment of the sitting President; - Yes, it really feels like the divisiveness is a Jewish-Controlled Operation, so that we will all either imprison half the population or just kill off the other half, whichever half that may be, to make room for the kikes and their death squads.
Having said that, If I go into the aforementioned article, and substitute the word, "Democrat," for, "Labour," I can see the parallels with our own country. (The U.S.)
Although this may be whitepilling in some ways to a more "Conservi-tard" stance in politics, this is not shifting the Overton Window back to the right.
The Right has become too permissive - Too forgiving - Too nice - Too comforting - Too warm and apologetic. The right will never turn things back to the way things were at some point in time. They are too afraid to do that.
The only way to wake up the Right from it's permissiveness is for a total wake-up call - a call for something chaotic.
In this spirit and in the name of accelerationism, I would support any and all efforts to impeach the current sitting President - whether it be by psychos like Adam Schiff, liars like Jim Comey, Evil people like Hillary Clinton, and niggers like Obama.
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95effa No.7582
The Left is winning and you're too stupid to realize it. In the US there are 350 million people. This sad little 200 person website has no power. The Left owns everything you see and do. Enjoy the rape.
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c6d849 No.7593
>this ponzi will win where all others have failed
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b05774 No.7594
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c6d849 No.7595
The left always self destructs.
>bronze age empires
>late stage Roman Empire
The only question is how much of a civilization it takes with it as it implodes.
We are the key. We see the storm coming and gather as much as we can before it hits. We keep the knowledge alive through the dark ages and return our people to glory when the time is right. We are the future.
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c6d849 No.7597
Fucking spawn campers. 8ch is back and they are trying to kill it in its crib. History shows that when they reach this level of desperation they collapse within a generation. Hold fast.
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184253 No.7603
I've been saying a while now that the UK is ripe for a new working class party to pop up.
And a fascist one could manage to fill that hole quite nicely.
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cee76e No.7612
Any solution that is based on democracy will quickly devolve into the mess we are now in. We need a leader, and a king.
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1c03b3 No.7637
If that is the case then we may as well let the jews win.
Improving the state of humanity isn't easy and it takes a long time. But it is still worth the effort.
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5d6c3a No.7639
Pol Pot was more a fascist than people give him credit for
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686160 No.7640
The consensus is that everything is split heavily between conservative and liberal. But it's not, it's split heavily between urban and rural.
I think city folk are absolutely spoiled and have become completely soft to the point that they no longer feel they have to be concerned about their own well-being, and instead can focus on others. White liberals are the only social group in the entire world that put their own interests behind everyone else's. And they vote and behave like that. Probably because they have no real problems in their lives. They make money, live in safe, gentrified areas of the city with little diversity, and enjoy things like $5 coffee and Avacado toast.
What we are really seeing is a massive split between the weakened and effeminate city folk vs hard-working and grounded suburban and rural people who do have struggles.
Liberals hide in their cities, either with a safe job or welfare, dreaming of socialism where their every will and need is catered to. They want diversity so they have new restaurants to eat at.
Meanwhile, everyone else is working real jobs, losing them and having their wages driven down by immigration.
In perspective, in the USA, imagine as an extreme example the homeless who happen to be vets or whatever. And then you have politicians completely ignoring you while they talk about all these suffering non-citizens who need all this free stuff that you don't have.
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1b80b7 No.7680
BNP over a decade ago were doing just that and got eliminated by the system. UKIP, the kosher civic nationalist party, was their replacement. We're too far gone for a peaceful and democratic solution to this mess.
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8e4c47 No.7684
BNP were controlled opposition anon
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030b35 No.7790
> reddit spacing
> my eyes
but as far as the content,
Urban = Liberal
Rural = Conservative
Yes. There is a big disconnect between the Urban folk and the Rural folk.
. One of the differences, imo, is that the Urban Folk have more exposure to "Progressive Liberal" ideas. The Colleges/Universities are mostly in Urban areas, for example.
. Another thing is that Blacks and Browns seem to congregate closer together in Urban areas. It could be because they are more dependent on a centralized government than the Rural Folks, which are more independent. Blacks and Browns are on welfare in these Urban areas.
. I don't see anyone on welfare in Rural areas. They all do someting. Whether it be working fields or the pasture. The few folk I see on any type of government handout are the ones who have some sort of disability, and they collect Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) anyway.
. Where I live, unemployment checks are not very big. I would be surprised if someone can pay any type of rent using an unemployment check here and still have money left over to pay for a bag of ramen. It's low here - really low.
. The niggers here, where I live, suck off the government's tit via Disability / SSDI.
. There are a lot of Military Retirees here which also get money from the VA, but I'm not really counting them, because if one knows a little bit about government funding, it is that Welfare, SSDI, VA Disability, and Military Retirement all come from four different buckets of money.
. The politicians are only concerned about big business and the money that big business puts into their wallets. That's all that politicians do. They pander to the lobbyists that pay them the most. Sad, but true.
. The politicians and the cops are on the same 'team' in that respect, in that the cops are out to protect the politicians and their interests (eg big business) and not the people, thereby securing a paycheck for the Government Employee to pay for their iPhones and other consumerist technological useless garbage toys that they buy and put themselves into debt over.
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343901 No.8008
The modern left is a jewish construction which exists directly to bring the west down and kill whites. There was no left before.
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443d34 No.8272
I bet the remoaners won't be asking for another brexit referendum anytime soon.
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443d34 No.8274
> White liberals are the only social group in the entire world that put their own interests behind everyone else's
I don't know about that. I think there was a study that showed right wingers actually give more to charity. Liberalism is not really a political ideology. It's a fad. People get into it because it's trendy. Ask them to house one of their beloved refugee children and ALL of them will bail.
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d1ff42 No.8279
>And a fascist one could manage to fill that hole quite nicely.
Not the first time NS has tried.
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8d25ca No.8338
>Is The Left Eating Itself Up?
Yes. They always end up like that. A leftist "ideology" is nothing more than inferior men (especially the youth), inferior animals (women) and other failures (jews, shitskins, faggots) banding together to try to parasite as many successful men as they can, before they start attacking each other because they are born incompetent and can never achieve anything through collective effort and hard work.
Take note especially about the youth: the youngsters must never, ever, be listened, nor put in any position aside "tools for real men to use", in the same way as women. A youngster is not a person. Only an adult man is a person.
As for the political party, get the names of those abandoning ship, and have them killed. They will try to parasite someone else if left alive. Always kill the parasites.
You lost, leftard. We have all the power. You have no power at all. And anything useful that you may have, we can, and will, take away from you, by force. Got money? We kill you and take it for us. Got influence? We kill you and divert it towards our cause. Got followers? we kill you and all of them. And we are doing all of it right now.
You always lose. We always win.
This. Democracy is poison. Order through brutal imposition by a few of the superior ones among men is what must be implemented all over the world.
And this. When the take over is even greater, all the urban liberal scum must hang. The spoiled must always be killed. Not only that, but all means that allowed the surge of the urban liberal scum must be revised, and most, if not all, eliminated. There must never be another generation of urbanites who care more about ethnic food than the well being of their own race. And society as a whole must always persecute and eliminate those trying to bring it back
>The politicians are only concerned about big business and the money that big business puts into their wallets. That's all that politicians do. They pander to the lobbyists that pay them the most. Sad, but true.
>The politicians and the cops are on the same 'team' in that respect, in that the cops are out to protect the politicians and their interests (eg big business) and not the people, thereby securing a paycheck for the Government Employee to pay for their iPhones and other consumerist technological useless garbage toys that they buy and put themselves into debt over.
Those three groups (politicians, cops and consumerists) are one of the many that must be purged when getting rid of the urbanite plague.
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01ecac No.8345
Reminder that 8chan is dead and these paid shills are allowed to post here. We are not allowed to stop them.
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c79b10 No.8361
>Is The Left Eating Itself Up?
Yes, business as usual
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c79b10 No.8362
Shills were, are and will be posting their deceptive shit everywhere, just filter them and enjoy the ride.
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935a03 No.39848
It isn't particularly difficult to understand but the fact is that British people (perhaps Americans too?) are far more economically left wing and far more socially conservative than anything available to vote for in the current political spectrum.
Labour supporters have never been pro mass immigration and new Labour would have achieved nothing had they ever made it widely known that they intended on promoting mass immigration and the transformation of major cities, as we see today.
The Labour party is stuffed because it can not square the circle of being anti immigration, pro family, pro death penalty and isolationist whilst also appealing to pampered London types who truly think they will win an election fighting for "trans rights" or some other nonsense like that.
The only way Labour will ever win again is if it is prepared to abandon its London metropolitan values and focus on what white British people really care about and that will never happen because the media here is so London centric.
I don't know if this is another accurate comparison with America but London media is so far wide of the mark with what most people believe outside of its circles.
The conservative party is not really any better but it is able to rely on the notion that it might somehow restore traditional values that have been lost, I think many people will quickly see that this is not what the tory party stands for anymore and it might not be long before that dies aswell.
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a58570 No.39850
Demographics don't support this at all.
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ac28c3 No.39860
>oy vey never punish anyone ever
>you have to let them post here
>you can’t ban them
>you can’t delete their posts
Shill detected.
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77cfdf No.39906
Crybaby thats sad their hugbox is gone detected.
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37bec7 No.65868
They just wanted to punish this corbyn faggot for not sucking enough jewish dicks.
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e1d0e0 No.102511
Everything is a Jewish conspiracy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You lot like to feel you're the master race when you actually have IQ's lower than actual vegetables.
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ba6fd6 No.102513
lolno BNP were taken *down* by controlled opposition, vid related - why do you think BASED Wikileaks leaked their members dox?
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ba6fd6 No.102514
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4b1693 No.102516
LOLWUT. Is anyone else sick of this meme that rural whites aren't on welfare? Rural whites are FAR more likely to be on welfare than urban whites. Some areas it's as high as black ghettos. Most drug addicts, "white trash", and the like are in small towns or rural areas.
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992528 No.102578
Same thing is happening in America. The left is as good as gone because of all the infighting and the soyboys getting exposed for sexual assaults. I've met thousands of lefty cucks who want to vote for Trump. So, in a way Trumps master plan worked. There won't even be a democratic party by election month. Biden will drop out and Warren will be the nominee. So, that's that. The rest of the world needs to catch up. It is time. Just sit back and enjoy the show while covid-19 wiped out niggers and muzzies. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon are already fucked. Netanyahoo will be impeached by the jewish national socialist division. Chinks and pajeets are especially fucked beyond saving. Their economy and dreams of becoming the next superpower is fucking gone. Lol
While fake news media and normalcucks are busy with covid-19, trump actually finished building 97% of the border wall and deployed border patrol all over the place.
Good luck, maga warriors of Trump. We will need your help soon and you will be tremendously rewarded.
Timothy Lundergard
WH Correspondent,
4DHQ Division>>7576
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992528 No.102580
Forgot to mention the most important part, I'm so excited. We will help from anons from other countries i.e. non-american anons. Don't want to get local supporters getting in trouble. Finally, when time comes we'll scratch your back. I might make a thread about it later.
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