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The holocaust never happened

File: 9adece8c9e74930⋯.jpg (49.92 KB, 492x440, 123:110, 000ab4a93cd39.jpg)

ceca2a  No.72037

So the US (((corporate media))) is fear mongering again saying that Putin has declared himself dictator of Russia and ruined their constitution. But is that the truth?

Actually, no. What these constitutional changes do is extend Putin's legal ability to re-run for election. So Russian presidents can be elected for more than two terms. Therefore Putin could be Russian president until 2036.


What is more interesting is what the mainstream corporate kike media is leaving OUT [and what some Russian state-run media has left out]! This is where the kikes get very nervous…

Under the NEW Russian constitutional provisions, only a Russian national can run for president from now on, and any future Russian president must be a Russian citizen for at least 25 years! Let that sink in a bit…

Not only is this super-nationalistic, but there is more to it. It also underlines changes to Russian involvement in international treaties which prohibits the enforcement of treaties in Russia that conflict with the Russian constitution. Ironically, this is EXACTLY the kind of nationalism most Americans desire for America!

But that's not all! There is a reason why so many Russian officials have begun quitting! ((( See CNN here: http://archive.md/1IVud ))) The NEW Russian constitution will order very strict vetting of all Russian (((government personell))) and they may be probed at any time for national security reasons! OY VEY!, right? This also includes the vetting of all (((governors, heads of federal agencies, MPs, and judges!)))

And guess what? Russians loved it and voted for it. Now it is on Putin's desk, ready to sign.



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c61d7f  No.72041


This makes my penis Le Big Penis

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010a88  No.72048

Russia learned well from the mistakes of modern America.

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6756c9  No.72065

He has to purge the rat's nest surrounding the Russian Central Bank and Medvedev,

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9da973  No.72081

>any future Russian president must be a Russian citizen for at least 25 years!

that part could be stricter, 25 years is not an eternity, permitting foreign born folks any opportunity to get the top job is an unnecessary risk which has no potential upside. Bloomberg Jr can move to Russia to tomorrow if his dad wants him to run for president of Russia in 2048

>prohibits the enforcement of treaties in Russia that conflict with the Russian constitution

We have the supremacy clause, which is worse than what you describe. Foreign Treaties override our constitutional rights. Any UN treaty on hate speech will supersede our famous first amendment with ease. sad but true.

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9e4d94  No.72088


I don't know about Medvedev but the Russian central bank is now under full government control already, it's actually Putin calling all the shots. The dirty kikes were already weeded out back in 2012 to 2013, the rest conform to orders under intimidation and fear of losing their cushy jobs.

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255b95  No.72092


>that part could be stricter, 25 years is not an eternity, permitting foreign born folks

Sorry to cut you off but that's why they also stipulated only a Russian national can run for president. Basically a Russian born citizen who is over 25 is what the new constitutional laws require for a president.

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f17602  No.72096

Rather in a white dictatorship

than in freedom surrounded by niggers.

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6756c9  No.72135


It's still staffed with people who are steeped in neoliberal and British system practices, most of them educated in the US. The lesson people should be learning from the last 100+ years is that you just can't ever trust certain circles of people. Never forget all the entrenched capitalists and conservatives in the German military who betrayed Hitler and sided with the JewSA.

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3b2572  No.72191

Anyone trying to not be fooled by the "russians will save us" that we all want to believe in and post about the NOAHIDE laws being put in, where are the "it's all jews fault" people now haha ,because we've been fooled oh so much by the nice image of Putin/Russia now, and a lot of it DOES MAKE SENSE AND IT DOES APPLY, except their sort of betrayal (bait and switch) does not.

Hidden deal with Israel and Russia going on, and why did Putin give kind of passive endorsement to Netanyahu by inviting him to the May WW2 Victory Day red square parade !?!? The very guy that is in the whole israhell super-right wing disaster and has links to 9/11.

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82ab56  No.72323


It's owned lock stock and barrel by the Rothschilds.

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000000  No.72345


too dumb shill

too lazy shill


if you want to know about the situation in russia, read/listen/watch russian nationalists, not paid propagandists-jewtubers

vladimir puta-putin-shalomov will get the corona-chan blessing


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252976  No.72422


>25 years

not enough, and people should be ethnically russian, period.

ie: no brainwashed zombies and no non-whites.

>inb4 the inevitable kikes shrilling about slavs aren't really white

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252976  No.72426


not exactly easy to get rid of that trash after 70 years of gommunism and the 90's ultra liberal period which essentially nuked what little of brain their people had as a collective.

everything has to be rebuilt from scratch, and those things take 2 to 4 decades (ie: regrow entire an entire generation)

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0e9ea4  No.76356

File: 15d85dae9ad4f2d⋯.jpg (257.87 KB, 640x709, 640:709, 66EE7E04_82C1_4C24_B985_46….jpg)

I can SMELL the plebiscite for emperor for life. God willing Putin will save us all

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028be5  No.94054


No (((dual citizens))) must be allowed in government.

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cbaf03  No.94254


>and any future Russian president must be a Russian citizen for at least 25 years!

Implying Russia is not full of subversive kikes already

> which prohibits the enforcement of treaties in Russia that conflict with the Russian constitution

Which is already poz'd enough

>and they may be probed at any time for national security reasons

Praise NVKD, amirite?

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26d74b  No.96320

They also added an explicit statement about immigration being only from countries with similar mentality to Russians and no economic migrants unless there are no unemployed citizens looking for similar position.

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5ac14b  No.96330

File: b125dee33509ee4⋯.jpg (435.89 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, image.jpg)



Putin is a jew former KGB agent who lets kosher mafia run his country. Also research eurasianism and Dugin

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748025  No.96553


Having watched some translated interviews with Putin I'm under impression that he is or pretends to be

>color doesn't matter, ideology does

And we must remember that whether Russia likes it or not, they live in a world where they have to compete with the likes of Weimerica that have no qualms whatsoever about using cheap undocumented labor to get ahead.

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2b0594  No.105454

File: 836a87c8a2ed38f⋯.jpg (145.93 KB, 768x768, 1:1, Putin_dating_Xi_Jinping.jpg)

Oh brother, another damn Kremlin Web Brigade thread.

Thought you were still busy shitting up Twitter and Facebook.

Here's some real based Putin politics; It's him on a romantic date with Xi "The Corona King" Jinping.

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8761a6  No.105455


Why the fuck do they all wear the same outfit?

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4609b0  No.105526


>Supremacy Clause. The Supremacy Clause of the Constitution of the United States (Article VI, Clause 2), establishes that the Constitution, federal laws made pursuant to it, and treaties made under its authority, constitute the "supreme Law of the Land", and thus take priority over any conflicting state laws.

I'm not a constitutional scholar but I doubt treaties would trump our Bill of Rights.

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88138c  No.105546


They don’t; rulings to that effect go back to the nation’s founding.

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