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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The holocaust never happened

File: 0999280903eaebb⋯.jpg (190.76 KB, 524x757, 524:757, The glowbuster.jpg)

f384c8  No.7106

I'd like to warn any genuine anons (both seasoned and new) of this development. If we analyze the narratives being pushed on most chans, we can notice that it either gravitates towards Christianity, or tryhard atheism and/or "paganism" calling for pointless violence. Both are pushed by glowniggers in a combined effort to eliminate right-wing sentiment by either completely pacifying and "denazifying" anons, or, pushing individuals over the top so they end up in prison and are no longer a threat. This is memetic warfare first and foremost, and it's what they DON'T want you to engage in. Any threads and posts that actually endanger the system will be slid or shilled hard by the aforementioned. The majority of the scripted posts and spam promoting "Saint Tarrant" or Christian astroturfing indicate that most posters are not organic. Speaking of memetic/information warfare, the first stage included demoralizing people by the whole Trump affair. This painfully obvious subversion is supposed to discourage people from even attempting it in the future.

I'll give a short elaboration of the two entrapment schemes:

Team A - The self-professed Christians (including the compromised board owners and moderators) who are pushing a typical Christian Identity propaganda (Or a variation of thereof, depending on how knowledgeable the average poster is). Without going into the subversive, anti-White nature of the religion itself, in this context it is being used to gradually deradicalize/pacify and "denazify" people, who would hopefully get absorbed into your typical "republican" mindset and stop being a threat for ZOG. You may recognize them by short to medium length posts, often trying some kind of pseudo-intellectual approach while continuously moving the goal-posts, using circular logic and dodging the arguments, attepting to discredit their opposition by direct or indirect ad-hominems. They don't need to engage any further because their target audience is not receptive to anything more complex. We can call these "the establishment".

Team B - The "accelerationists". They will usually agree that Christianity is a kike poison, but instead of promoting a viable alternative that actually accelerates or hurts the system, they will try a combination of a blackpill and a sense of alarmism that something radical and violent has to be done now or never. They will usually write longer, more elaborate posts because their target audience is more intelligent on average. Their tactics include shaming of everyone who disagrees as not being "hard" enough and glorification of ineffective or counter-productive individuals and tactics. We can call these "the revolutionaries".

It's important to note that both of these groups will fully "support" Hitler and NS ideology, or whatever seems to be the general board consensus. They will also pretend that their well-poisoning is an established board culture and that anyone criticizing it is a kike and an outsider. To accomplish this, they will rely on heavy moderation or shill-swarms (where it is more lax), in order to create an illusion of "democratic majority" These teams will pretend to be in stark opposition to each other, calling each other kikes and shills in order to get the sympathy of their respective target audience and create an illusion of legitimacy. Making the less insightful anons trapped in a kosher sandwich.

Keywords: Polarization, false dichotomy, gradual supplication, denazification, burnout

This thread was made in honor of Saint Reinhard Heydrich, the glowbuster.

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ababc0  No.7132


>so are saying not to discuss religious matters of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ?

I for one am extremely happy that more and more people start going towards the light, from that forever dark and lonely state they were in. And for me there was no need for no psy ops i like many other inteligent people turn back to God myself started going to church every sunday praying to God almighty and asking for his forgivenes and believe me i am happy now, more happy than i ever was in my entire life. I feel Gods guiding hand and myself created these kind of threads a few times on 4cuck to see where the people stand in relation to God. now there are those who will say it's a psy op,and i am talking for myself only i was creating these threads for the people so they can know there is light out there and they too can be saved.

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537f3e  No.7156


Totally agree, the more baptized mixed race babies created, the happier jesus will be. (not serious).

There is no reason to ever mention Hitler unless you want to demonize all white nationalism. How to you think whites did things before Hitler?

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537f3e  No.7157


I believe there is a christian room…….

this isn't it.

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fb3700  No.7294


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f384c8  No.7363


There was no WN before Hitler. Whites were killing each other over whose version of (((the book))) was more correct.

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26cacf  No.7370


You……………………….. btfo'd…………………………… them………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….reddit………………………………………….. !

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2d2407  No.7374


christcukery has been pushed hard these past few months, everywhere. the kikes are trying to reignite interest in that zionist crap so that they can gain another generation of useful idiots. they are losing their grip. good post, don't fall for the D&C, its all (((they))) have left

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ddf6f5  No.7388

>christianity is jews meme

Fuck off faggot.

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ddf6f5  No.7389

This entire post glows like the sun. Try to be more obvious next time you retarded fucking nigger.

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ddf6f5  No.7390


>christianity has been pushed hard these past few months

Yes, and I'm one of the people who has been pushing it. Are you calling me a shill? Also samefag. Gas yourself immediately.

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a3493a  No.7394


>Gas yourself immediately.

So christian. Praise jewsus.

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e3c9a2  No.19298


Good post, could be a sticky.

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1e583f  No.19310

>everybody is a shill but me

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88676a  No.19414

File: e1d440cb3c774f4⋯.jpg (623.59 KB, 1999x1387, 1999:1387, parade.jpg)


Bump for crypto/bmw/ thread.

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5f84a6  No.19430


> I feel Gods guiding hand and myself created these kind of threads a few times on 4cuck to see where the people stand in relation to God.

I wondered why the were so many 4cucks here. They probably left to escape you.

You Need To Go Back

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b27ef4  No.19433


Christniggers are fine so long as they know Christ died for naming the jew

Also, Rupert Murdoch now owns the bible, so any quote not coming from the old KJV is garbage and to be discounted.

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96fc35  No.33270

Bumping this. Redtexting for emphasis:


They want you to swing back around to being a stereotypical conservative by watering down your position and going back to worshiping the jew via jesus. This is what they had building up since 2017. Incapacitate the "alt-right" by dilution and subversion 101 aka christianity.


> the only important thread on this board gets buried like it was nothing.

For fucks sake.

We got shills in the "alt-right" controlled opposition pushing christianity to redditors, faux-naming the jew i.e. only deride jews who don't like jesus, and saying anyone who doesn't like jesus is an antisemite.

Saw this on cuckchan:

>Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro are definitely being supported by the Koch network. Not sure about sargon.

Crowder is on the same umbrella network as Glen Beck. Glen Beck is also affiliated with brighteon, which houses: Health Ranger, Brother Nathaniel, etc.

Brighteon popped up around the time the New Zealand shooting happened and immediately took a stance on their network that they're against antisemitism, being anti-christian, and so on.

So in other words, you can be as alt-right as you want but don't say anything bad about jews and jesus. Brother Nathaniel is suspiciously okay with this. Funny how that works.



>Christniggers are fine so long as they know Christ died for naming the jew

He didn't though. Every version of the bible explicitly says he was a:

1. Sacrifice

2. Sent for the benefit of the jews

3. Self-professed his fulfillment of jewish laws

>Also, Rupert Murdoch now owns the bible, so any quote not coming from the old KJV is garbage and to be discounted.

How about just the original translation itself which is viewable online? The KJV itself is part of the subversion brainlet.

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565785  No.33280


>muh operation (insert name)

Violence is always the best course of action.

Killing all jews comes first, before any other action or implementation.

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ef6da3  No.33517

Why are there people stupid enough to think that glowniggers push for violence? Glowniggers are afraid of violence.

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d07042  No.53231

why is this on page 15?

Go back to page 1.

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aa5cb7  No.61731

File: 1a6301c74b63b0a⋯.png (301.84 KB, 578x777, 578:777, yasna3.png)


We are in the bunker aka the meta. The only way out of the bunker is through metapolitics aka Ideology. it has to be an ideology that isn't false. both the religions you mention don't have an origin for our people so they are universal they are false.

Our path is authentic Aryan Spirituality. You are right we must reject false dicthonomies and embrace the truth.

In the modern tongue today we are called Aryan. Why? Because we descend from a person who’s name is FRYA.

Aryan in the original tongue is pronounced Frea-jian or Fryan. We know this account because of written word and transmission from older times. In a manual script called the Oera Linda Book there is a Hymn in it that predates the all other writings of our people.

The Hymn tells us that FRYA is the Great Mother of our people and from Her all Whites descend from. This Hymn is back up by other manual scripts.

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aa5cb7  No.61732

File: 5d0d54522522a74⋯.jpg (83.62 KB, 640x730, 64:73, yazidi girl .jpg)


Two manual scripts that date back to 1500 BCE. The Khorda Avesta and the Avesta Yasna. In the Oera Linda Book it has an historical account where a contingent of Aryans or Fryans left Europe around 1600 BCE. They made their way to a place called Ira (Iran) with Tyrian sailors and families. As you can see the Khorda Avesta and the Avesta Yasna (see pics) backs the migration of the Aryans who left Europe around 1600 BCE. These passages backs this because it mentions the Fryans and the Tyrians together. The Hymn and the historical account in the Oera Linda Book are found on pages 19 and 61. https://www.campbellmgold.com/archive_esoteric/oera_linda_book_sandbach_1876.pdf

In Iraq today the descendants of the small contingent who left Europe are called the Yazidi. Even though they mixed with the Tyrians they were able to preserve their Aryan genetics by practicing an ethno-Religion that only allowed to be born into the group forbidding converts.

This shows the genetic link and the oral as well as the written link. This tells without a doubt who we are and who is our first Ancestor.

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aa5cb7  No.61733

File: 157c0dbc49f9cc1⋯.png (595.61 KB, 1024x997, 1024:997, Aryan race.png)


Now that we know our true identity and why, we can now start a Nation from our people.

A White person is an Aryan that has disgraced their origin. It is time to follow our way. We must form a new Aryan Nation. To be apart of this New Nation you must be of the same race shown in the pic and you must accept the covenant of FRYA.

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aa5cb7  No.61734

File: fa31f05b74d1947⋯.jpg (83.98 KB, 563x909, 563:909, Freya and aryan.jpg)

Aryan Covenant

Prosperity awaits the free. At last they shall see me again. Through Him only can I recognize as free who is neither a slave to another nor to himself. This is my counsel:—

1. When in dire distress, and when mental and physical energy avail nothing, then have recourse to the spirit of Wr-alda; but do not appeal to him before you have tried all other means, for I tell you beforehand, and time will prove its truth, that those who give way to discouragement sink under their burdens.

2. To Wr-alda’s spirit only shall you bend the knee in gratitude—thricefold—for what you have received, for what you do receive, and for the hope of aid in time of need.

3. You have seen how speedily I have come to your assistance. Do likewise to your neighbour, but wait not for his entreaties. The suffering would curse you, my maidens would erase your name from the book, and I would regard you as a stranger.

4. Let not your neighbour express his thanks to you on bended knee, which is only due to Wr-alda’s spirit. Envy would assail you, Wisdom would ridicule you, and my maidens would accuse you of irreverence.

5. Four things are given for your enjoyment—air, water, land, and fire—but Wr-alda is the sole possessor of them. Therefore my counsel to you is, choose upright men-who will fairly divide the labor and the fruits, so that no man shall be exempt from work or from the duty of defense.

6. If ever it should happen that one of your people should sell his freedom, he is not of you, he is a bastard. I counsel you to expel him and his mother from the land. Repeat this to your children morning, noon, and night, till they think of it in their dreams.

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aa5cb7  No.61736

7. If any man shall deprive another, even his debtor, of his liberty, let him be to you as a vile slave; and I advise you to burn his body and that of his mother in an open place, and bury them fifty feet below the ground, so that no grass shall grow upon them. It would poison your cattle.

8. Meddle not with the people of Lyda, nor of Finda, because Wr-alda would help them, and any injury that you inflicted on them would recoil upon your own heads.

9. If it should happen that they come to you for advice or assistance, then it behoves you to help them; but if they should rob you, then fall upon them with fire and sword.

10. If any of them should seek a daughter of yours to wife, and she is willing, explain to her her folly; but if she will follow her lover, let her go in peace.

11. If your son wishes for a daughter of theirs, do the same as to your daughter; but let not either one or the other ever return among you, for they would introduce foreign morals and customs, and if these were accepted by you, I could no longer watch over you.

12. Upon my servant Vesta I have placed all my hopes. Therefore you must choose her for Folk Mother. Follow my advice, then she will hereafter remain my servant as well as all the sacred maidens who succeed her. Then shall the lamp which I have lighted for you never be extinguished. Its brightness shall always illuminate your intellect, and you shall always remain as free from foreign domination as your fresh river-water is distinct from the salt sea.

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aa5cb7  No.61750

File: 3243052bb2a73eb⋯.jpg (98.36 KB, 591x745, 591:745, aryanism2.jpg)


We are in the bunker aka the meta. the only way out of the bunker amd to a real movement is through Aryan Spirituality.

Here is our path


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f9022e  No.63654




How come everyone gets mad at Christianity?

- It's a general consensus among redpilled anons that those who call themselves Jews today are mostly descended from Khazars and LARPing as the Chosen people.

- The Bible clearly curses all Christ-killers, so even if they still survive to this day, they are eternally cursed.

- Christianity says that the Christ-killers are descended from Satan.

- Christianity is strictly authoritarian, and if followed, leads to a stable, vigorous society

The only bad thing about Christianity as a whole is that there are many perversions of the bible out there, and many false prophets (such as all Catholics, and many others).

Christianity is being painted as demanding you to be a doormat for every uncivilised nigger that wants to steal your stuff, but that is because people are twisting Jesus Christ's words. God's will is and always will be consistent, and in the Old Testament, he clearly liked his chosen people dominating and enslaving whole nations. God wants us to be clean, pure, honest, strong, wise. He wants us to defend ourselves against those who attack us (i.e., he thinks it's no big deal to kill a robber). However, he also doesn't want us to be cold-hearted, and always repay every slightest offence. But at the same time, he also acknowledges that there are times, when we have to be vicious and kill (there's a time for war, and a time for peace). We are clearly not in a time for peace. You have to understand that God wants us as a society to be noble and forgiving so that we have trust in each other despite our shortcomings. But if we are under attack as a whole, even He sees it as only natural to fight back. There's lots of quotes in the OT about how bad the fate of those who slight a Christian will be.

Wake up, Christianity is redpilled and Kikes will try to ridicule it


How similar is the aryan religion to Christianity? I believe that white people are the lost tribes of Israel, and that their religions should be very similar to Christianity (OT only, obviously).

Here's a non-exhaustive intro into why I believe white people are actually (the real) Israel: https://www.bitchute.com/video/RQdKgJnvdYns/

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ac974b  No.63695


>Jews today are mostly descended from Khazars

Khazar theory of European Jews came from a Jew

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f9022e  No.63732


how would this benefit the jews?

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080789  No.63763

File: 7bfdf3adeffd43c⋯.jpg (34.02 KB, 310x386, 155:193, christianity is stupid.jpg)

File: f663aeefcd1c7b8⋯.jpg (715.75 KB, 1917x2462, 1917:2462, jews teach jews vs christi….jpg)

File: e3e1794e773c344⋯.png (690.73 KB, 1200x1835, 240:367, paganism vs christianity.png)

File: ef2c2b851423521⋯.jpeg (86.52 KB, 432x1024, 27:64, pagan vs christianity.jpeg)

File: f7bd2026f87833d⋯.jpeg (57.79 KB, 396x774, 22:43, Nazis were pagans.jpeg)





Examples of christcuckery.

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f9022e  No.63817


I'd be ready to consider your point more if you didn't use strawman tactics.

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632b1f  No.63823


tell me one good thing the church has done for the white race the past 20 years?

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f9022e  No.63826


no religion did anything good for the white race in the past 20 years. Also don't conflate institutions with religions (btw, there is no "the church").

The west is no longer Christian save a few countries, and jewish subversion runs rampant everywhere, destroying the very fabric of our society.

Christianity has been subverted as well, and it is nontrivial to reconstruct it because so many false interpretations have been spread (most importantly that the kikes are israel and that the OT doesn't matter anymore, and that Christianity is all about personal salvation, when in fact it places the people above the individual).

Anyway, I'll go to bed now, it's 2am here.

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632b1f  No.63835



>The religion is patriarchal, and attitudes towards sex and gender are generally conservative. Rodnovery has developed distinctive strains of political and identitary philosophy. Rodnover organisations often characterise themselves as ethnic religions, emphasising that the religion is bound to Slavic ethnicity. This often manifests as ethnic nationalism, opposition to miscegenation and the belief in the fundamental difference of racial groups. Rodnovers often glorify Slavic history

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ac8cc8  No.64477


All those features are also in Christianity. Christianity is for Israelites only, and those who tell you that a nigger has any connection to God has been lied to or is trying to subvert the message.

It is true that Christianity demands that all humans believe in God, but those who are not Israelites will always be of a lower caste. It means they are to serve us:

>[…] For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal things.

Romans 15:27

Non-Israelites are not part of the covenant, but can be blessed if they bless Israel. They will live outside of the city of Jerusalem after the retribution.

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248f7c  No.64518


>in this context it is being used to gradually deradicalize/pacify and "denazify" people, who would hopefully get absorbed into your typical "republican" mindset and stop being a threat for ZOG

i fucking hate niggers like you who will post non stop about a book they havent fucking read. you are so fucking hung up on "thou shalt not kill" that you will throw away the entire fucking religion. and that one line doesnt even mean you cant kill, killing in warfare, executions, and self defence are exempt from it. i wont even bother putting in the proper citations since you niggers dont put any either.

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f9918a  No.67373


They did it Weimar Republic style. So no.

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cdb53a  No.100059


As if that was the only problem with that religion. It's the whole mindset that's as cancerous as SJW movement.

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da2b56  No.100078




You don't understand power relationships, nor do you understand that plebs will always be plebs. If respect to station is not shown, plebs will question your entire social order, allowing for subversion.

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bd2a1b  No.100149


>Real Christianity has never been tried!

Do fuck off, desert Semite.

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8b5292  No.100164


>If we analyze the narratives being pushed on most chans, we can notice that it either gravitates towards Christianity, or tryhard atheism and/or "paganism" calling for pointless violence. Both are pushed by glowniggers in a combined effort to eliminate right-wing sentiment by either completely pacifying and "denazifying" anons, or, pushing individuals over the top so they end up in prison and are no longer a threat.

This is so fucking true and thank you for the bump. We seriously should sticky this shit and the pic should be "Togther" meme with the crusader and viking guys looking out at the sea of degenerates (which I of course don't have on me.) Arguing about religion is completely fucking retarded, and I fully believe that most Christian vs. Pagan drama on this board or any other similar one is a divide and conquer and conversion tactics like above, and a handful of idiot follower types who actually fall for that nonsense and take it seriously. It is metaphysical well poisoning (and we know who loves that tactic) that ruins and splits communities. Our shared race, genetics and bio-culture needs to be our religion, everything else from Christianity, Paganism, Aryanism etc. is just yet another facet of our long, collective history and shouldn't be anything that we fight over. Kikes hate both Christians/Jesus as well as European pagan religious and tribal symbols, as far as I'm concerned it's all valid as long as you are genuine and don't fight amongst your brothers.

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58e446  No.100405

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9629a7  No.100675

File: 1aaa0d1a02fbb68⋯.jpg (972.02 KB, 1190x595, 2:1, kikes_go_camp.jpg)

Imma leave this here. Any meme wizards who add a little levity to this old timey winter camp photo would make it much better. Too dapreshing as is.

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3a0514  No.100681



Until they don't. Remember that when your social order comes crashing in around you. And it will be..

You'll find out.

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f73bb5  No.100699

File: 823efbf9af5b90a⋯.jpeg (59.28 KB, 850x400, 17:8, 73DB6DE2_9797_45B3_B8F1_6….jpeg)

Early Christianity was Gnostic, not jewish. Every time one of you fucking kikes comes on to tell us all how Christianity is ‘jewish’ I have a good laugh at you. All the legitimate early texts with named authors ARE GNOSTIC…not jewish.

Most of you kikes/pagans are flaming fucking faggots for not knowing this…what you are pissed about is Gnosticism (knowledge), not kikery/lies (which is what you do).

Pic (((Lady Schizo))) protégée of Abramović related; lies…and more kikery…

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3ba6fe  No.100718


i dont think it is correct to call jews pagans, i think it would be more appropriate to call them jewish satanists, because they rejected and then killed living god on a cross, pagans are a separate issue, but they are less harmful

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d5c716  No.100724


>I wondered why the were so many 4cucks here.

cause 4chan won't let randoms post without paying for their "pass". they claim that your region is blocked, but their own independent IP checker says otherwise.

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648586  No.100729


>What are the Abrahamic religions?

Jewish paganism. Nothing more.

All religions stem from paganism. Most of the time that was confined to the people that practiced the religion. When jewish paganism gained preeminence on this planet, it did so because it murdered and tortured its opposition to death, not because it was ‘special’ or separate from any other form of paganism on the planet. You erroneously refer to the ‘big three’ as ‘non-pagan’ and all other religions as pagan, but there is no real difference in paganism and jewish paganism other than their willingness to slaughter anyone who doesn’t submit to their mind control. Gnostism is about knowledge, not control. Paganism is about control, not knowledge. This is why most infiltrator kikes bang on and on and on about how Christianity is ‘jewish’ rather than acknowledging that it is Gnostic and has nothing in common with Judaism or Talmudic kikery who wants the return of the Age of Saturn and globalism/global domination (total global kikery).

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648586  No.100732

Man…this effort by the Board owner to make it appear that there are more UIDs due to making us solve captcha over and over again and in that process giving us unique IDs to up the count is REALLY ANNOYING…serious like every third comment I have to fill out a new captcha/get a new ID. If you are an ‘ID’ oriented person, like myself, it is annoying as hell.

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