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File: b230819360735ca⋯.jpg (32.7 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 5e1895ecad22431da3f5a5955f….jpg)

19a2fb  No.69599

Did the Chinese release the coronavirus into or to tank the world economy. Because to me its starting to look more and more like they want to do this, especially because of Trump, they wanted to humiliate him economically and I think they've accomplished it.

(put it in the thread)
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bbad0f  No.69610


The Chinese already won the world economy playing by the West's own rules. They have zero incentive or motivation to disrupt it. As the holders of productive capital, they are in the dominant position over Trump. Trump's leverage is that he can not buy or hike prices, but that doesn't magically teleport foundries and factories and patrimony back. The producer can always produce less and still keep his means of production.

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493197  No.69613


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ee505a  No.69626

File: 8a22e858d70e807⋯.gif (801.33 KB, 500x213, 500:213, 01A39D99_A697_4184_AF0E_E9….gif)


Trump is the only challenge to Chinese domination of the economy. Democrats and the Chinese are linked at the hip. Drop a bio weapon , tank the economy, kill off the old (who do they vote for) or scare them enough to stay home on Election Day and the Chinese get a friendly face that gives them everything they want, just like the previous administrations. What begs the question is : Why would the Jews be complacent in allowing the Chinese dominate the economies of their ZOG nation? They control the banks, but that is irrelevant to the Chinese who control the prices on every other aspect of the market except worthless oil. The Chinese control Tech, Manufacturing, Iron Ore, Rare Earth, Bio Pharma (90% of Antibiotics), and defacto control our media and entertainment via those (shortlist) means. NBA - sneakers (billions) Media via Tech - Holy Shit the Jews don’t control the Media?

What’s going on here?

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bbad0f  No.69639


>Trump is the only challenge to Chinese domination of the economy.

If this were true, he would have embarked on a campaign of wholesale nationalization of strategic industries, leveraging the potential paramilitary force of an enraged White America to make it happen. What he did instead was pass massive tax cuts to the same corporations who outsourced the productive capital to take rents on wage arbitrage, so that they could use the savings to buy back stock.

Trump's problem with the Chinese is that they are not allowing (((Western))) financial corporations to operate and sell their instruments within China. China isn't cooperating with the US on patent infringement [aka rent collection] and I don't really blame them – they hold productive capital and the rentier's military capacity has diminished to the point he cannot come collect. Too bad for the landlord.

You have a very, very warped idea of what Trump is actually trying to accomplish in the "trade war". It's either that or you're a shill trying to keep people on the plantation.

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ee505a  No.69664


Why would the Jews yield their power to the Chinese? The Chinese are immune to the influence of the banks, the Chinese are immune (((Western))) influence, why aren’t the Jews pushing Trump to Nuke these MFr’s , send their goy army to a post war China and rebuild it with their own holdings in their own image (like Europe) multicultural ?

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ef1ca5  No.69670


jews are in control of western countries, that's why you have this "boomers hate china". i'm no chinese fan but i do want for white nations to have families and make lots of babies like them

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8ebdda  No.69682


nice source faggot

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dd1b47  No.69697

File: ce49f6adede62d1⋯.jpg (115.03 KB, 755x573, 755:573, Ezra_Pound_Democracy.jpg)

Nigger, it does more to harm the image of China than the ZOG Emperor. If there is a corona conspiracy - which is very possible - it's that the virus was released to hurt China, after that whole Hong Kong "pro-democracy" uprising that the CIA concocted had fizzled out.

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119da3  No.69765


Because America would get crushed in a war against China.

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bbad0f  No.69776


They didn't yield it willingly. Jews, Anglos, other adherents of the British system [like Trump] believe that capital is over labor and this cannot change; it is inexorable. While they have managed to create this reality in their own countries, the methods they have used – mass immigration, export of productive capital, extremely low quality education for those outside the circle – have eroded their position overseas because they no longer are in a position to collect from that productive capital. Missile gap, low industrial capacity, disloyal and poorly educated "citizens", racial dissolution, etc.

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aeaa49  No.69868


So why ain’t we bombing the shit out of China?

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bbad0f  No.69940


Because you can't. The US military is less capable than either Russia or China and its domestic industrial capacity cannot support a war effort – it cannot collect the rents.

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