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File: 0d3556af766f6a1⋯.mp4 (9.18 MB, 960x540, 16:9, BIX_NOOD.mp4)

b57361  No.68791

Why do they talk like this? Do they even understand one another?

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b57361  No.68796

File: e97ff16e84a73c2⋯.mp4 (4.26 MB, 960x540, 16:9, wat.mp4)

It just sounds like random gurgling

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79fcea  No.68813

I'm sorry, did you say something about speech patterns? I was distracted by the one that thinks that wearing a trashbag like a skirt is going to provide some benefit.

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3a3aee  No.68842

File: 10627b2da021958⋯.jpg (67.39 KB, 640x780, 32:39, 1580548327947.jpg)

>why do they talk like this

you'd do the same if your entire race had 60-85 average iq and a smallest brain of all races

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33dfd0  No.68852


Meme worthy video, reminds me of the old Leprechaun classic for its ability to highlight nigger stupidity. Show this video to your friends and family,

so they can laugh at them. It is important to periodically dispel any myths of equality they may have caught from Hollywood/MSM.


This exactly. They're a genetic abomination.

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614319  No.68858

File: 5380da341f3b685⋯.webm (2.91 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Bix_nood_480x270.webm)

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d17244  No.68925

File: 5c0f6caf02c6464⋯.jpg (89.95 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1583165249558.jpg)


You know its really weird. They appear sort of human, you know they have appendages, and finger nails and stuff, two legs, two arms, that sort of thing. Then they open thier mouths, and you realize …. its not even human. Its some sort of …. hybrid? Ape-human, or something. Whats really dangerous is they have ability to pass as humans to the gullible and misinformed. This is by far their most dangerous characteristic!

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7a989d  No.69005

File: e6048aa67060a8e⋯.mp4 (6.62 MB, 640x360, 16:9, BED_INTRUDER_SONG_.mp4)

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79fcea  No.69195


> This is by far their most dangerous characteristic!

Not even close! Their most dangerous characteristic is their genetic ability to interbreed with humans and to produce fertile hybrid offspring.

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675fd1  No.69222


Stop comparing gorillas to niggers. Gorillas are noble beasts who help one another and take care of their homes.

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0be084  No.69819


The "ain't nobody got time for that" woman is actually pretty coherent. A good storyteller too. The fact that she drinks soda after waking up is suspect though. I suspect that certain things related to compulsion will correlate with IQ and likewise with race; Obesity, for example. Then again, subtracting the genetic component of weight gain would be difficult, because the physiology could be slightly different across race.

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e4256c  No.70063


It was widely believed at the time that she was faking her outlandish behaviour to capitalize on becoming a 'viral sensation,' like the bedroom intruder guy.

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922c3a  No.70149



>Gorillas are noble beasts who help one another and take care of their homes.

Yes. I felt bad for the gorilla in the picture, being unfairly pigeon holed like that.

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84a93f  No.78732


we wuz storyteelaz an sheit

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4f7a76  No.100375

File: a449afd4acfa971⋯.png (217.26 KB, 640x457, 640:457, biomass.png)


The Gorilla looks great. When moralizers moan about full-exto remarks, the reality is that the nurturing of r-selected blacks has produced a full-exto holocaust against animal, fish and fauna species Europids are charged with protecting. If the pseudo-humanist corruption in the biomass balance were restored, our agricultural bestiary would be elevated by the reduction of mass farming. Wild biomass needs and rightfully deserves lebensraum. There are many gigatonnes of sub-human biomass that could be culled to restore bio-cultural diversity. Sally Struthers type telescope vanity in a humanist affectation only serves anti-white kike terrorist subversion agendas.

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