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File: dac20a4498181a5⋯.png (271.5 KB, 600x583, 600:583, 238.png)

bb4b11  No.68093

Permbannednigger here, banned 80+ times by tranny leftist mods, they just blocked my last VPN nodes. WTF are some vpn services the janny cucks haven't mass blocked? What's a manual way to get around this?

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47b311  No.68108

Try giving yourself a haircut with a shotgun.

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bf5345  No.68116

Here is what you do

you kill yourself for being a retarded nigger shit.

It takes fucking seconds to get unbanned there and you are so retarded that you cannot do one simple thing.

I will show you where you went wrong in a way you can understand

>almost no text

>mentioning cuckchan by it's normal name and not a meme name

>being a retard

>pepe image

>being a retard not knowing that exif data is never removed with uploads here

>not knowning how to use duck duck go to search with a sentance to find one video that shows you how to get unbanned

Now fuck off and never come back

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2d97d0  No.68129


Everyone here hates you and wants you to literally die. Fucking kill yourself.

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8735f8  No.68133




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ae2e84  No.68142

File: 36596ed4c59304f⋯.png (355.46 KB, 497x317, 497:317, 20200303_162903.png)

> using cuckchan

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2d97d0  No.68144


>oy vey I won’t say the word jew

>I’m defending cuckchan

>oy vey u bad u die

Sage, report.

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270026  No.68147

File: 7624f839af123af⋯.gif (2.94 MB, 359x346, 359:346, 7624f839af123af468ed8d27fb….gif)


Shut it down!

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da8da1  No.68149


There's something not right going on in 4chan. I've probably posted on 4chan 20 times in past 4 years. I fell for some bait the other day to defend President Trump then my ip was banned. Said I had posted child porn. I've never posted anything close to some shit like that. I don't really care about posting there, but the accusations piss me off. Fuck 4ch, it's been compromised.

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270026  No.68151


They're banning words like nigger and kike. They were reeeeeddit since 2013 if not even before. I don't want to know what kind of shithole this place is now days.

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2d97d0  No.68160



>doesn’t know what IDs are

Sage, report.


Why not kill yourself? No one here cares about cuckchan.

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270026  No.68161


Cripple chan /pol/ wasn't that much better. They were occupied by stormfaggs while their kraut BO banned anyone who dared to say anything bad about germans or fucking national socialists; that is left wing ideology. Then they became Trump worshiping board.

The new political board is better, but I wonder for how long.

All I know about 4cucks at this point is that they spam nigger on white on their 4/pol/. I bet they're also normie filled to the levels unimaginable even in 8cianigger.

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270026  No.68162


I'm not from 4cucks you faggot.

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2d97d0  No.68163


>their kraut BO banned anyone who dared to say anything bad about germans or fucking national socialists

This literally never happened.

>natsoc is left wing

Yeah, kill yourself. I was right.

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2d97d0  No.68164


>bumping cuckchan spam thread

>calling anyone who hates cuckchan a jew

<totally not from cuckchan.txt

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270026  No.68165

File: 5f8ce0ac7a78a36⋯.jpg (41.79 KB, 750x600, 5:4, hitler_socialist.jpg)


>This literally never happened.

Ahahaha, yeah right, how about you go neck yourself you shitstain, every annon know how cancerous that place was.

<Muh socialism totally right wing!

<I right!

Fuck off nigger.


I will keep bumping just for you!

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f67d8c  No.68180

Delete cookies of both Jewgle and 4kike, change your MAC address and of course IP.

now go back to once where you came

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c5eb93  No.68194


Try Tor + an add-on called Chameleon which spoofs browser data (set it to routine 1 minute spoofing and configure it too spoof as much data as possible). You'll likely be able to trick the servers as they won't notice you are using Tor. [I'm doing this now: check my ID > not a Tor ID, and my ID changes every minute] Make sure you routinely wipe your browser cache / local DOM storage too.

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22a18e  No.68196


See my ID now?

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cf39d9  No.68200

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You can use Tor + Chameleon and trick the serves to think you are someone else using something else from some other connection and you won't even need to hop IPs at that point. The obfuscation is so great it confuses servers to who made who.

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6e96d1  No.68234


>hurdurr being (((1))) is good, goyim

It's also a really good way to get deleted in a thread really quick. If you have no post history you might as well be a lying kike like yourself.

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c78f53  No.68270

File: 8c3f9c19525e66a⋯.png (265.16 KB, 489x558, 163:186, 1583526784011.png)


>use chameleon extension with firefox

>spoof IP with one click

>infinite IPs

>mfw i evade the faggot mods on this site every day

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39d70c  No.68625


have I ever banned you?

your smug anime does not effect me

I just think its funny

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6e96d1  No.69023


This, usually have no problems with that poster.


Don't see the issue with you, have shitposted with you for a long time..

If you did/do act up with your sperg hopping it takes one click to delete your shit, doesn't bother us. Having a post history is actually good at least for a bread, instead of being a disjointed schizo with nothing to back you up but your info in a single post.

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2c083a  No.94236

File: 4262fe6d8f6e523⋯.jpg (35.34 KB, 448x322, 32:23, cvwg_1.jpg)


Can you get back into 4chan by opening a web browser in a Virtual Machine?

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177efc  No.96506


The IP address will still be the same brainlet. Pay hiro his 20 shekels and you can post from any vpn and only a senior mod can ban u for more than 3 days. Use a giftcard paid in cash.

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