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File: a0415c90f309c7b⋯.png (895.5 KB, 1000x675, 40:27, bdc5fb039957ba978cccdd8d11….png)

ec68e2  No.66433



>Hillary Clinton may be angling to be Biden's VP: John Sununu

Hillary Clinton may be angling for a spot on Joe Biden's presidential ticket, Fox News contributor John Sununu said Monday.

"I think as almost everything the Clintons do, there is a bigger purpose behind what's going on," Sununu told "America's Newsroom."

"I think she is actually angling to be the vice presidential nominee hoping the party will understand that if Biden is the nominee, they have to have a backup there that the public has confidence in."


Sununu was responding to Clinton's recent interview with CNN’s “Fareed Zakaria GPS,” where she took jabs at Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders but stopped short of throwing her endorsement behind the former vice president.

Clinton’s slam on Sanders comes just days after she called his campaign and platform “baloney” and ripped his claims that he is taking on Washington elites.

In regards to Biden, Clinton did not come out with an outright endorsement but praised the “coalition” he is building and the momentum he has generated since his wins on Super Tuesday.

"This all had a purpose," Sununu said of Clinton's seemingly ambiguous praise for the former vice president. "The purpose was to reinforce Biden getting the nomination. If that fails, [the purpose was] to reinforce the fact she would be the better alternative, not Bernie. And then, to reinforce the fact that if Biden does get the nomination, she would add to the ticket more than anyone else."

"It's all structured around the Clinton agenda, not the agenda of the Democratic Party," he added.

Sununu said Clinton is banking on Biden's gaffe's and weak debate performances to open up a position for her.

"There is still a long time for public debate between Biden and Sanders," Sununu said. "And if Biden begins to fall apart even more than he has fallen apart with his gaffes to date, the party is desperately going to be looking for a third alternative and that's what she is counting on – either being the alternative at the top of the ticket or being the alternative as number two."

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7f03bb  No.66508


inb4 Biden suicides on the front steps

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df5a11  No.66530


They’ll 25th amendment him. They’ve already created the narrative. He’s completely senile and incapable of leading. He’ll be in office for a week, they’ll declare incapacity to serve, and she’ll assume office. He’ll retire quietly, refusing all interviews, and Jew Party A will take over from Jew Party B.

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06ad0d  No.66547


He is the ideal puppet because is well past his prime and well into advanced age related mental decline. He and his son are both in serious legal jeopardy. He is the ultimate shabbos goy just like Coonman Ralph Blackface Northam.

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f2f925  No.66555

>in today's edition of "Things That Will Never Happen" …

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a03c59  No.66563

File: f25c464a6657c47⋯.jpg (9.25 KB, 327x154, 327:154, tom_waites.jpg)


don't underestimate the power of self loathing cucks who've undergone aggressive media indoctrination their entire lives. remember how ecstatically smug they were when the first black president was elected? remember how they willfully looked the other way at every suspicious or openly criminal activity by the obama administration? there are lots and lots of rubes out there who really are that dumb.

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b17b5a  No.66566

Assuming these two old geriatrics won’t be dead of COVID in 3, 2, 1…

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84d603  No.66571


>there are lots and lots of rubes out there who really are that dumb.

All votefags are, regardless of which jew-party they support.

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0e7f05  No.66673



You know who would love for this to happen more than anyone else on the planet?

Donald Trump.

You know why?

Because it is exactly what he has planned for and counted on happening since the day he took office.

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6fa31c  No.66694


don't bother seriously responding to trumpniggers.

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8df680  No.66714

Another thread ruined by the resident murdercultists

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df5a11  No.66718


Yes, and? What do we care about the jewish theater production you call voting?

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bc75fe  No.67488


They don’t need to remove Biden, just tell him he’s in the Senate. The Veep could get 12 years as Prez.

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8ebf25  No.67551



>Hillary Clinton MAY BE angling

sensationalize much, douchebucket?…….

(If Sanders had Clinton as a VP pick, Trump wouldn't stand a chance)

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8ebf25  No.67553


Imagine if political cartoonist Ben Garrison were actually able to draw a good caricature of Hillary Clinton… Imagine how much more effective that would be than his worthless unrecognizable trash caricature in your choice of illustration.

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c857ad  No.67643


its disgusting, borderline Jewish

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eb5c84  No.71313

File: 1e36664e9c3b69e⋯.jpg (85.1 KB, 684x495, 76:55, thingburger.jpg)

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808979  No.72112


I think the democrats really should just run Hillary again.

It would be pretty devastating for her to look him in the face and say, "I thought you were gonna put me in jail?"

Would make him look pretty bad.

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5a8210  No.72146


>borderline jewish

Dont call it jewish, thats way too harsh.

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c82230  No.72184

File: 356937206781061⋯.png (385.29 KB, 657x700, 657:700, purpose_of_civilization.png)


>Fox News contributor John Sununu

Shep smith was more nationalist than this guy. Fox news is hell on earth.

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a03c59  No.72214

File: 401213240d33df3⋯.jpg (92.02 KB, 615x826, 615:826, hope_and_change.jpg)

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e55632  No.75891

File: d53e8f9d3e22df3⋯.jpg (378.71 KB, 750x770, 75:77, 1572380554545.jpg)



Kikes still assblasted they couldn't destroy his career.

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56645f  No.75975

>Hillary Clinton may be angling to be Biden's VP

That's what you deserve for not wanting based Bernie.

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ddd363  No.75990

File: 3ee1debc8b529bd⋯.png (213.24 KB, 813x630, 271:210, Screenshot_7283_.png)

Looks like shits all but over for the socialist.

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78c84c  No.92477

File: c4d9b0244a5646a⋯.mp4 (1.05 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, biden.mp4)

Bullshit. Biden isn't even going to be the nominee.

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df5a11  No.92493


>bumps a month old thread spamming lies

>literally confirmed today that he’s the nominee

Fucking kill yourself.

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06f135  No.92498


Except he isn't the nominee. There is no nominee until the convention and the delegates will sort that out once Biden drops out

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03bb10  No.92501


He won’t be dropping out. The Hillary Switcharoo™ is just a delusion. WE’RE the ones who concocted it, for fuck’s sake.

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06f135  No.92502


It doesn't have to be Hillary. There is no way the DNC is going to lose because some old demented fart refuses to drop out.

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704e3a  No.92553


>There is no way the DNC is going to lose

You can just stop right there. He’s the nominee. It doesn’t matter what body is in the seat, because the laws are all the same. It’s all jews, all the time. Always. Bluejew has changed the rules so much in the last four years that Redjew can never win again. It’s theater. It doesn’t fucking matter. Biden is the nominee.

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70a169  No.92562


Who cares? Democracy isn't real. Take this to 4/pol/.

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69c04a  No.92633


>He’s the nominee.

He literally is not

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82fad7  No.92652

Biden will be another "first" moment in history. The first Pedophile American president.

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06f135  No.92657


Surely you jest. Bush Sr. was chief boy-bummer while Biden was sniffing his sister's hair

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6d08ee  No.92691


I just need to wait for him to win 2nd term and then he will totally withdraw all troops from ME and cut back Israeli aid to zero and expel AIPAC and exonerate James Fields and put sanctions/tariffs on Israel for being state terror sponsors.

I just need to wait seven more months.

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df5a11  No.92698


He literally is the nominee. You’re fucking brain damaged. Get out.


Democracy is absolutely real. It’s a jewish invention. That’s the problem.



Get out, retard.

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06f135  No.92708


He literally is not the nominee until the convention.

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f2f925  No.92719


>He literally is the nominee

No, he isn't. The nominee is decided at the convention. Sanders didn't release his delegates, nor did he remove his name from the ballot. The convention is contested and there is no nominee.

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334622  No.92855

File: 112f81652bc27bf⋯.jpg (19.06 KB, 470x362, 235:181, 112f81652bc27bfb8c8c276585….jpg)


Checked. Digits confirm boring reality.

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aa638b  No.92942


Biden will be the first KNOWN pedophile american president. The MSM will make a big deal out of it like every "first' something or another.

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cae6d5  No.92948

I think that naming nancy pelosi is more of a possibility than hillary clinton

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8149ba  No.92969

File: cca0b2737505ee7⋯.png (637.8 KB, 1920x1596, 160:133, literally_you_.png)



>triggered berniebros losing their fucking minds, scrambing for excuses


The best part is that it doesn't matter if he is or isn't the nominee. Because voting does nothing and the jews get everything they want anyway. The fact that you give a shit about their theater production is hilarious.

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76217d  No.104023


na she is too hated by the public to be a good pick.


he won't even come close to winning no matter what, lol nothing to worry about there


she is not a jew? wtf u talkin about bro?

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76217d  No.104025

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6c81eb  No.104179


Don't they like "fingers" Joe Biden?

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574882  No.104198

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395344  No.104808

File: f28ab6b610a95dc⋯.jpg (212.92 KB, 1262x809, 1262:809, yummy.jpg)

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